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High resolution textures: can we get a clarification on this?


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BW meeting...


Dev.. hey boss the player base is in a uproar over high settings not working. Should we get on fixing that asap?


Boss.... Naw just take out the medium setting and label what was medium as high and any new players wont know the difference.. Man i am good i just saved Our company truck loads of time and money!


Devs hey boss the player base has noticed that when you zoom in close to your characters that the armor looks blurred.


Boss... Here is what you do code it so that when you try to zoom in close the game puts you in first person view! BOOM now players cant noticed the blurry armor textures!


I actually laughed xD

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Everyone has their "pet bug" and this is mine, I can tolerate pretty much anything else, but knowing that the texture situation is here to stay is seriously bumming me out. I don't want Oblivion+qarl level of clarity or anything, just what's in the game already, and what doesn't look like 2005. My computer can handle it. And if it can't I'll upgrade it. Seriously.
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Im not sure if anyone knows about this, as I didnt bother reading through all the pages, but...



If you're on Vista/Windows 7, I have a possible solution that worked for me!


Basically, set your launcher.exe and the actual swtor.exe's compatibilities to Windows XP Service Pack 3. Now everything looks better in game and RUNS better too.


You guys should definitively try this.

Might seem stupid but it kinda works.

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You guys should definitively try this.

Might seem stupid but it kinda works.


It is kinda stupid because it doesn't work. I'm running Windows 7 64-bit, and did a test with both settings at the exact same spot using screenshots at full res. Absolutely no difference. I don't know why this silly "fix" keeps floating around the forums.


I would like Bioware to at least comment on this issue. And, of course, fix it.

Edited by dionaea
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My 2cents. Both sets show the difference with the clicking on comm thingie... "a" is for standard screenshots with all settings high in game, "b" shows the high ress textures after clicking the intercom.



1a - http://i39.tinypic.com/szvfqd.jpg

1b - http://i42.tinypic.com/4s1h1h.jpg


2a (standard) - http://i40.tinypic.com/2cx6yb4.jpg

2b (with intercom) - http://i42.tinypic.com/qo6cz8.jpg


It's just another shortcut, trick, scam made by Bioware. Like I wrote in other topic, everyone who played Jedi Knight must have noticed the same conversation lines of JK going over and over again in many quests on every planet, which feels out of place. Only the main storyline conversations have something fresh.

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My 2cents. Both sets show the difference with the clicking on comm thingie... "a" is for standard screenshots with all settings high in game, "b" shows the high ress textures after clicking the intercom.



1a - http://i39.tinypic.com/szvfqd.jpg

1b - http://i42.tinypic.com/4s1h1h.jpg


2a (standard) - http://i40.tinypic.com/2cx6yb4.jpg

2b (with intercom) - http://i42.tinypic.com/qo6cz8.jpg


Great comparison, anyone who can't see the difference should see an Optometrist soon.

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So apparently instead of fixing this issue Bioware just took the lazy road and in the new 1.1 patch now in PTS they removed the medium option, so there is only low and high now and high is the old medium without any changes.


As quoted from PTS server thread :


Public test servers just when live and I checked the texture settings and can confirm that the new high setting is in fact the old medium setting with no improvement. Disappointing to say the least :( I guess the recently posted IGN review of 8.5 on graphics for SWTOR was spot on. I would have given it more like a 8.0 for its graphics. I overall metascore also dropped today to 8.6/10


and proof here:



If this is what Bioware decided to do instead of fixing this and apparently it is or else why remove the medium option and keep this change from the 1.1 patch notes, this is very disappointing to say the least.

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So apparently instead of fixing this issue Bioware just took the lazy road and in the new 1.1 patch now in PTS they removed the medium option, so there is only low and high now and high is the old medium without any changes.


As quoted from PTS server thread :




and proof here:




If this is what Bioware decided to do instead of fixing this and apparently it is or else why remove the medium option and keep this change from the 1.1 patch notes, this is very disappointing to say the least.


I really hope that isnt the case.

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I'm fairly sure BW have done this intentionaly so all the idiots with Commodore 64's can be happy that they can run the game in HIGH :confused:

I run dual GTX 580's FFS, I'm pretty sure my system can deal with the game at its highest settings.

