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Best MMO PvP you ever played?


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I don't think most of these people want pvp even though they say they do.


If they did they would be playing the pvp games that are out there.


Instead they play pve game and QQ hoping that the game company will reengineer the game for them.


If there were so many pvprs out there then why don't you all migrate to one of the pvp games and with all the money coming in the company can reallt give you the pvp you want.


But all I see is a trail of dead pvp games because either:


1) There aren't that many MMO pvprs out there as they like to say there is

2) Cant really think of any other reason other than all the pvprs think every game that has pvp sucks


What a load of incoherent nonsense.


For starters:


DAoC is still alive but extremely dated.

EVE is still alive and kicking.

L2 lived it's cycle, still around.

SWG was sabotaged by patches.


All of these games existed before WoW, and survived.


Your logic is something to be expected of an infant, the reason companies don't try and think outside the box and develop a PvP centric mmo is because it won't make as much money. The bar has been set by WoW to pull in not gamers, but the lowest common denominator ie. clinical ******* and get them to be able to play and have fun. It's all about attracting the maximum number of subscriptions.


A PvP centric mmo with alot of backing could easily pull in the PvP crowd and be comfortably sustainable with patches, a crowd much of whom would remain very loyal to the game for many years, but it's all about wanting more and PvP usually becomes an afterthought even in such a well funded and massive game as this.


I always imagine an image of a drooling delinquent when someone says 'if you want PvP go play <insert fps game>'

Edited by Feydnanza
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Problem with these kind of polls is that most players are new to the mmo market and have only played new games like World of Warcraft.

Its kinda obvious when people mention WoW, RF online and Tibia "What the ****?" like Joker would have said


1. DaoC

2. UO

3. Shadowbane


Theres my top 3


WoW, SWToR, Rift and AoC would probably end up somehwere at the bottom.

WoW brought in so many things that have watered down PvP and turnied into skirmished instanced boring PvP but for some reason, probably since they have the most players, every new developer copies that, even though noone really likes it.


What was it that killed DaoC PvP for most players? ToA. ToA brought in geargrinding and made the game Gear>Skill.


And what does all new mmos have in their PvP? Gear>Skill


Warhammer, although beeing made by the same company as DaoC completly forgot and abandoned everything that made DaoC so great.

They scrapped the 3-way Realm system, you cant make pvp nearly as great with only 2 sides, it will only lead to one side camping the other. With 3 sides you eliminate that factor.

There were also no realmpride in Warhammer, you could just "go there later" for some PvP, you never felt like you needed to defend your realm.

Also Warhammer PvP was and is not about fighting your enemy, its about avoiding them.

Or it ends up like many 2 side mmos, with both sides standing across some bridge, looking at eachother, with ranged classes shooting at eachother while as a melee you cant do ****, and as soon as you take one step forward you get focused and killed, another thing that didnt happen in DaoC.




well said, but i didnt want to reply to nonse posted by him


games get old and outdated.


I also think that since many players havent experianced a mmo with a good pvp system, people keep trashing on it and only think of the "griefing" kind of open world pvp aka constantly flagged, which is not the system DaoC utalized.

There were alot of really good PvErs in DaoC that also were really good in PvP, and its not that strange that players that have played DaoC, after that game, calls themselves PvPers rather then PvErs

Edited by SeloDaoC
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I just keep waiting for the announcement of DAoC 2. The game that never will be, but if it did. I would be gone from here and every other MMO in a heartbeat. As long as they kept the same RvR system. IE: Meaningful RvR, keep/tower/relic captures, etc...


Sorry dude, Mythic is dead. DAoC 2 was Warhammer Online and that game failed pretty miserably in every category. I'm sure it had nothing to do with being bought by EA, of course.

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1. It wasnt multiplayer pvp it was mmorpg pvp/rvr

2. Could cap keeps as guilds and get pvp bonus and defend it and upgarde em !

3. Siege weapons.

4. Capturing relics actually meant something for the whole realm.

5. Darkness Falls!!!!

6. No stupid pvp gear grind just nice realm abilities.

7. No stupid pvp stats.

8. stat cap = pve items + crafted = templated toon = rvr gogo!

