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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Darth_Philar

  1. themthemthemthem

    It really didnt look like i was lagging and abilities had no lag when i casted them. When i quit warzone there was nothing suspicious either.


    That's because most of the game is run client side, making lag appear to only affect other players instead of yours.


    It sounds like you were experiencing large lag spikes.

  2. I should probably point out that allies at mid require no incoming directions, so the argument that you can't see grass or snow from mid is moot.


    One of these always applies:

    1. Your team only has one base - directions are not needed as only one point needs to be defended.

    2. Your team has one side and mid - directions are not needed as again only one point (other than mid) needs to be defended.

    3. Your team has both side turrets - directions are not needed as you have no one at mid.


    "Inc #" is all that your allies at mid will ever need as far as information goes. The location call is for the benefit of respawning players and people who are not at a node.

  3. I recently came back to the game to check out the changes after 4 months away, and heard this grass/snow madness in ops chat during PvP and I was like "*** is that idiot talking about?"


    I figured it out pretty quick, but now I'm left wondering how it ever caught on to begin with. I don't see what was wrong with east/west, or even right/left to necessitate a new name for locations... Before I left, these were working fine. Did the playerbase just get a large influx of directionally challenged players or something? I seriously don't get it.


    No one calls N,S,E,W, in Arathi Basin from WoW, because the landmarks are always easier to identify subconsciously. Same applies here.


    What Bioware needs to do is make the landmarks much more distinctive both on screen and on the map. Additionally, having a warzone minimap is a no-brainer as well.

  4. Sorcerer healers for certain need some major assistance right now.


    My petition is that they undo the poorly thought out mechanic changes from 1.2, actually fix the double bending bug, and then revert the compensating nerfs from 1.3.


    That is the only way to actually fix the class, instead of bandaid it.

  5. I have so many great ideas for how Cloud Mind could be a valuable PvP tool for Sorcs/Sages.


    One of my personal favorites was that you would appear to be on the same team as the person you used it on to that person.


    Another was that the person you used it on would be unable to target you for 3 seconds.

  6. Assembling a PUG RWZ group takes too much time and effort which eats up too much of my precious little recreational time.


    Plus being a Sorcerer healer means I get to be the greased up deaf guy all night and that gets old pretty fast.


    I limit my PvP right now to getting my warzone completions done as fast as possible, then switch to leveling alts.

  7. Because the lolhealer usually doesn't actually heal what's guarding them in pugs. Those healers can go off and sap their health on a node for all I care.


    When I am on my Sage and someone guards me, I make sure I am helping them out.


    You can't heal your guard if your face is being melted.

    Your face is being melted if you have 2 DPS on you (if a sorc/sage, 1 DPS).

    As a tank you need to be doing a lot more than a simple fire and forget with your guard ability. Your healer needs peels and taunts to be able to heal himself, let alone you.

  8. I like the damage reflection idea for the bubble, but I'd change it so that only the attack that breaks it gets reflected (i.e. don't be a dummy and fire off your big burst on a bubbled target unless you like getting it thrown right back at you).


    If we force people to throttle themselves until we are vulnerable we will actually have a fair fighting chance. As it is right now, there is no reason to not burst every sorc you see, whereas every other class in the game has some means of mitigating or deincentivizing burst against them.

  9. Always call the inc before you engage.


    If you are engaged by a stealth, always call the inc before you respond to the stealth.


    If you are defending a node solo, remind your team how bad they are.

  10. I sort by Objective Points and give to the top on the team.

    Obviously, if I notice someone making a difference I'll give them my vote.

  11. I do play Sorcs the way that works. I do PvE dailies and heal flashpoints/operations.


    If Bioware wants Sorcs to heal in PvP, then they need to revert the changes to Force Bending and actually fix the double dip bug because the way our class mechanics work right now, we need to be completely motionless in order to operate. Against any foe with the mental capacity of fungus, we will be forced to move and will therefore die without contributing (and yes, that is even with guard and peels, which we almost never get anyway).


    Bioware's metrics say we are fine, because they test in a vacuum where no one is making us run. The actual in game experience that is reflected in the vast majority of Sorc posts is wildly different from Bioware's metrics.

  12. That would certainly make things easier in discussing this topic relative to this game, since most of the gaming industry understand CC to mean many more effects than the few that have been redefined by the application of the resolve system in this game. RE and NRE makes a lot more sense for discussion of this system.


    I'm all for making things easier. Plus the discussion of sematics was really failing to hold my interest lol.

  13. Well it's not. It is fun to do but at the end of the day it's just a time sink. I'd like for there to be some incentive to make it seem more worth while than just something to do when you're bored.


    It is a video game... the whole thing is just something to do when you are bored.

  14. To be fair, they didn't redefine the meaning of "CC" in that post...Peckenpagh never used that general term, because resolve only effects stuns and knockbacks, not roots and snares (like it's been since the start). Resolve is only meant to stop a narrowly defined subset of the huge "CC" category, and if you haven't figured that out yet then you are being willfully ignorant.

