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Jedi Guardian PvP Movie - INSANE CRITS!


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ppl miss point that guardian can not do constantly so huge damage, learn mechanic of this crit and then start complain. Only one strong hit in 20 seconds, other - crap damage. Learn skill trees of guardian :mad: and when Bw will nerf stacking of adrenal and relics, even this damage will be only in dream. Operative damage me more than 50% of hp only in 1st stun, and have good damage all battle. stop this sh*t about guardian op. it need rebalance (not stupid buff damage) anyway

p.s. bad english i know

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If your post is referring to me, I said that this combo is nearly impossible to pull off against COMPETENT players because a competent player would simply save his knockback and time it by using it right when the Juggernaut/Guardian starts the animation and begins to leap in the air. Knocking them away at this exact moment causes their AoE to go on CD yet the damage doesn't hit at all thus wasting their 4 stacks of Shockwave, Adrenal, Relic, Expertise pickup buff, etc.


Of course this combo works in groups of 4+ enemies. These scenarios are extremely hectic with too many spells flying around to notice that Jugg trying to build up his combo. But if you enemies begin focusing you and only you, good luck trying to land the AoE if the enemy knows what he is doing.


So a massive AoE crit from Juggernaughts/Guardians are fine because you can use a 1 minute spell to maybe knock them away from you. This obviously prevents them from doing the same thing to you 9 seconds later, and of course they have no damage outside of their AoE abilitiy. Forget the high damage DoT, Zealous Leap, etc.


I guess Operatives are fine because you can use a 2 minute spell to get out of their knockdown.


Your counter-argument is dumb and I'm pretty sure you're aware of it yourself.


There is no "trying" to build this combo as it's pathetically easy to pull off. It's about as difficult as dressing oneself in the morning to accomplish reliably.


You can do this repeatedly hitting 7k AoE crits without expertise/adrenal buffs which is more than enough damage.

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If your post is referring to me, I said that this combo is nearly impossible to pull off against COMPETENT players because a competent player would simply save his knockback and time it by using it right when the Juggernaut/Guardian starts the animation and begins to leap in the air. Knocking them away at this exact moment causes their AoE to go on CD yet the damage doesn't hit at all thus wasting their 4 stacks of Shockwave, Adrenal, Relic, Expertise pickup buff, etc.

actually, that's only half right. I get knocked back just when im force sweeping all the time, but if it doesn't hit anybody, the stacks and crit buff don't go away. depending on how long ago they were applied, you can get another force sweep in to benefit from them.

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You can do this repeatedly hitting 7k AoE crits without expertise/adrenal buffs which is more than enough damage.


You ONLY crit 7k, on no-expertise targets, while you're wearing a bunch of pvp gear. Most other classes at 50 can either crit the same, or do the same amount of damage during the time it takes to set up the crit. As i said before, i'm a 50 focus specced guardian with a bit of champion gear and i crit 4-5k, with my trinket popped on no-expertise targets, IF IM LUCKY.


You don't get to 50 and suddenly go around warzones critting 7k at will.

Edited by Sujimichi
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So a massive AoE crit from Juggernaughts/Guardians are fine because you can use a 1 minute spell to maybe knock them away from you. This obviously prevents them from doing the same thing to you 9 seconds later, and of course they have no damage outside of their AoE abilitiy. Forget the high damage DoT, Zealous Leap, etc.


I guess Operatives are fine because you can use a 2 minute spell to get out of their knockdown.


Your counter-argument is dumb and I'm pretty sure you're aware of it yourself.


There is no "trying" to build this combo as it's pathetically easy to pull off. It's about as difficult as dressing oneself in the morning to accomplish reliably.


You can do this repeatedly hitting 7k AoE crits without expertise/adrenal buffs which is more than enough damage.


This screams "I am a OP and I need to whine really loud about a lab experiement we did where someone else is powerful too".

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1 big crit (not really, only on un-geared players) that takes quite a bit to prepare and then on CD for second after second during which you do abysmal dps, damn we are so OP


I wouldn't mind a big hard nerf on those Force Sweep auto crits, it's such a clunky, bad, forced playing style, I really wouldn't mind if they removed its viability altogether, it's utter crap.

Edited by Pwnzie
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It isn't only about consumables. A sorc for example can't get such crits even in their wildest dreams, it's not a burst class. So it's a combination of having a burst oriented class with consumables.


LOL. Seriously? Buff stack a hybrid sorc, open with death field, enable all buffs, get lucky with affliction proc and watch your self do 14000 in less than 5 seconds. Sure it takes a lot of RNG but pull out the afflic proc and you can still unload 10000 damage in a couple seconds followed by instant CL.


afflic a few people, run and grab red buff, pop consumables/relic, death field burst, FLx2 and finish with instant CL and shock. Kill anything.


