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Best MMO PvP you ever played?


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I'm trying to remember, didn't you get to loot a portion of another player's money in DAoC after you killed them? I know there was money dropped on the ground, but I could swear it came from the victims.


Those of you that played/liked DAoC, do you think that game had a more mature player base? It always seemed that way with me.



Actually every slain enemy in RvR dropped a bag of coins, but the slain one did not loose any cash at all for beeing killed.


And on the 2nd, imo the time, DAoC was released, there weren´t much ppl out there, having the advantage of ISDN or DSL (like i got myself 1k DSL in 2002, which was still VERY expensive back then compared to nowadays), and some ppl still know what pain UO/EQ/DAoC was while playing with a 56k modem. So most ppl who used the internet pretty often (and by this were the ones who played éarly MMO´s) mostly been ppl working in IT/Admin/programming/Webjobs, and for that fact, the community was like 20+ at its minimum (in my first DAoC guild, i was the youngest at the age of 16, next one was 28 (and we ahd like 40 real active players), oldest was 61. Today, nearly everyone got internet, and it seems like everyone older than 10 years got his own Facebook/Twitter account, so its not much of a surprise, that the community base went from an average age of like 25 to 16. At all, that fact does not bother me tho, as i already met kids (lwhich were around 14) which acted more mature already, than some 20+, nuff said.


Healin Hands

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warhammer online in the good old days, when keeps had one ramp. me as an ironbreaker, on the ramp with 15 other tanks and 2 warbands backing us up. 300+ raging destro players trying to take the keep. 3 server crashes, after each on we came back. was an epic fight, lots of renown, lots of fun.


god i miss that :(


and guild wars off course, so many skills and so much importance on teamplay, skills made you good.


I remember those server crashes when ruin would flood the zone with lowbies when they were losing to get the server to crash

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Best PVP I played was Everquest 1 on Sullon Zek. That came out in the summer of 2001. It was team based with 3 teams, Good, Evil, Neutral.


The problem with that game was the the good guys only owned the area around Halas and the fairy realms. All other territory was owned by the Neuts and Baddies.


So it was a lot of fun playing the good guys there, because we were pretty much fighting with our backs against the wall. The best thing about that was, it was difficult to buy new skills when you leveled. For example, I played a shaman, and one of the spell teachers was deep in evil territory. So I had to figure out how to get to the teacher and learn my skill with the lands crawling with enemy.


Anyway, here is a link from back in the day. Fansy the bard helping the good guys team.



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Not sure of best MMO but hands down the best PvP system i;ve ever played in my 8 years of MMOing was hands down Runescape....Yep I said it Runescape Kill your enemy for what they are wearing, die and lose what you are wearing. It's a real reward IMHO. And some good armour people risk takes just as long to get if not longer then the Blues/Oranges you get in SW:TOR. Not to mention you can always just wear cheaper gear but for some reason no MMO ever implemented this except RS and Eve online I believe. Say what you want about it, Yes i agree..the community, graphics and gameplay are for kids and pretty crappy, but RS's PvP dominates all. Takes 100% more skill then PvP in Wow etc too. Don't believe me?



And remind you most of these players are 10-15 year olds lol. I've seen a lot of them go from RS to SW:TOR/WoW and wreck PvP with ease. But overall IMO i think SW;Tor is best mmo out there :p

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1) EvE - The entire game is really nothing but corp wars. Metagaming is essential.

2) Planetside - Back in the day when the population was enough to actually cap two contentents and when Outfits had 50+ players on TS, it was incredibly fun. There is nothing quite so satisfying as being a part of a coordinated 16 man air platoon, a 20 man armor platoon, and a 30 man squad of Mobile Infantry.

3) Shattered Galaxy - Remains to this day, the only decent MMORTS ever released.

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Having already said "UO" in a previous post, I just remembered another creative PvP tactic we came up with... it worked only a couple times... but it only needed to!


We had a guy dress up like a wandering healer, and named him appropriately (No way to tell that an NPC was an NPC other than the way they acted in UO). Many people liked to "trap" NPC's in their houses and castles for various reasons.


Such as: Gating an elemental to your house and trapping it in a corner with objects... now you have your own training dummy that hits back for building magic resistance.


Well, people did this with healers too, so if they died, they could resurrect in their house if they were killed close by or while fighting their new training dummy.


So we had our "healer" make some macro's that spewed random things that a normal wandering healer would say... then set him out in the world. Within 20 minutes a group of players would start giving him money "hailing" him, to get him to follow. Of course he did, in random fashion. Before too long, they would lead him to their house, barricade him behind some sacks of flour... and then leave the house.


Then, when they all left, he would open the door for us and we'd all come in and hide and lay in wait. I think we managed 1 or 2 house keys, and an obvious amount of loot from the few times we pulled that off.

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Old school UO really did have the best PvP mainly because of the risk/reward aspect in my opinion. Although back then I was playing on a 14.4 bps modem so that kind of blew, especially when you came across one of the few with broadband back then. I think after that I would have to say WoW due to the rock paper scissors aspect that encouraged grouping and also careful use of cooldowns.
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1) Neocron: it had everything you could want in a MMO...just a shame about all the bugs which stopped it getting off the ground;, still the most fun I've had in pvp though, with twitch combat mixed and rpg abilities, skill was a much larger part of the equation than in many mmos these days where out gearing the opponent can make up for mashing the keyboard.


2) Warhammer: it was well thought out with great variety in objectives and great open world pvp; it had so much potential, unfortunately poor implementation killed the game.


3) WOW: Purely because as the biggest it has the most variety and the most polish.


Notable mention: Guild Wars; it would probably go number 2 but as its not really a MMO...just have to see how they do with GW2.

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