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Everything posted by Skuke_Likewalker

  1. Limit to faction numbers in a server and not allowing cross realming in the same server.
  2. Open world pvp within the general idea of warhammer, meaning tiers every 10-15levels , bolster to lower level chars within a tier and different scenarios/war fronts/war zones ... whatever for each tier. I know i am being way to general but a bit tired to go into details atm , apologies.
  3. My thoughts exactly !!!! And already cancelled (to stay on topic).
  4. Since the thread was very politely shut down i am bringing it to the appropriate one ..... I would like to thank BioWare very much for the worse buy i ever made & for showing utter incompetence to address pvp issues. Clearly you are clueless !!!!! Sorry but i won't buy this "new game give it a chance" crap, simply because during the years of development i am sure you had all the time in the world to look around and see what players like/dislike, and good or bad stuff other games had and come up with a better and refined product. Your game has been cancelled and uninstalled and actually now my pc works as intended woot!!!! P.S. Your devs are actually getting payed to come up with this kind of bull shi t updates ????? Just curious.
  5. For the time being they are "investigating" the "potential" issues of the patch!!!!!! LMAO ... best line of the month i swear !!!!!!
  6. If it's EA just stay away .... the new motto.
  7. Damn i believe i can come up with worse ideas for pvp than this patch , where to i apply for a job BioWare ?????
  8. So what's next??? Getting valor out of dueling your own faction maybe?????? Cause seriously not many reps will be around after this !!!!
  9. BioWare is investigating if there are potential issues and we are investigating if their devs are potentially imbeciles !!!!!
  10. Curious to see how many pvp servers they have up a month from now.
  11. Don't think he would come up with this post if he had 30 reps camping the imp base while he was trying to pew pew tracer.... tracer ... tracer lol
  12. At least in Warhammer we actually had playable pvp
  13. As i write this there are about 30 imps camping the taxi area of the reps base on Ilum (Bloodworthy server). This is your idea of world pvp ???? Thank you very much for the worse buy i ever made & for showing utter incompetence to address pvp issues. Clearly you are clueless !!!!! Sorry but i won't buy this "new game give it a chance" crap, simply because during the years of development i am sure you had all the time in the world to look around and see what players like/dislike, and good or bad stuff other games had and come up with a better and refined product. Your game has been cancelled and uninstalled . P.S. Your devs are actually getting payed to come up with this kind of bull shi t updates ????? Just curious.
  14. This is supposed to be like 3 thousand years before the skywalker era ???? Correct me if i am wrong .
  15. The problem with crafting in general (apart from Biochem's specific issue) is its relation with how fast a character levels up. By the time one crafts an item for their level it has already become obsolete by what can be bought from a vendor. And of course the end crafting items which require HM flashpoint boss drop. What if someone does not really fancy pve ??? It is a pity because the system looks interesting , though like many other things in this game it seems not very thoroughly thought of if at all.
  16. I agree with you , even now (Bloodworthy) on Ilum right outside the rep base one can find 15-20 imps camped and waiting , while the reps are like 5-6. Can't fight these numbers no matter how good one is.
  17. Was talking from my experience as a gunslinger. And please correct me if i am wrong , but after i get knocked down from an IA all i see is one animation and i hear the same sound , now unless they gave the same animation & sound to 2-3 different abilities i don't think i am wrong.
  18. True story , happened to me as well
  19. Allow me to add something here here ..... Stealth with no time use or mana/force/energy penalty, that can be used in combat and is instant thus not interuptable. And after the initial knock down the spamable use of a single ability that does insane damage and to my opinion that can not be considered burst , i understand burst damage what comes out of a combination of abilities. Not to mention that after the knock down the standing up animation (which does not allow any kind of movement) alone gives an extra 3 second advantage.
  20. Agreed and adding the fact of lack of TIMED combat log (like WAR has) that would add extra proof.
  21. I have not seen yet anyone address the problem / FACT , that there are classes that need to go through 3-4 abilities in order to do some burst and some times those abilities are channeled, and on the other hand we have classes that just push one frigging button and that is it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That alone makes the pvp system here completely broken, not to think of other parameters that have been mentioned in this forum again and again.
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