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Everything posted by Oboros

  1. All they have to do is remove the backback (Why was this needed?) and get rid of the single "shoulder pad" (Srsly who the hell thought this was cool?) and replace it with a hood/cape like the level 40 blue pvp gear
  2. Oboros

    So, dinged 50...

    You are on the wrong team I'm on the same boat I don't have much gear at all and im forced to fight vs Empire with 2-3 Battlemasters per premade I do insignificant damage to them and when they finally realize I'm there they 3 shot me good fun.
  3. Never mind I guess the discharge is the equivalent to your R keybinding also you use your taunts which is much more then I can say for a lot of ppl those who are even tanked specced
  4. Maybe its cause I play an assassin and not a shadow but I seem to never see you discharge? Thats free damage O.o also your timing is very poor with your force shroud but that doesn't matter since you are not show casing your skill here right?
  5. I don't like making topics of something that is constantly complained about but this system is seriously the dumbest thing I've ever seen. Why can't they at least implement something like an increased drop rate the more number of bags you go through without getting a drop?
  6. I just hit 50 my self and all I want to do is pvp too bad I can never get a warzone
  7. I agree completely I think the Vigilance tree is a lot for fun then the cookie cutter focus spec but its no where near as effective in pvp. Focus spec is great but its so one dimensional force sweep then wait for the next force sweep. I would love to see some buffs to Vigilance
  8. So yeah is it unheard of getting your level rolled back?
  9. Do you think they will let me go back 1 level?? I wouldn't mind being stuck at 49 cause this is kinda stupid.
  10. Oh by no means do I tank I do damage on my knight
  11. I've been doing pretty well actually its all about fun and I have a blast with my knight more then I do with my sin
  12. It really sucks I made my knight for pvp only now that I'm finally 50 on him I can't
  13. I'll never see another WZ again will I?
  14. How can they even allow something that looks this horrible to be put in? You don't have to have any experience in art or design to tell it looks like a load of crap. The level 40 pvp gear is by far the best and they should put the expertise/set bonus on the level 50 mods so we can just swap it out I REALLY don't want to look like that. Disgusting.
  15. Ops do the same thing tho You play scoundrel? No wonder you are defending them too hard. They don't need a big nerf just some toning down is all wait till you get gear like my OP friend (who admits hes OP) he kills tanks in 3 - 5 seconds so the whole "you are forced to focus tank" he says bring it.
  16. I have to say something here I play an assassin your mirror class and our damage is insane we have one of the longest range cc in the game with electrocute which is long cc in it self I crit over 5k constantly with mauls and my shocks/discharge crit for about 3.4k we have something the ops dont range they really are more a melee class then we are. And don't forget about force shroud I'm not sure what its called for shadows but good timing with that will completely destroy most ppl
  17. All I got from this is that Imps are underplayed which they are I doubt anyone would not want one on their premade in a serious match up I play an Assassin and yes our damage is comparable but we do not kill you in 1 stun when you have no chance of fighting back.
  18. Ahh but they seem to start dodgin/resisting like mad when thats up is that a separate cd?
  19. They have a shield which really boosts their defenses which makes them hard to kill if you ever get the chance fighting back good luck breaking through it T_T
  20. Well I guess in their defense they are prob the least played class so not many people are having trouble with them.
  21. Ya my friend is a GEARED (pvp) full tank power tech and this opretive would kill him 100-0 in one stun I watched in awe lol
  22. Ahh I guess just dying to them withing one stun is my bad then I don't know why I felt that getting 3 shotted was slightly too strong
  23. So I'm having trouble with OPratives (see what I did there ) Are they OP? Or is there a way to play against them that I haven't learnt yet I'm pretty much dead before i get off the ground and if I break out im at 30% life it doesnt matter
  24. Hope they fixed SIs Darth title no mention of it in patch notes and it doesn't seem very hard to fix at all.
  25. I know the champion ones are what about the Cents? I mean purple in color aka Mace Windu
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