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Everything posted by Ideologue

  1. The truth hurts when it isn't pretty. People don't like hearing facts about themselves that they would rather forget. 1. No, it has not been proven. Cite your studies. You do know there needs to be "proof" if you want to claim something is "proven" right? 2. It does prove that they do not spend as much time on that real job, real life, or those real responsibilities. That, in turn, proves that they don't value those things as much as those of us who actually invest our time into them. There are only so many hours in the day.
  2. I'm sorry, but it is an MMO. It may not be the MMO you are looking for, but it is an MMO. The focus is more on the RPG, but I always knew it would be since this is Bioware. I will happily pay the paltry 15 a month from now on for new content and the chance to interact with other players. The 59.99 sunk cost is something I have come to expect from most new games Plus, it's really almost a zero effective change, since I cancelled my WoW subscription and am refusing to pay Blizzard a red cent for that panda nonsense. There are no other options even worth mentioning. Well, I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you aren't just trolling. Even if you are, there are some in this thread who seem to agree with your opinion. The bad guys aren't always as bad as you might think, and the good guys not as good. Sometimes you have to make tough decisions, go with your alignment or do what you personally think is right despite the lost points. Sometimes they make it really tough to stick to alignment, and that requires some decent writing as well as an audience that cares enough to know when they are being tested. Anyway, I do read books and also play RPG's for story. Why? Because an RPG is not the same as a book. Might as well say to an avid reader, "Want a story? Watch a TV show!" The two are different products and different experiences, even when they are supposed to be telling the exact same story, the book you mentioned is an excellent example of that. I like Bioware RPG's because they combine my love of a good original story with my love of video games, books do not do that. Most video game companies are not even concerned with their story, they just pass off whatever junk they can come up with on their limited budget and call it good. Yet, some people still obsess over it, ask the Red Shirt Guy. I personally think the lack of emphasis on creating at least a passable story for games is a crying shame and a reflection of how dull most game companies think their primary audience really is. Game of Thrones was a good book, I am on Storm of Swords atm. Another good one to consider, if you haven't already read it, is "The Name of the Wind" by Patrick Rothfuss. The sequel isn't as good, but the first book is really well done and hooks you right in. I hope either one of these gets transformed into an MMO some day, and I hope it has lots of VO's and good writing. In fact, I hope Bioware does it. TL;DR - Stop liking what I don't like.
  3. I think it's because MMO players are so used to just ignoring the lame/boring quest text that most MMO's include only as an afterthought. They started thinking that the real point of the game was to rush to max level and post on the forums, instead of enjoying the game. In short, they forgot the whole RPG thing that used to come after the initials MMO.
  4. Can't wait for the Legacy system to be put in game. In WoW, I always kind of thought of my characters as related, especially in that the high level ones would finance the lower level ones. Now they can all have the same last name and actual in-game connections through the Legacy system. It provides more features for alts and I was already an altoholic. So, yeah, this game has met all my expectations and more. I just cannot see myself enjoying Kung Fu Panda the Game more than this in any way. I will likely buy GW2 as well, but I can find at least a few hours a week for both. Nothing else is even a competitor in my mind.
  5. So, Im just gonna make up my own rules like everyone else here 12/10 while leveling 8/10 at end game, right about average for a new mmo 16/10 for interesting quests, space combat missions, and voice overs when other games have none 5/10 for use as a doorstop, not heavy enough, poorly designed for this purpose, but will work if you wedge it in there really hard That all adds up to something like 41/40, so a better than perfect score!!!
  6. Of course, how could I not resub? I have only finished one character's storyline, which means I have 7 left to do and a LOT of content left to explore. Great job on the BH story Bioware, love my Merc. Current projects are a similar Vanguard on Republic side, as well as a mid-level Sith Sin. Both of these stories are entertaining and awesome as well. I barely have time to run a few FP's a week with my current 50 Merc! Kudos on getting the female Commander Sheppard back for the Vanguards voice btw, made me love the character instantly. Plans are: Merc, Vanguard, Sin, Scoundrel, Jugg, Sage, Sentinel, and finally Sniper. Hoping the pure DPS classes will be a little more balanced by the time I get around to them
  7. Oh when will Bioware let my female Merc make a move on her best friend and only companion of choice. Yeah, that made me sad IRL and I actually went out and started buying tech gifts for Mako because I felt guilty. Listen, I know not everyone approves of lesbian love, but I think the religious right could get over a digital almost kiss cutscene. If they can't, who cares, free publicity. You let my female Sheppard hook up with Liara in Mass Effect, why not now? Did someone make you change your opinion about how awesome that kind of choice is?
  8. Yeah, I actually can see a big fault with that, it makes the LS/DS system completely irrelevant outside of RP. My BH is currently near the end of DS IV and on the way to LS I, but if you use the above system, the very same BH is already at Neutral V. A BH at DS IV and not even to LS I yet is obviously not neutral in anyway, they are DS through and through. Unless you put in some requirement that says "Neutral Players may not advance beyond DS or LS III to remain neutral". In that case, you fix my first issue, but end up forcing choices for gear and alignment anyway, which is what a lot of neutral players supposedly want to avoid. You are just changing the flavor of the problem in that case. What it basically seems to come down to is that those who want neutral items do not like the DS/LS system at all and want it to have less impact on the game so they don't feel forced to make a certain choice. If I am wrong, propose a system for neutral gear that does not do this. I do not believe that such a system exists.