9. Roaming 8vs8 or more fights, you never know what your gonna run into but its gonna be awesome either way.

10. No real mounts, just speed classes. yeah i dont like mounts


11. Ladders .. yes i said it i miss ladders


Todays mmo = multiplayer pvp and coop pve, kinda makes me question what im paying sub for.



Was actually excited when i heard mythic was involved and that there would be specific open world pvp areas, then i came to ilum did the daily.. went to my account page and well you can figure out the rest.


lol.. i havnt played daoc bu thats how i feel with every game.. would u say daoc is still viable? or its long too dead

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This. Played them all and though WoW has had balance issues over the years, nothing compares to the well designed BG's, arenas, rated BG's, polished and responsive UI, gear rewards, world pvp zones, etc.


No wonder this community is so twisted and full of garbage players. Those who actually know what a real pvp game is (warcraft) vs. everyone else. I'm not surprised at those who think tor's pvp is actually good, it really is compared to 90% of the trash games I see on the lists here.


To top it off most of the games people like have no real ranking system. No way to measure your worth with hard data or a real ladder. I really wonder what kind of "pvp'rs" this game has attracted...

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What a load of incoherent nonsense.


"For starters:


DAoC is still alive but extremely dated.

EVE is still alive and kicking.

L2 lived it's cycle, still around.

SWG was sabotaged by patches."


All of these games existed before WoW, and survived.


Your logic is something to be expected of an infant, the reason companies don't try and think outside the box and develop a PvP centric mmo is because it won't make as much money. The bar has been set by WoW to pull in not gamers, but the lowest common denominator ie. clinical ******* and get them to be able to play and have fun. It's all about attracting the maximum number of subscriptions.


A PvP centric mmo with alot of backing could easily pull in the PvP crowd and be comfortably sustainable with patches, a crowd much of whom would remain very loyal to the game for many years, but it's all about wanting more and PvP usually becomes an afterthought even in such a well funded and massive game as this.


I always imagine an image of a drooling delinquent when someone says 'if you want PvP go play <insert fps game>'


For starters:


"DAoC is still alive but extremely dated.

EVE is still alive and kicking.

L2 lived it's cycle, still around."



Why aren't you playing these?



"PvP centric mmo with alot of backing could easily pull in the PvP crowd and be comfortably sustainable with patches, a crowd much of whom would remain very loyal to the game for many years, but it's all about wanting more and PvP usually becomes an afterthought even in such a well funded and massive game as this."



Really? Then why hasn't anyone jumped on this? Or have they and then ended up in the basement?


If there is so many pvprs willing to spend money than why aren't there a ton of pvp centric MMO games?


Oh, there has been a few but they all seem to fail. Whats the common factor?


The pvp players..............


And I ask? If you are such a pvp star why are you hiding in a pve game with a side of pve?

Edited by Amiracle
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1. DAoC - Hands down.

<fondly remembers days of stalking Emain as an Infiltrator>

And as the counter, I would put a caster hat on my Friar and smile when a stealther popped on me thinking I was a free kill. Ooops, sucks to be you, little stealther. My Friar eats you guys for breakfast.


2. DAoC - UI didn't tell you what class you targeted, only the name. You figured out what class. You also didn't see level, just a color scale.


3. DAoC - Open World PvP at it's finest. Take castles to open a PvP dungeon.


4. DAoC - Persistent Battlegrounds with keeps to take.


5. Asheron's Call - no classes, no CC, just kill or be killed

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i really never encountered a MMO, with balanced PVP.


EvE=was in the time i played all about skills, if you owned 30 mil skill points you where like a flying god, and o yea all you ever needed was missles.


Lineage 2, Draco bow no need to say more.


Rift, to much messing around with class's makes it a flavor of the month.


Aion, Tweaks was all what mattered.


so basicly, a MMO with good PvP do not exist.

if you lke true PvP you best of with a shooter, even that is based on Latency

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Warhammer, although beeing made by the same company as DaoC completly forgot and abandoned everything that made DaoC so great.

They scrapped the 3-way Realm system, you cant make pvp nearly as great with only 2 sides, it will only lead to one side camping the other. With 3 sides you eliminate that factor.

There were also no realmpride in Warhammer, you could just "go there later" for some PvP, you never felt like you needed to defend your realm.

