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takes place 3000 years BEFORE Star Wars?


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Actually, did you?



You're talking about a period where some of the biggest technological upgrades is going from bronze to iron and learning stone walls keeps the vikings out.


You're talking about a period that the greeks and roman discoveries were locked away in libraries that couldn't be a use to anybody.


You're talking about a period when algebra was the pinnacle of mathematics.




Before the ideas of free trade, physics and calculus technology was at basically a standstill with small discoveries and inventions here and there.


I'm not even going to bother..

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Do you like how in Empire Strikes Back Vader had to test carbonite freezing on Han to see if a person could survive it even though 3000 years before it was so common that people had the walls of their offices decorated in frozen people and it was belsavis' primarily form of incarceration for violent prisoners?
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Actually I would think the opposite. They would be amazed at how much technology progressed while we still rode horses and used basic weapons. Everything from seafaring navigation technology/food storage to horse stirrups (revolutionized warfare) and the printing press and advances in mining and metallurgy.


People made some amazing discoveries and advancements without having sophisticated tools.


Yes, but stuff like advances in metallurgy, better navigation, etc. isn't as visible as the big stuff, like going from first flight to space flight in what? 60 years?


I'm sure they're are stronger blasters, faster ships, and better food during the OT then in the ToR Era... but they're not exactly something that's easily recognizable.

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Yes, but stuff like advances in metallurgy, better navigation, etc. isn't as visible as the big stuff, like going from first flight to space flight in what? 60 years?


I'm sure they're are stronger blasters, faster ships, and better food during the OT then in the ToR Era... but they're not exactly something that's easily recognizable.


Exactly. I was mostly responding to the folks who said technology was at a standstill until the mid-1600's but its applicable there as well.

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Do you like how in Empire Strikes Back Vader had to test carbonite freezing on Han to see if a person could survive it even though 3000 years before it was so common that people had the walls of their offices decorated in frozen people and it was belsavis' primarily form of incarceration for violent prisoners?


no... the setup of that specific equipment was not designed for use on people it was designed to seal gasses mined there which is why he said "test" it on a person... it obviously wasn't anything new because even c3-p0 knew exactly what was going on with just a quick glance and even knew that it would preserve him perfectly if done correctly




Actually I would think the opposite. They would be amazed at how much technology progressed while we still rode horses and used basic weapons. Everything from seafaring navigation technology/food storage to horse stirrups (revolutionized warfare) and the printing press and advances in mining and metallurgy.


People made some amazing discoveries and advancements without having sophisticated tools.


I never meant there were NO changes or advancements at all... just that there were no huge noticeable **** world changing advancements that you would notice like people are seeming to want to see here

Edited by Liquidacid
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................what then? For 3000 years nobody could come up with better/different technology? I'm to expect the ships basically all look the same 3000 years before star wars? C2N2 is C3PO's great great great great great great great great uncle? Looks like they could be brothers.


Just sayin'

Star Wars is space fantasy, my friend, not science fiction. More to the point, the time frame is simply a way for BioWare to let players into the familiar Star Wars universe from the films without having to deal with placing the game within the films' timeline. This is why Jedi look like Jedi, TIE Fighters look like TIE Fighters, and so on. Even in the films, it's best if you set aside logic and just enjoy it as escapism. Edited by RolyartNala
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Artisan economies vs industrialization. My understanding is that the old Republic represents an artisan economy without centralized industrial processes where in the Empire it is all mass production and everything looks the same (Stormtroopers, Star Destroyers, Tie Fighters, etc.)


So I guess the theory is that in an artisan economy you will have innovations, but not on a mass scale where the technology and style all change a great deal over time.

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................what then? For 3000 years nobody could come up with better/different technology? I'm to expect the ships basically all look the same 3000 years before star wars? C2N2 is C3PO's great great great great great great great great uncle? Looks like they could be brothers.


Just sayin'


weak argument, are you referring to cosmetic designs? if not all the ships travel light speed, even if you waited 1 million years the ships wont travel any faster.

Edited by Blacktailstalker
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It's just the style of the Star Wars universe. That's why you see people referring to the genre as 'sci-fi fantasy'. Things like backwards technological progress (using torches to light banners, rly?) are partially what give it that name. Using little blaster guns and grainy/fuzzy holos. It's just how it is Edited by Esaru
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Had Bioware made this game's technology go back in time in the manner in which many of you are debating, then we would have thousands of people saying, "this doesn't feel like Star Wars at all."


Sorry, but I don't care what time period this game takes place in as long as I feel like I'm a Jedi, or a Sith while playing the game.


I relate to the movies and wanted to play a game that made me feel like I was in the movies. This one is delivering.


Now quit your bickering and play the damn game. It's NOT real! The lore ISN'T real. So what if technology hasn't changed. If you want a Universe that advances at a quick pace, create your own story and sell it.


