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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Darth_Philar

  1. Roots?! What do they add?! Nothing?! You can't profess that it's 'easy math', then skip the parts that don't make sense, just to prove your point. That's being very disingenuous.


    It's not 'convenient', nor is it easy to understand except by those who want to pretend it's some brilliant flippin system. It's not! It's simply Bioware not realizing how many CC's they have, nor do they appear to understand how their own system can be used to completely prevent someone from doing anything between spawn/kill. I'm not surprised though - they probably watch how CC works via their magical 'metrics', rather than actually experiencing the effects of their oversights first hand.


    I'm not sure if you are being serious or are trolling me... I skipped nothing. All Resolve Effects with their mathematically provable Resolve Values were presented.

  2. Not quite. My health bar is plus or minus on heal or damage. Resolve, however, is NOT a add or subtract on CCs...in fact, the convoluted means of calculating the +/- of CC's is what this entire thread is about. It's confusing as hell, and that leads to frustration.


    Resolve is a **edit**ing mess tbh. Yes, I'm sure it works how Bioware wants it to, but that doesn't mean it's working well for the players, nor does that mean it's a good system...it's NOT! It's a **edit** system that needs to be tweaked. CC's are out of **edit**ing control in this game, and that's simply NOT fun.


    Resolve is plus on effects that cause loss of control and subtract over time.


    All stuns add 200 Resolve per second of duration.

    All mezzes add 100 Resolve per second of duration.

    All knockbacks, pushes, pulls, and knockdowns add 400 Resolve per event.

    Any amount added to your current Resolve that causes your total Resolve to exceed 1000 receives a 50% bonus.


    While Grey/Purple - Resolve decays at a rate of 25 per second while NOT under the effect of CC.

    While White - Resolve decays at a rate of 100 per second at all times, player is immune to new CC effects, and Resolve cannot be added until the bar reaches 0.


    It is actually a fairly simple math function. The only thing that I wish they would change is the flytext. Currently it only shows damage done or removed (healed). I would prefer that effect names also pop up when they are applied. For example, if I were to hit you with my stun, the word "Stunned" would float up.

  3. There is plenty of team work, yet the OP for some reasons thinks that it's ok for him to survive alone while it's not ok for 3 enemies to beat on him.


    The OP wants to be able to survive a single bad DPS beating on him while he is on his Sorc healer. I know it wasn't in the OP, but that is the general idea of this thread.


    Sorc healers cannot actually survive, they can die or flee.

  4. Ok buddy, we need 3 coordinated DPS using voice communication, coordinating perfectly all their CC: stuns, interrupts, make sure not to give full resolve to the healer, and if the stars align and Great Holy Jebus shows some mercy, the healer will finally die!


    No thanks.


    PS: When is this GW2 getting released? Would be nice to see all self-righteous, complaining and whining healers gone from SWTOR.


    You are so right! It is completely ridiculous for Bioware to design a game where teamwork is required in team-based warzones! The NERVE!

  5. This is a direct proof that healers have no gosh darned right to complain. Cross healing is 10x times easier than DPS focus fire.


    Scoreboard numbers don't prove anything. We can't see what tactics were or were not used by either team.


    I will point out that multiple healers are easily countered by multiple 1v1s.


    If the other team has 3-4 healers, simply put 3-4 DPS on them. You will completely shut down their healers as you force them to run for their lives.

  6. I don't play a marauder or sentinel and I don't think they're OP. My Dirty Fighting Gunslinger can kite them all day long. Anyways, my point wasn' to say Sentinels and Marauders are not OP, just that I think it's funny that the game mechanics people are complaining about now have been around since beta, and people are just now starting to complain about them cause they all re-rolled FOTM classes like PT Pyros and Marauders. They cry for nerfs on these classes in one thread, and then go into another and call for nerfs on the game mechanics that stops these classes. Hilarious.


    It is true that the main reason we are seeing a lot of "Resolve/Stun/Root/Snare" QQ right now is a direct result of FOTM rerolling, they wouldn't be doing the rerolling if they didn't have an OP reason to do so :D

  7. So you rerolled Marauder or Sentinel cause you heard they were OP, and now you're wondering why you're constantly chain rooted, snared and CCed. These tactics have been around since BETA, and you're just now complaining about them? Now do you understand why they are not OP?


    That conclusion is not supported by your argument, or reality.

  8. Let us know when you allow him and the rest of us who think this game is broken can have privileges back.


    Your privileges will be reinstated the moment you provide evidence of Bigfoo... I mean, a bug in the resolve system.

    Video footage will suffice.


    Until then, Resolve is not broken, it is working exactly as intended.

  9. They will have to keep changing the healing equation for that to happen. Right now im at 1358 expertise which is getting close to 14% healing. If they dont change the formula after every new tier, it will get out of hand fast.


    If they keep the Expertise itemization the same going forward and simply allow the other stats to increase then they can effectively put a lid on the formula.