Spread your consumables out for double the up time but half the bonus and you are very hard to kill. more mobility than a Op/Sc, range, cc, and a 8k burst unload.


Hell set your G15 or any macro keyboard so you spam the macro button, it runs a list of buttons casting all consumables and then run your 4 skill combo.


Non-buffed FL crits for 1050 for me, with the proc that is 4 ticks in 1.4 seconds x2. 3secon ds and 8k. crit/surge relic+cons+red buff and you're now at over 10k in 3 seconds. Yes a Op or Jugg can hit that in 1 second but then what? We can do it again while they wait for cooldowns.


Scound/Op, jug/guard, Sorc/sage are not OP. Consumables that gain exponentially from expertise buffs are over powered or maybe everyone just needs to use them.


So yes, you're right a Sorc cannot get those crits but in the same time frame we can do equal or more damage. Have you ever seen force storm tick for 1100 on everyone in a area every second until they move out? It's pretty funny.

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This screams "I am a OP and I need to whine really loud about a lab experiement we did where someone else is powerful too".


I don't care about the balance issues. Setting up the Guardian/Jugg as something that's difficult to pull off is what's a joke because its easy to do so.


Each class can do silly amounts of damage with the right spec/setup.

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Thank you for further proving the point that every class can do extreme damage given the right circumstances. I'm so sick of people crying for Scrapper nerfs. first two crits I saw in the video were 8700 and then 7900. I'm sure people will start crying, GUARDIANS ARE OP!!


This is only partial confirmation....


it illustrates the consumables stacking issue quite clearly, but you're forgetting one thing.

he can only pull that kind of damage once with force sweep provided.

He builds up to it first, he has to use force stasis or force exhaustion to build up the damage component of force sweep, than he needs to use force leap or zealous leap to make his next force sweep an automatic critical, this shows player skill combined with the consumables stacking issue.

Guardian video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfWx_mcAQBY


the operativee / scoundrel issue is more serious, multiple high damage critical hits within a very short time span (2-3 seconds) combined with the consumables stacking issue.

this one doesn't require skill at all, the guardian needs time to build up the damage, the operative does not, and can do it again and again in seconds.

Scoundrel video:


There's another video that shows the back to back crits from scoundrels / operatives in the span of seconds. Sadly I spend some time trying to locate it again, but couldn't find it, and before some moron starts screaming (oh you got no proof) it was posted on a different thread if anyone knows about it post it below please !

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What they need to do is take this same burst out of the aoe Force Sweep and move it to Blade Storm, just make all associated talents (Guaranteed Crit, 100% damage boost) apply to Blade storm and all would be fine.


The aoe damage numbers are too high even minus consumables. Hitting for over half of a person's HP in an aoe fashion is just too strong. Make it single target burst but also slightly ranged by moving it to blade storm and suddenly you can still push out some hard pressure but also make it slightly more viable to land in the laggy warzone environments.

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Hello, I just made a PvP movie, hope you guys like it







Screenshot of one of the footage: (NOT the highest crit shown in video)




New screenshot of new record crit I just got: (not in the movie)



Oh luci, why do you make my Jean-Luc cry. My highest crit was 6.4k on a level 10. I also don't use Biochem though knowing that it will be nerfed.


See ya online.

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People make it sound like buff-stacking/consumable taking/trinket-using is something "new" and "surprising" in PvP.


It's like this in EVERY GAME. There is always a profession or two, or a certain combination of buff-stacking that allows certain classes that have abilities that scale extremely well to achieve massive crits.


Please stop writing like you are surprised and try to offload all the blame onto a single class, a single profession (crew skill), or a single spec.


And this "well you know the advantages of biochem so you should reroll biochem or spend a bunch of credits and one-time blue consumables." First of all, this is random warzone pvp, no one is going to spend a lot of credits to play it. Second of all, making a crew skill somewhat "mandatory" for PvP is stupid. It's not like biochem is ONLY good at PvP and suck at PvE and making money, it's good all around and imbalanced for PvP.


Scale down burst damage in general and increase burst classes' sustain damage.


People think sorc/sage are OP because of the AoE and seemingly endless dots/channels. Sorc/sage's burst is nothing compared to operatives or in this case, guardians. Glass cannons are glass cannons, your'e not supposed to leave them alone. And stop making it sound like once they sprint away there is no way for most classes to catch up to them or force stealth to reopen.

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new movie is out!











No screenshots, build post or stat chart.


Don't need a bunch of copy cats who can figure it out for themselves.


Happens in EVERY game and I'm kind of tired of it.


Someone finds an efficient build, everyone copies it, it gets nerfed.



Edit: And that's because the majority of players take the easy road.


AkA play known overpowered class /specs.


In response to the above quote, what should I do?



