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  1. I think they kind of account for this because there is such a wide range of force power. I heroic mode dread master raid boss is much much more powerful than a single player force user. Maybe the point is that the player force user is not much more powerful than a gifted (and lucky) muggle? Or maybe we are all carrying baby Ysalamir in our pockets BTW I could not help but think of Jango Fett's death to Mace Windu.
  2. I think its because tactical flash points allow those leveling up a way to group. The older trinity flash points don't pop anymore. There is not enough tanks or whatever to initiate the old runs. After leveling up four guys to the cap, the new tactical flash points have really helped out my experience. However, the problem is there is only one. Running the same tactical over and over again is a bit boring. Then again, if there was something fun to do with my 55s maybe I would not be lvling so many alts...
  3. I disagree to the OP. I think lvling is at a great pace, and maybe even too slow for alt chars. I enjoy lvling a char on each faction, but it was just too time consuming to play two chars so I am focusing on one. Hell I am not even lvl 50 yet. It might be too fast for a focused person who does not do any of the side activities like trade skills and sit around looking for flashpoints. I'm really happy with the pace of exp and funds.
  4. I consider the companion system to probably be one of the best features released in any MMO in the last 10 years. Companions are part of your class balance. It is a fantastic system that lays the foundation for a lot of future expansion. Everyone I play with loves the companion system as well.
  5. Ok so they still seem to be the med textures, but some of my armors metallic textures now have a reflective shader on them that makes the armor shine. It works on some guns and my companions armor too. Interesting thing is that it works in my hanger, but not in the fleet station.
  6. I noticed for the first time when I logged intoday that the metalic parts on my and my companions armor shine for the very first time. Did BioWare flip the switch and turn char shaders on? Has anyone else noticed a difference? I notice that the shader effect comes and goes. I am not sure exactly why yet. I will say that it looks very nice, and I really want to use high res textures. A lot of the armor in this game has a lot of detail that you simply cant see on med settings. The detail just turns to mud.
  7. Its funny how subjective things can be. Nar has been one of the fav zones for everyone in my house. It is prob one of the best looking city zones in a MMO.
  8. I have not had this much fun in a MMO in many years. I guess its just subjective.
  9. My bet is they will add a hilt like item to all orange / modifiable gear that determines its base armor and stats. There just is no other way.
  10. Even though I am a cybertech, I agree that because of the changes, armor tech must get armor mods. As a matter of fact, they need more than armor mods. They need something the equivalent of a hilt slot item that determines the level for the item. It is probably already in the works.
  11. I dont understand, the GTN is in every major city in the market area...
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