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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Darth_Philar

  1. True and in the "heat of the moment" I am sure some people will take things out of proportion and over-exaggerate things that occur in game. I have played this game since the very 1st beta event, I have multiple level 50 classes and I understand fully how resolve *should* work.


    There is no way you can prove that it ALWAYS works, the same that I cannot prove that sometimes it does NOT work as it is supposed to. In this instance it definitely was not working as it should.


    Actually, while you are correct that it is impossible to prove a negative (i.e. that it "never" fails to work), you can prove a positive (an actual failure). Simply fraps every match and you will eventually find a bug, if it exists.

  2. seriously...even if the content is restricted, if i pay to play, i should have a significant advantage over someone playing for free...its not feasible.. the incentives they are offering paying customers is not enough at all..


    Says the guy who clearly has absolute information regarding the future of the game that even Bioware does not yet know.

  3. Knockbacks, Pulls, and Roots need to be separated from the stupid concept of this game: Stuns.


    Back to back stuns should not be possible. Resolve isn't implemented well enough in this game.


    Back to Back stuns will always grant Resolve Immunity and they require 2 enemy players to be targeting you.

    This is not a problem with Resolve, but a problem with you thinking you are Master Chief and everyone else is a Grunt.

  4. Why doesn't Bioware do something to stop these people that use perma force speed?


    Before you cry "haxx", please be aware that there are legitimate ways to run fast in Warzones.


    Inquisitor/Counselor has speed boost: http://www.torhead.com/ability/4KE9V3L/force-speed

    Maurader/Sentinel has a party speed boost: http://www.torhead.com/ability/e6Gx7aj/predation

    Speed Boost Pickups are available as well: http://www.torhead.com/ability/f1ZvQDM/speed-boost

  5. I've always found people who left warzones to be idiots. Usually it's because their team is losing, or not playing the objectives, or doing stupid stuff, or so on and so forth.


    In the time it takes to get back into a new game, and play into the duration where you quit the last game, typically, you will have earned less WZ comms for the time spent, even if you win.


    But honestly, a lot of the people I see quit, were not much better than the ones who they claimed were making the team lose. Basically, what I'm trying to say here, is that if you quit a WZ because you are losing, you probably suck, yourself.


    I think personally, though, I don't mind those people quitting. I can't count how many times I've seen a game turn around, after the quitters (who sucked, themselves, and were a large reason we were losing.), open up slots for more skilled players to join.


    I've actually been in games in which the team turned around and won with only 7 players after the quitter bailed. That always makes me smile on the inside because we did better without the "1337" guy who couldn't stand to play with us lowly "n00bs".

  6. This thread is full of so many fallacies it isn't even humorous.


    I'm going to address just the one in the thread title:


    There is no correlation between player skill and subscription model.


    The belief that Warzones will get worse is not based in reality, but rather is derived from a false, elitist mentality that those who spend less are less skilled. This exact same belief is what leads to dictatorships, aristocracy, and wealth envy. The fact that these antique beliefs still fester in this modern age speaks volumes to the degree of human avarice.

  7. With "swith side" i simple mean :

    Let us change from

    Scorcerer to Sage - Sage to Scorcerer

    Shadow to Assa. - Assa. to Shadow

    Scoundrel to Oper. - Oper. to Scoundrel

    so on


    most of my friends would like it and even pay some money


    The only way I see this working is if they require you to be level 50, have completed your class quest, and mark all quests on your new faction as completed (to prevent you from doubling down on quest rewards).

  8. Pay2Win.


    Remember, Pay2Win isn't just about buying a boost you can't get without cash. It's buying whatever you would normally have to grind out for it you didn't have the cash too. It shouldn't be possible to obtain top-tier rewards without actually competing and earning it. Otherwise, there's no top-tier anymore.


    No, there is still a top tier and it is available for everyone. Pay2Win means getting more or better things than those who don't pay.


    Besides, the fact that this game is combining subscription with F2P means that Pay2Win is what the subscribers will be doing per your definition. ;)

  9. PvP gear will be coming to a cash shop nearest you. :cool:


    Nothing wrong with that.


    People who buy the gear will fall into one of two categories:


    1. Newb/noob - These guys will suck regardless of the gear they are in. Newbs will get better with time, but noobs will always suck simply because they think they are awesome and see no point in improving themselves.


    2. Alts - These guys will already have fully geared WHs but simply want to experience PvP with a different character without needing to grind all that gear again and again.