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You all realize that to do this the Guardian needs to use a 60 second cool down, 3 second channeled ability right? Or else he loses 50% of his damage.


And he needs to be geared in mad expertise vs someone with none

And he needs adrenal

And he needs warzone adrenal

And he needs warzone rage buff


This isn't skill, it's patience.


And here, I'll write the guide for you:

1. Get every buff possible

2. Force leap

3. Stasis

4. Sweep

Edited by reconquistadora
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You all realize that to do this the Guardian needs to use a 60 second cool down, 3 second channeled ability right? Or else he loses 50% of his damage.


And he needs to be geared in mad expertise vs someone with none

And he needs adrenal

And he needs warzone adrenal

And he needs warzone rage buff


This isn't skill, it's patience.


And here, I'll write the guide for you:

1. Get every buff possible

2. Force leap

3. Stasis

4. Sweep


This, plus not to mention most of this was done against lowbies with no expertise. Its all editing to make it look like guardians constantly hit this hard. I'm lucky to hit for over 3.5k against someone decked in pvp gear.

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You all realize that to do this the Guardian needs to use a 60 second cool down, 3 second channeled ability right? Or else he loses 50% of his damage.


And he needs to be geared in mad expertise vs someone with none

And he needs adrenal

And he needs warzone adrenal

And he needs warzone rage buff


This isn't skill, it's patience.


And here, I'll write the guide for you:

1. Get every buff possible

2. Force leap

3. Stasis

4. Sweep


Complete and total lie.


Singularity works with force exhaustion as well which is an instant cast RANGED 21 second cooldown. You can get off 2 sweeps inside a adrenal/trinket stack.


If Bioware wants to nerf "burst dmg" then Commando/Merc, Guardian/SW should be next on the chopping block.


You will now have an AOE hitting much harder then a stealthed opener as will RANGED abilities.


Bioware/EA doesn't look like they care about class balance though. They look like they just want to keep the people sticking around happy.


AKA the zerged classes. The fact classes that can offer taunt/guard (the most stupidly OP thing in the game) are better then pure dps specs for burst and assassins/shadows who were already as good as ops/scoundrels will be MUCH better after the nerf are the best classes for burst in the game? Stupid.


What are the top played classes on Empire? Sorc/Assassin and BH. Republic? Guardian, AKA sentinel was too hard for me.


The fact they even have specs like the focus spec, trace missile/grav round spam spec, and the dumbed down shadow priest known as balance/madness and then have insanely complicated specs like marauder/sentinel just shows how dumb this game is as far as pvp.


Add to all that? If you put the time in to excel at marauder/sent? You are merely as viable as a moderately skilled player playing the zerged classes and less so in the case of classes that can guard/taunt.


LOL at anyone defending an aoe being the hardest hitting ability left in the game after the op/scoundrel nerf.


Guardian/Juggernaut and skill should never be used in the same sentence. They are by far the simplest melee class in the game and most of the people playing them use g15 keyboards/software and are really using half the keys you think they are.


They are a WoW warrior without stances and with less buttons.

Edited by Paralassa
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Complete and total lie.


Singularity works with force exhaustion as well which is an instant cast RANGED 21 second cooldown. You can get off 2 sweeps inside a adrenal/trinket stack.


If Bioware wants to nerf "burst dmg" then Commando/Merc, Guardian/SW should be next on the chopping block.


You will now have an AOE hitting much harder then a stealthed opener as will RANGED abilities.


Bioware/EA doesn't look like they care about class balance though. They look like they just want to keep the people sticking around happy.


AKA the zerged classes. The fact classes that can offer taunt/guard (the most stupidly OP thing in the game) are better then pure dps specs for burst and assassins/shadows who were already as good as ops/scoundrels will be MUCH better after the nerf are the best classes for burst in the game? Stupid.


What are the top played classes on Empire? Sorc/Assassin and BH. Republic? Guardian, AKA sentinel was too hard for me.


The fact they even have specs like the focus spec, trace missile/grav round spam spec, and the dumbed down shadow priest known as balance/madness and then have insanely complicated specs like marauder/sentinel just shows how dumb this game is as far as pvp.


Add to all that? If you put the time in to excel at marauder/sent? You are merely as viable as a moderately skilled player playing the zerged classes and less so in the case of classes that can guard/taunt.


LOL at anyone defending an aoe being the hardest hitting ability left in the game after the op/scoundrel nerf.


Guardian/Juggernaut and skill should never be used in the same sentence. They are by far the simplest melee class in the game and most of the people playing them use g15 keyboards/software and are really using half the keys you think they are.


They are a WoW warrior without stances and with less buttons.


tl:dr Buff Guardians they are underpowered. I agree with you we need more damage and tankiness. I want to be able to do 15k crits :)

Edited by Paralassa
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