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It's like you guys don't want the game to succeed...


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You mean play the game by spamming /1 LFG? Right? This is your definition of play the game. And not have LFD assembling the group while ACTUALLY play the game doing something else... Go figure...


Because that's what happens...


I remember Org and Dal being chock full of people just sitting around. I also remember a fairly empty Org and Shat in a different era...

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You mean play the game by spamming /1 LFG? Right? This is your definition of play the game. And not have LFD assembling the group while ACTUALLY play the game doing something else... Go figure...


No I actually meant by being part of a giuld, generally talking to people in game and making friends....


You know, being sociable which is what MMORPGs are all about.


Only a insta queue, lobbycraft silo mentality assumes I meant spamming /1 like some stalker annoying people or begging for a group...


That and its the only arguement LFD fans ever come up with for needing LFD....


I dont see why my game experience should be cheapened because you have no social skills or just want to power through the game without ever having to actually interact with people in a social context....



Edited by ImperialSun
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I had no idea that a "grindy" game and a "grinder" game were different... Although, most Asian MMOs are extremely "grindy" or "grinder" or how ever you want to spin it to make it look like that moron calling SWTOR "grindy" is in any shape or form correct.


grindy = adjective (sort-of anyway, I don't think it's an actual word. I've seen 'grindish' instead aswell)

to grind = verb

grinder = noun


a grinder is a game that has you grind to the top, usually with very little xp gain per mob kill

a grindy game is a game that has you grind sometimes, this means it can happen that for example you run out of quests before you reach the next level. sometimes people claim it's also 'grinding' when you do 50 quests at the same time, you 'grind' the quests... obviously that definition is up for discussion but I can see the point


there is a fine line between a 'grindy game' and a 'grinder', obviously TOR is not a grinder, and neither is WoW... not in the long run anyway, compared to games such as Silkroad, Last Caos and so on... (afaik the Asian version of Aion is also far more of a grinder than the Western version... )

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you're kinda implying that I said it when you write a whole TLDR about the way a macro you want works.. nice playing.


I don't care what 'a lot' of players supposedly think. unlike you, I don't think I speak for anyone but myself.


also, caps lock doesn't make you right. the right info makes you right. so stop that please. yelling is kinda rude.


(I would like you to address that most WoW players are in Asia, btw)


I wrote a TLDR version because there are far more people than just you on the forums, with far less patience than you for reading my entire posts(if you did TY).


I don't really care if caps makes me look right or wrong, it's the same thing as bolding or underlining a statement. Also, just a quick question (no harm or anything) how does text yell at you? CAUSE if I TALK like THIS, do you read it in your head as OMG HES SCREAMING, wait no he isn't, WAIT YES HE IS, wait no he isn't? :p And seriously, just asking lol, just cause I find caps another way to point important info across. It's an eye catcher for the illiterate people.

Edited by TheJmoney
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No I actually meant by being part of a giuld, generally talking to people in game and making friends....


You know, being sociable which is what MMORPGs are all about.


Only a insta queue, lobbycraft silo mentality assumes I meant spamming /1 like some stalker annoying people or begging for a group...


That and its the only arguement LFD fans ever come up with for needing LFD....


I dont see why my game experience should be cheapened because you have no social skills or just want to power through the game without ever having to actually interact with people in a social context....




So LFD will not after YOU since you have social skills. If it does not affect you then why not having it for the less... social skilled people? You could play with your friends and guild mates and not use LFD at all? Where is the problem?

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As far as people linking me links about how WoW lost 1-2 mil subs, try again. Do you honestly think a company would let out info like that?
Uh yea. Its call quarter reports that every public traded company must by law do. Which means people can see how many subs WoW has.



Besides, that was not my point. My point was CATACLYSM SOLD MORE COPIES THAN WOTLK, REGARDLESS IF THEY LOST SUBS AFTERWARDS. REMEMBER NOW KIDDIES, CATACLYSM CAME AFTER LFG, AND FAR AFTER MACROS AND ADDONS. What Blizzard did with the game DURING Cata may have lost subs, but my point is still valid.
Your point is what? That CATA sold well? What does that have to do with anything?
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Dear Jmoney:


I agree with your sentiments to a very large degree, but I want to digress in one area, and its fairly minor.


