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Nar Shaddaa is Appaling


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Ever played GTA. It's a city too, but that's a level design I would expect from a modern MMO. Nar Shadda is not a giant city it's a giant junk yard.


Nar Shaddar/Corruscant aren't cities - they are more akin to dungeons. Which would be nice, but they are used as normal quest zones... so 'doing normal quests' requires fighting x-hundred trash mobs :(.


And, of course, if you miss a quest (e.g. the icon for it is almost off the screen, so you return to base without competing it), you then have to fight all the way through the entire zone to get to that marker... and it wasn't fun the first time.


And both zones are covered with secondary quests that require 'kill 15 mobs', 'kill 45 mobs'... That's just not very good design.


(there's also a high population of shielded mobs in those zones, making the fights slower - just generally adding to the sense of 'get me the hell out of here!!!!')

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Nar Shadda is quite nice for republic side. I did not try the imperial side.

They certainly could populate the casinos/cantinas with more mini games

and stuff tho. Or how about a race track through the city?

People could place bets and watch!


What i find to be a dissapointment atm is belsavis.

Objects are beautifull made, but they simply re-used them to often.

Edited by Ommm
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Personally I enjoyed Belsavis. Those high snowy canyons and the big darkened sky. It reminded me of Lithuania. I was fine with the enclosed feel of Coruscant and Nar Shadaa too. They're over cities with underworlds. Its the lore mate.
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Players should be allowed to fall off the face of the planet if they wanted to, far too many restrictions in this game which is why Star Wars suits sandbox...


Anybody who still knows the game terranova, old single player thing where you command a squad and where sent to diffent planets to solve special tasks. There you had a mission zone where most of the mission took place but nonetheless you where able to run arround the whole planet if you had enough time. Outside your mission zone there was only wasteland but it was open terrain I guess it was designed by random when you ran into it.

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Nar Shadaa is my favorite so far! It's so awesome looking there I can't even tell you how many screenshots I took. The taxi thing might be annoying but at least the planet gives you a different feel compared to the others. And you don't have to walk around to discover taxi lines! I liked Nar Shadaa way better than Tattooine. That place is just a giant mass of nothing to do.
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I agree with OP partially. The art design is alright, but the planet layout and design is horrible. Nar Shadda is by far the most "lifeless" world I have encountered so far. It is supposed to be a metropolis and all it is is an empty city with super wide streets with no traffic. The streets themselves also don't feel like streets -- they feel like the inside of a building or factory with roads through them.


While I was initially very excited when they announced Nar Shadda as a planet, the implementation was horrible. This is one planet I would not have missed if left out of the game.

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The problem I have with nar shadaa is it did not feel like I city. I guess I kind of expected the centre to be a city where everyone hangs about... And u have all your skill upgrades, GTM...trainers.... Everything you normally have in a city...


In the background u see a busy atmosphere...in the actual city... It's baron and nothing to do but quest.... I dnt know why they didn't have what I said.... With questing zones further out.


I get more annoyed with the imperial fleet... I hate hanging out there... It's boring... I hate the cirular design also.

Edited by dalehitchy
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I liked Nar Shadaa. I guess depending on which side your on (Republic vs Empire), you might find it good or bad. Personally, I liked it. While it could definately be better, I found it nice.


It's the first planet you get to see people of the opposite faction on. When i walked into the cantina and saw a bounty hunter there (even just the NPC's for Empire), made the experience better. Personally, while Taris was nice, the quests were painfully spread apart and you found yourself traveling back and forth between different sides of the planet. On top of that, you can't take a taxi from one side to the other, you have to use a "connecting" taxi cause the world is split into 2 maps.


Tatooine has a HUGE amount of open space that's just.... open - nothing there. I will say that I did blow through Nar Shadaa and Tatooine very quickly (through mainly class quests only) but that was because I had already out-leveled nar Shadaa (by 2 levels) and was close to out leveling Tatooine. But that was mainly due to fact I compelted all 4258972389529 quests on Taris (that planet is liek the never ending story).


Nar Shadaa has a couple hidden secrets if you look around, and some references to movies, etc... Plus, I got to mee Holiday and now she's on my ship :D

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The problem I have with nar shadaa is it did not feel like I city. I guess I kind of expected the centre to be a city where everyone hangs about... And u have all your skill upgrades, GTM...trainers.... Everything you normally have in a city...


In the background u see a busy atmosphere...in the actual city... It's baron and nothing to do but quest.... I dnt know why they didn't have what I said.... With questing zones further out.


I get more annoyed with the imperial fleet... I hate hanging out there... It's boring... I hate the cirular design also.


Like I said they should have been inspired by real life cities like New York, Las Vegas and such. Las Vegas with it's light, gambling and New York with the huge buildings, underground transit system and maze like layout would have made for some interesting concepts.

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Anybody who still knows the game terranova, old single player thing where you command a squad and where sent to diffent planets to solve special tasks. There you had a mission zone where most of the mission took place but nonetheless you where able to run arround the whole planet if you had enough time. Outside your mission zone there was only wasteland but it was open terrain I guess it was designed by random when you ran into it.


used to love that game!

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The creators of the Fifth Element would like a word with you..




It's a city-planet. It's supposed to be like it is. Corellia is the same way, just with lighter colors.


I'm hoping at the very least, Bioware puts more minor missions in each section so you have more to do than run and gun from one end of the corridor to the other.


I found plenty of quests to do there. Maybe we aren't playing the same game. The problem you're seeing is, the quest-givers are broken up so it doesn't SEEM like there are many quests

Edited by Mazikeen
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As much as I am enjoying this game, Nar Shaddaa nearly broke my spirit, it has probably the worst level design in any MMO I have played.


The quests are in all four corners of the main map, and when you travel to each corner, the mission objectives are invariably at the end of the section with long, winding claustrophobic corridors in between, and mostly unavoidable trash.

To make it worse, you usually visit the zone before getting your Speeder, so must travel around on foot, and there is usually nothing to do on the way to your objective except kill random mobs.

It's a bit tragic, because the planet itself is quite beautifully rendered, if a little bit too dark.


Fortunately, with the right balance of Space battles, PvP and Heroics in previous zones, you can skip a lot of Nar Shadaa and move on to somewhere more interesting.


I'm hoping at the very least, Bioware puts more minor missions in each section so you have more to do than run and gun from one end of the corridor to the other.


You've clearly not leveled a Republic yet because Coruscant, our level 10-16 planet, is a lot like Nar Shadaa. And I love both of them, they're two of my favorite planets.

Edited by Leiloni
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I actually found Nar Shadaa to be less annoying for the reasons you list than the Justicar area of Coruscant. I was about ready to cry and tear my hair out by the time by the time we finally finished all our quests that kept sending clear to the very back corners of that area. Every time we'd think we were done, one quest chain or another would send us back to the very rear corner of the Justicar zone ... and we'd have to fight our way down there and back all over again.


By comparison, Nar Shadaa was almost friendly.

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