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When is the Sith Inquisitor nerf going into effect?


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Yeah I must say inquis/shadow seems to be the easy mode at the moment, made obvious by the fotm that inquisitors are. Though I suspect it is more because of the warzone lag then the class itself, they should be getting crushed by melee classes but with the lag they can skip around staying out of range, fix the lag and you'll likely see them fall back to the pack.


Although one thing that does need a longer cool down is sprint.

Edited by DarkLotus
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Problem is, on huttball for example, a Inquisitor is unstoppable! He takes the the ball and rushes through fire and every cc their is with his buffs up.


Thos buffs got less than a minute cd -> overpowered. Even as a Immortal Juggernaut, I need tremendous healing to acheive the same effect.

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Problem is, on huttball for example, a Inquisitor is unstoppable! He takes the the ball and rushes through fire and every cc their is with his buffs up.


Thos buffs got less than a minute cd -> overpowered. Even as a Immortal Juggernaut, I need tremendous healing to acheive the same effect.


Stun them or CC them and beat em down if they try to speed past. The way CC is now you can immobilize someone and mow them down before they can even move.

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Stun them or CC them and beat em down if they try to speed past. The way CC is now you can immobilize someone and mow them down before they can even move.


Can you actually read? CC immunity shield, hello hello? Sprint + CC immune = you can't do **** as a melee.


I hope you feel ashamed.

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This class is so over powered in pvp it ruins the game. When you pvp against the imperials on the server I am on and 82% are sith inquisitors you wonder why there are more imperials than republic players. I am at least on a PVE servers so not exposed to it continuously but, it reaffirms my decision not to roll on a PVP server for this very issue.


I battled one with companions 1 vs 1 and never got them past half way with a fully skilled sentinel 2 levels higher than the inquisitor I was fighting. The simply let the companion tank and bunny hop stun locked me to death. I can dismiss a lot of things in a game of this magnitude but when you clearly have on class that is a noob magnet because of the guaranteed win factor you remove a complete facet of playability from your game.


I will not be pvping as long as sith inquisitor remains the way it is. At this point I would pay to have them remove PVP completely until they put in a viable system that actually works.


certain classes are designed to win against other classes, rock scizzors paper principle.

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Problem is, on huttball for example, a Inquisitor is unstoppable! He takes the the ball and rushes through fire and every cc their is with his buffs up.


Yeah I can sometimes stop them if I really am on my game but it relies more on their not hitting their buffs at the right moment then anything else, most of the time it is just too easy to hit those two buffs and just run, it wouldn't be such an issue (or at least less so) if there were as many consulars on the Republic team, but there just isn't.

Edited by DarkLotus
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Sages got left out because, despite them being the mirror the sage is not equal to the sorc on some of the offending skills that people are complaining about.






What other skills are different from a Sorc, besides the cast times of shock, everything the sage has is equal to that of a Sorc.

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Oh look someone with the PvP damage buff, expertise pot, full surge gear, trinket popped, raid buffed and stimmed as well as being level 50.


So because someone got themselves nicely buffed up says what exactly?


Now think what a Shi-Cho Focus/Vigil user that's ignoring 20% of everyones armor, 9% extra damage from Shi-Cho, 6% increased strength and 30% from swelling winds instead of 15% from Pacification could do....


You'll be looking at 7k+


Edit: Looking at buff icons and knowing what they are is a wonderous thing.


And remember your argument was that Soresu Focus users do more damage than Shi-Cho Vigil/Focus users so you didn't actually prove a thing, only that you can repost screenshots of uber buffed players scoring uber buffed crits when that kind of crit is commonplace without half of those buffs/stims running on a Shi-Cho Vigil/Focus user.

That is still a screenshot of a guy with 19K HP, massive defensive cooldowns and heavy armor doing ~7k in one shot. At least the guy he is targeting is 50 and has multiple pieces of expertise.





What other skills are different from a Sorc, besides the cast times of shock, everything the sage has is equal to that of a Sorc.

Not exactly, the Sorc AoE KB has about an extra second delay due to the animation than the Sage one does.

Edited by Xaes
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I can only speak from my own experience playing as a guardian pvping open world and from there I do find the sorcerer extremely difficult. I barely won 1v1 against a sorcerer 3 levels below me yesterday and a few days ago I was owned by one 6 LEVELS below me! Even allowing for the possibility I might just suck (I dont, I do fine against other classes) the sheer amount of damage these guys put out and the difficulty of staying close to them in combat is unreal.
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What other skills are different from a Sorc, besides the cast times of shock, everything the sage has is equal to that of a Sorc.


The difference is easy:

No. Combat. Log.


I promise you a good % of the nerf calls here are from players who had some purple lightning **** going on all over their characters and then got CC'd and nuked to death. By another class. But all they see is the purple lightning, think OMG SORC ARE TEH OP! and come here to whine.


