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Everything posted by kilomax

  1. Best solution I can come up for BW and dueling on fleet is create an instanced area for dueling that way: Only those partied would be able to enter/duel, group limited like upto ops 16man cap, less interruption from other players doing there daily activities, less lag and performance issues all round so casual players don't get lagged out or have to sit there watching people blast the animations, effects and sounds of the games engine to it's limits.
  2. They are just one if not the best True dmg dealers of Swtor...
  3. And? Doesn't stop people from trying it or someone else creating a working hack does it? Kinda my point of that post Ahah!
  4. (Client side, server side who cares, legit or not legit and still working or patched? It's all myth after all) Enjoy your "proof" that strange things happen for a reason and will continue to do so in the dark side of the : BW fix your game/clientlauncher please for the love of your future!
  5. Your right... My opinion Juggs/Guards have the best mitigation ingame due to there abzorb bubbles which other than the -40% dmg one on a fairly large cd, makes them take less dmg for most situations. They are followed closely by Vans/Ptech and Sintanks are either middle or just somewhere. Anything to do with white damage and armour rating mitigation people must understand that all the tanks have roughly the same in that department! Sintanks probably have more shield than most due to having zero -??% dmg defence bubbles other than Resistance which doesn't help you against white dmg if they are not tech/force related!
  6. It's already happening by poor game design lol, just a shame they seem to ALWAYS be half arsed about it...
  7. PVP as you all are aware must unbalanced to joke? Why? Just examples, not included bugs/exploits/hacks/OP classes many other issues to address... Expertise favors DPS extreemists/elitiest whatever , there is no dening that people die in a instant weither it be due to gear difference/class/skill or whatever. Roflysst, I thought your moto BW was to stray away from the always dead feature of games? I dunno what kind of game your designing here but full on groups of the same FOTM class is getting old and boring and killing PVP queing or forcing people to roll those sorts of classes whilst turning this game full cycle. BW your subs and game is slowly and I can say assurely DIE of death within weeks now by numbers you wished you could of addressed sooner... You should not be doing this to save your own jobs and your community & subs. PVP is one of the largest and most active sports if you will in ALL GAMES AROUND THE WORLD, KILL this side of a genre and your PVE BS wont save you just as many MMO's and other games that solely were not single player will become shelved. People are already getting tired of the endless laughable bugs that somehow get past PTR to LIVE? Feel free to add your thoughts, (There is no evidence or contructive blah blah, just my thoughts as the same as anyone else who might be thinking the same thing right now) I can only keep my hopes for improvements till my server dies of population and I'll revert back to games that succeed or whatever strikes me down ("n" out) .
  8. I think this goes so well for this thread and current comments ^^ enjoy.
  9. There is none other than talents which we don't get in Healing Spec, all the force regen improvements belong in the dps tree's.
  10. BW screwed up and don't care, 6k+ posts and they don't care with there snub attitude to the community to respond! ***Oh by the way BW you know that BUG/GLITCH with Conveyance/Force Bending that you supposedly fixed by taking out double dip? Guess what... You can Channel Heal & grab 1 Crit Heal from Benevolance or Dark Heal all at the same time "still". Some fix xD...*** Seer/Corruption Spec is effectively broken to players who are casual players, regular and even PRO! Almost too much hassle to be fun to play any longer till the next big change arrives. Thanks for reading
  11. Also the further -20% from class healing debuffs = -60% total regarding situations if they are supposed to stack ? Further more healers are 99% of the time trauma-ed up.
  12. Sorry to say from some the posts I've read so far not yours as such are just people who are inexperienced with the game. As a sage seer I cannot heal myself if I'm A stunned B interrupted, when I have my own dedicated team of enemies willing to take me out even with a tank gaurding me I'm usually alive for alittle while or dead at all times. The other two classes have far better staying power than I do and far better escape mechanics or are just godmode (mercs/comdos) anyway with someone guarding them. I'm 50/50 BM Rakata purely because I gain nothing from 1-3% reductions nore boosts to healing & dmg compared to having better stats for healing and HP. Unbuffed I've never exceeded 5k on my highest heal, I don't think I've ever got even that high. If I'm left alone I might be a powerful asset on the field but thats just the enemies stupidity for letting me freecast... I get the worst instant heals in the game compared to OP/Scuds Mercs/Comdos, I also have the lightest armour in game which doesn't take much damage to bypass it all basically. But I'm telling people now if they nerf healing anymore for my class in anyway there will be ZERO point in playing it and only the die hards will use them if at all. They are the weakest class in terms of solo PVP against good enemies as a healer and NEED a working team to thrive and do all the peels taunts etc otherwise you are useless or dead! Until they somehow nerf talent trees hybrids and classes, give more brackets and ranked I can almost assure people they have it all wrong when people are equally geared that some classes are just OP. But not mine when I face equal teams.