  9. So, Im confused and maybe it's just me. How would neutral relics work? Requirements that say you must have both Dark 1 and Light 1 for the same level of relic a LS or DS character would need Light 2 or Dark 2 for? Does that question make sense? I don't think I can phrase it any more clearly. If so, wouldn't that kind of force you to make choices to keep yourself neutral, which would end up forcing your decisions for the sake of gear, just like the current DS/LS system? I mean, if you are about to hit the right level for the next set of relics, and you have the LS rating you need, but not the DS rating, you would need to make DS choices to stay neutral enough for your next level of neutral gear. I am not saying that this is the system neutral players want, but these items shouldn't just be the same LS and DS relics with no LS/DS requirements at all, so whatever choices you decide to make you can use them. That would kind of make the DS/LS system pointless outside of RP.
  10. I love the space missions. A good idea for dailies. I would like to see it expanded. More missions at the least, a non-rail oriented system at the best. Still, upgrading my BH's ship and working for those special addons like EMP's, Power convertors, and torpedos was a big part of my motivation during my first trip to 50. When I was getting near 50 I even splurged for the purple, player crafted ship upgrades. I am still incredibly happy with those purchases. I just wish they would let me destroy the Republic vessels I cripple. Sure, I have destroyed my fair share of fighters and bombers, but the big destroyers and battleships I can only cripple. Even after I have destroyed their engines, shield generators, and every turrent on their hull, they still fly around in their smoking, flaming heap. Let me just put them out of their misery with a well aimed torpedo plz.
  11. 5.) Agreed, and already in the works. Don't know why it wasn't in release, but not really game breaking. Most important to those who want to be sure they are optimized for end game. Also good for arguments about needed class nerfs/buffs, a very popular forum topic, 4.) Meh, they make things easier and that makes some people happy. Stuff like more dynamic action bars and UI are already in the works and will be in soon. Mods like Gearscore are not really needed. The one I really miss is Power Auras. I know monitoring my procs is part of playing my class, but having a little more noticeable icon isn't too ez-mode is it? Raid frame click healing might be nice, but is pretty ez-mode in my opinion. 3.) Don't really see what your point is here. It's not very well developed. Guild capital ships I guess I can understand, but mini-games in cantinas for social points? Why not just earn social points by grouping for a FP or a heroic? What is the point of trying to draw people to cantinas? You just like the idea of more social activities there or what? Finally, I realize you didn't ask for chat bubbles, but I really wanna know why people want these so bad. Just because they are in WoW? What purpose do they really serve? 2.) Yeah, havent done much open world PVP, so I will take your word that it is horrible and unplayable. Taking points from WAR would be a bad idea though, far too much focus on severely nerfing PVE to balance PVP, which is the eternal problem with games that try to focus on both. One ends up taking precedence and ruining the other. I think this game is geared more towards PVE, so take that how you will. DAOC was awesome and was the last game I remember that actually had the three faction system everyone seems to think should be standard in MMO's now. 1.) See, this is the real problem. You are legit tired of the features that are in, but still want to be able to use those features when the mood strikes you. You admit you are burnt out on MMO endgames, but you buy a new MMO, get to endgame, and then are shocked that it seems like other MMO's. You also want a variety of other end game toys at the same time. These must all work well, with very few bugs, or the game fails. These kinds of time sinks for endgame might come eventually, but the game has been out for a little over a month. They should focus on fixing bugs and making any major game changes instead of adding more end game content. Thanks for your reasonable and mature opinion. I will consider a sub to your YouTube channel once I have time to review the material you have presented there.
  12. Force Shroud then Force Cloak. You do have to wait until mid-30's for Force Shroud I believe. Great skill for a 45 sec cd though...
  13. Go back to kung fu panda, pokemon, ez-mode raid finder content, and broken WSG. Every game has issues, and this is, hands down, the most entertaining MMO on the market right now. So, a good quick fix for the issue isn't enough for you? Need a rollback to make you feel ok about playing a game again? Fine, good riddance. What if you are a halfway reasonable and mature person? You are not currently living with your parents and raging hard at a video game? Still not happy with the product you purchased with your very own money? Want a bunch of features that aren't in game yet? Wait, and you will see some changes, but only if you can resist the "allure" of running back to stale old WoW. I know the idea of paying for an expansion you want nothing to do with, and settling in to be stuck in a a rut forever is appealing, but try to resist that urge. For the good of the MMO genre if nothing else. It's like finding a hot new gf after being stuck with the same old ball and chain for years. Sure, she may not make pancakes quite right yet, but we know which one is more fun to spend time with, don't we? Now, here is the good news, this is just a game, not a marriage. It's ok to not go back to WoW, no one will call you names or make you pay alimony. TL;DR - If the title describes you, get out of my Star Wars
  14. Just stopping by to commiserate with the other 7/29'ers. Thought I was doing well be pre-ordering so early, but oh well. From what I've been able to find out, we just missed getting in today and can probably expect access tomorrow. I can live with that.
  15. Meh, you picked the wrong type of computer for gaming. Apple has never cared about games and never will. My prediction is that they will soon stop selling desktops altogether. My guess is that roughly 75% of Apple users no longer even have an up to date desktop. Jobs is gone, and the last time that happened, their company took a huge hit. If they take a hit again, they may need to cut back on some product lines and focus on what makes them the most money, which is notebooks, tablets, and phones. No, notebooks will never be as good at gaming as a desktop, heat issues, component size issues, display issues. Apple users are more concerned about style and portability than power or compatibility, they have stuck with the brand for years despite a complete lack of support for gaming. Apple will see no risk in further distancing themselves from what they have historically seen as a PC area of the market. TL;DR: PC's are for games, Macs are for Facebook.
  16. Can offer some confirmation of this theory, pre-order code applied on July 29th, no invite yet.
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