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Operative PvP video 10k crits. WOW


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WOW! A single Operative manage to build/stim/adrenal himself to hit 10k and EVERY OPERATIVE MUST BE NERFED!!1111


If nothing changes in a month every Operative playing would have biochem and will be doing the same thing.


Are you new to MMOs? :rolleyes:


I say nerf biochem before we look anything else.

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Tell that to all the Witchhunter players who played Warhammer after they got hit by the nerf bat. That class was hardly playable in pvp after that and never recovered. Bioware has many Mythic devs... I'm gonna laugh my *** off if that happens to you guys. Only reason why I haven't rolled an Op/Scoundral yet is cause I'm afraid of what the nerf is gonna be like.


If any player, dumps their class because their ez button got taken away, then they should just delete themselves anyway and lrn2ply.


I love how people think a game where the primary balance focus will always be PVE in some way is going to be completely balanced for PVP as well.


I love how peeps drag out the same old tired arguments about how a PvE game isn't a PvP game and that things should just be left alone so players can ezmode their way to victory.


Interestingly enough, no real hardcore changes are necessary. The DPS burst for this class out of stealth simply needs to be reduced and consumables need to be scaled better as well. Hardly, a mega-unbalancing change that would kill PvE for that class.


How often can classes go into stealth in a drawn out PvE fight against a 100K+ health mob so they can use their burst dps from stealth repeatedly during a fight? Oh ya, real gamebreaker there...lol

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Something is definitely out of balance. It might just be that the buffs and the Operative create the perfect storm. I think both need to be looked at thoroughly before a class gets nerfed outright.


I can tell you it is buffs and maybe gear. I am a 50 scrapper (Operative mirror), and my big crits are 3.5k on low level players. I have 2 pieces of PvP gear and the relic and no stims. There are so many times that I open on someone and hit for 1.5k and proceed to get my butt handed to me in like 5 seconds.

Edited by asciiadam
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Tell me where there is skill and fareness in a class that basically just kills people with very little effort. I don't care there are stims/meds etc they just buff classes like this that are probably balanced for PVE but in PVP it just becomes a litteral joke. I might be playing the quishy class of a sage seer. But that doesn't stop them with all my CC off CD from just laughing my HP in under 10seconds flat. I mean COMMON! A level brat playing a level 25 Crits form anything at 1.5k-2k with ease, I never hit those number till late 40+ in my own TK burst spec which takes 10 seconds worth of casting to make a dent in anyone.
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Ya, I'll probably just reroll a Sorc instead. The Op/Scoundral builds look really shaky if not for their OP front end burst dps, if they get nerfed even a little bit it may hurt that class a lot. At least if I play a sorc there are too many OP aspects of that class to nerf at all at once, not to mention it would piss off about 85% of the Empire population since they're all Sorcs.
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As a Jedi Sentinel, last night I got a new record for damage. With:


Fully buffed

A stim

Power relic active

15% expertise item active

Expertise warzone buff

Inspiration active (+15% damage)

100% armor penetration buff from Precision Slash


My auto-crit 75% surge +30% crit damage from talent Blade Storm hit someone for 4.5k.


That's an amazing number, right? Wait, some classes are hitting for 10k? FROM STEALTH?

Edited by EternalFinality
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All of you must be **** in pvp. I play a marauder and faceroll operatives


Uh, hi, you must be new here. The "ZOMG I RULE AND YOU GUYZ SUXXORS!!!!111" boards are <~~~~~~ way. Run along now, this thread is for big people. Kthnxbai.

Edited by DimeStax
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Buff Operatives!


Seriously, I think it is BW's only hope. The logic is simple:


Alot of ppl are QQ'ing about the ops/scoundrels. Many are dissatisfied with their burst. By advertising a buff to the operative/scoundrel you can squash any notion that a nerf is needed. In addition, the buff will allow all of those that were still sitting on the fence about re-rolling into this toon the clear and decisive directive to infact re-roll. Those foolish enough not to re-roll will undoubtedly quit the game... and who needs them... nothing but a bunch of whiners that crew.


