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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

BW - wipe all the credits.


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i have earned just over 800k credits from hard work alone, no exploits just selling my mods on the auction house from cybertech, are you telling me that i have done this for nothing?? this is a bad idea and trust me on this it will encourage me to cancel my sub if this did happen
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who said anyone would be allowed to keep it... you really cant see long term can you.. or are you just upset that you never knew about the bug to exploit it yourself and since you cant everyone should be punished?


really its a stupid idea. they can find those people and even if they dont.. does it really affect your game now that the bug is fixed.. sure people have more money than you, but they spend it too...ya someone has a cool speeder.. you dont..sorry your entitlement issues are going unpleased..



it doesnt matter in thelong run the important thing is the bug was found and fixed.. yes i agree take all of their money. hell I say ban their accounts but if you think for 1 *********** second i think they should have the right to take MY money away you are dead wrong. I bust my *** to get my money. as does everyone who hasnt cheated. to take that from honest players makes you sound like a politician...


Great point im with you on this one! i didnt even know there was a credit exploit :L what next?

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I'm almost level 43 and barely 15k credits. I'd not lose so much if they were to wipe all the credits but... what kind of stupid idea is that? The game has logs, BioWare can punish those who exploited the game in any way by checkig them (which can take some time). Leave those of us who haven't cheated alone, thanks.
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Simple solution; track all the exploit cash. Erase it from the game, and ban the exploiters. Permaban the ones that really abused the exploit, and lesser bans for those that exploited the bug less. But most important all those exploited credits need to be wiped. Wiping everyone's credit is really the dumbest idea ever. Punishing the majority for an exploiting minority is a sure way to have people unsubscribe in epic numbers.
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No more unfair than a handful of people now sitting on incredible amounts of cash gained by breaking the terms of the EULA and being allowed to keep it whilst everybody else has only what they legitimately earned.


There are always going to be people working around the rules of the game to get a massive, possibly unfair, advantage in the economy. It doesn't mean that we should all be punished for it.


In short, **** you.

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Seriously, don't be a bunch of pansies. Own up to your colossal mistake and lay down the law. Wipe all the credits from the game and let people start over. There's hardly any economy at the moment anyway so it wouldn't be the end of the world and it's pretty easy to make money once you get past level 20.


And while you're at it give a permanent ban to anybody who used the exploit to gain even a single credit.


F-that, let them wipe your credits, but not mine. I didn't exploit.

If they do this I'm out.

Edited by Gehoornde
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Are You nuts?!


I spent countless hours sending my companions on Slicing missions Im sitting at 2mil credits atm and I would quit the game if they wiped all credits. That just wont happen.


BTW I think with nolife playin in 3 days its possible to get 1,5mil credits without any exploits.

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No more unfair than a handful of people now sitting on incredible amounts of cash gained by breaking the terms of the EULA and being allowed to keep it whilst everybody else has only what they legitimately earned.


Or all the players who abused the bg bug to be 50 in a matter of days and now are fully geared as well making life oh so enjoyable for us who didnt have that option in the bg's. Must be nice to have multiple 50's and 100's of millions in gold. Cheaters now hold the keys to the kingdom and I can see nothing going wrong there :eek:

Edited by KrustyDog
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Um, Im level 37 and have 490K. I dont exploit. So your just dumb and bad at this game.


I agree. People need to quit complaining just because they suck at making credits. Just because a small percentage of people cheated to get their credits, doesn't mean the rest did.


Quit complaining you noobs. learn how to make legit credits and stop tryign to spoil it for those of us who have more gaming skill than you.

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I made 800k credits at level 42. I don't do a craft and I don't waste credits on cosmetic items. I did Slicing and Archeology. I didn't send crew members off to do missions - I actually went out into the world (crazy I know, moving from the fleet...) and gathered the goods to resell on the GTN.


Punishing everyone is NOT the solution.

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No more unfair than a handful of people now sitting on incredible amounts of cash gained by breaking the terms of the EULA and being allowed to keep it whilst everybody else has only what they legitimately earned.


So why the hell would I, who didn't exploit to make money, want all my credits wiping?


I'm not going to type out the words I have to describe you in my head, there are ladies and children present.


So I shall say two words that won't offend them .... Jog on.

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"No more unfair than a handful of people now sitting on incredible amounts of cash gained by breaking the terms of the EULA and being allowed to keep it whilst everybody else has only what they legitimately earned."




Yes, I believe that destroying rightfully earned credits is actually more unfair.


You would harm millions to punish dozens, perhaps hundreds. May you never hold a Law Enforcement or Justice position.

Edited by Shaddaq
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How to make credits: don't buy your useless rank ups.


I have about 180kc worth of Imperial Agent and Sniper skills that I've just left there; things like ranks of Leg Shot and Debilitate that only add damage.

Edited by LilSaihah
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This is the absolutely more idiotic suggestion I have ever seen posted to an MMO forum.


Wipe out the entire game economy three weeks after you let people start playing? Srsly...


Do you think they don't have the capacity to simply remove credits that are gained through exploits? They have logs that tell them everything.

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This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. I don't use the GTN at all. All my money comes from missions and selling to vendors. I spend roughly 50k a day on companion missions alone. i have huge stock of materials which i use to craft for my friends. and you're telling me you want to confiscate my credits because some *** hats exploited something I didn't even know about. God you're not any better than them! And I mean that. The very fact that you suggest it tells me that you're no better than the exploiter themselves. Punishing inoccent people is more egregeous than the crime itself morally speaking Edited by Revelationjp
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1.5mil is not nothing. I don't know how you managed to get 500k at level 35 so either you are bald-faced lying or used one of the cheats.


He's probably not lying. When I hit 50, I had just over a million, about 600k left after training and stuff. Not hard to get thru legitimate means.

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