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Is rolling GREED just as bad as rolling NEED if you don't need the gear?


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I fail to see this logic because in many heroics/flashpoints, I have been left out of gear for my Vanguard such as Assault Rifles/Trooper Helmets because a Smuggler wanted that rifle and helmet for their companion Corso Riggs.


This person is Obviously a Troll. Seriously think about what he's saying ? No one who has ANY experience in MMO's would make the argument that Greed is selfish because you might be ... taking ...credits from someone else who was going to...vendor the item ?

I think that's his argument, or Argument Option Number 2: Greed is bad because someone might not have known that a BoP item was an upgrade and thus needed so by greeding as well and winning you in essence took the item from the person that needed it but didn't know they needed it and wasn't sure how the need/greed system worked so they are now mad..... I could go on with this all day but you see where I'm going guys ?

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If you roll Greed on an item, you cannot win the roll against someone who rolls Need. Out of 4 players, if three people roll Greed and the fourth rolls Need - the one who rolls Need will win, every time.


Why pass on something if you don't need it? Just roll Greed. If someone else Needs it, they'll roll Need, and you won't get it anyway. If no one else rolls Need, then it's randomly up for grabs. It's not a big deal, really.


The only time I ever Pass is when I end up winning a lot of the Greed Rolls. This is especially so, if I've already gotten something I Needed.


Stop trying to be self-righteous. If you don't roll Greed - you're only hurting yourself.



Honestly Raice I couldn't have said it better.

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If you need the gear, in any way, then need. You have a minute to ask if anyone minds you needing it, and if someone really needs it more than you they have ample time to say so and you can just pass.


Greed is not disrespectful to your team mates to do. Greed option is there for a REASON. So everyone who doesn't need the item can go "Hey, I wouldn't mind vendoring that or REing it or AHing it". That's what the greed option is there for; Everyone needs credits and by rolling for greed you're just saying you plan to get credits out of it.


Greeding on items, as I will say again, is NOT disrespectful.


You're trying to make an issue when there isn't one to be had. If YOU personally choose to pass and let the rest of your group have the loot to vendor, fine, that's your choice. Don't try and enforce your opinion on others and claim it's offensive when it isn't. The Need/Greed/Desconstruct option is there specifically so that people don't cause offense when it's used properly.


Seriously...there is no issue here to be had.


If you want to bring up an ACTUAL issue with looting then talk about the policy that some people seem to employ of looting after a boss when some people aren't there to roll on the loot. THAT is an issue. This isn't.

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Following this logic, everyone could just roll NEED on everything. Ultimately, we end up with a lot of companions, after all. Hell, most of the time, when you are in a FP/Heroic, your companion isn't even with you. They aren't contributing anything to the group. They do NOTHING to help the other people in your group get through the content and down the bosses that drop the loot. It is incredibly selfish to prioritize your NPC companion over an actual player who is there helping you down bosses and get through content.


Even when I use my companion to tank heroics, I make sure no one else needs the item before I roll on an item for my companion. That's just common sense and common courtesy. I am fairly certain that most would agree with me that it's incredibly selfish and greedy to roll NEED on items for your companion without asking if an actual player needs it first.


^ This! and no other.

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But shouldn't people have a bit more respect for the people they group with?


So they want to roll greed on an item to sell it at a vendor for probably 2K, that is fine, but at some point, where does the respect come into play? I could have rolled greed on many items to sell, but out of courtesy to my group, I click pass and allow it to go to someone who actually deserves it and will make better use of it for their character.


Where is this respect you talk about? On the one hand your saying you your need for your companion. I presume that you also roll need for yourself too?


So if you think that the item should then go to someone who deserves it how will they know? Are you saying that your contribution isn’t enough to warrant you rolling greed then? Are you saying that after every boss/trash drop the whole group should stop and discuss the most worthy group member and then take a vote?


The funny one is your last sentence “I click pass and allow it to go to someone who actually deserves it and will make better use of it for their character.” Surly if it was going to be better for their character or companion, by your logic they would have pressed need anyway. Your thread is a non-thread and makes no sense.


Also this respect you talk about, surly this would be exercised by not rolling need on an item for a companion of yours and letting the player who clearly needs it as an upgrade for their character have it. I think the logic should be that priority should be given to players that were physically present in the flashpoint not companions that are sitting on your ship. If you used the companions in the flashpoint to clear it that is a slightly different matter. But again out of respect if another play actually needs the gear for their toon you should let them have it IMHO.

