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Everything posted by darthtejas

  1. Thanks. It is not the code. I cant even enter the code, so its a SWTOR or SWTOR account issue.
  2. Ive tried for over two weeks now to redeem a cartel coins code I bought from Amazon but the code redemption link on SWTOR times out or doesnt work at all. Ive successfully redeemed these codes before the new expansion with no issues at all. Ive tried it on mutliple PCs, across firefox/mozilla, explorer, and chrome. None of these options work. I assume my account is the issue? Anyone having similar issues? Im able to log into the game and my account with no problems at all.....just cant redeem codes. thanks
  3. Do you not have to be valor rank 60 to get BM gear after 1.2?
  4. So will you still need to be valor 60 to get BM gear after 1.2?
  5. So valor rank after 1.2 will just be to decorate our armor? So anyone can buy BM gear and not have to be valor rank 60? Im confused...
  6. ^this. Just remove vehicles from fleet, or only allow in center hub, and not the outer hub.
  7. The one thing I see beyond the PVE notion is open world PVP...how would the game know to disable this ability when you fight in a non warzone. Just curious.
  8. Plus it causes additional lag for me as this spams my screen....I think I die more from the RED TEXT in PVP than from other players, lol.
  9. Thanks, Dragon. Figured it wasnt THAT big of a deal to hold onto whatever I picked, since 50 wasnt that far off. Do LS's come out of champ bags, or only champ and cent tokens/gear?
  10. There are a few options for level 46 Lightsabers at the PVP vendor on the fleet (I believe Jenson is the NPC's name?); however, I’m not convinced which is the best to purchase with my warzone comms. I’m anni spec'd marauder as an FYI. Just looking for some thoughts from any of you who were at this level and had similar choices to make. It seems all have +power and not crit bonuses, so it felt like a move in the wrong direction. thanks!
  11. I played all last night and didnt notice any difference in any aspect of the game.
  12. Same for me. Also, some of these greyed out quests I have gone back and tried to complete (after resetting them) and the last NPC, which does have his little triangle over his head, wont even talk to me. So I cant finish the mission, nor delete.
  13. ___________________________________________________ This. You are dead on, and I 100% agree as playing the Maurader. You took the words right out of my mouth.
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