It's just another case of the MMO industry pandering to the lowest comman dinominator and it personaly makes me SICK.


Bioware how low you have fallen :(

Edited by Venares
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there was a similar issue in DNF aswell, people thinking there were low res textures in the release compared to beta. in reality they changed the lightning effects a bit.


yes lightning can have a drastical impact on how you perceive details.

ignorance blinded you perhaps.


I'm starting to think your a troll. What you see are textures changing and the lighting is affected by the change in detail. Go to a eye doctor. If anyone knows anything about graphics you know that's a texture issue. You must be new to PC gaming.



Ignore this guy, I think he's trolling

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Wanna see something funny.


Stand at your intercom on your ship. Zoom in close to your character. Click the intercom


Vioala!!! For .5 seconds you have high res textures for your armor!




BioWare trolled us with the textures in this game and they have yet to own up to the fact they are missing features from a shipped product that have representations in the game.


How do zoom in close to my own character? The mouse wheel zoom goes too far with each click. On the last click it goes directly to first person perspective. There is no in-between.


On LOTRO I can use mouse wheel to zoom in as close as I want to my own face, so close it goes right inside my head basically. LOTRO's zoom is super sensitive but SWTOR is preset with each click and not sensitive at all.


I don't really know the right words to describe it.

Edited by Gilbara
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Its not a bug, its a design decision by the developers.


Someone posted this in another forums


If you look in RemoteRenderer.dll they have a shader that forces Player and NPC textures (for Dynamic Models when they're generated) outside of conversations to 50% of the original size causing them to look muddy.

They could easily add a toggle to disable that for people with more powerful systems.


See, all the really need to do is add a toggle to remove this performance "feature" and allow us with more powerful rigs (that are barely being taxed accordingly by this game) to fully utilize our hardware. But for whatever reasons, the developers think that having more options in this game is a bad thing. You can see this with how the beta client had more options in regards to shadows and how they are now removing the "medium" option for textures and re branding it as "high"

Edited by Caonimah
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Removing high and calling medium high (which is what patch 1.1 upcoming is doing on the PTS currently) is not really the fix I was hoping for.


What is so hard about this? The textures are there. The game engine can be told to use them as it does in cutscenes. Just turn on the option to use them all the time. End of problem. If people with low end machines use the option & proceed then to have low FPS they have only themselves to blame, but at least those with capable PCs will be able to see the game properly.


This really does make Bioware look bad. I'm astonished that they can't see the PR impact of this.

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Well, we have recieved the workaround from the Community Representative himself or herself, last post: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=139660&page=8


Who the hell are they hiring there?


The thing is, I dont really understand what I should do. I am not a native speaker and might not realise what I must do, but how, what... should I change?

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What is so hard about this? The textures are there.


They're not.


That's the point. SOME are. Many are not.


If you are careful, you can notice that some textures look very nice "in game", some only in "cut scenes", while others look garbage no matter weither it's ingame or in cut scenes.


That proves there are different quality within the textures (as some cut scenes textures can look horrible).


I got comparative screenshots if you need to, showing both great quality "in game" and "low res" while in a cutscene (surrounded by "hi rez" characters so it wasn't a glitch and is recurrent).


So clearly, that means they can't offer the "better textures" as that would mean nothing would be "on par". By reducing the quality of the hi rez ones, that makes the medium and low ones "acceptable" (of course it's not, but it avoids the huge difference). If suddenly we had a bunch of hi rez textures while still having horrible ones at the same time, you realize that would not be possible.


Till they don't rework all the "medium" ones, I'm not sure we'll see the hi rez textures. I think they made "medium only" textures to gain some development time :/ and only the first textures they worked got a "hi rez" version.

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It is clearly obvious that high res texture are in the game itself, they really need to enable them because the difference in quality is huge.

And i am also sure that more than enough people who play have decent enough machines to enjoy in better quality.


Hell my PC is nowhere near top class monsters but i am sure it would handle high textures without a problem, and even if it would struggle i would rather have superb textures and shadows set to low for example than the other way around.

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