  13. I have the same problem as well, I think because we have alot more heals on cast times and slight knock backs interuppts etc we can loose out on alot of healing. I run about 50/50 BM & Rakata, don't see any if at all difference in my healing and dmg reduction going past 10% expertise at all... I'm beginning to believe this class wasn't suited for PVP healing, you need a good tank to protect you if people know where to find you and if you don't you just die. People used to say this is the best healer ingame, I believe they are wrong and were just just stereotyping presumably because the other two classes can find it difficult to heal at the beginning so you wont see many being leveled as much... Single target damage you take is usually more than you can actually heal for when you can be reduced to -60% healing from trauma and class debuffs, make it a class extremely reliant on crit heals. I've had upto 40% crit chance and my larger heals still only crit about 1 in 4 or so making healing trance about the only guaranteed healing ability to crit with the proc.
  14. I'm not expecting to kill someone... I'm expecting to actually be able to heal enough to stay alive long enough for people to rescue me. As it stands casting being interrupted stunned etc etc you don't heal you die which doesn't take very long when most Dps or otherwise hit you for 2k as standard and also damage exceeds what you can heal for without crits and without guard on you. Yes your hard to kill with a tank but your not as hard as a Merc/Commando to tank combo... Why? Because A, 80% of the heals are instant cast and second you have a shield which can stop interrupts. OP or Scoundrel get free heals and alot of HoT's and instants just the same. They both have better dmg mitigation and generally better for PVP healing at the moment. Hence why mostly on my server people are sacking the idea of sage healing and going for those other two which I think is wrong and why something should be eventually done about it! But one thing I'm glad you noticed is the fact that a sage seer needs a group to thrive... The other two types of healers are too better at not having to deal with this problem. One can simply disappear undear pressure another is basically godmode if played correctly. I'm currently working on other healers purely cause I know there soloing aspect is far greater than my Sage. I shouldn't have to completely rely on a team to function at all times, people will not always help you and then this spec is ruined due to those small but big things. edit: More resilience than Dps sages/sorc? Sorry I don't think so, they heal more or less the same as I do, you might loose about 100-500 if that on the numbers not the stats! I just get 2 more healing abilities some procs for those and force management for the longer run, you don't always survive to see the benefit of force management on solo runs. Dps however gets the monumental CC heaven that everyone wishes to be nerfed with our class and also all the nice cooldown reductions too. So you might say why not go as full dps or hybid? My answer to that is why should Dps get all the escape tools that actually benefit while most of mine are lack lusting one offs. They may stop hybrids soon anyway so I'm still back to square one and stuck with 31 points of seer sorry SHEER squishiness . Just something off topic: Have you been "instagib" by a Powertech/Vanguard yet? You wont ever cast a heal ever again with one of these on you. ^^ Life continues to get a lot harder once people have the same gear as you do.
  15. Lets begin with this: You don't sound like someone who's played a Seer long enough in PVP or is top Seer on your server (Not saying you have to be but experience and a name go along way). Fakecasting was a good idea when the days of people being under geared than yourself was a fun advantage or you have free time to do so. These days if you do this with my kind of pressure either yourself will die or your teammate/s will die, which is it going to be? Baring in mind you've more or less wasted 3 seconds alone on Global Cooldown thinking this clever and you'll have a further 1.5-2/3 secs unbuffed to heal. When there are 2 or more Laser guilded saber hungry or other Over the top Root classes after you. You really think you can get away? I've been rooted for a full 26seconds before now possibly more but who cares. CC breaker comes in real handy pfff, resolve wont help you pfff. Force speed to escape a massive 2 actual game centimeters from my last location... progress... I bet you've never seen 7 slows before? Ever tryed hiding under pressure of above you? Anyway goodbye I didn't see much else to reply to here. Seer is not proven to be the best healer ingame simple fact, they "just" seem to have a better start at it! People have convinced themselves that they are the best that is all because 1-30 (a figure of speech) started life healing as the other two classes and gave up when they found out that they could nuke someone real quick. Dps sages/sorcs I couldn't give a monkeys about it's not my topic, they get all the CC we could do with under the more pressure we get as a healer and they do not. Also patch 1.2 or in the future alot of hybrids will no longer function and will have to change there tact instead of steamrolling laughing there faces off because they are virtually untouchable.
