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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Darth_Philar

  1. I began by offering a solution to the stunlock "problem," which leaves the actual resolve system alone. however, it is entirely related to the op's post about the game's cc mechanics. it's called offering an alternative solution to alleviate the same problem. allow a very brief period (1 or 2 secs) of immunity to stuns (slows remain unaffected) after popping a breaker.


    as for my tactical error, please do enlighten me. what wouldn't have been a "tactical error"?


    Not crossing the fire or passing back to a teammate both immediately spring to mind. You were put in a crappy situation, to be sure, but attempting to cross a fire pit with the ball will always be a tactical error. Sometimes you get away with it, most of the time you don't.

  2. Yeah but this assumes your fellow idiots ... err I mean teammates... won't break the cc's.


    Yes, it certainly does require that. If I've got a teammate with me I'll usually post in OPS chat what I plan to do and ask them to stun any stragglers or door swappers. It sometimes works.

  3. My favorite thing to do as a Hybrid Healer Sorc in Voidstar while attacking is to hold the defenders.


    Step 1: Spend 2 points in Electric Bindings.

    Step 2: Pick a partner who is any class that has an AoE Mezz.

    Step 3: Wipe the defenders.

    Step 4: Stand at the corner between the door your team is planting and the defender spawn

    Step 5: Wait for the defenders to escape from respawn and drop down.

    Step 6: Overload in their face before they turn the corner, If placed correctly they should all be thrown back into the corner of their drop down platform and the separator platform. If you missed any, use your Stun and Mezz.

    Step 7: Your AoE Mezzing friend waits for the 5 second root to expire, then uses his AoE Mezz.


    Congratulations! You just bought your team 13 seconds of planting time!

  4. i agree that ppl who die within one stun are focus fired (often, frustratingly, as soon as they drop from spawn), but plenty of classes can chain two stuns together, and anyone with cybertech grenades certainly can.


    most often (especially pre-nerf, scrapper scoundrels/concealment ops would kill their target with shoot first knockdown/stun chained with dirty kick, allowing a total of 4 attacks before the target can even pop a dcd. however, the targets that dropped 100% in that time would have been at a gear disadvantage (mostly centurian vs. mostly champion). in 1.3 wz's, a concealment op can still knock me down to ~50% on a fully geared vanguard before I have the opportunity to neural surge or pop shield.


    to be more constructive, I do think there needs to be a couple seconds immunity when one uses his breaker. every class has a breaker. i'm thinking of hb here, but i have the ball. i have to cross a fire b/c no teammates are in front. I've saved my breaker. hell, i've even cryo'd a nearby mara. so I cross the fire. i'm immediately stunned. I break it. the instant i break it, i'm stunned again. fire. death. that's ********. i know some wiseass will say L2P. w/e. it's ********.


    You died in the fire thanks to a tactical error by you (crossing the fire pit) which was the result of a tactical failure by your team (not being in position to receive a pass). Resolve is unrelated to your example.

  5. I'm fairly certain that Einstein said that the definition of insanity is repeating the same action and expecting a different result.


    I'd like to add that the definition of stupidity is knowing the result will be bad but doing it anyway.


    If you know that the puller is perched and waiting for you to walk near, then YOU have the tactical advantage. The smart person would avoid said perch, set up a feignt to cause an early pull, run a distraction, stun the percher, kill the percher or a vast bevy of other rational tactics that are all available as a result of you knowing that he is there waiting to spam his "gimmick". If you choose to ignore your tactical advantage and run headlong into pulling range with the Huttball... well let's just say it may be related to the same thing that causes you to need help tying your shoes.

  6. I just have to point out that removing expertise will in no way make warzones more balanced, what it will do however is give raiders who have got full campaign gear (which have the best overall stats) a huge advantage in warzones and force PVP players to gear up in raids which most of us have absolutely no interest in doing.


    Therefore removing expertise entirely will make PVP more unbalanced. It takes all of a week to get a full set of BM gear, use that time to learn your class better and learn the tactics of other classes that have been playing 50 PVP for a while


    Right, because it is completely and totally impossible for PvP stats to be normalized in some manner that would make gear a cosmetic status symbol. It is also impossible for PvP gear to have the exact same stats as PvE gear.


    Therefore the only logical solution is to make PvP gear even more PvEish by adding a whole new stat that requires progression!

  7. Back in about patch 1.1, maybe 1.2 at the latest, we were told we were getting the ability to toggle our hoods and the hoods of "our force using companions." I was sad to see that this was never implemented in the patch, and never mentioned by bioware again. My juggernaut has had a hood hanging on the back of his chest piece since about a week after hitting 50, and he simply cannot use it due to the inability to toggle this. The flipside being that I keep hearing about jedi wanting the option of lowering their hood, which is also resonable. I'd at least like to know why this wasn't implemented, but would prefer they put the option in. On the same note, why can't Twi'lek use hoods? Just have the lekku hide in the hood or have them come down the front. With no option to race change or notice on the race select that my twi'lek couldn't wear a hood, I feel cheated out of a small cosmetic part of my gear. Are they going to wait for free to play and make us buy the option?


