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Fast Travel to Ship please!


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Fast travel to ship won't help with loading screens. You'd get one when you fast travel instead of when you walk from the space port's fast travel point to your ship.


Which isn't even that far. This isn't really necessary.


Here's what happens if you want to get back to your ship and you're on Taris.


You make your way back to the zone entry-point. You get onto a shuttle that takes you to an orbiting station. (Loading screen.) You get off the shuttle. You run to an elevator (transition screen.) You run to the airlock. You get onto your ship (loading screen.)


A direct shuttle that puts you on your ship would save one or two area transitions and a loading screen. And of course you have to go through the same transitions on your way back to the planet. Remove the dang orbital stations from the process. They are totally just unnecessary loading screens and there's no reason to ever be on one.


If "story" is the only reason these things are in the game, that's a really poorly conceived reason. They make you go through the same transitions and loading screens every time because maybe once in the course of your story there's some dialogue that happens there?

Edited by Mannic
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C'mon guys, stop being lazy. With the fast travel, speeder mounts and fleet passes I never find it too hard to get anywhere. If you plan your cool-downs properly you can also quest faster...


As for people who want mailboxes on their ship, as well as Galactic Trade Center and I've even heard people ask for a skill trainer... I say no to all that.


People should spend less time in their own isolated instance and more time populating the world in this MMO game.

Edited by Lionflash
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This wouldn't make the impact that people think it will. The fast travel option currently makes an area transition to the point you select. If you were to fast travel to your ship, you would still get a loading screen to get in.


All you would bypass are the pair of three-second area transitions from fast traveling, to the station, and finally to your ship. Is six seconds of "load" time really that big of a deal?


It costs much more time in actual traveling, as in, running from the fast travel point to the ship. I don't know about anyone else, but I prefer it this way. People mask this as a breech of immersion, but the ability to teleport to your ship does not address this at all.

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So I truly love this game but it is incredibly TEDIOUS to go through 4 load screens every time I want to travel somewhere. PLease, please, please give us fast travel to our ships! I'm sure this has been requested by others, but there's no forum search so I can't find it.


OMG. So true. So completely true. I want to cringe everytime I have to go back to my ship.


And even without fast travel, at least streamline it! Drop the cut scenes, give me generic blank a loading screen if you must. But enough with the going through elevators, then hangers, then the cinematics of me taking off into orbit...


And especially the cinematics of going into orbit. I'm dropping something off because I need to use the holocommunicator, I'm not crossing the galaxy yet. I have other things to do still...



And, while you're at it: MUZZLE THE DROID!!!!

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This wouldn't make the impact that people think it will. The fast travel option currently makes an area transition to the point you select. If you were to fast travel to your ship, you would still get a loading screen to get in.


All you would bypass are the pair of three-second area transitions from fast traveling, to the station, and finally to your ship. Is six seconds of "load" time really that big of a deal?


It costs much more time in actual traveling, as in, running from the fast travel point to the ship. I don't know about anyone else, but I prefer it this way. People mask this as a breech of immersion, but the ability to teleport to your ship does not address this at all.


Read my above post. That's a blatant misrepresentation of how much instance-swapping is required to get on and off most higher-level planets. If you haven't yet made it off Nar Shaddaa or Tatooine, I could see how you would think this, but that's not how it is later in the game. They make you go through entirely unnecessary multiple loading screens and transitions on a round trip from somewhere like Taris to Imp Fleet and back.


And to the people saying the Fleet Pass justifies all this, that pass only gets you TO fleet once every 18 hours. What happens when you want to get back to where you were? I still shudder at how many loading screens I had to go through at the end of my Chapter 1 quests on my BH.

Edited by Mannic
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Can we also make it so getting into my ship doesn't launch me into space? I play a smuggler and sometimes I need to go talk to Risha while on a planet. I don't need to launch myself through the atmosphere and break orbit just to say "What's up?" to someone in my cargo bay. Sometimes I want to go to my storage locker while on a planet, why do I have to see 4 loading screens for this?
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Here's what happens if you want to get back to your ship and you're on Taris.