  16. I've played my Seer long enough and hard enough to know that it's the weakest class in game currently. For soloing mainly with random pugs this mostly applies too, Heres why: Full 31 point Seer has the highest cooldown times of all there utility skills for escaping or offensive attacks if they should ever need them. Baring in mind they have the lowest damage you could possibly think of too. Trauma -30% healing and debuffed basically for the rest of the Wz or elsewhere! You loose a monumental amount of healing power in other words. Cast times from anywhere in the region of 1.5-3secs, you also have to stand still. One of the lowest HoT's in game and mostly only used as a proc starter... Anyway, Mostly all this and then some contribute to the fact you cannot and basically will not win against any 1 v 1 match if the other players knows when to and how to use there CC and interrupts. Damage from most classes exceed 1k white to anything from 1-8k+ when your being beaten up by one or many. Armour/Defence the lowest in the game and has about 21-22% at the moment about max with 10% against Elemental/Internal and then 10% for deflections etc. Basically you get the lowest protection against the odds out there who wear Medium or Heavy armour. You get a bubble that canbe cast on yourself every 17-20 seconds and absorbs something around 3.5k dmg maybe? Nobody really knows All in all your chances of surviving being beat up by one or many rely on your kiting and Los and utility which in all don't account to much when your a Seer and tend to die within a resolve bar before it initiates. All the CC abilites and cooldown reductions are within the Dps talents and are too far to spec into without going into Hybrid mechanics and loose even more healing anyway. Healing is very low in comparison to the damage I could take and having to rely on crits to hope I stay above it. Not to mention the facts that I could be reduced to useless levels with other classes having healing debuffs which hinder healing to a whopping -60% with trauma which you get as soon as you enter combat. The only function I find out of being this spec class and being ganked due to being a healer is when I have my own personal tank which I think is a game imbalance issue just to keep myself alive and team orientated. This combo is hard to take down but why should I have to rely on it to function? Tanks can wonder off and function without my help... I hope people might get what I'm trying to point here... Anyway my conclusion and how little use it will be when I get comments replyed to such as the class is fine etc etc l2p. All this means nothing to me I know how to play my class and all the in's and outs. It's broken compared to other healers in terms of dmg mitigation and CC cooldown and the fact most their heals are instant and higher. I have my opinion and I think it holds merit! If you do not play or have never played a full Seer or Corruption healer please reply your thoughts with wisdom.
  17. Sorcs/Sages Only might ever become OP in team imbalanced games where 3/4 of the team are that class. Apart from that they have a world of CC due to the fact that they are the squishiest thing ingame period!. If you let them live and freecast they will screw with your team so kill them... There are too many CC's and interrupts in this forsaken Stun Wars game for people to struggle killing this class. The only reason they get some of the highest damage on the tables is due to all the AOE attacks that either dps builds have ample quantity of! Single target dmg is sustained and not life threatening to most classes straight away and most classes will usually be able to hurt them far quicker than they can hurt you before someone has to heal Los escape or die etc. If they nerf them fine, it wont bother me in the slightest, I'll carry on playing my class and yours till they nerf yours. ^^
  18. OP: Tank/Hybrids in general e.g. Shadows/Assassins/Jugs/Guards/Ptech/Vans Why? If they use tank stance + defensive cool downs with whatever utilities & dps gear etc, they have OTT dmg vs there mitigating and can solo 2-3 people if played well. They have silly staying power against most situations were they shrug off mountains of dmg. Balance: Hard to say really Slingers/Snipers seem to be fine as they are glass cannons. Until ranked matches comes out people can do whatever they wish with whatever team imbalanced classes are dominating as a whole at the moment till the Nerf Bats start.
  19. Personally I think they gave tanks too much dmg mitigation and decent dmg as a whole, pot healer or not they are too tough to bring down and take too many dps sources to start bypassing the insane armour. All I ever see while leveling my noobs is tank this tank that from both sides, more so empire. Why? Just cannot barely kill them 1 on 1 or 2 v 1. Alot of dps classes do have afew attacks that bypass all the armour but not many either use these skills or talent because they prefer more better builds for dealing with things.