    FYI - Once the game adds the F2P option any features added will always be available to subscribers so you won't have to pay any extra should they add this feature.

  8. Cowards pay the same amount per month that you do. What do you think is going to be done about them?


    If your answer was "Nothing", Congratulations! You have completed this exam and can proceed to the next level.


    If your answer was anything other than "Nothing", please report to your nearest remedial reeducation facility for an indoctrination update.

  9. Sounds like you need to learn how to cap a node.




    1. Mezzes last for 8 seconds, capping takes 8 seconds... coincidence?


    2. The node itself blocks line of sight. If they can't see you, then they can't interrupt you.


    3. The speeder drops them off pretty close, but not close enough for them to be able to interrupt you immediately upon landing. If someone were to stun, mezz, or slow them there while you cap the node...

  10. If you are down 8v6 you need to sit and farm defender medals in order to get any rewards. If you attempt to face the enemy you will die before you get a chance to do anything and will therefore be unable to get ANY medals.


    If you are down 8v7, you are still able to use strategy to win, but most PuGs don't know what that is, and will usually ignore any attempts to organize, so they will just march one at a time into the meat grinder. If your team is doing this, it is time to farm defender medals.


    If your ship has less than 200 HP left and the other team's ship has at least twice as much, then the only way you can win is by three capping, which your current situation suggests is an impossible feat for your team. That means it is time to farm defender medals.


    Also note that if you fail to get at least 1 medal, you will get NO REWARDS. None. At all.


    Essentially, defender medal farming is what you do when your team has shown itself to be incapable of winning the match. It is better to get something than nothing, so you farm defender medals.

  11. Pull/push a target into a trap, stun him, dead - works every time except against classes with a sprint and an available cc-breaker unless you've got someone to pull you out of it. I've been in a Huttball where my guardian ball carrier got grappled and pulled 4x in <5 seconds (and did a guardian leap in the middle of it) - made me dizzy. Stunlocks to death aren't common 1v1 but snares and knockbacks and stuns and mezzes are way more spammable and available to all classes than in any other game I've played. The only people that I know of that don't know that cc is way over-the-top in this game are some forum posters.


    1. Pull/Push doesn't work against full resolve targets, so there is another exception to your "works every time" claim.


    2. Your Guardian was not grappled and pulled 4 times in less than 5 seconds by hostiles. Three grapples/pulls will fill Resolve preventing the 4th.


    3. Stuns/Mezzes/Knockbacks are ALL on CD meaning they are not spammable. Additionally, any combination of Stun/Mezz and any other Resolve Effect will grant full immunity to Resolve Effects meaning that even if they were "spammable", it would be pointless to do so.


    4. Snares are much more easily applied because they are required for kiting/anti-kiting tactics. As a Hunter from WoW, I've found the amount of snares available in this game to actually be less than is necessary (I was able to keep 100% uptime on a 50% slow on 1 target while also keeping 80% uptime on a 75% slow on any number of additional targets who all had to walk through my ice slick which could then run around).

  12. That's funny, because I never see vengeance juggs in PVP, do you play on a PVE or RP server or something?


    In our PVP guild we had all pure Rage Juggs except 1. He was Hybrid Immortal/vengeance and was mostly a guarder.


    Do not forget there is a very advanced Rage spec that can beat the full Veangeance spec easily on survivability. I said advanced because a few people know this and secondly, it takes a tricky set of gear. That spec retains 90% of the Jugg damage but in a 1v1 encounter, it is surprising to anyone. I will not list that spec nor the gear setup on this forum by respect to it's creator, so don't bother asking.


    As for Smash 6k then surviving for 12 secs... I don't know where you get this. Obliterate crits for 3k, Scream Crits for 3.5k-4.5k, Ravage hits just as hard as Vengeance Spec. I never have trouble filling my globals.


    Ah, you're one of those mythical Warriors who not only has 100% melee uptime, never has to build or use Fury pips, AND is crit capped while still able to attain the same amount of power as a power stacker. Do you pay extra to play this version that no one else gets to play or does Bioware just really like you?

  13. It also requires 3 GCD to set up (notice I wrote set up, not use) a big Cull for a Sniper or Operative but...

    1. it doesn't do as much damage, (or can match up the damage but on the full 3s duration in Sniper's case),

    2. it is dodge/deflect-able, partially shieldable

    3. it is much more predictable because the requirements are on the target not on the user, and some moves used are fancy (for exemple corrosive Grenade is easily noticable, and Weakning blast is not bad though).

