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10 Good
  1. Title says it all, anyone know if, and when Bioware is adding an option to hide companion head slots? Seems pretty dumb to have companion customization options then end up either having to gimp your companion by taking the helm off, or not enjoying the customization at all.
  2. I will only because of how much potential this game has. Tons of new planets, races, classes, (hopefully they make traveling less tedious) , but other then that and a few little gripes here and there I'm loving the game. PS: I cannot wait for cross-server LFG ui.
  3. This ^ With one exception, arena changed Blizzards model to FotY classes. Resto Druids dominated the first two years, and Frost Mages have dominated past three years. Right on about everything else though. WoW is a real life job to so many people which is part of the reason it's so mean spirited. Everyone from the gold sellers, carriers, and people like Swifty, that spend all day looking for cheap game mechanics to put on youtube and get advertisement hits. The people in WoW remind me of Obi explaining to Luke about the Tatooine Space Port. "There has never been a more wretched hive of scum and villainy." That said, I wouldn't mind an arena of sorts so long as there are no "functional" rewards for it. Meaning no better gear, no special mounts, nothing! Just a ratings system and maybe a tittle if the devs feel generous. People will still be able to find out who the best is, they just won't be able to make a full time job out of it, and I doubt the whole game would get balanced around it if arena were implemented in such a way.
  4. This ^ By far the most balanced MMO I have ever played, and I have played quite literally just about every MMO of note. Sure there are some "light" tweeks that need to made here and there, but I too destroy everything regardless of the class I'm playing and I'm a serious alt-oh-holic.
  5. Dear OP, If you thought a game made by Bioware would really launch with a rated PvP system you're not very bright. However I was shocked to see it launch with no cross-server platform because every game that has launched post WOW has failed without it. Bioware is adding cross-server technology and will probably add a rating system with it eventually. So cheer up butter cup:)
  6. Naw you'll be right here complaining. Casuals are the most vital part of an MMO, they'll leave without saying hello or good bye on these forums "after" one too many long waits for a group. You on the other hand, will be right here complaining about something, no doubt about it.
  7. This is a "no brainer". Yes, I want this option! Mainly because of the math. The people who do want this option will leave the game if they don't get it. The people complaining about this option will just continue to complain for the most part.
  8. I agree with OP, and both the ******* who don't want this option and Bioware will pay dearly. It's called "the domino effect." An MMO's success lies squarely on casual players who have RL friends and jobs. They're main reason for playing swtor isn't to login and say hello to a bunch of people. They want to button mash and kill things, the hello's and goodbye's are just bonuses. Why would a casual player login into swtor only to wait around 30mins-1 hour+ to find a group when he can come home from work, log right into xbox live and instantly start button mashing with their friends?? That is the real reason why WoW became the super massive mmo it is. Because it brought that "xbox live" casual atmosphere to the MMO market. No waiting around for groups, raids, pvp, etc. When it comes to MMO"s options are king. Options for customization, options for gameplay, and my personal favorite option dating all the way back to Mortal Kombat a "BLOOD&GORE" option hehehe.
  9. Well as much as I love this game, Bioware, and Starwars. I have to say they made a classic mistake of launching an MMO without cross-server functionality. It's the one common denominator all failure MMO's share. I know some people are into community and all that drama, but for those of us who have "real lives" and just want to log in to find a group quickly for a bit of fun, not having that option is totally unacceptable in 2012. I'm loving the game regardless, and plan on staying a long time regardless, but others will look for greener pastures.
  10. I'll probably stay forever. I'm a huge fan of Bioware, and a huge fan of Starwars.
  11. I sure would. I love Bioware's story lines. To me this is just a never ending sandbox of Bioware goodness. Not saying the game is perfect. There are still plenty of bugs to be worked out, and there is plenty of room for expansion, but I'm hooked.
  12. Fun Fact: Bounty Hunters/Troopers have ranged abilities which means no matter what they take less damage. I find it sad that I'd have to explain this to people after nearly 12 years of MMO history. A DPS melee class needs to jump into the action and can be instantly focus fired to death. They need some damage mitigation for the balance or one shot type of damage to be viable in a pvp setting. It's just math bro you should look into it. It also takes more skill to play a melee class because it also requires a lot more movement.
  13. Really... you'd think after the zillion mmo's that launched after WoW and died in large part due to no cross-server pvp system, that even launching a game without cross-server technology would be a BAD idea! That's what people who talk about community do not understand. There is no community without options. Cross server technology gives players who would be stuck bored waiting for games to pop that option. It also gives casual players a place to escape when that one team emerges from the server (as always happens), a place to have casual random fun without feeling like their being farmed. Options are always a good thing when it comes to gaming, because of their very definition.
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