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Many 50s not rushing, 4 hrs/pvp


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If you played 200 hours in a game you cant say that game have no content.


for ann MMO you can,I put 200hours into Skyrim,cheaper, no sub, free just as few people around, just as crappy pvp and it was a better game.


Oh and if I encountered a bug /console, no need for support which is good but SWTOR has none and we need it.

Edited by TheHirogen
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One of the issues I find is that the game encourages us to rush through content due to the fact we level too quickly. If you do every quest on a planet, then you better not do any FPs, PvP or space combat or you will be really over-leveled for the next planet.


After being 4-6 levels too high for a couple of planets, I had to skip the content on 3 of them just to bring my level back in line with my main quest. Quesh takes all of 2hours if you don't do the side quests for some classes.


TOR gives us more content than we can consume and remain in the right level bracket. So in this way, I do feel rushed. I am having to leave planets before I otherwise would choose to. I am also lucky if I get to run a FP once before I out level it. Then, if you do it 2-3 times because you enjoy it and/or want the loot, then you are now a level or two too high for your main quest.


I love the fact that TOR has no grind, it does present some unique minor issues though.

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There is a misnomer in the line "rush to the end". 50 is not the end. It is the beginning.


This isn't WoW. WoW was terrible in this respect, and it was a cancer on the genre. Games before WoW did not have this problem. This is not something that is specific to MMOs. It was never this way, and I hate WoW for making people like you think like this.

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I made 50 2 weeks after the game was unofficially released. I only skipped the alien chat that I didn't care to hear. (I enjoyed the droids tho! Especially the ones on Coroscant)



Can say though, they need a better system for 50's to accomplish things. Right now it seems every 50 is just pvping. I have been unable to do any flashpoints since Esselles. It's pretty annoying. I even tried to spend a few hours while leveling to find groups for them but never could get anything to happen. Feels like I lost a lot of content because Bioware didn't think too much into things.

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for ann MMO you can,I put 200hours into Skyrim,cheaper, no sub, free just as few people around, just as crappy pvp and it was a better game.


Oh and if I encountered a bug /console, no need for support which is good but SWTOR has none and we need it.



Well go play Skyrim then. I want to play Star Wars and that is what I'm paying for.. I have no problem paying for it either.



Putting in 5+ hours a day into a game is incredibly unhealthy and this puts you into a hardcore category, even if you don't consider yourself hardcore.

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When EQ2 launched the level cap was 50, not 80. I imagine once SWTOR has 3 expansions under it's belt it will take much longer to hit max level.


He didn't say he played at launch, he said the old level cap. The current level cap on EQ2 is 90. So hes correct.

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The whole 6-14 hours a day reasoning is flawed as well...


its like saying "for some reason this game is getting boring, but i dont know why" when you are playing 6-14 hours each day, its bound to get boring.

And youre bound to finish the game.



YES there is a lack of end-game, but for the love of all that is holy, get out and enjoy life a bit. Its not good for you to spend all day inside playing a game.


Or at the very least vary your gaming a bit. Play some other games every now and then.


spending 6-14 hours each day on the same game is NOT healthy. I think even Bioware would agree with me there.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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These people that rush to 50.. have they played through the entire Story? Do they have HK-51? And most importantly, have they found *all* the datacrons? Because the people that plow to 50 are most likely going to be the Hardcore Raiders, and once the Hardcore Raiding Guilds get going, I guarantee you they're going to demand that you have every datacron in the game.
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These people that rush to 50.. have they played through the entire Story? Do they have HK-51? And most importantly, have they found *all* the datacrons? Because the people that plow to 50 are most likely going to be the Hardcore Raiders, and once the Hardcore Raiding Guilds get going, I guarantee you they're going to demand that you have every datacron in the game.


easiest way to get all datacrons is getting them at level 50 just an FYI, it will also go a lot faster, why? mobs wont be a problem, oned needing to enter heroics and or complete, speed by having all checkpoints opened up and using a speeder with 110% speeder rank 3 etc not waisting precious time enjoying story and questing to jump and try to land on a platform for 3 hours...





PS: You can't get that companion FYI! (anymore)

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That they even didn't rush just shows you how the EXP system is far too fast.


