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Is rolling GREED just as bad as rolling NEED if you don't need the gear?


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If your complaint had been people rolling need and they can do absolutely nothing with the item but sell it then I would have stood with you. Try doing a flash point with people that roll need just because the gear is purple or orange. Pisses me off when I see a sith warrior get the sith inquisitor items I just rolled need on.
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Is rolling GREED just as bad as rolling NEED if you don't need the gear?



You shouldn't be rolling need if you don't Need the gear for your character.

You shouldn't be rolling need because you need the gear to sell for credits.

You shouldn't be rolling need if the gear is for your companion.


The player base is not here to equip your companions. By the time your 50 your going to have a companion that uses just about every type of gear combination possible. As a 50 Sith Inquisitor (Sorc) I have 5 companons + my ship droid.


Myself = Willpower

Khem Val = Strength

Andronikos Revel = Cunning

Ashara Zavros = Strength

Tallos Drellik = Cunning

Xalek = Willpower


By your reasoning that means I get to need on all the Willpower, Strength, and Cunning gear, because I could use it for myself or my companions. Should it matter if your playing an Agent and want the cunning gear also? If I do that, who will want to group with me, only Bounty Hunters?


The same general setup applies for every class. If I were playing a Smuggler, by your argument, I would get to need on all the Aim, Strength, and Cunning gear. If I am playing a Trooper and you need on gear I want to use for myself for your companon.... Your not going to be in my group for very long.


Need is for gear you will use for yourself, thats it... Everything else is greed. We don't care if your greeding because you want to sell it or use it on your companon.

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Need is Need


Greed is vendoring it for the credits. There is nothing wrong with this if no one needs it that means someone should get the chance to sell it to the vendor. I fail to see how this is an issue.


Agreed. Well put.

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Is rolling GREED just as bad as rolling NEED if you don't need the gear? No. At least it shouldn't be. A loot rule I always go by when starting a party and make known up front is this: unless the item has sockets and the player doesn't have the accoutrement on their character at the time to properly fill those sockets . . . if they win a need roll we wait until they equip it. If they don't equip it - they're gone. If they're dbags about it they're reported for griefing. I greed everything I don't need. If the item isn't bound and it turns out someone in the party could have needed it after the fact, I'll trade it to them for free. Edited by GalacticKegger
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While I agree with this, let's consider something else:


Your companion isn't there.


In other games (with dual-spec), do you roll need for something that helps the spec you're NOT playing at the time?


That's usually not acceptable.


So if your companion isn't there, how is that much different?


Well, just to briefly answer your question in broad terms:


I have no problem with using the loot system as it stands now. I have no problems with people needing on stuff for their companion. But that has more to do with my age, and how little value I place on pixelated items of no real value.


Having said that, I understand and appreciate that other people have other views than mine, and therefore I generally try to communicate with fellow players so as to avoid any potential misunderstandings.

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Need is Need


Greed is vendoring it for the credits. There is nothing wrong with this if no one needs it that means someone should get the chance to sell it to the vendor. I fail to see how this is an issue.




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I roll need if I need the gear on my character.

I roll need if I need the gear on my companion AND everyone else greeded or passed.(Nobody needed the item, then I believe it's fair game to roll need and give it to my companion for an upgrade)

I roll greed if I don't need the item for either myself or the companion.

I roll pass if I'm running a lowbie guildie through a flashpoint and I really don't care about loot whatsoever.

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As I said, we need a 'need for companion' button.


I agree with this.


Need/Greed developed in other games, most of which did not have companions that could use the loot from encounters.


Companions are an important part of helping your character survive and succeed. My companion tanks for me and does a lot better job of it when he has good gear. Perhaps for some companions gear is less important?


Having a "Need for Companion" button would remove the tension around this.


I have seen people raise the issue of how companions should not get gear because they didn't participate in the group -- if a companion IS part of the party doing the flashpoint/mission, is it ok to roll "need" for gear he could use?

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I remember the first time I saw the dialogue, I asked, "How do you pass?" I didn't occur to me closing the dialogue without selecting "Need" or "Greed" would count as a "Pass". I guess my point is, is that while the "Pass" option is there, it is not as apparent as the other two.


When do I select "Need"? When the item would constitute as an upgrade for myself and I will actually use it. I haven't even considered upgrades for companions so far - but I would consider that appropriate as well.


When do I select "Greed"? When I intend to use the item for reverse engineering. Or, if I have a friend/guildie/alternate that would have a need for said item. In other words, I do have a use for it other than vendoring and upgrading myself.


When do I select "Pass"? If my only use is to vendor the item (I HATE inventory clutter). But then again, if I wanted to vendor, I could select "Greed".


Like I said before, "Pass" is a subtle option, its almost as if Bioware determined that players really only ever should "Need" or "Greed" (hence them being the prominently displayed options). I don't think there is an inappropriate use of "Greed" as I would consider it a catch all, unless of course you just don't want extra items sitting in your inventory.


