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Jedi Knights PvP gear is unacceptably pathetic. Be united against it!


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also its pvp armor so its supposed to look like you are ready for combat and not normal walking around clothing i think it is an interesting take on a knight armour. altho the helmet is a miss imo.


if you are going to go with samuri go all the way and give it a few more samuria armor touches.


i would have given them the flat pieces of armor usually accompanied on samuria shoulders and the pieces that come around the waist and hang down now that would have finished this set up for me.


without the helmut tho it actually looks pritty cool.


not the worst by far altho the sith armor has more stuff on it,

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This armor makes it very easy for me to stop PVPing and regret nothing. Aside from the terrible PVP.


I think the guy who designed this armor was so drunk when he designed it, that he died of alcohol poisoning. Bioware, then decided to keep the armor, as a silent tribute.

Edited by Fiachsidhe
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This armor makes it very easy for me to stop PVPing and regret nothing. Aside from the terrible PVP.


I think the guy who designed this armor was so drunk when he designed it, that he died of alcohol poisoning. Bioware, then decided to keep the armor, as a silent tribute.


This is absolute gold..



...and probably the truth.

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It's entirely ******** how favored the empire was in armor design, I saw this coming and I knew that Bioware would do this to us.


The Jedi knight looks *********** terrible and yet they probably won't even change it for us. For gear that takes so freaking long to acquire I feel like I should look cool after I get it

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First of all, that armor looks so *********** terrible I would've assumed this thread was a troll except for the fact that it has so many replies that confirm it's not. Honestly I'd rather quit this game and save $10-15 a month then use that armor. Not kidding.


Second of all, does anyone else feel the JK armor (especially for the Guardian) is a bit ridiculous in terms of either simplicity or flashiness? I mean most HEAVY ARMOR is just a plain robe until you get to like lv 30ish it finally starts to look a bit like armor, but then it just looks like a *********** costume and not battle-worthy armor. I honestly don't mind just simple robes, but why isn't there armor like what the JK models are wearing in Character Creation? just a plain robe with trooperish looking armor underneath (basically what Obe-wan wears in The Clone Wars).


Thirdly......... *********** Capes? Seriously.... just... This hurts to say(er type) but... **** you Bioware.. **** you straight in your EA infested ******es.


You're welcome.

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why do we have this junk PVP armour, when the armour from the character select isn't even available in game?




I see others share my sentiment. Seriously though why did they even make this armor model if they didn't plan on using it? And if they planned on using it... *** happened? This BY FAR is cooler then any other armor I've seen for JK in-game.

Edited by cokewise
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All they have to do is remove the backback (Why was this needed?) and get rid of the single "shoulder pad" (Srsly who the hell thought this was cool?) and replace it with a hood/cape like the level 40 blue pvp gear


no more hoods and capes, make the helm a hood or something.


or they shouldnt worry about it because its really not that bad and just make th next set really good.


i mean in terms of armor this isnt that bad. and the color variants look better i believe they arent all gold


or is this battle master


plus are you all just alking about the sent armor or the guardian. guardian looks good imo

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Yeah I agree with this. I'll be honest, upon viewing this armor at the vendor, I decided there and then I wasn't gonna PVP on my JK...


asthetics are more important than alot of people seem to think. Its pretty important in an MMO to want to work for that gear that looks 'cool'.


Those of you talking about the Character creation armor....It actually does exist in game. Its random world drop Orange gear, it has an entire set called 'Jedi Battlelord's XXXX'. It drops with no mods in it, and instead of white its it golden. It is the armor the Master is wearing in the Decieved trailer, and on the loading screen. Has everything, belt, boots, bracer, gloves, greaves, chest.

Edited by JeedaiFiresaber
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