  20. Think thats just a bug or they somehow used a knockback or something silly while you was midflight that somehow created distance. There are strange crap and buggy things happening in PVP all the while. I get rooted on all the while and half the time it was either some dodgy sniper root from one I cannot see anywhere or some bugger leaped me and then disappeared before reaching final destination. Dunno I'm left thinking oh god and then hmmm carry on with duties then clip into a wall from some knockback and enter Carebear Online somehow :S. Best one for me is when I get force pushed... That sends me back to the stone age!!
  21. Resolve is semi broken to say Why is it? Here is why: Roots/Snares/Slows/interuppts ignore resolve as everyone should know. Makes in this game a living hell and not very enjoyable if everyone starts clicking there handicap buttons on you... Example of resolve being a waste of space: There is a massive uncertainty that resolve will give you immunity to stuns/mez's whatever once it reaches full, it wont automatically break you out of the last thing that sent you into LAR LAR land. Oh no not at all... You might have to waste your CC breaker if you wont those few short seconds of actual immunity there after to live and have action and control once again! Even to my own witness that even sometimes when its full bar and you use CC breaker your still left in LAR LAR land... Bug...? Who knows who cares I'm too far dead now to really take note BUT it bloody well happens! Hence why most people return to spawn point and then resolve decides to happily diminish away in the useless time you wait to get back into battle. Unfortunately for me I don't like the resolve system, it's not helped me enough to give it a thumbs up. BW buck your ideas, look at it and give it some tweaking or hopefully something new will change in 1.2 that it might make it become more useful!
  22. kilomax

    -30% to heals

    Sorry to say you people who say healers are OP need to play a Seer or just QQ for more dps and us healer get another -30% healing debuff and you'll never see a healer ever again! Pathetic! You have interuppts and stuns etc use them! Yes they can heal for alot if they "crit" which is about 1 in 4 without procs, they need to be constantly guarded by someone otherwise if a team of a mere 2-3 come after you, you are dead within all the stuns/roots/intruppts/mez you name it being locked onto you. Resolve waste of space, CC breaker waste of space, escape tools waste of space. Nobody barely plays healers of any sort because they see them as ridiculously weak and unworthy of playing. They are the lowest on the food chain, they have the weakest attacks ingame and will basically never kill any competent dps 1v1 if they had too. The situation where 2 healers keep themselfs alive is only like the same situation having two tanks and one guarding the other, take your pick who your going to kill first and deal with it! They did it to mess you about and change a tactic! Anyway I'm maxed out as I can be more or less on my Seer at the moment, my healing without crits is far less than the dmg I could take from one person or many. As soon as ranked matches come we'll see who really needs a BAT or two of nerfs!
  23. 100% /Signed Not that BW give a stuffed hoot about it right now ofc... Roots: 2-5+secs BRB while I make a coffee before I can move 1/2 a cm again before someone else roots me from leaps bounds hugs n kisses n stuff.... ############################################################ Slows: forever & EVER & stacks beyond the known galaxy far, far away.... (I did just dispell 2 but now 6 have just taken there place.) (Pushes: 1-2+ secs Airborne *weeeeeeeeeeeeee, hey! hang on I'm going back in time here?) <-- Just because OP Your telling me that BW love to sit there watching as their toon being actionless/motionless, from full HP to NO HP and respawn, *then resolve starts is enjoyable? Something odd there.... CC breaker seemed to have no desirable effect and was consumed indefinitely while creating this post...
  24. Sorry I don't have time to dps or the power to effectively kill with dps as a healer, those few seconds to MAYBE get one or two medals with dps I've lost a teamate. Do you get the situation here? 75-700k+ healing will maybe account to 3 medals + bubbles, I get sod all incentive for healing apart from it's my class and I wish to keep my team alive! There is no excuse why my efforts should be nulled just because of damage being the top medal farming system. My team would never get immortal or 8+ medals without my help being the healbot. I firmly believe I shouldn't have to rely on their VOTE as the work around just so I can be on par with them and get some needed valor at the end of a match. I'd like you to try kill any DPS class in equal gear spamming 1 button or pro vs a healer (Have you got 2-3minutes 1 v 1 time?)! Unless they are about to die short on health or really under-geared or dense you are 80/20 going to die trying. Nobody other than people who play healers alike understand we have these issues, that's why people respec/reroll to dps, tanks or whatever.
  25. The change is yet another stab in the back to use light armour healers :/, kind of makes the purpose of casting it and force cost a waste of time concidering how in both PVP and PVE terms people are not always standing in a close group to reap any kind of real benefit.
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