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the community... kind of sucks.


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seriously even in the chat on the servers i play on, i cant have an opinion beyond **** everything i wonderful without getting called a troll, i cant ask for opinions without being accused of trolling, i cant even ask a mechanic question without being accused of trying to troll, what the hell happened?
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I hate to rub it in, but I haven't experienced this at all. In flashpoints people seem to have no problem explaining fights. While solo questing people will notice I don't have (x) buff and throw it my way. I have yet to have an issue grouping for heroic quests and getting competent players. Obviously not a great solution, but maybe try a new server. Sounds like yours is full of fail. The world isn't out to get you. I'm sure there's many servers like yours, but it wouldn't hurt to try some out. Good luck to you.
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I think the unfriendly attitude is trickling dowhn from the people who make the game. I seriously think they dislike MMO gamers. I have 20 people in my friends list 3 of them still log in. They didn't speak very well about the game before they stopped playing. I dont think this is coincidence.


All of them where friendly fun people I met early game. Now the first few planets consist of small groups of primitives and single misanthropes barking at each other. the later worlds consist of the same unanswered lfg comment being repeated even few mins.

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News flash..MMO community usually suck and are full of trolls it's just what they attract i mean put yourself in the mind of a troll...dozens of people just walking around in a video game trying to have fun that i can just pop in and say anything or spell out a sentance totaly wrong and make them so angry they might killl themselves Sign me up!.It's just how it gose in MMO's or in most if not all online community's in general :see x-box live:
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My server has very nice community, but the other day some wow players who hate the game decided to hang around on hoth and spam general chat with how crappy the game is and how awesome wow is for like 2 hours... people did mention they should quit because only idiots do what they hate unless they have to. So what is the deal? compulsive dissorder or someone pays them to trolling the game? or are they idiots?
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seriously even in the chat on the servers i play on, i cant have an opinion beyond **** everything i wonderful without getting called a troll, i cant ask for opinions without being accused of trolling, i cant even ask a mechanic question without being accused of trying to troll, what the hell happened?


Because in todays' world, everyone that doesn't say something you agree with is a troll.

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News flash..MMO community usually suck and are full of trolls it's just what they attract i mean put yourself in the mind of a troll...dozens of people just walking around in a video game trying to have fun that i can just pop in and say anything or spell out a sentance totaly wrong and make them so angry they might killl themselves Sign me up!.It's just how it gose in MMO's or in most if not all online community's in general :see x-box live:


It's sentence nub!

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It doesn't suck unless you start complaining about the game in the chat. Try to keep that to your self because by spamming the chat with complaints just ruins the game for those who actually enjoy it.


I'm not saying this game is the best game in the world but I understand that it ruins the fun for players who want to enjoy it by listening to complaints constantly.

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seriously even in the chat on the servers i play on, i cant have an opinion beyond **** everything i wonderful without getting called a troll, i cant ask for opinions without being accused of trolling, i cant even ask a mechanic question without being accused of trying to troll, what the hell happened?


Yes. Correct. True. And?


Why are general chat, trade chat and PVP chat almost exclusively trolls? Because most of the non-trolls abandon those channels immediately after character generation. Why do they abandon those channels? Because the trolls are there, and its' not worth dealing with the irritation of having to ignore them one by one.


I don't see general chat. I don't see trade chat. I don't see PVP chat. I've disabled all of these channels; instead I see guild chat; instead I see a custom channel where my friends hang out; instead I see ... people worth talking with. People I like. People who are fun to play with.


Totally sucks for the people who don't have a pre-existing social network to play with though.

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Maybe your doing or saying something wrong? Personally, i've had no problems. In fact, when I group, if I haven't done the run, the first thing i'll say is that this is my first try and if anyone else has suggestions. The people that have done it before appreciate that more and those that haven't feel more comfortable as well.


Thing is, MMO's are becoming more mainstream (thanks to the game that shall not be named). Basic strategies are known by more and more players, so there is a sense of "doesn't everybody know this by now?" going on. The jerks tend to be more vocal and everyone else just keeps quiet.


Sorry you're having a difficult time. By now, though, I would say all MMO's are going to have people like this.

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It doesn't suck unless you start complaining about the game in the chat. Try to keep that to your self because by spamming the chat with complaints just ruins the game for those who actually enjoy it.


I'm not saying this game is the best game in the world but I understand that it ruins the fun for players who want to enjoy it by listening to complaints constantly.


It does really, if you can't see it you are blind. Take 10mins on the forum and look, then tell us what you find. I am going to save you those 10mins and tell you. A forum filled to the top with trolls and fanboy's ruining people's legit posts about real game issues, and by now posts being ruined like that numbers in the 10k+ If you can not see that you are blind.


In game community? *looks around* *laughs* there is only empty zones mostly unless you play imperial lol, and that has been said a hundred times on the forum the last 2 hour's i bet. The community is a fail, and BW is not making it better.

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There are issues with the game and I am sure Bioware is doing their best in trying to fix them but what some people on this forum want is everything fixed in one day. These things will take a while to fix and after all they fix the bugs they will add new things to the game.


Also most communities have trolls and you can't get away from them even if you really try. Honestly I consider the Old Republic fanboys that constantly defend the game and see no faults in it as much trolls as the World of Warcraft fanboys that come here just to compare this game to World of Warcraft.

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the fun people usually aren't in chat. You meet them by questing with them or pvp or w/e. Quit complaining about *** holes in chat. There are too many to count.


You get better rewards from mobs, social points, and faster questing by grouping with other people who need to do the same planet quests. BioWare made it this way so people have incentive to group up and quest together. If you aren't doing it, I'm sorry but it's your fault. Go in general chat, and ask if anyone wants to knock out an area of quests with you really quick. It's way more fun, and it's a helluva lot quicker.


I've done it on the last three planets I've been on. So far, I've had a better social experience on this game than any other MMO i've played

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