You make your way back to the zone entry-point. You get onto a shuttle that takes you to an orbiting station. (Loading screen.) You get off the shuttle. You run to an elevator (transition screen.) You run to the airlock. You get onto your ship (loading screen.)


A direct shuttle that puts you on your ship would save one or two area transitions and a loading screen. And of course you have to go through the same transitions on your way back to the planet. Remove the dang orbital stations from the process. They are totally just unnecessary loading screens and there's no reason to ever be on one.


If "story" is the only reason these things are in the game, that's a really poorly conceived reason. They make you go through the same transitions and loading screens every time because maybe once in the course of your story there's some dialogue that happens there?


The orbital station loading screens are so quick I actually forgot they happen. Most planets after Taris are like that. And while they are annoying and I prefer direct ports the time it takes to travel through them is pretty minimal. I actually like the immersion of having to go through an orbital station or port based on the planet. It extends the game as well.

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Quick Travel should be able to take you to your ship as well as a bind point on the planet you are on.


Also, get rid of all hangers, air locks, and orbital stations. I'm sure that all sounded great at the meeting table for 'realism', but I'm a Sith, not an astronaut in training! It is ridiculous in terms of gameplay to force people to run through multiple empty zones in order to travel between planets.

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Can we also make it so getting into my ship doesn't launch me into space? I play a smuggler and sometimes I need to go talk to Risha while on a planet. I don't need to launch myself through the atmosphere and break orbit just to say "What's up?" to someone in my cargo bay. Sometimes I want to go to my storage locker while on a planet, why do I have to see 4 loading screens for this?


Because in the higher levels of the game you are docked at a docking station that orbits the planet. That's what people are complaining about.


To get to a planet from the fleet you have to:


1. Go to your hangar and board your ship

2. Fly to your planet.

3. Exit ship onto the orbiting station.

4. Run (no speeders allowed) through the station to the shuttle.

5. Board shuttle

6. Appear on planet and then RUN out. (again, no speeders allowed)


Your ship is not on the planet, it's in a space dock.


I agree though. It's tedious to the max.

Edited by monjiay
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There's not a lot I find tedious with things how they are, but one thing is some of the huge empty hangers, for instance on drommund kas. from the entrance to the hanger to your ship is a huge empty space, stairs, rooms, corners, all with no real reason. This kind of thing i can see room for cutting.
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This issue is the first thing I posted after my beta weekend. The hangar serves no purpose. I can understand on the capital planet where you finally get your ship and the hangar is the big reveal. But after that, it is just tedious. Not being able use your speeder in the hangar except in fleet just makes it tougher. And don't get me started on going to planets that have orbital stations... yay! an extra run through a pointless dead area!


Just get rid of the hangar on fleet and all other planets except the capital planet. And get rid of orbital stations on the high level planets, they serve no purpose other than to add to the already long, time investment required to travel.

Edited by Figmentus
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When I want to get back to my ship fast I just use my fleet pass. This puts me right outside of my ships hanger on the fleet which makes it very quick to board the ship. But would also be nice to have a call to ship option, not at the top of list but would be nice.


It also requires you to load the fleet, then get on your ship and then load another planet (plus travel through 2-3 empty zones).


Point being, it could be easier.

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I am aware and do use the fleet passes from the authentication vendor. HOWEVER, that does not address the issue. If I am on planet A, I still have to go fleet pass>ship>planet. I think we can all agree that bipassing an unnecessary load in that laggy fleet would be most welcome! The load screens are long and really make moving about cumbersome, so getting rid of even 1 would really be great.
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I wish the fleet travel passes you buy from the security key vendor took you to your ship's dock on the fleet rather than the ord mantell/tython departures. Beyond that, I don't really mind since I can use those any time.




I haven't bought any and I can still use it...:confused:

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No reason not to allow this. It's really stupid and tedious and kills your patience with the game after playing for an hour or two when you have to change planets and know it'll take forever, especially with the loading issues this game has on many PC configurations.
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