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10 Good
  1. I am pretty unhappy with the texture resolution situation, but I actually think the world looks quite nice. And the art direction is great IMO.
  2. I can finally run the game smoothly at 2560x1600 - and it looks great!
  3. Running through orbital stations puts hair on my chest. I would not be a man I am if I wasn't forced to run back and forth through copy-pasted stations whenever I needed to train up a crafting skill. Seriously though, it's a stupid waste of time.
  4. Well, WoW, LOTRO, AION, and Rift all have higher texture resolution available, so that doesn't really fly in this day and age. MMOs usually have a lot of different quality settings to satisfy the broadest range of users possible.
  5. AA still doesn't work for me (I have a 6900 card), but I'm not too upset about it because I force it on through the gpu panel with no issues or much of an fps impact. Didn't have too much of an issue with loading screens in the first place, didn't notice if they were better or worse. The pvp situation is obviously a bit problematic, but everyone seems to be digging 10-49 lvl pvp so that's definitely something. The ability cooldown appearance sucks, and I'm not alone on this. Not being able to tell at a glance if a long-CDT ability is available is just bad UI, I have no idea why they put that in, or whether it's a bug or not. The thing I really like about this patch is the absence of the "green glow" healing effect that could become permanent, and the slight fps optimization they did. My framerates are consistently higher, and the game is finally smooth at 2560x1600 for me, at least during questing, which makes a big visual difference (even though the textures still suck). It still dips down in the 40's when I'm moving around, but for some reason when it was in the 40's before it felt jerky, while now it's playing smoothly. I can't explain why that is, but it definitely feels smoother. That's really a 'cherry on top' type of thing though, I don't expect every game to play smoothly at 2560x1600 on a single 6950, but when it does I'm very happy.
  6. Hahaha you're setting yourself up for being walked all over by a woman. Don't be afraid to assert yourself.
  7. He seems to do much better when he's the producer, not the screenwriter or the director. But whatever good luck to the man who gave us Star Wars.
  8. I'm getting the same issue, and my monitor is pretty awesome. Here you can see it in a screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/nQDnf.jpg You can still tell that ability is on a cooldown, but in a few seconds it won't be easy anymore. Especially with long cooldown abilities, it can be annoying sometimes. I preferred it the old way, not sure why it was changed.
  9. At this point the forums are starting to look pretty ridiculous, seriously. People need to stop trolling.
  10. Man, JK2 with cheat codes on was beyond epic. Miss that game, nothing ever really replaced it.
  11. Wow that first shot looks gorgeous - are those the mythical beta textures?
  12. Derp-herder (nerf herder was taken)
  13. Man the kung-fu inspired traveling system in there seems fun - I miss those from DC Universe. Speedster was always fun as hell to play.
  14. Fellas they promised to improve things, and even gave us a time frame. I think it's time to go back to enjoying the game.
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