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[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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I am not going to resub. As much fun as I had with leveling my first toon to 50, the game just doesn't pull me in anymore somehow.

Like someone said a few posts above, I only play this game lately as a last resort.

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It's a horrendous game, composed largely of sticks tethered together with twine, built on a foundation of mud.


The rainy season is coming -- I hear the thunder rumbling even now. Enjoy your boat ride, Biofail.


I have no clue why people like this, that claim to hate the game, still post on this forum.

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Yes, I'm still having fun and expect Bioware to continue to make fixes/progress.


I enjoy the class quests and pretty much have one of each class on both Empire and Republic.


The PvP is a fun diversion and I have hopes they will continue to improve.


Bottom line - So long as I'm still having fun I'll continue to subscribe. That is what playing games is all about, at least for me.


If I stop having fun, why then I'll leave, no hard feelings and probably no posts. I've already gotten my moneys worth out of the game :)

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Ended yesterday after not loging in for more then 5 minutes for 2 weeks straight. Carrot on a stick isn't working on me, sorry. Hopefuly GW2 makes me happy, if not i'm back to WoW/Allods Online. Besides, couple of single player / co-op games coming out this year that i'm looking forward to; Darksiders 2, Torchlight 2, Diablo 3, Borderlands 2...


I might miss SW:TOR a bit but honestly I won't return. Farewell!

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It's a horrendous game, composed largely of sticks tethered together with twine, built on a foundation of mud.


The rainy season is coming -- I hear the thunder rumbling even now. Enjoy your boat ride, Biofail.


Betcha a buck it'll still be going strong next year at this time.




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Hubby, son, family members and now all guild members have unsubbed. We're waiting on something better to come out. Not giving my money away to sit at the fleet in my ugly battlemaster gear, lol. End game is disappointing.
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It's a horrendous game, composed largely of sticks tethered together with twine, built on a foundation of mud.


The rainy season is coming -- I hear the thunder rumbling even now. Enjoy your boat ride, Biofail.


Such a productive comment. Good riddance.

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Unsubbed a few days ago, and havent logged in since.


Have 2 level 50's, another 5 in their 40's (the last is in his 30's), and have really done "everything" that this game has to offer.


Have plenty of money (15 mill or so), and could probably make 3 times that if i bothered (but there is really no point as money has no "meaning" in this game past misc. items like speeders, etc).


Got a 6 month sub on launch though, so the account will be active for a fair while yet. I might pop back and look when 1.2 comes out (i havent even logged in to look at 1.5).

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Such a productive comment. Good riddance.


Irony......learn it :)



Anyway, nope, noway, not in this lifetime....I would rather be strained through a chain-link fence than spend so much as a single penny on this game that should have been a console co-op rather than a pc mmo. SWTOR will not get any of my, my families, friends and guild mates money ever again.

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I am hoping that Bioware does the new Baldur's gate well

ehhh, they are making a new Baldurs Gate ?


The horror...thank you Bioware for utterly messing up another nice memory.. i still get nasty flashbacks from Dragon Age 2, words fail me when trying to describe how bad it was compared to the first.


Good thing that words fail me really, or the mods would probably have had to do something about it...lol

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This is my first MMO and I am giving up with only one character at lvl35. The story is good, I'm sick of the grind.


This is the second time that I'm basically stuck. Can't get to Quesh until I hit lvl36 and I've got nothing left but heroics that are next to impossible. I could grind my way past this, but I just don't want to.


Too much travel also. I don't mind walking around Skyrim but here it is a boring pain.

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I really enjoy the game, up to level 25-30 or so. For some reason, BW has decided that the higher level you are, the harder the boss fights for class quests. I have one toon to level 43 that I can't play any more because the boss is so *********** hard that it's stupid. It's a class quest, not a raid boss! I have no intention on sitting in general chat begging for someone to help, and I won't subject my guild mates to spend 20 minutes of tedious travel to get to me to help so I'm stuck. As I play other toons, I see the same thing happening; as I get close to level 30, it starts getting stupid hard to do the class quests.


I'm to the point where I don't have fun and rarely log in any more. I'll probably unsubscribe soon.

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