There were ninjas before the LFD system, as there were complete drooling morons, this is quite true, however, the way LFD was designed rewarded this behavior.


I am in favor of a better flashpoint system, but i would like for bioware to restrict it to server only, or give the player the optoin to que server only.


This way, the anonymity layer added for people on different servers will not be as present.


Agreed 100% I also would like to see a looking for group panel, but much in the way DDO does it. It's not cross server. It allows you to list the quest/heroic/flashpoint you want to do, the classes and lvl range your looking for. It does not port you to the dungeon, you need to find your own way there. This type of lfg ppanel does not ruin a community it actually makes it better and more tight knit. Anyone who doesn't like to lead groups just pops open the panel and takes a peak at who is running what and what they're looking for. Folks who do like to lead post for members for their group. It's simple and quite friendly.


Being able to customize your UI is essential to almost everyone and anyone i have ever gamed with. nuff said about that.


Dual spec...this intrigues me. I have never played WOW but I can tell you from my DDO experience if we had dual specs raids and groups would have formed sooo much faster. always the same thing, waiting on a tank or a healer. Seems to me dual specs would be a good thing, nto a bad thing. Not dual AC though, your class is your class.

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I wrote a TLDR version because there are far more people than just you on the forums, with far lass patience than you for reading my entire posts(if you did TY).


I don't really care if caps makes me look right or wrong, it's the same thing as bolding or underlining a statement. Also, just a quick question (no harm or anything) how does text yell at you? CAUSE if I TALK like THIS, do you read it in your head as OMG HES SCREAMING, wait no he isn't, WAIT YES HE IS, wait no he isn't? :p And seriously, just asking lol, just cause I find caps another way to point important info across. It's an eye catcher for the illiterate people.


you replied to me, though, so obviously I expect your reply to be directed at me.. and we both know that it was. you did think I don't know what macros are all about. you shot up on the 'oh look she never played WoW I'm gonna pwn her!' train.


caps in written form usually imply yelling. you know it. don't pretend otherwise, please. (but yes, bolding the whole two lines would have made you look just as silly. your opinion is not more important than other people's. we know you believe those numbers, you don't have to repeat them 10 times with fancy font or whatever)


I use caps to point something out aswell, but you don't need to point out something you already said three times, and definitely not just because it's something different than someone else claimed. doesn't exactly help a meaningful discussion if we only act like we're right and don't care what the other one is saying. he provided a source, after all. you only repeated 'no u wrong'

Edited by amnie
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I wrote a TLDR version because there are far more people than just you on the forums, with far less patience than you for reading my entire posts(if you did TY).


I don't really care if caps makes me look right or wrong, it's the same thing as bolding or underlining a statement. Also, just a quick question (no harm or anything) how does text yell at you? CAUSE if I TALK like THIS, do you read it in your head as OMG HES SCREAMING, wait no he isn't, WAIT YES HE IS, wait no he isn't? :p And seriously, just asking lol, just cause I find caps another way to point important info across. It's an eye catcher for the illiterate people.


It's generally going to be attributed to raging, yes, because you apparently don't have the patience to use the aforementioned bolding and underlining. It also doesn't help that, in the mind's eye, people associate yelling with big, blocky letters.


Like what you get with caps.

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"The people" either don't know what they want, are crazy, or just like to moan about everything.


Or play on a server full of lowbies or starting zone alts and have absolutely nothing to do at higher levels except space battles and the most boring pvp ever created.


I followed Bioware's advice and made a character on a lower population server. I leveled up. The rest of the server didn't and now I have nothing to do. I was pretty much the only toon leveling up on the planets from Taris onward. Well, there were two of us on Belsavis but the other guy was a level 13 - so I don't know what he was doing.


The complete LACK of social options killed the game for me. I canceled my subscription yesterday because honestly, there's no incentive to pay any kind of monthly fee with the current state of the community.


I'm not upset though, I've paid more money for shorter games, and I just looked at this like a 40-50 hour single player experience that I truly enjoyed.

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You are talking about numbers like it is nothing...


Do you realize that when bliz bleed a little by losing 2 mil customers, that meant TWICE the current population of the still free time of swtor? Are you aware about what numbers we are talking now and you say it like it is nothing? Really. I WISH swtor will reach 3 mil. And keep even these after the next major bliz release...


Please... know what you are talking about.