Edited by Ramaos
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But shouldn't people have a bit more respect for the people they group with?


So they want to roll greed on an item to sell it at a vendor for probably 2K, that is fine, but at some point, where does the respect come into play? I could have rolled greed on many items to sell, but out of courtesy to my group, I click pass and allow it to go to someone who actually deserves it and will make better use of it for their character.

If someone would make better use of it on their character, then they would roll Need. That's why it is an option.


If someone hits Need, then the fact that you hit Greed is meaningless. You are out of the running. You have not diminished them at all. If everybody hits greed then you have the same random chance of getting the item as anyone else.


Excepting the very rare case when someone accidentally hit greed and you want to make sure they get it (by passing), why wouldn't you always use greed?

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But shouldn't people have a bit more respect for the people they group with?


So they want to roll greed on an item to sell it at a vendor for probably 2K, that is fine, but at some point, where does the respect come into play? I could have rolled greed on many items to sell, but out of courtesy to my group, I click pass and allow it to go to someone who actually deserves it and will make better use of it for their character.


I don't think you're grasping the concept here. If the person that can use it rolls need, you have 0 chance to get it if you roll greed. Rolling greed is basically saying, "i Pass" if someone needs.


Unless of course you want to have a deep discussion with your group every time loot drops about who needs ...

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But shouldn't people have a bit more respect for the people they group with?


So they want to roll greed on an item to sell it at a vendor for probably 2K, that is fine, but at some point, where does the respect come into play? I could have rolled greed on many items to sell, but out of courtesy to my group, I click pass and allow it to go to someone who actually deserves it and will make better use of it for their character.


You are free to have as much respect for the people you're playing with as you wish to provide.


I don't consider that to be rolling "Pass" on anything you don't need. This is your personal assertion, and I wouldn't expect others to all adopt your own style.


I give to other players by not rolling Need for anything that I don't actually need for myself or my companion. If I'm overleveled with those I'm playing with, I will hold back some of my damage so they get a chance to play through the mission. I provide healing help to group mates when I'm running a healer character.


This is how I am respectful of others. If I want loot just to sell it, and am not just going to try and recycle it, I vote Greed on items. If I win, I win. Nothing wrong with that.

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No offense, but what the heck do you think the point of a "greed" roll is...basicly by rolling greed you are telling your group that you are rolling for the purpose of selling it, giving it to companion etc... a "need" roll will always outrank a "greed" roll no matter how high that greed roll is...if you want to pass on everything you aren't going to use, that's your business...but you can't expect everyone in your group to not greed on items they don't specificly need.
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But shouldn't people have a bit more respect for the people they group with?


So they want to roll greed on an item to sell it at a vendor for probably 2K, that is fine, but at some point, where does the respect come into play? I could have rolled greed on many items to sell, but out of courtesy to my group, I click pass and allow it to go to someone who actually deserves it and will make better use of it for their character.


If they were going to use it for their character, they would roll need. This is not about others not being respectful, this is about you fundamentally misunderstanding how the system works.

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Need = Player is going to use it.

Greed = For companion, credits, RP purposes, whatever.



That's it, it's really that simple, if YOU need it, roll need, if you want it for your companion or anything else, roll greed. And if you think rolling need for your companion over a person who can use it is okay, don't join my groups, you'll be kicked and locked out.

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The way I see it, either YOU need the gear or don't. I am not talking about needing it for your companion or to sell on GTN, but needing to put on your character. The way I play, if it goes on my companion, I roll need, if it doesn't, I just roll pass.


You will roll need for your companions, even if the other player needs it for his own character? Just clarifying your statement.


But shouldn't people have a bit more respect for the people they group with?


So they want to roll greed on an item to sell it at a vendor for probably 2K, that is fine, but at some point, where does the respect come into play?


But you actually lose respect for people who press the "Greed" option, when you yourself press "Need" over someone who equips it for their own char?

Edited by Redshirtricky
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Excepting the very rare case when someone accidentally hit greed and you want to make sure they get it (by passing), why wouldn't you always use greed?


I'll 'pass' sometimes if I forgot to empty my bags and couldn't be fussed to take the time to figure out what destroy. :D


Otherwise if it's not good for me I just auto hit greed without even thinking about it.

