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Rate SWTOR out of 10.


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So, Im just gonna make up my own rules like everyone else here


12/10 while leveling


8/10 at end game, right about average for a new mmo


16/10 for interesting quests, space combat missions, and voice overs when other games have none


5/10 for use as a doorstop, not heavy enough, poorly designed for this purpose, but will work if you wedge it in there really hard


That all adds up to something like 41/40, so a better than perfect score!!!

Edited by Ideologue
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lets make a game and put all our effort into the lvling which takes like 2 weeks to get to 50 and then after that nothing............... cause they put the 4 years into the lvling part which takes like 2-3 weeks to get to maxs lvl u guys are *********** geniouses u know that
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First 1-50 Playthrough: 7/10

Replayability: 3/10 (More planets for the same level that allows different paths would increase this score)

PvE Endgame: 0/10 (Doesn't work and no NM loot table)

PvP Endgame: 1/10 (Random bags.. Really? Hutball was slightly entertaining though)

Music: 0/10 (What music?)

Ambient sounds: 0/10

Variety of races: 1/10

Story: 3/10 (SI after lvl 30 was a joke)

World design: 4/10 (Could have been bigger and more diverse)

Performance: 0/10 (I lag on a monster rig and my monster laptop)

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Because of Mako and Watcher 2 (I'm leveling with a friend playing an Agent).


Love the game, person I'm playing with loves it, people in our guild love it.


Probably give it a realistic 9.something/10 because of the occasional missing eyes during conversations.


Friend and I are taking it nice and slow and already have been planning out our next set of alts.


The people who space barred to 50 and then complain about nothing to do are the same people who go to the 10 Items or Less isle at the store with 11 items and then argue about it with the cashier for no reason.

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All known (since beta what i read) bugs i encountered.

Travel-time nonsense and slow-speeder.

Combat delay nonsense.

Customization lack nonsense.

Lfd lack nonsense.

Copy paste wow nonsense.

Non inspired character choice nonsense.

Nothing new and inspired nonsense.


But also:






They broke my hart a bit: so something they did right..right?

Edited by Patsboem
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  • Components standard to any MMO missing
  • Heavy pathing makes travel annoying
  • Need to go from planet to ship to station for shuttle to planet is idiotic
  • Load times
  • Broken targeting system set for "Target Nearst" often targets furthest - or companion
  • Jedi Knights ridiculously underpowered
  • No way to skip cutscenes
  • No way to end dialogue scenes early once you're already read them
  • Waiting for up to 10 minutes for a "Medical Droid"
  • Poor customer service



I could go on, but I've limited it to 10.

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With big companies like lucas/bioware and the amount of amazing things in other games that are out there and the failure to impliment what works and what doesn't. I could not care less for the fact that this game is new. There is 0 excuse for the lack of anything for as long as this game has been under production. Anyone other than the writer's should not be allowed to partake in any other f'ing mmo imo. This game is fail all around except for the story and I will not be re subbing.


F you bioware! I want a refund!

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++'s for the Story/Flashpoint Questlines and Voice Acting.


A metric crap-ton of --'s for everything else.


It's sad to see an MMO with the amount of hype, money, and man-hours invested into it get cranked out with the same old dated coding & development of other MMO's that are old enough to be tickling double digit territory. "Lookit meeee! Ah'ma Force User/Non-Force-User-w/a-Speeder and I can't jump or climb over anything taller than a speedbump!" . At least when a game like RIFT pulled this crap, they actually added top-of-the-line graphics and a bunch of QOL features to at least attempt to balance things out. Outside of the cutscreens, I feel like I'm playing a less stable version of vanilla WoW in space. And I got tired of WoW after 6 months.


To this, add bugs like the MANY variations of LoS Failure (nothing like you and your companion being gunned down by a boss that you "can't see" when he's right in front of your faces) that existed in beta and are still here @ Live, Customer Service response that can be rated slightly faster than a sloth on downers, classes with key abilities that are so poorly designed that the guide writers are telling players to leave them off of their hotbars...and you have even the most optimistic MMO vets only saying, "Well...at least it's Star Wars..." as a defining positive aspect of the actual game.


I'm in this until my friends decide to hop out. It's not a terrible game. It has it's good parts. But it really didn't raise the bar for MMO's at all to me.

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