    4. If the target dies prematurely, you have to re-do the full preparation. (Singularity stacks remain on you if the target dies...)


    No need to say that it is only on one target, and that if the DoT are cleansed (this is still possible even with the talent which let a weaker DoT in case of cleanse) that the damage go down, down...

    This. And true even if you're not a healer. Sometimes they don't even have to attack someone before when they use the +6 Focus/Rage, or Zen. Good luck to defend/predict against someone who didn't attack at all and then jump at you, rooting you and... SMASH !!! - in da face


    You are leaving out the part where the Agent can still do effective DPS between those Culls, while the Rage Warrior is basically Smash>survive for 12 seconds>repeat. They are a one trick pony that consists of AoE burst followed by 12 seconds of waiting+building up the next Smash. Are they effective at what they do? Yes. Are they OP? I think the fact that almost no one uses them answers that question.

  14. Anyone else? How does the system calculate coms? I thought for every medal you got 50 valor 10 coms or something like that, max to 80 unless you win, then you get more. I've won 140 coms (not counting MVP votes) in a regular wz match....but when we give the other team a beatdown I end up earning less.


    Can someone tell me why?


    Did you beat them down and quickly win, or did you beat them down and draw it out so you could keep beating them down?

  15. I'm a big fan of 2-3-3 myself, as long as the 3 at mid are two tanks and a healer.


    Most opening strategies send 5-7 to mid. If you send a defensive 3 to mid, you can focus on preventing the mid cap long enough for the enemy to either give up on mid or refocus on one of the two side nodes allowing you to cap mid+side.


    The downside of the 2-3-3 is that it requires specific roles and good players to pull off effectively.



    I've also had success with a 2-5-1 with my Sorc Healer being the 1. If they only send 1 to their natural, I can either solo cap it under him (if he is bad) or harass him long enough to where he needs to call for help (which comes from mid) giving my team a chance to cap mid. If I see more than 1 going to their natural, I can always turn around and reinforce mid. As healers are better suited to multi person fighting, I don't normally run this strategy unless we have at least 2 other healers.

  16. My point about the set up required seems to have been lost.


    It requires 3 GCDs to use a big smash. That means that you didn't get hit for 6k, you got hit for 2k three times.

    When put into the correct perspective, Smash doesn't really seem so bad. It just looks really bad because you don't see the 4.5 second "cast time" required to pull it off.

  17. So you are saying, in a round about way, that his guild is too lazy to do the work for themselves and are putting this task to the OP.


    Run fast young padawan, fight with a new guild in a better way.


    Good Luck OP, find a better guild.


    That, and if they have that requirement already and any one of them already has all 4 then they don't need to have the requirement since it has already been met by one of them.

  18. ROFL i thought the OP's opening line was hilarious, something about seeing the olympics and comparing the "fairness" of the olymics to PvP in SWTOR.



    Ummmmmm, the olyimpics are just as fair as the pvp in SWOTR.


    I train more than you do so i get more medals, just like the olympics.


    Im hitting the gym (computer) 4-6 hours a day, you play 1-2 every other day and then come here to complain about how my training has made the game unfair.


    They should make SWTOR an olympic sport, i breathe this ****! Fyi the only time im posting on the website is when im at work! free time= game time


    The Olympics don't give handicaps based on time spent and are therefore not like SWTOR.


    If the Olympics were like this game, then Greece would only need to run 1 Meter in the 100 Meter Sprint since they've been in the Olympics the longest. Since Jamaica hasn't been in the Olympics as long, Usain Bolt still has to run the full 100 meters.


    You see, gear progression is supposed to simulate skill increase in the character in PvE. In PvP however you actually have player skill increase and therefore do not need to simulate character skill. By adding gear progression to PvP, you give an unnecessary benefit to players based on time spent. This concept exists solely to reward you for paying your monthly subscription, not to present any kind of fair play or competitive environment.

  19. The "Separation of Powers" with regards to Cleanses may have been a good theory, but due to the way the class populations worked out has failed to be effective in practice.


    As a Sorc, I can really only cleanse Sorc/Sage effects and those are the least scary DoTs in the game. Since I can't cleanse the actual scary DoTs, my Cleanse is fairly useless making my healer less valuable to a PvP team.


    They need to make the Cleanse universal with the talent and remove the (super efficient, but far too weak to be effective) heal.

  20. Their requirements are ridiculous. This isn't a problem with the game, it is a problem with the crappy guild you joined. Get out quick!


    Also, I should point out that you only need 1 guy in your group who has all 4 buffs and when he uses it everyone in the group gets all 4 buffs making that requirement even more stupidly ridiculous.

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