And the way SWTOR was developed will have to compete not only against WOW but against Diablo as well! Good times!

Edited by Rayaleith
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You are talking about numbers like it is nothing...


Do you realize that when bliz bleed a little by losing 2 mil customers, that meant TWICE the current population of the still free time of swtor? Are you aware about what numbers we are talking now and you say it like it is nothing? Really. I WISH swtor will reach 3 mil. And keep even these after the next major bliz release...


Please... know what you are talking about.


And the way SWTOR was developed will have to compete not only against WOW but against Diablo as well! Good times!


I highly doubt that for many people Diablo will be an either-or choice, really. not everyone plays that online to begin with, and even if they do not everyone will go and pay for it, so same as with GW2 I'm sure lots of people will be playing both.


that being said BW said their goal was 1 million subs and the game starts making money after a bit more than 500,000 subs... so 3 million would definitely be a high number of players, and not really all that much less that WoW subs in NA and EU anyway (last numbers I know are about 2 million NA, 2.5 million in EU and about 5.5 million in Asia, not exactly Bioware's market to begin with)

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I highly doubt that for many people Diablo will be an either-or choice, really. not everyone plays that online to begin with, and even if they do not everyone will go and pay for it, so same as with GW2 I'm sure lots of people will be playing both.


that being said BW said their goal was 1 million subs and the game starts making money after a bit more than 500,000 subs... so 3 million would definitely be a high number of players, and not really all that much less that WoW subs in NA and EU anyway (last numbers I know are about 2 million NA, 2.5 million in EU and about 5.5 million in Asia, not exactly Bioware's market to begin with)


I've never heard of these figures. But for 7 yo game is an amazing thing.


In my opinion diablo III is closer to swtor than wow is.

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What most people want is a better wow clone and they won't be happy with anything that isn't exactly that.


This game is a WOW clone, what people state is if you want to clone WOW so badly at least do a good job.


I would have praised Bioware if they added something fresh and dared to innovate,and no story and voice over doesn't affect the gameplay it self.

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I've never heard of these figures. But for 7 yo game is an amazing thing.


In my opinion diablo III is closer to swtor than wow is.


eh. I never said they aren't, I just don't think BW even really wants those numbers was my whole point ;)


and your opinion obviously differs from mine ;)

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This game is a WOW clone, what people state is if you want to clone WOW so badly at least do a good job.


I would have praised Bioware if they added something fresh and dared to innovate,and no story and voice over doesn't affect the gameplay it self.


Umm its not a WOW clone. Its a story-driven MMO unlike any other which is what it was set out to be from the very beginning. Seriously you people that were expecting another typical WOW game with magical improvements are just annoying. Did you even bother researching the game before it came out?

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stuff .


If you are "hardcore" then why complain..

I am in a no hardcore guild and have done all fps with ma guildies and most of heroics.

Also, I have no problem asking for group from time to time in general chat.

And I am not hardcore.



The true hardcore would spam the chat mercilessly and go fps three-man.

We did Red Reaper at 42. We are not hardcore. We just play and enjoy the game.


Most people come here to ****** and moan.

Grow balls and have some sex.

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We're gonna get what these forum experts want in the end and it will hamper the game and water it down.


We don't need insta ques.


We don't need dual specs.


If the game population was incredibly low, maybe dual specs would be needed, but not now.


People want WOW in space, even more so, and they won't be happy until they do.


When it does happen they'll complain that it's like all the generic MMO's out there and move on.




How could LFG tools, dual specs, UI support, macros, etc within reason (e.g. not allowing conditional macros for interrupts if casting, ability a otherwise) water the game down? Does spamming a channel (a completely artificial construct to the world itself) to find a tank to run a heroic for you seem immersive? No, they take out the menial tasks in organizing groups and allow people to focus on the actual game. They're just really good ideas regardless of whether or not WoW has them.


Nobody is pointing a blaster at your forcing you to use these would-be tools anyways, so why ruin other people's fun?

Edited by Chanamel
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Why is dual specialization so bad?


What if people want to PvP or PvE on the same day? Should they be forced to respec in order to gain the maximum output of their character?


You make it out to seem as if people that want dual spec are of some lesser breed because they, -surprise- enjoy doing multiple things in a video game that has, -surprise- multiple types of content.

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