With the remaining population all operatives/scoundrels the market with flourish...all goods will have importance to everyone...because everyone needs the same goods. Further, everyone is OP..because everyone is an ops/scoundrel. that's a true win-win.


To accomplish this buff, really all you need to do is advertise in the patch notes you're gonna buff the class. you really don't have to do anything... those that roll it will think they got buffed just by playing it. those playing it won't notice the difference because overpowered + buffs = overpowered. So, if you add buffs you still get the same result.... and thus its indistinguishable from its original form.

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You guys will **** bricks when when a Jugg or Sniper decides to make a video with those buffs.


no doubt bud. I totally feel ya. One time this sniper was crouched in the corner planted like a tree. He had a shield up and popped all his buffs and fired a warning shot on my dome for 4k. When i saw that... i laughed... ran out of his range and broke LOS... stealthed up.. and killed him in quick order.


but not a second goes by that I don't think to myself... "dude, if you had just stood there in the open for about 30 seconds... that sniper would have rocked your face off with repeated shots and most likely kill you". Thank god they gave my toon movement keys ... or i'd have been screwed in that situation.. no doubt.


conversely... the guy in the video that got jacked for 9.9k and then 6.6k to follow... I see that and definitely feel a parallel with the sniper.


wait, what?

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The first half of the video was an Operative, out of stealth, killing lots of people who were already half dead. Most of the hits were sub-1k. The big hits came from BS and Lacerate when they were up.


The second half shows the power of armor bypass coupled with every possible buff in the game running at once. Someone needs to go do this with a Gunslinger or Shadow so we can move on to more productive topics.


You see, this is what you and everyone doesn't understand. Great. you want to deal that damage? fantastic. Then other classes need to have some trick up their sleeves too cause I know not every class can deal that damage. A class that can do 10k crits (buffed or not) AND heal AND if it gets real bad... just stealth and escape and go heal up and commence whoopass again. Yah, not overpowered at all. Add on to that an operative can DOT making it impossible to cap objectives even after you are dead. Too many tricks for the operative. I've seen too many operatives hold a single objective solo against multiple enemies by tagging people trying to cap, vanishing, and then reappear to stop another from capping.


Show me another class that can do ALL that.

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This video is clearly a mix of clever editing and staged fights. My reasoning? Every operative claims they can't do damage out of stealth, and this video clearly shows you can.


I call shenannigans.

Edited by Nordain
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with 480 expertise on a shadow, if i hit you with two clairvoyant strikes (sub 1k attacks) to buff project base dmg by 30%, grab a warzone expertise buff, pop a pvp expertise consumable, pop a surge/crit relic, pop a power adrenal, use a stim, and have all available buffs up... i've hit a project for 5900 (please note... that took two prep attacks.. minimum 4 seconds... plus the hour and 1/2 it took for the rock to come out of the ground and hit you).


in this video... the guy opened from stealth for 9928... and then IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWED IT... with a 6.5k hit.


there literally... is absolutely nothing else... left to be said.


I'm going to start off by saying that yes the Op burst could be toned down a bit (though the Sustained DPS would have to be increased to compensate)


That said, there's a major difference between what you stated and what an Operative is truly capable of.


Yes, to achieve your damage you need to have a prep time of 4 second.


Yes, an operative can get a higher burst than you.


There's a caveat though. The operative can't keep doing that. Stealth has a ten second cooldown so I can only get my 10k fully buffed open from stealth hits every ten seconds.


Once you get your build up you can probably maintain that for far longer than an Operative can, resulting in much higher DPS in the same length of time.


I'll say it one more time, so hopefully people will actually catch it. Operative burst IS currently too high, but if it is lowered the Operative sustained DPS will have to increase to compensate.


You will never see an Operative win a fight without their opener against a semi-decent player. Never. Operative simply does not have enough sustained DPS to win.


Again, nerf burst, buff sustained.

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