However, there is an inappropriate use of "Need" - which I have never been bothered with how my PUGmates. In fact, I would say I've won most of the items I "Need" because I see mostly "Greeding" from players.


There is also the complication with companions. If an item can serve as a companion upgrade, should you click "Need" or "Greed"? Now thats an answer I'd like answered :)

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I roll need if I need the gear on my companion AND everyone else greeded or passed.(Nobody needed the item, then I believe it's fair game to roll need and give it to my companion for an upgrade)


But what if they hit Greed because they wanted it for their companion - then you're just ninja-ing.


In all of my groups going forward i'm going to send a message out at the beginning - no Need for companions unless you ask first.



Edited by rawhead_wrecker
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I roll need if I need the gear on my companion AND everyone else greeded or passed.(Nobody needed the item, then I believe it's fair game to roll need and give it to my companion for an upgrade)


But what if they hit Greed because they wanted it for their companion - then you're just ninja-ing.


In all of my groups going forward i'm going to send a message out at the beginning - no Need for companions unless you ask first.




You need to coordinate with your party. Decide at the beginning if you can need for companions, and if not, then when loot comes up that's good for a companion it has to be dsicussed.


The way my group rolls, is that we need for upgrades for both companions and players, unless it's an orange/set pieces item. Then only need if it's a player upgrade.

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I just replied to this issue in a similar post, but I feel like saying it again...


I greed 90% of the time because I don't want to take time to look at the item (unless it's orange) - I just hit the greed button as quick as the loot window opens, so I can keep moving & fighting.


Players who always need are slimos.


Players who hit pass must not need the credits.


Unless it's a particularly epic piece of gear that actually warrants need, or a quick chat, everyone should just be fair and hit GREED and quit holding up the game!

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Truth of the matter is that there is no item in the game than anyone NEEDS. The game will go on with or without the item. Players will continue to play and can still win battles and complete quests. Nothing is truly "Need".


That means that it is up to each person to decide what "Need" means. And nobody's opinion is more right than anyone else's.


Some feel that "Need" is for any equipment that will be used - by characters or companions - and that "Greed" is for when you simply want the money from selling an item.


Others feel that "Need" is a special term reserved for their character, and that "Greed" is for items that will be used by a companion or sold for money.


The buttons are there for everyone, even though we have different views on how they should be utilized.


I believe the best answer is to simply not get upset over what happens in a game. Especially before level 50, when any given item is going to be replaced in a few hours anyway. It just isn't worth being that invested in an imaginary item.

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But shouldn't people have a bit more respect for the people they group with?


So they want to roll greed on an item to sell it at a vendor for probably 2K, that is fine, but at some point, where does the respect come into play? I could have rolled greed on many items to sell, but out of courtesy to my group, I click pass and allow it to go to someone who actually deserves it and will make better use of it for their character.


The respect comes in when they do not actually need the item and choose to roll either greed (or pass.) They are respecting the idea that someone else in the group might actually need the item. Once it goes past the need level though, all bets are off. Plus, you are going to find varying philosophies on whether rolling need for companions is acceptable or not. The safe bet is to not assume and chat with your group mates prior to killing the first mob in the instance to get a general consensus among your party as to what the accepted loot rules are for that run.


You can have your hippy-esque, Utopian ideals that your server's community is going to be some peace & love and good will towards all man type of thing but the reality is, with the exception of the people you actually know, everyone around you on your server is just another anonymous Internet entity that has little to no interest in helping you beyond the the goal of the group and for the length of time that group is together.


In short, you can choose to hope that those around you are going to be more altruistic in how they roll on items but, unless you're prepared to be perpetually disappointed, I'd lower your expectations of your fellow, anonymous, players.

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I love it, BTW, when people talk about "rolling need" as "ninja looting". Us EQ veterans know what ninja looting is... waiting until someone else has killed a rare mob, then you loot the corpse, despite not contributing to the fight in any way. "Need" only gives you a chance to get an item you might not "need", and you had to be part of the fight in the first place. The kind of true ******ery you had in EQ, and even worse, UO, is something modern gamers simply can't imagine and have never had to deal with.


Anyway, "Need For Companion" is a problem because, as I understand it, with a full set of Companions, there's almost nothing you might not "Need" for one of them, and some things, like implants or relics, can be useful if there's any empty slots at all. Does Mako "need" a +12 STR, +18 END implant? Not as much as she might need a Cunning one, but if she's got two empty implant slots (heh heh... implant slots...), the STR/END one is a boost nonetheless.

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If you roll Greed on an item, you cannot win the roll against someone who rolls Need. Out of 4 players, if three people roll Greed and the fourth rolls Need - the one who rolls Need will win, every time.


Why pass on something if you don't need it? Just roll Greed. If someone else Needs it, they'll roll Need, and you won't get it anyway. If no one else rolls Need, then it's randomly up for grabs. It's not a big deal, really.


The only time I ever Pass is when I end up winning a lot of the Greed Rolls. This is especially so, if I've already gotten something I Needed.


Stop trying to be self-righteous. If you don't roll Greed - you're only hurting yourself.

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