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Everything posted by Adam_Nox

  1. Releasing too many servers wasn't the only mistake. The staggered early access forced many people to wait on new servers to get their names anyways. And kath hound was NOT great pop wise when I stopped playing empire side, I doubt it's gotten better. Anyone who thinks the game's population is healthy must not have a proper frame of reference, IE games that actually have had lots of people running around making the world seem alive.
  2. tldr, but I loved Vanilla WoW, that is all.
  3. Are some of you saying you should be able to interrupt a moves animation that you've already benefitted from it's effect in order to do another move? That's stupid. CoH has much more precise system than WoW, just as responsive, and instead of a GCD each move has an animation time balanced against other powers. It's called damage per activation. Now I'm not saying they intended to do that here, or have balanced things around it, but they can. And WoW probably didn't WANT people to interrupt animations, that mechanic was likely accidental as it is in most mmos where animations can be cancelled. Saying you can't have a competitive game where different moves have different activation times that root or disable you from doing anything else is really really dumb. It makes things more competitive and tactical. If this isn't what you are saying, then disregard.
  4. exactly, and immersion is why this genre even exists.
  5. if you play the game staring at ***, ur doing it wrong... and you're a weirdo. That excuse simply doesn't fly anymore, and people aren't even being judgemental if you are secretly ****. Just stop lying to yourself is all I ask.
  6. If you think it's fine you must be playing on a large monitor on a relatively small resolution (if resolution affects it), and likely putting your face too close to the screen for it to be recommended by your eye doctor. I have bad astigmatism which appears to make text my achilles heel, but of all the things that need to be clear looking, text would be about the most important. I have a 56 inch tv about 7 feet away, play SWTOR at a lowly 720p, and it's hard as hell to read. I've never seen subtitles so effing small in any game.
  7. wait, going to illum doesn't auto flag for pvp? really? wow this game is more messed than I thought. and why can I still post here?
  8. is WoW to blame for this ignorance? there's a difference between consentual world pvp, and lowbie non-consentual ganking. Why should the people who want the former have to put up with the latter? The ruleset is fine, stop being bad.
  9. well yeah because it was in development for over a decade, you can't compare anything to that failboat.
  10. since when is a business a democracy? a handful of people who probably have little technical expertise made the decision to go with hero, and it was likely a financial one at it's heart, or thought to be a time-saver.
  11. It's only a grind if it's not fun, length of time doesn't matter.
  12. dcuo's graphics are great and it can handle plenty of people on the screen at the same time. *** exactly is your complaint?
  13. sorry to tell you, but swg was in the crapper long before NGE, subs wise. It was bleeding out. They thought they could stop it, they were wrong. No new people come into an mmo that's been out for a couple years already without media, word of mouth, and new shiney features. SWG was never a mainstream game. NGE just sped up the inevitable.
  14. I agree with the first part. Some of us have higher expectations for our lives than 'life goes on' though.
  15. You really believe this? Really? I have a couple noob Qs for Xcore about his final vid, just the first few minutes. I could only understand a couple things that were going on, so this may sound stupid. 1. Why is your character kneeling when you are trying to hit the third from the right bottom button? Does that have anything to do with your ability not firing? 2. You tried to hit someone from above them, at least one time when LOS could be blamed, then they emerged from out from under you, but still there's so much garbage in the way on that map, is it possible there's just LOS issues there? I ask because you note one instance of ability DELAY in between these two events, while these two aren't delay but complete failure. I thought this was all about just a delayed response, not ability failures.
  16. kotor 2 was a bit of a dissapointment, if this were kotor 3 it would be an outrage. Original kotor was an industry changing achievement. bioware beth and bliz took back the rpg in 3 distinct flavors. Early 2000s were a magical time in gaming.
  17. stock prices rubberband after big moves, it doesn't mean that there's any more confidence in the stock. Just for a lot of people, they saw that decline as a chance to get in at a good price point. And it may have been. EA is a big company and may yet surprise people, but not with TOR.
  18. define Dead. many people have complained about the game being ALREADY dead on their server for weeks now.
  19. I remember sneaking into orgrimmar before they put stealth-seeing stupid guards there, and killing every single auctioneer or banker before getting taken down, watching hordies stand around unable to conduct their business for five minutes because of my boldness. I think the memories alliance side are much easier, I notice those that aren't impressed seem to have played horde side. I can close my eyes and see the landscape of DAoC's hibernia and WoW's alliance areas. They were a complete world with landmarks and openess. There's nothing like that here. Someone said SWTOR has a soul. No, no it doesn't.
  20. In truth most people don't like SWTOR once they've played it a while. Just take a look around. My age is higher than I could stand to level my character.
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