  10. Some of these "idiots" you speak of have seen... 9 players on an 8 man pvp team before. The chat will stop working and you have no ops channel to speak to your team with. I've respawned countless times at 75% health. I've had players not show up in my ops frame so the only way I could heal them was to try and click them in combat but you think resolve always works or works as intended?


    Oh and I loved the most recent bug where people had to log off the game in pvp because their map opened and was stuck.


    Stick to the topic please and don't insult people here who just want to make the game the best it can be for all players.


    The (huge) difference between the Resolve "bugs" and those other bugs is that the Resolve bugs are mythological. Like Bigfoot.


    Seriously though, all of those other bugs were documented. Not one single instance of a bug has ever been documented with Resolve.

  11. You are not understanding me atm, I will explain.


    Any form of impairing movement or CC should be controled. Resolve bar was suppose to be the solution but has more glitches and more problems allowing us players able to control our toon properly.


    Resolve bar was suppose to make us immune while it drained down to 0 from pure white, but now we all know Bioware didn't add true cc into the equation of what cc is and what cc does.


    Therefore, I have posted all 37 ways to cc someone in the game, and yet we don't know how many of them actually is on the resolve bar protection list.


    I'm understanding you just fine. You disagree with Bioware's system since it doesn't meet your defintion of what the system should do.


    You are also confused about which of the 37 items you listed are affected by Resolve since you didn't take the time to adequately learn Bioware's system or read Kaarsa's resolve values thread.

  12. My 37 Crowd Control proof was to open the eyes of all of you to show you that we have tons of CC in the game, and my question still stands how much of it penetrates full white resolve bars.


    If snares, roots, or impairing movement don't count as CC then we have a huge problem when it comes to what Bioware is thinking.


    I would love to see a list more define correcting me on my questions.


    Also, thank all of you for trolling me and taking time to read what I write, makes me feel good that you took your sweet time to bypass anything I say to try to discredit me. ;)


    Your list only proved that you cannot read.

    Of those 37 abilities only 19 are CC per the defintion used by this game.

    Your personal defintion, the wikipedia defintion, and the definitions used by other developers are 100% irrelevant. Stop using them, they make you look silly.

  13. I did physical testing of recruit vs fully augmented rakata, Another vigilance Guadian and i had a few duels, I came 29% short of beating him every duel. I tested this because of the really common argument, and so through multiple duels and coming 29% of beating him every time, id say fully augmented Rakata/Blackhole is better than Recruit gear.


    It is better, but just like Recruit gear it is not very good lol. The problem that most PvPer have with PvE geared players isn't with the guys in top end PvE gear, those guys are pretty much the same as the Recruit geared people. The problem is the people still wearing their leveling gear we are way worse than the Recruits.

  14. Every game with PvP that I have played has some sort of limited immunity to CC, as well as some type of diminishing returns for CC and usually reduced CC in PvP. I could write out the long list of all the MMOs I have played and beta tested over the last decade but it would make no difference.


    I love playing SWTOR but I would have a really hard time making the argument that SWTOR's PvP is better than many other MMOs.


    Roots and Snares are not considered CC in SWTOR. They are Kite tools.

  15. Please consider adding a PvP Mission Terminal to the following locations:


    A. Player Ships

    B. The Black Hole

    C. Belsavis Daily Area

    D. Corellia Cantina


    This would allow characters who are in the field doing dailies to access the daily and weekly PvP missions without needing to transit back to the fleet first.



  16. It doesn't have to be part of resolve but roots need to have diminishing returns. Being rooted back to back to back is straight up annoying and beyond stupid.


    Being rooted back to back is usually a symptom of being targeted by more than one enemy. This means you are probably being focused which means your teammates are able to run free (since all the roots are being blown on you).


    I actually am guy that has been doing this since EQ and DAOC, have beta tested 100's of games since 1997, trust me when I say I know my mmo game mechanics from ground up and some.


    I actually am a guy that has been doing this since Columbus crossed the Atlantic. I have beta tested the very first computer and every game since. Trust me when I say I know my game mechanics from the ground up.


    See how silly your appeal to authority logical fallacy looks to everyone else? :p


    On to the meat of your post, BW makes the game, therefore the mechanics are what they want, not what you want.

    The Resolve system functions 100% correctly within the parameters BW has given us (i.e. it makes you immune to SWTOR CC, and SWTOR CC does not include roots and snares).


    You don't like that, and that is your opinion. Instead of trying to call the sky orange and grass pink (i.e. arguing that reality isn't real), you should be arguing that the sky would be better orange and you prefer pink grass.

  18. Huh.. Nice, someone pointed out about the damage received, also screws up the person guarding a PVE geared dude.


    I am not going to be guarding a PVE geared dude from now then. That is a relief.


    According to this article...

    http://www.tankingtor.com/2012/05/swtor-tanking-specific-interview-with.html (go to the part that says In PvP)

    ...that is not true. The attack is split in half, not the damage. You will have the attack applied to you as if the enemy had hit you instead, then it will be cut in half.

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