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IAO/Smuggler Healing mirror talent differences


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Hey all first post here i hope i'm just missing something. but it has come to my attention that there is a huge difference in one of are talents that are classes share.

I am referring to the following ability's can anyone please clarify if this is just a tool tip bug or a oversight, the talents in question are:


Accomplished Doctor - 10/20/30 %





Are version of the same talent at 5/10/15 %



So can anyone please confirm that this is a bug on tor head or a game error and please correct me if i'm missing something having run over both talents they seem to match up equally.


Thanks for any responses.

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Confirmed on Darth Hater (and I'll level an IA tonight to see it in game)


Imperial Agent's also have the cooldown on their flash bombs reduced by 30 seconds compared to the scoundrel's


Devs play Empire toons.

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There are (as far as I am aware) 3 key differences between the 'mirror' classes that affect the operative and scoundrel:



  • Accomplished Doctor vs Accomplished Sawbones (the one mentioned by the OP)
    Critical healing bonus is 10%/20%/30% on Operative whereas 5%/10%/15% on Scoundrel
  • Flash Bang vs Flash Grenade (mentioned above)
    Cooldown is 60secs on Operative whereas 90secs on Scoundrel
  • Bolstering on Warzones (affects all empire, not just this mirror)
    Bolstering for stats on pre-level 50s is higher for imperial than for republic



Are there any more?

Edited by Ellandess
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There are (as far as I am aware) 3 key differences between the 'mirror' classes that affect the operative and scoundrel:


  • Accomplished Doctor vs Accomplished Sawbones (the one mentioned by the OP)
    Critical healing bonus is 10%/20%/30% on Operative whereas 5%/10%/15% on Scoundrel
  • Flash Bang vs Flash Grenade (mentioned above)
    Cooldown is 60secs on Operative whereas 90secs on Scoundrel
  • Bolstering on Warzones (affects all empire, not just this mirror)
    Bolstering for stats on pre-level 50s is higher for imperial than for republic


Are there any more?


If we're discussing faction imbalances, can we count the fact that the empire can get 3 green Matrix crystals, and the republic can only get two?

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Dunno if you would count this but to me it seems like a large issue.


On an OP you can do Snipe>Explosive Probe with the EP activating when the snipe hits,


while with Charge Blast>Sabo Charge will not activate in the same way.


Sabo Chage> Charge Blast takes longer to effect dmg (gcd is the same overall but Snipe>EP will go at the beginning of the second gcd rather then the end)

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If we're discussing faction imbalances, can we count the fact that the empire can get 3 green Matrix crystals, and the republic can only get two?


LOL, I noticed that too a few days ago. At least we can get 3 reds for the End/Cun relic.

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You folks have actually confirmed these things in-game, correct? I ask because many of Torhead's tooltips are bugged and/or inaccurate.


Having made a IAO and taken it to 11 I can definitely confirm the talent is indeed not the same and that they also have Shorter cd on flash bang than we do.

Edited by Jedirecoil
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Unfortunately you can find dozens of examples of classes and their mirrors. From various abilities, to talents. More often than not it's detrimental to the Republic side, but not always. It really does suggest rather sloppy internal testing, or perhaps they just don't care about it.
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As an operative, you have my sympathies. That does seem really bogus.


Now, can we all unite in complaining about $&%^$ sorcs and their knockback in huttball?


True that brotha.


Two things repubs and imps see eye to eye on.

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Guardian's snare lasts only 6 seconds, while the Juggernaut snare 9 seconds. I don't need to tell you how important is a snare for a melee do I... and it isnt just a tooltip on torhead, before someone uses that excuse.
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has bioware even acknowledged this?


really amateur crap


Good news everybody! Check the Dev Tracker: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1347418#edit1347418


Hi guys,


A little bit of an update on this.


The way it looks is that the 'Accomplished' ability issue is just a typo, the data underlying the abilities is identical. Scoundrel's Accomplished Sawbones is 5/10/15 in the tooltip, the IA's is 10/20/30 (both are actually 10/20/30 behind the scenes). We're obviously fixing the typo.


The flash grenade cooldown being unmirrored is a legitimate bug and rather embarrassing oversight (sorry about that guys) that is going to be fixed.


-- Georg



...Now, can we all unite in complaining about $&%^$ sorcs and their knockback in huttball?


Even though you're Imperial scum, I do agree. :D

Edited by Kunari
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