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I think the OP is taking about people rolling need to gear their companions not their actual character. I could see being pissed about losing a need roll on an upgrade when someones gonna pawn it of on a companion. If that's the case then then need rolls should be restricted to class usable if they are not already.
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Need = Player is going to use it.

Greed = For companion, credits, RP purposes, whatever.



That's it, it's really that simple, if YOU need it, roll need, if you want it for your companion or anything else, roll greed. And if you think rolling need for your companion over a person who can use it is okay, don't join my groups, you'll be kicked and locked out.


But what if the Companion is doing just as much work as another player?


In fact, let's say, for arguments's sake, that I am controlling my character and my Companion, but you are only controlling your character. Would it not be fair to say that I am actually doing more work than you? Should I then not have more right to a drop?


Where does it end? Who gets to decide who is more important?


The purest, most polite, respectful and selfless thing you can do is let your fellow players click any damn button they like. To do otherwise - to impose your set of personal values and opinions on another - indicates that you put your own personal experience and enjoyment above another player (re: greed, and arrogance).

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I think the OP is taking about people rolling need to gear their companions not their actual character. I could see being pissed about losing a need roll on an upgrade when someones gonna pawn it of on a companion. If that's the case then then need rolls should be restricted to class usable if they are not already.


Did you actually read the OP...sure doesn't sound like it.

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Wow...just...wow. OP do you seriously not understand NEED >> GREED? If someone needs it, and it will be an upgrade to their gear, fare enough, they roll need. If it isn't an upgrade and they want to sell it, they roll greed. Why on earth would anyone pass on an item apart from saving bag space?


Your logic is so flawed it's unbelievable. Are you actually saying that you have ben passing on all this gear when everyone else is rolling greed and then complaining that no one else passes it? By your logic, you want items to sit on a corpse and be left to despawn, wasting any credits they were worth.


Greed is there for a reason, it's to be used. Anone who wants an item to use should use NEED. If that person deems the need high enough to be used on a companion then sure they're entitled to need on it and equip it on their companion, probably better to ask characters who can also use the item first though but its perfectly acceptable.

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I think it's pretty obvious?


Need = I'm going to equip it. (either on me or, in this game, on a companion I actually use)

Greed = I'm going to sell it.

Pass = I don't want it. I either don't have the room, or want to keep room open for possibly better stuff down the line, or it's simply not worth my time bothering to sell the item.


Now, personally, I also choose "pass" If I'm seriously overleveled for the area, but am just doing heroics or whatever in a lower level zone because I simply want to have done each heroic/whatever once so I figure the stuff is "worth" more to the others because I can get more creds running something nearer my level.


All seems fairly self evident based on the name of the options, no?

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Need for your character.


Greed for credits, companions, alts.


Pass if you can't be bothered. Particularly useful in a guild run where you're way overleveled and you know the people you're with actually need the credits/items at their level.


This seems to be the generally accepted uses. I agree with it.


However, I did have someone in a run last night ask if they could Need for their companion. It was a double bladed saber. The Assassin in the group glanced at the stats and then passed, said go ahead.


It was a great run, and that person geared up their companion with an awesome orange saber.


So that's the method I suggest, since it seems to work the best.

Edited by Warlocc
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I've seen 1 or 2 people (in the dozens I've pugged Flashpoints with) display this attitude, and it confused me then, too.


Need is if you Need it, Greed is if you don't need it. Everyone can potentially use it in some fashion, even if it's vendorbait the credits can be considerable, especially considering how tight credits in this game can be.


OP, if something would be a huge upgrade to a Companion that you use frequently, I suggest you wait to see if the people who use it for their primary gear select Greed instead of Need, and if so ask if the group minds if you take it for your companion. If that sounds fine, then you hit Need. That's what I do, and it's worked just fine.

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Your group consists of 2-4 Sith characters. (Hey, it's possible).


Sniper Rifle drops, and no one has an operative-type companion (vette is blasters, khem val is 2h sword).


Is it wrong to greed? If everyone passes, it sits useless on the corpse of the boss.


(also, to reiterate what's been said many many times, it is physically impossible to win something if you greed and they need, if it happened to you, its a bug or you're lying)

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People are overthinking a simple system way too much. If you feel like you need things by whatever your definiton is, then press "need". If not, press greed and let the roll decided if it is yours to bring to the vendor. If you feel like the people you are playing with press "need" too often or for soft reasons then, stop grouping with them or bring it up and work out an agrrement on it.
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