    The gear for sale would be the same as the gear you grind, meaning it simply becomes a priority decision for each player, do I value my time or my money more?

  10. There are 2 other active threads with the phrase "stunwars" in the title:





    There are 11 active threads with "stun wars" in the title.


    There are an additional 204 threads with the word "stun" in the title.


    There are 460 other active threads with "resolve" in the title (granted, some are about mods with Resolve in the name).


    So you just have to ask yourself one question, was this thread necessary?

  11. I don't twink as it is a waste of time. I do however love people who twinked in WoW because I made so much money off of them.


    If they were to implement bracketed twink PvP I would once again be rolling in the dough.

  12. It will only translate i to more content for the Cartel Store, they transitioned to the cartel store for a reason, that reason was NOT to give free stuff away.



    Why do people not get this, they exist to make money, they are not a charity


    You can't make money if your tactics drive away all of your customers. Games that go P2W drive away customers.

    It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to see that they will avoid P2W.

  13. But ofc mr sherlock?




    Ofc again! but what does that have to do wether your breaker is on cd or not lol


    Does using your breaker correct reset the cooldown of it? Did i miss something??


    I asked why his assumption that breaker would be on cd when youre stunned for 8 seconds and you go into explaining when to use it, jesus some ppl


    The explanation provides the reason for the assumption.

    If your breaker is on CD (assumption) then you can be stunned for 8 seconds.

    If your breaker is off of CD (counter assumption) then you can only be stunned for 4+ seconds (the + being anywhere from reaction time to 4 seconds for a total stun of 4+reaction to 4+4).

  14. I know how the mechanics work. Maybe i am just too familar of using the term CC from wow because wow didnt use the term mez.


    My point still is the same, the duration of these is far to long in this game for it to be entertaining pvp.


    And again, how does 8 seconds stun assume my breaker is on cd? You could have your breaker on cooldown from previous encounter and a fresh resolve bar once you get back to the a new encounter. 2 minutes is a long time.


    If your breaker is on CD, you will wait out the entire duration of 2 stuns (8 seconds).

    If your breaker is off CD, you will use it immediately after your Resolve Bar turns white meaning you will wait out the first stun (4 seconds) and then whatever your reaction time may be of the second stun.

  15. 1. I think maybe we have different perceptions of a mez, i catorise all stuns in this game as 4 seconds, and all cc to be 8 seconds and then theres mez like Intimidating Roar, shield blind from lighting sorcs which various between 3 and max 6 seconds. And yes there are in shorter stuns like carbonize and force stun. But i think maybe you got mez and cc mixed up.


    2. Why would 8 Seconds of stun assume your Breaker is on CD? I dont follow this logic. And again you focus on the team is the fault of you being chain stunned. I am focusing on the stuns are too long. No teamwork will reduce the time of you being stunned. The breaker is on 2 minute cooldown and with every class in this game averages 1 stun, 1 cc/1 mez on half the cooldown you will get stunned alot. Not to mention the specs that gets an extra stun or talented mez.


    3. Oh yes, ofc i want them to burn all their cc on me but as i said were not the boss of that, and a good team wont waste stun/mez/cc on you fx in huttball if its not gonna turn the tide/down the ballcarrier before he passes etc.


    4. Agreed, i forgot about DR in wow was on seperate player tables but still meant that 1 rogue wouldnt have full duration on his 2nd and third kidney shot, but perhaps a solution would be to do a DR system with one table for each category, stun/mez/cc but personally i think its easier to just cut down on the durations abit.


    With the current TTK, 8 seconds of uncontrollable action (and defense) is just too much.


    For the purposes of this thread, I'm going to run down some definitions:


    CC = Crowd Control. All effects that limit the player's control of the character, or limit the character's movement.

    CC is divided into two main categories in SWTOR, which each have different sub types of CC as follows:


    1. Resolve Effects (these CCs add resolve points and the player is immune to them when whitebarred)

    A. Stuns - Incapacitating effects that remove total control from the player. Damage does not break the effect. These add 200 Resolve per second of maximum duration. 4 Seconds is the maximum length.

    B. Mezzes - Incapacitating effects that remove total control from the player. Damage breaks the effect and the effect can be purged. These add 100 Resolve per second of maximum duration. 8 Seconds is the maximum length.

    C. Forced Movement - These effects forcibly move your character to a new location through hostile initiated pulls, pushes, or knockdowns. These effects add 400 Resolve per incident.