"If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

Edited by Alkiii
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week argument, are you referring to cosmetic designs? if not all the ships travel light speed, even if you waited 1 million years the ships wont travel any faster.


Untrue. The Millenium Falcon can travel .5 past light speed. And could even do the Kessel run in under 12 parsecs, if you can believe it.

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Science Fiction vs. Space Opera...Star Trek is a better example of pure science fiction where the timeline and reality of the world more closely matches that of our own. You can see changes in technology and society as the storyline progresses, such as the Federation building newer and better models of the Enterprise, uniforms changing and becoming more modern looking, new life forms and technologies being discovered, etc...


Star Wars has never really offered explanations as to why stuff "works" or what the universe, origin of the races and the science behind everything is based on. It's more focused on story-telling on an epic scale, hence the term Space Opera is more fitting.

You just need to accept it and go with it ;)

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Technology right now in the REAL WORLD is on swift incline. But really do you expect that to last into infinity?



With a truly old galaxy with the rise and fall and rise and fall of dozens if not thousands of technological civilizations, it would make sense that once a peak technology was reached, it would be very challenging for MAJOR advancements, small minor details do advance however they are not things that story writers find all that compelling to take time to go into, and its a quick way to set your self up for contradiction anyways . . . so why waste time worrying about the level of tech in such a galaxy?

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Take alllll the technology and put it aside.


Let's look at the cultures.


The design of the armor, clothing, vehicles, arcitecture, etc... still use the same templates from future dated source material to create a past that would suggest none of the canonical cultures have changed on that 3000 years.


If there is anything that is constant (in any universe) it is change.


I am going to throw this out there one more time in hopes that it will stick...


The design of the KOTOR/TOR universe is simply based around the familiarity of the Star Wars IP. To make drastic changes to that universe to demonstrate 3000+ years worth of change could potentially result in a game that would be unrecognizable to the SW canon and therefore result in less buyer appeal.



Edited by Nautius
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People, why u no play kotor? Seriously go get it for 5 dollars and then come back here.


Some things like the emblems were changed in tor though the empire's is the latter republic's symbol just to look like palpatine's empire and so on but still most things are kotor.

Edited by Lightmaguz
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To make drastic changes to that universe to demonstrate 3000+ years worth of change could potentially result in a game that would be unrecognizable to the SW canon and therefore result in less buyer appeal.[/color][/b]


Exactly. When I play a Star Wars game, I want it to feel like Star Wars. And The Old Republic certainly feels like Star Wars. Who cares if it makes sense or not.

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I'm not going to read all this but I'll say this.


We're not even a T-1 civilization. In the past 50 years what about our engines have changed? How drastically have they changed in looks and design? Apply that logic to a T-2 civilization whose growth technologically is FAR FAR FAR more expansive than our own. 50 years of growth as a T-1 would be exponentially greater as a T-2 and insanely moreso as T-3. T-3 is the plateau that cannot be exceeded in our dimension. The idea that it's a plateau holds. Move along.

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It's funny how you actually think Star Wars is real or follows any semblance of actual physics or societal evolution in any way.


Bet you had no problem at all with the Empire making another Death Star with the same structural and technological weaknesses in a subsequent film. Did you rage call George Lucas and berate him on this matter, or just enjoy the films as the candy-coated popcorn they were meant to be?

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Wait til you discover Warhammer 40k and realize their technology has WORSENED over the course of 20-30,000 years or so.


Weird how universes differ.


War40k has justifiable reasons for mass degradation. Constant brink of extinction warfare and decay of stellar empires tends to drive technological knowledge out. Plus the Tau are innovating, because their empire is still growing.

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Science Fiction vs. Space Opera...Star Trek is a better example of pure science fiction where the timeline and reality of the world more closely matches that of our own. You can see changes in technology and society as the storyline progresses, such as the Federation building newer and better models of the Enterprise, uniforms changing and becoming more modern looking, new life forms and technologies being discovered, etc...


Star Wars has never really offered explanations as to why stuff "works" or what the universe, origin of the races and the science behind everything is based on. It's more focused on story-telling on an epic scale, hence the term Space Opera is more fitting.

You just need to accept it and go with it ;)


star trek is a better example of "pure science fiction" ? AHHAHAHHA


does "pure science fiction" = pure deus ex machina where technology contradicts itself on a constant basis to make the story work ?


we can never go faster than warp 10!!! well except for those times when for the plot we need to get somewhere faster than warp 10 in which case we spew out nonsensical techno-babble and do it anyway then later ignore what we just did and go back to saying we can't do it...


or or the best "Lets travel into the past, constantly talk about how we can't change anything because of the dire results, then change major events and they will have no impact whatsoever when we travel back forward in time"


if Star trek followed any reasonable way of advancement everything in it's universe would come stock with a "change polarity"switch.. since in ST that is basically an "I WIN" button for 99 percent of situations

Edited by Liquidacid
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