    Although I do wish resolve did something for, say, the root caused by a jedi leap, it doesn't, and they're not saying it does.


    Granted, what they defined was what effects are and are not Resolve Effects, which only indirectly defines CC within the context of their game. So like I said we can start using RE and NRE to describe Resolve Effects and Non-Resolve Effects if it makes discussion easier.

  15. I think you missed the point of his argument. In that Hydraulic Overrides is supposed to make you immune to any slows/stuns for 8 seconds when most of the times it doesn't.


    That is not what Hyraulic Overrides is supposed to do.


    Grants 8 seconds of immunity from movement-impairing effects, knockdowns and physics and increases movement speed by 30%.


    Slows, Roots, Knockdowns, and Pulls/Pushes are listed. Stuns and Mezzes are not.

  16. LMAO!!!!


    Lemme explain how definitions work from a PRACTICAL perspective.


    Words have MEANINGS! In order to understand ANYTHING, we accept that certain terms mean, without further clarification, certain and common things. If I ask for a 'glass', I can expect a 'cup' made of glass, plastic, styrofoam or some other disposable material.


    CC = crowd control. Crowd control includes roots and snares.


    The meaning of any given word is assumed to be the denotative meaning, unless a connotative meaning is confirmed to be in effect.


    In this particular case, Bioware has confirmed that a connotative meaning is in effect making the denotative meaning of CC 100% irrelevent when discussing the mechanics of their game.

  17. Are you a lawyer when you aren't winning countless pvp matches while looking at your full resolve bar with a grin?


    Contracts are not the exclusive domain of lawyers... in fact, nearly every adult who lives in a modern country has signed (and should therefore have read the provisions of) a contract.


    No lol. That's just silly. CC isn't a term Bioware can redefine, just like they can't redefine RP or PvE or PvP or RvR...those aren't their terms to redefine.


    CC has a definition already and roots are CC's. Bioware can use it, or they can ignore it...It's clear they either don't know what it's means or they are ignoring it, either way, that doesn't mean people like you can argue that the term has suddenly changed definitions, just because Bioware said so. CC means exactly the same thing today that it did 1yr ago.


    Bioware is using it wrong, and you do more harm than good to the game by defending them. CC's are not theirs to redefine. Roots ARE CC's.


    Please refer to my post above. Bioware can define words any way they want. You accept that definition when you pay them to play.

  18. I see where you are going with this, and my following comments are not directed at you but at this topic at hand of the "definition of CC (crowd control)":


    Excuse me, but the term "CC" or "Crowd Control" has been around long before SWTOR. Bioware doesn't get to redefine what crowd control is. If a person is snared, rooted, mezzed, stunned, knocked back, held in the air, choked, transformed into a sheep, frog, pig, monkey, turtle, cupcake, sparkle farting panda mount or other, it is indeed a "crowd control" mechanism.


    Now if they want to apply an immunity system to stuns/mezzes, like the resolve system, and exclude certain crowd control features like roots and snares from that system, then that is a whole other talking point. Which is what we are really dealing with here.


    Allow me to explain how definitions work from a legal perspective.

    Contracts have a leading section known as "Definitions". Whatever those definitions are is what will be used throughout the remainder of the legal document regardless of what their normal usage is. For example, if my contract states:

    "Octopus" - A member of the Canine family

    Then the use of the word Octopus refers to dogs, not actual Octopi.


    The exact same concept applies here. "CC" is defined by Bioware for purposes of their game. Regardless of what every other person on the planet considers to be CC, if an effect does not meet the definition set by Bioware, it is not CC.


    If it helps you out, we can insert more terminology to help you distinguish Resolve Effects ("RE") from Non-Resolve Effects ("NRE").

  19. No no no...you claimed that resolve was simple math, as easy to figure out as the health bar. Your exact quote was "Resolve is just addition and subtraction. It works much the same same way your health bar or resource bar does." As I pointed out, the health bar is +/- on heal/damage, the same can NOT be said for Resolve. It's NOT +/- on CC effects. Roots and snares ARE CC's. You can't ignore them just to prove your point.


    Yes, Bioware skips them in their system, but that doesn't make Bioware right. Yes, you've pointed out that it's their game and their 'system' to define what they want, but they do not have the ability to redefine CC, even if it's their freaking game. Their rules are what we agree to play under, but a poorly designed system and misleading terminology CAN and SHOULD be pointed out to them. Their desire to redefine what CC means, is the root (no pun intended) of the problem.


    Roots and snares ARE NOT CCs.


    Because Bioware says so.

    This is their game, what they say is and is not CC is what is and is not CC in their game. We must use their definition when discussing game mechanics or else we aren't discussing their game.


    We can discuss whether Bioware should change their mind and reclassify things, but the fact of the matter is that Roots and Snares don't count as CC in SWTOR because Bioware says they don't.


    Additionally, even if I were to concede to your definition instead of Bioware's that would still not make my point wrong. Resolve is still a simple mathematical function that works exactly as I described. The fact that some effects add 0 Resolve and ignore CC immunity do not change the functionality of Resolve.

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