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SWTOR total sales passed 2 million copies!


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2 million puts it at number 4 for all time sales? My ***. Maybe for online rpgs, but not above bethesda titles and other bioware games. An old article had ME1 at over 7 million sales.


Online rpgs are so rare being number 4 means something completely different than saying number 4 best selling rpg.

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2 million puts it at number 4 for all time sales? My ***. Maybe for online rpgs, but not above bethesda titles and other bioware games. An old article had ME1 at over 7 million sales.


Online rpgs are so rare being number 4 means something completely different than saying number 4 best selling rpg.


ME1 wasnt PC only, console numbers are generally much higher than PC.

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Joystiq reported that the firm found that the SWTOR had about 350,000 concurrent users on 215 servers in the U.S. and Europe.


I wonder what time of Day that was That's alot of people at the same time. To bad they cant increase the amount of people in each instance/ phase.

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I love coming into threads that shows SWTOR's massive success. You will see people try so hard to spin it negatively, so funny to watch.


I love bookmarking and bumping them, when in 10 days SWToR becomes the MMO with the biggest (by a mile) attrition rate of the industry.


box sales are nice, but as soon as the word is on the street that a massive amount of people left the sinking ship they will slow down to an halt


quitting wont slow down tho. its all downhill from here :rolleyes:

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I love bookmarking and bumping them, when in 10 days SWToR becomes the MMO with the biggest (by a mile) attrition rate of the industry.


box sales are nice, but as soon as the word is on the street that a massive amount of people left the sinking ship they will slow down to an halt


quitting wont slow down tho. its all downhill from here :rolleyes:


I do enjoy reading hyperbole filled predictions based on nothing but bias. :rolleyes:

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Swtor total global sales has reached 2,042,877 copies! In pc games, RPG category: it is ranked number 4 best selling RPG of all time following Diablo, wow cataclysm and wow. Also, swtor has won the first place on global top seller chart(Dec 24th) It is a huge success! Congratulation to swtor team and fans!




So what does this mean to me or like minded others? This suppose to reassurance that the game does not suck or is this some type of a bandwagon promotion? They might have sold 2 million copies but we will see what the player retention is.

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So what does this mean to me or like minded others? This suppose to reassurance that the game does not suck or is this some type of a bandwagon promotion? They might have sold 2 million copies but we will see what the player retention is.


I think it means exactly what he said.......try reading it again maybe?

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Swtor total global sales has reached 2,042,877 copies! In pc games, RPG category: it is ranked number 4 best selling RPG of all time following Diablo, wow cataclysm and wow. Also, swtor has won the first place on global top seller chart(Dec 24th) It is a huge success! Congratulation to swtor team and fans!




and why have there only been 34 people on Alderaan tonight ?

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The first 90 days will determine the success of this game. There are LOTS of bugs, game-play and balance issues, and (lack of) content.


So far they seem to be moving in the right direction with the frequent patches.


Here's to hoping we have a WoW alternative that isn't dumbed down, spoon-fed, and made for 12 year old ADD Modern Warfare gamers.

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The first 90 days will determine the success of this game. There are LOTS of bugs, game-play and balance issues, and (lack of) content.


So far they seem to be moving in the right direction with the frequent patches.


Here's to hoping we have a WoW alternative that isn't dumbed down, spoon-fed, and made for 12 year old ADD Modern Warfare gamers.


Lack of content? Please explain how so.


I dropped quests all the way up to stay even close to level range. I'm 50 now and I see raids to do and heroics for every flashpoint. I see another raid coming out shortly that will be 3 times the size of the current one.


have you finished all this content?

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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Also amazing poeple expect a polished and well thought out end game in a newly released mmo.


Well, if they're going to charge exactly the same fee as the competition, then they should really offer everything the competition is offering. I would be more sympathetic for Bioware regarding end-game complaints if they were only charging $9.99 a month with the promise to add more features along with an increase in subscription costs once those features were delivered, but that's not the route they went.

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Lack of content? Please explain how so.


I see raids to do and heroiecs for every flashpoint. I see another raid coming out shortly that will be 3 times the size of the current one.


have you finished all this content?


From the PvE side:


We only have EV, which is a complete pushover except Hard-Mode/Nightmare SoA. Kraggas (sp?) is also a pushover in hard-mode as well. Moreover, if you full clear EV + Kraggas, your raid will be fully geared (mathematically) in approximately 4 clears. I think BioWare made items drop a little too liberally. I don't advocate an EQ-I style where 72 people vie for 1 item, but if everyone has the items they want... what's the point of subscribing?


From the PvP side:


We have 3 warzones, but effectively, it is 1 because of the lopsided faction distribution. No, it is not BioWare's fault, but BioWare certainly needs to take action to make incentives for players to roll (and stay) Republic side until this imbalance has subsided.


The Good:


1.1 will add 4 more raid bosses and a lvl 50 flashpoint, so that's an impressive start (only 1 month from release, I might add). Lots of bug fixes as well.

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