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Everything posted by elarahis

  1. MMORPG ne veut pas dire clone de WOW justement. D'ailleurs j'appelle même pas WOW ou SWTOR des MMORP. On perd le coté MMO vu que 99% du contenu end game se joue en instance à 10-20 personnes. Pas non plus des RPG, aucun contenu qui incite au RP, quasiment aucune options pour personnaliser son personnage, on ne peut même pas poser un item par terre lol. J'attend un vrai bon mmorpg avec du vrai PVP sans instances, des villes construites par les joueurs, des sièges, un system de craft utile, un jeu ou je peux faire des vrais choix pour faire évoluer mon personnage, pas un jeu ou mon perso est bloqué dans une faction, ne peut même pas attaquer un autre membre de sa faction. Bref un vrai MMO RPG ou on a la liberté de faire ce que l'on veut.
  2. Non. Assez joué à WOW, ce jeu est une copie de WOW et n'apporte rien, je suis level 28, le leveling est pas trop mal mais pas envie d'investir du temps et de l'argent dans un jeu sans saveur. Je déteste les raids, les BGs, les instances et la course au loot. Ce jeu n'apporte rien d'autre. Je suis plus intéressé par un jeu coréen Archeage qui sortira peut être en europe avec un peu de chance
  3. that this game isn't a WOW clone !? Are you in complete denial ? 95% of the features are copy/paste from WOW. It doesn't matter if there are 100 other games that have the exact same features or if WOW also stole everything from other games. Fact is everything is exactly like in WOW, crew skills differ slightly from WOW crafting and there isvoice acting for quests. Other than that 0 innovation, SWTOR is just a dumbed down version of WOW in space. You can like this game, there is nothing wrong with that millions of people like WOW as well, heck you can even say it's BETTER than WOW if all you care about in a game is voice acting, lightsabers and droids doing the crafting for you but don't say this game isn't a WOW clone, because it is.
  4. It's simple, this game is a clone of WOW and many other MMO's that are all alike so MMO veterans are sick of it and leave as soon as they realize that this game doesn't bring anything new to the genre.
  5. Pareil cet indicateur n'est arrivé qu'après WOTLK et on s'en passait très bien avant. Il fallait développer un sens du jeu permettant de savoir à peu près ou on en était sur chaque mob. Avec l'expérience tu sais combien de temps tu va garder l'aggro au vu des attaques que tu as mises sur un mob. Mais bon WOW a choisi la voie de la facilité pour rendre le jeu encore plus populaire - j'espère qu'ils éviteront sur SWTOR...
  6. WoW était comme ça aussi avant l'arrivée de WoTLK. Un tank ne pouvait PAS garder l'aggro sur 15 mobs en spammant des AOE. Il fallait faire des choix, changer de cible régulièrement et bien utiliser les sorts de contrôle. Le tank devait souvent délibérément ne pas toucher à un mob, souvent un caster, que les DPS pouvaient tuer vite fait bien fait pendant que le tank s'occupe du reste. Bref Le jeu était largement plus intéressant qu'après WOTLK ou le tank se contente de spammer ses AOE, ou les DPS font la même chose et boum badaboum tout crève d'un coup. J'ai pas testé le tanking sur SWTOR mais si le tanking est effectivement plus difficle et intéressant que dans WOW aujourd'hui, c'est une excellente nouvelle.
  7. 4/10. WOW in space with more bugs, less features, unpolished content.
  8. Well I'm level 26 and I have less than 1000 credits to my name so I wouldn't mine wiping =)
  9. Assuming you are right that force users are weaker than non force users during the leveling phase. How is that a problem exactly ? It's basically a single player game so who cares about balance ? You chose to play "hard mode" but you have cool lightsabers, why is that a problem ? If you want an easier single player experience then make a trooper and enjoy. Balance is only a problem when it comes to multiplayer - that is at level 50.
  10. LOL it looks like some people think that they actually fix things DURING the maintenance. Hilarious. They work on bug and fixes on test servers, the maintenance is only necessary for the deployment of the new version of the game, to restart servers and stuff like that. They don't do any coding during the maintenance, lol. If there servers were unstable or if the current game version didn't match with the patch notes, you could blame the short maintenance, but it is not the case here.
  11. It would be really nice if we were given the possibility to switch factions. Say you're a dark jedi, you and you have dark 10 (no clue what the max level of alignment so I'm throwing a random number here), it makes sense that your character might be interested in joining the ranks of the the empire, it would be nice to give players this option and it would give more significance to the alignment points.
  12. Nope sir, you are not a semi casual gamer, you are a hardcore gamer sorry to tell you that =)
  13. Economy is crap because you can have 3 professions and you can only have one crafting profession so obviously most crafters won't need to buy mats because they are nearly forced to get a gathering profession, so hey why not pick the gathering profession that matches your crafting profession ? They should limit to one crew skill per player account and economy would explode.
  14. People will start buying again when sellers start lowering their prices. Slicing had started to create an uncontrolable inflation (meaning, credit lost value) which is bad in any economy. Obviously now that credits are regaining some value, if people don't lower their prices, noone will be able to buy. There are many things in the game that are meant to be expensive (like mounts), slicing made those cheap to anyone, not just slicers, since slicers would give their easily earned credits to other players through the GTN, and that was not intended. As for peopel who don't understand what slicing is for, I will explain you : You can basically have all your crew slicing all day for FREE, you can even make a little money through lockboxes, and you get tons of new schematics for FREE in the process. You can sell or use those schematics. Now if I want to get schematics with underworld trading, I have to pay (like 600 credits at level 24, which represents A LOT for me as I have about 8000 credits in bank total), and I mihgt find a schematic, and I MIGHT sell the metals I get from the mission at the GTN for maybe a little more than 600. All in all I take more risk than with slicing since I have to sell my mats to get the money back, which takes a considerable amount of time. With slicing you can basically farm schematics all day with all your crew for free which is huge, and that's the only intended purpose of lockbox missions.
  15. So basically you want free epics, you want every single crafter to easily own every epic schematics in the game like in WOW. That was ****** desgin, it's much better in SWTOR and imo there should be even MORE RNG because that's fun and it helps making every crafter relevant instead of all crafters being clones who can all make everything.
  16. Since you can have 3 crew skills and you cannot have more than one crafting skill, it forces you to have 2 gathering skills (I consider mission skills as gathering skills here). It means you can basically have everything you will ever need for your crafting skill so you should never need to buy anything from the GTN ? I don't know why I would tbh. Don't you think 3 crew skills is too many and having only 2 would encourage trading a little more ?
  17. I guess they buy blue items from vendors which are really expensive and then go whine on the forums.
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