How is the EXP system too fast? I hit 50 right at the end of Corellia. Which means from the time I left Ord Mantell to the time I reached the planet with all of the level 50 daily content (Ilum), I went from 1-50. That seems like the pacing is spot on for the number of missions and planets provided at launch.

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I just hit lvl 48 on my Marauder, with 3d23hr played. I have not rushed one bit. I assume your numbers on the first page are an average, cause if not, you're way off.


roughly the same for me,when i hit 50 i was ~ 3d6hr. part of that was making sure i did all the daily's for space missions and pvp etc. i also tried to focus on orange level quest and killing elites.

(this was as a seer btw)

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How is the EXP system too fast? I hit 50 right at the end of Corellia. Which means from the time I left Ord Mantell to the time I reached the planet with all of the level 50 daily content (Ilum), I went from 1-50. That seems like the pacing is spot on for the number of missions and planets provided at launch.


The exp system is actually really fast. If you do all of the quests, bonus missions, heroics (just once at least), pvp and maybe a flashpoint or two at your level, space dailies, then you will easily outlevel the next planet by 2-3 levels until you get 48+. At that point, it seems everything catches up and you can't really get ahead anymore as much as just get to 50.


The people who actually group up for quests get a nice exp bonus along the way. The people who make use of rest exp more efficiently will also level up even faster while spending less time than someone who pure levels solo.


With that being said though, everyone's play experience will vary based on what exp compromises they are willing to make. Don't feel like killing 50+ mob? It's ok, you can make up the exp else where. I for example, did all the quests I could leveling to 50 and I still had quests I had to skip because they were gray.


With that said though, I do agree the pacing is perfect. People who want to spend the extra time doing all the quests and bonus series as well as bonus missions can easily get ahead. The more casual player that does class quest and a lot of the side stuff keeps on pace. The people who just do class quest and very few side stuff, however, will fall behind fast if they don't pvp or do space missions to make up the extra exp.

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These people that rush to 50.. have they played through the entire Story? Do they have HK-51? And most importantly, have they found *all* the datacrons? Because the people that plow to 50 are most likely going to be the Hardcore Raiders, and once the Hardcore Raiding Guilds get going, I guarantee you they're going to demand that you have every datacron in the game.


I just got my first datacron and it was the most hilariously stupid thing I've had to do yet in game, which is saying something.


Going to leave the others alone. Talk about not fun.

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frankly if you have the time/will to play 6-14 hours a day for a couple weeks i cant really sympathize with your plight... It sucks that you are running out of content, but thats not really anybody's fault. I mean its not like the content wasnt there.... you just played it all already.


The way i see it you can either roll an alt, or play something else for a while. And dont misunderstand me, i dont mean that with any kind of malice or ill will. There is no game that can hold strong against people that consume content that quickly, and there probably never will be. To expect the game to move forward at that kind of pace is just unrealistic.

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I loved the counselor story, and I am now embarked on a scoundrel story. I figure I have another 6 classes to go. That's me, but I can appreciate those who only want one character saying they have nothing to do.



I dissagree with this. This is an MMORPG, not just an MMO. And with each class haveing its own story, I think if people are only going to play one class, there only getting 12.5% of the game.


There for, they have no right to complain. This is not wow, where every class has the same quest line. All the classes have DIFFERNT quest lines, with differnt storys.

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6-14 hrs a day is playing a lot.


Hitting 50 in 2.5 hrs/lvl or less is rushing. Hell, given that Biowares said 200 hrs per class I'd even give you anything faster than 3.8 hrs/lvl as rushing.


There is a difference between rushing and playing a lot.


What do you think the reaction would be if you could only log n for 3 hours a day max?


That is the only way you prevent folks from putting in 8 or more hours per day.


Even people who take 2 months to hit 50 I bet will be at the 4 hrs per level rate, just having logged in fewer hours per day, and maybe, just maybe, in two months they will have more to do at that point, but it isn't looking too much like it.


lol 200 hours of class story is FALSE... actual class story is not even 100 hours as i see now being lvl 47 in an hour i have roughly 4 days played... i started skipping side quest ******** talking at lvl 44 on belsavis cos i really dont care why the third lunatic clan made rampage after born in prison....