Or they get CC'd by Sorc and get to watch a very obvious visual effect a few times every game, which will cause nerdrage. Sage stun is subtle and.. not purple.


Or, they're simply bad.

I have been laughing with my friend over vent so many times, going "What the hell are they doing?" as I train a few 50's around with my lvl 43 *** and notice how I'm completely uninterrupted when I heal and is that a slow cast on me when I dart away to LoS heal?? No? Really? Uhm.. :rolleyes:


When I fight against someone who knows what he is doing, I will have to struggle. Hard. And will most likely die a horrible death unless help comes fast.

Edited by Senefera
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Wait a min OP...


Let me get this right.......


Rock beat Scissors and your upset about that.........





This is not the case at all since this game doesn't have the Rock, Paper, Scissors like other MMOs do. Skill in this game is far more important then the class your playing and what class your up against.

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I've pvp'd on a sin, operative and powertech. Without a doubt, sages/sorcs are the hardest class to kill bar none. They need a nerf. I'm not sure how BW failed to see this coming.


Ya..I kinda laugh at even level 50 Sorc/Sage on my Merc. They kinda almost insta gib when I look at them.

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There are a couple of known BUGS that are favorable to the class and this makes good geared Sorcerers speced in a specific way (to take advantage of this fact), put up A LOT of dmg with that particular spec. When this is fixed... dmg will go down. I am not playing that spec btw, I don't need to. So, people who don't know this or how the class works, make whine threads.


Finally, there's the gear gap which is quite big in a lot of occasions atm. Good geared Sorcerers can win in 1vs3, but that's versus half-decent geared, half-decent skilled players. That doesn't mean the whole class needs a nerf. Nerf threads usually speak of nerfing the class, without being specific as to what needs nerfing. Saying the dmg needs nerf means nothing, saying that X skill does a lot of dmg... bla bla bla... making a case, that could mean something.

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Didn't feel like making a new post since this seems to be a hot topic just by searching the words Inquisitor & Nerf together. Now I know everyone has their own opinion but to justify myself, I've been playing MMO's for around 15+ years now. I've seen my fair share of PvP balance issues through more games than I car to name at the moment. I am a senior member & senior moderator for the curse network family of websites. What I will say is based purely on participation in PvP as well as rolling a Sith Inquisitor on " The Shadowlands " server.


Their is no beating around the bush about it. The Sith Inquisitor is by far the most overpowered class in the game. Way ahead of any other class in the game. Now I will say this, in a 1 vs 1 situation, it's not ha rd at all to drop a Sith Inquisitor but in a group, they are near impossible to take down. I did my own research playing PvP to gather some statistics. Screenshots will be provided upon request.


Server: Shadowlands - Republic Heavy

Days: January 9th to January 10th - Just finished my 100th match at 4:57pm EST

PVP Matches Participated in: 100 Approx

Results 14 Wins, 86 Losses


Most Damage: Inquisitor Player - 79 Times

Highest Score: Inquisitor Player - 83 Times

Average Inquisitors Per Match - Two

Low - None - Only two games played had no Sith Inquisitors at all

High - Six - Was a recent match where six of the eight imperial players were Sith Inquisitors.


My experience my not reflect those that experienced different results on other servers. The info gathered was based on the Server I play on only.



Edited by LatinLegacy
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My commando is l29 and I have been destroying both Assassins and sorcs, and also lost to a bunch that obviously were more skilled than I was.


Some narrow fights, some absolute 1 sided (both ways). Same classes, different people.


L2P and have some FUN :)

Edited by carnagejc
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This has to be one of the funniest threads ever. So many bad players crying nerf.. It's as if alderaan just got blowed up again!


ah well.. at least there's a few people smart enough to point out how utterly wrong the OP and supporters are. Assassins for example are by far the most balanced class at the moment. Half our attacks never land, when they do they cost a ton of force and leave us swinging the free ability a lot unless our RNG procs fire off. Oh my god I hope Bioware ignores the ridiculous trolls that post such nerf this nerf that nonsense. :confused:


PS Nerf Heavy tank armor wearing healers that can still dump out a **** ton of DPS.. The only class that feels even remotely OP atm.


Here's looking at you Troopers/Mercs.



Edited by Aethyrprime
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Judging from the Sith Inquisitor inputs the class is not overpowered in 1vs1 against similar geared opponent, and possibly true on other classes (except the fact on some spells having advantages). But, when they are stacked it is quite deadly. And the amount of time I saw matches with nothing but sith inquisitors is not small, pretty much 75% of my matches were with at least 4-5 Inquisitors (and 50 but thats another matter). Probably since everyone wants to be a lightning casting class...


I haven't seen many operatives though. Just a huuuuuuge amount of bounty hunters and Sith Inquisitors.

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