Also Warhammer PvP was and is not about fighting your enemy, its about avoiding them.


While I agree with the f-up with 2 realms Im sure you were what we "elitists" called a scrub, a sh*tty player in a sh*tty guild unable to do anything. :)


WAR was a great game even tho it was rushed at release which had a bad impact, and no development doomed it at early stages. And 1.4.0 drove the last nail in the coffin, thanks Bioware...

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"PvP centric mmo with alot of backing could easily pull in the PvP crowd and be comfortably sustainable with patches, a crowd much of whom would remain very loyal to the game for many years, but it's all about wanting more and PvP usually becomes an afterthought even in such a well funded and massive game as this."



Really? Then why hasn't anyone jumped on this? Or have they and then ended up in the basement?


If there is so many pvprs willing to spend money than why aren't there a ton of pvp centric MMO games?


Oh, there has been a few but they all seem to fail. Whats the common factor?


The pvp players..............


And I ask? If you are such a pvp star why are you hiding in a pve game with a side of pve?


The players dont controll the mmo market, the investors do. And since World of Warcraft, a heavily PvE centric game is the big elephant and moneygrabber, every new developers looks to that one, instead of actually trying to create something on their own.


The PvPer dont "only" want PvP, they want good PvE and raiding aswell, its just that no game has managed to grasp the extremly well done PvP that DaoC once had and instead they make PvP into some kind of e-sport instanced skirmishbased PvP that most PvPers actually dont like.


Most players that went in to DaoC as a PvEr came out of it as PvPr, simply becouse of its really good PvP



While I agree with the f-up with 2 realms Im sure you were what we "elitists" called a scrub, a sh*tty player in a sh*tty guild unable to do anything. :)


WAR was a great game even tho it was rushed at release which had a bad impact, and no development doomed it at early stages. And 1.4.0 drove the last nail in the coffin, thanks Bioware...


Where the heck did that come from? i was in the biggest guild on my PvP server and was top 10 ranked for a long time, i also played beta, saw the huge problems there already, and made several posts about it on beta forum, but like all over beta testers, Mark Jacobs ignored all the critical posts. If anyone was bad it was probably you, finding it fun farming people without premade setup guildgroups, probably ranged at that so you could camp people at their spawncamps.

I saw those problems in all tiers, with one side camping the other, until someone pulled a guard, i saw the "standoff" in all tiers with hours of people loking at eachother, i saw the "lets take that keep while they take ours" kind of tactics rather then fighting.


Warhammer was a watered down version of PvP more resembling World of Warcraft rather then DaoC. Main error, no 3rd realm, also the PvE is crap

Edited by SeloDaoC
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For starters:


"DAoC is still alive but extremely dated.

EVE is still alive and kicking.

L2 lived it's cycle, still around."



Why aren't you playing these?



"PvP centric mmo with alot of backing could easily pull in the PvP crowd and be comfortably sustainable with patches, a crowd much of whom would remain very loyal to the game for many years, but it's all about wanting more and PvP usually becomes an afterthought even in such a well funded and massive game as this."



Really? Then why hasn't anyone jumped on this? Or have they and then ended up in the basement?


If there is so many pvprs willing to spend money than why aren't there a ton of pvp centric MMO games?


Oh, there has been a few but they all seem to fail. Whats the common factor?


The pvp players..............


And I ask? If you are such a pvp star why are you hiding in a pve game with a side of pve?


You just didn't absorb anything did you, it's no surprise you rehash the same points over and over despite having no credibility or merit.


It takes a huge amount of money to develop an mmo and companies aren't willing to gamble by veering away from the WoW model. Maximum number of subscriptions, this is the goal of every successful company. They have as much as said this. They don't even need longevity, despite these games 'dying' as you claim, they have been successes in their own right.


And I do hold a subscription to one of those games but they are getting very dated, also SW:ToR was advertised as an open world PvP experience so I don't know where you are fishing out this definitive description of being a 'PvE game', I certainly haven't seen or heard any official word stating that. Even if it was advertised as a PvE game, I would still play it.. because i'm an mmo fan.


MMO's and PvP centric MMO's are not mutually exclusive.. It's the same genre which I love, I just happen to enjoy PvP within that genre more than I do battling AI.

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