Actually it takes roughly 3-5 hours per lvl on 40+ 1-20 is lulz anyway and 20-40 is ok paced


90-120 hours per 1 50 lvl is about right imo which is roughly 5 days played. achiavable in roughly 14 days of playing

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I dissagree with this. This is an MMORPG, not just an MMO. And with each class haveing its own story, I think if people are only going to play one class, there only getting 12.5% of the game.


There for, they have no right to complain. This is not wow, where every class has the same quest line. All the classes have DIFFERNT quest lines, with differnt storys.


Really.... by your standards noone will ever do it all cos those who will lvl 8 classes to lvl 50 wont raid all modes etc etc... but this is ********...


Its like saying you did not finish KOTOR cos you did not play all combination of soldiers and jedi stuff...


Game is has 2 tiers you can call finished...


1. The class story is over and you reached highest possible level


2. You completed all content in terms of MMO group play on hardest difficulty possible( i however disagree with that since if you kill 1 boss on normal he is dead for me and if i do it on heroic this is just throwing sand in my eyes giving fake feelings of accomplishment over something accomplished before)


so yea your definitions are wrong...

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Many of you say that people are rushing to 50, calling them spacerbarers saying they skip all the story. This simply is not true.


In my guild on Ven Zallow, we have people who put in a lot of hours, but that is different than "rushing to 50".


Our fastest player did it in 2.8 hrs/lvl as judged by the /played command.


Most of us are at 3.8 to 4.2 hrs/lvl.



We put in a lot of time, but spent Biowares estimated 200 hours for a class.


I loved the counselor story, and I am now embarked on a scoundrel story. I figure I have another 6 classes to go. That's me, but I can appreciate those who only want one character saying they have nothing to do.


Now maybe you can blame them for putting in 6-14 hours a day, but they aren't rushing, if anything the game is engaging them fully.


So maybe give more consideration to the thought that when they say there is no end game economy, or that when you have run the hard mode flashpoints, two Ops that are available, and are valor 60 por close to it that they feel there is not much left to them that you too might soon be at their point,


I wont soon be at their point, I dont have 14 hours a day to sit in a dark room (though I wish I did). I get about 1lv a day if I play in an evening after work. Which I think is reasonable.

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When EQ2 launched the level cap was 50, not 80. I imagine once SWTOR has 3 expansions under it's belt it will take much longer to hit max level.


OT: Personally I don't feel I "rushed" to 50 (just hit it this Sunday at 8 days played). However, I definitely managed to get more playtime than some when the game first came out since I had knee surgery and wasn't allowed to move.


IMO this game has a decent amount of time to level, I've seen faster and slower. I will say that I enjoyed leveling in this game far more than any other.


What i ment was: the endgame cap was 80 when i left it, think that was "kurnak" expansion or something. I returned afew times, though sometime after sentinals expansion i quit for good.


My point was, even getting to 50 (from what many guildies and friends told me) when it launched was slower than most new age mmo's, and I'm not talking about SW;TOR here, I'd say (imo) ToR is around medium leveling curve.


Mmo's like AoC and rift leveling curve were insanely fast, again imo.

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Really.... by your standards noone will ever do it all cos those who will lvl 8 classes to lvl 50 wont raid all modes etc etc... but this is ********...


Its like saying you did not finish KOTOR cos you did not play all combination of soldiers and jedi stuff...


Game is has 2 tiers you can call finished...


1. The class story is over and you reached highest possible level


2. You completed all content in terms of MMO group play on hardest difficulty possible( i however disagree with that since if you kill 1 boss on normal he is dead for me and if i do it on heroic this is just throwing sand in my eyes giving fake feelings of accomplishment over something accomplished before)


so yea your definitions are wrong...[/QUOTE]


thats a little harsh, and not entirely accurate. Kotor Only had 2 major plotlines. you could either go light side or dark side. your class did not impact the story at all. SWTOR on the otherhand has a unique story for each class in the game.


You may not agree that completing those plotlines are necessary to "finish" the game, but that definitely does not make his definition of completion "wrong".

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