    2. Non Resolve Effects (these CCs add no resolve points and the player does not receive immunity when whitebarred)

    A. Snares - Movement speed reduction.

    B. Roots - Total movement loss.




    Now that we are on the same page with respect to what everything is called and what it does, I would like to point out that you have already identified the actual problem with CCs in SWTOR. It isn't the length of the CC or the Resolve system, but rather the ridiculous TTK. The problem right now is that burst classes synergize too well, and healing/preventative measures don't.

  16. Stuns are only 4 seconds, but you are leaving out that some mez's last 6 seconds and cc last 8 seconds. The total duration of incapication now amounts to far more than 8s. And even 8s seconds while someone is dpsing you is a long time in this game with the current TTK.


    You say it is the players own fault for walking into a unwinnable situation.

    This is first of all wasnt the point of my thread, my point was that stuns/mez and cc last far too long in this game and we have a broken system that doesnt take action on chain stuns/mez and cc.


    If 3 ppl go into a skirmish vs 3 other ppl, a winnable situation by your example, then what stops the 3 persons from using all their stuns/cc/mez on 1 person? This is where the system is flawed because it doesnt factor this scenario in.


    1. I still fail to see how i can be better at keeping my resolve full to prevent chain stuns. My resolve bar is in my enemies hands.

    2. I dunno how they could help me out of my chain stun, and even more so, how they could prevent me from being chain stunned. You could stun them ofc, but thats just the same scenario, instead its chain stun on the other side. And thats also my point of my thread, Stunwars.

    3. Same as 2, only active thing i can do is to interupt cc. (minus a few specs/classes with instant cc)


    And i played wow aswell, and even though you can name a ton of other stuff that was wrong in wow pvp, you still cant rule out that the DR worked in that game. Just think of a Rogue without DR in this game, oh wait :)


    I still believe that the current duration of stuns/cc and mez should be reduced a bit, as nobody is having fun being out of game control this long. Or resolve should be adjusted abit. How i am not to say but it is so much clearer when you have tried another game where there isnt that many stuns in the game.



    Stuns are 4 seconds, except for Force Choke which is 3.

    Mezzes are all 8 seconds.

    There are some blinds/stuns/mezzes that are shorter, but they are all talented extra effects.

    Mezzes are not bad considering any damage will break it and it can be cleansed by your healer.



    8 Seconds of stun assumes your Breaker is on CD. If your Breaker is available, you are only stunned for 4 + reaction time. Regardless, if you are in an even matchup, your team's job while you are stunned is to pull/stun the train in order to prevent you from dying. Once again, the stun length is not the issue, it is your team's lack of teamwork.



    You WANT the enemy team to burn all of their CC on you. You will gain immunity on your second CC meaning that the 3rd and subsequent ones are wasted. Now your team has the advantage of having more potential CC uptime since you haven't whitebarred your enemy but they have whitebarred you.



    Maximum amount of potential time spent in consecutive CC in SWTOR: 16 seconds (2 mezzes)

    Maximum amount of potential time spent in consecutive CC in WoW: Infinite (Rogue + Mage)

    WoW's DR system is one of the worst on the market as there is no way to tell what you are immune to, plus the fact that each type of CC has its own table means that it is very easy to chain CCs and permanently lock down an enemy player (staggering your CC so that the DR refreshes in time for the next cycle).

  17. Resolve and CC mechanics are fine.


    The most amount of stuns you can suffer in a row (chain) is 2 for a total of 8 seconds, however that requires at least 2 enemies to be attacking you meaning you are going to die anyway so it isn't the stun's fault, it is your fault for walking into an unwinnable situation.


    This is not Halo, you are not Master Chief, and we are not a horde of EZ mode grunts for you to kill by looking at us. PvP in this game is designed around teamwork and objectives. Your death after suffering 2 stuns is a result of you or your team failing to engage in teamwork while the enemy team succeeds with their teamwork. You simply were outplayed, now you need to determine if it was because:

    1. The other guys were better than you.

    2. Your team failed you.

    3. You failed your team.

  18. so basically you want credit for doing nothing?


    I want reimbursement for my lost queue time caused by WZ quitters. I'm doing you a favor by joining your team, the least you could do is help me get a tiny reward for it.

  19. I support the idea of a "Reinforcement" medal that is simply awarded to anyone who enters after the start which will guarantee that they get credit for the WZ (not just the quest), regardless of when they are brought in.


    Nothing sucks like getting dropped into the end of a Warzone and getting no valor or commendations for your queue because it ends before you get out of the starting area.

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