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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Darth_Philar

  1. While it may seem silly from a RP point of view ("I'm a Sith/Jedi, I should be able to jump to whoever I want to!"), for balancing purposes it was designed the way it is. If you are allowed to jump to Snipers in cover, then Snipers would need to be given an additional knockback which would actuallly wind up hurting you more in the long run.
  2. Awesome logic fail.


    No, they don't all have the same equipment. there are certain parameters equipment must not exceed but if you think that some third work country with 2 athletes in the Olympics has all the same equipment as the American, British or Chinese team you are very mistaken.


    The best game to use for showing the silliness of gear grinds is Chess.


    When you and I sit down to play chess we both have the exact same number of each piece. As the playing field is completely even, it is my chess skills versus your chess skills. No outside factors are in play.


    With gear grinds, MMO developers are saying "you've played chess longer than player B, therefore you get to start every game of chess with 2 Queens intead of 1 Queen. Player C has played longer than you have, therefore he gets to start every game of chess with 4 Queens". Eventually, you all reach the same level (playing with all Queens), but until that happens the people who have played longer will have a distinct advantage over those who have played for a shorter amount of time. Granted, the skill level of each player still plays a pretty significant impact (I don't care how many Queens you have, If you don't know the rules of chess I'm going to take you to school), but that impact is being marginalized by the starting inequality, especially when the guy who knows how to play chess also has the Queen advantage.


    Gear grinds do not support competitve gameplay, they support grinding, which supports monthly subscriptions. Some players like grinding, and they therefore like gear grinds. They may also like competition. They just aren't going to get it in a grind-based MMO and that is why so many people are complaining about gear on the forums.


    To analog this concept with the Olympics, a gear-grind system would be "You've participated in more Olympics than Nigeria has, therefore you only have to run 75 meters while Nigeria has to run 100 meters. Greece only has to run 1 meter since they've been here the longest."

  3. They could probably liven it up a little simply by adding a Galactic Defense Channel that reports all PvP activity that happens on all planets. Any time a node is capped on Illum a broadcast goes out, for example.
  4. Lets get real here.


    Its very possible to hit a 1200+ expertise player with 6-7K smash/sweep as a Jugg/Guardian. I can hit 5-5700 consistently with a 930 expertise Guardian when dueling against a guildie with 1270 expertise.


    An AE ability that does more damage than any single target ability in the game is just broken.


    It requires a jump to set up the 100% crit and 4 stacks of shockwave. Plus it only happens at the location of the Smash user.


    It is pretty easy to avoid if you have any awareness at all.


    Granted, it really sucks to get hit by one, but that's your fault for letting the guy build up those buffs and stand on top of you.

  5. I didn't expect people to want and support defender farming. It's a strange video game world we fake live in


    If you remove or reduce the rewards that currently exist you will prevent defender farming. You will also eliminate the only incentive most players have for defending at all meaning PuG WZs will become unplayable zergfests.

  6. A **** of bullcrap if I ever heard one.


    The most competitive players are also the same people who most dilligently pursue ways to improve oneself -- whether be it gear, technique, (or in bad cases) exploits.


    This 'fantasy' of 'pure skill' is simply a product of fragile egos from incompetitive people who need an excuse as to why they not only are terribad in gameplay, but also stay that way without getting better for a long, extended period of time.


    Since obviously they are simply too lazy to neither practice PvP nor make efforts to better their chance in survival, they simply choose the easiest things to blame on. "Why you little... if only I had same gear, I'd woop yer arse" type of mentality is evident in all of these gear whines.


    So go ahead, why not. Abolish gear. Chances are, these same whiners will be whining about something else. They need another excuse.


    That is a completely absurd argument.


    Fact is, there are 3 completely separate styles of gameplay which I have already listed. You like CvC, which is fine. But you calling PvP fans names, or even stating that they don't exist is not fine. That's silly. Don't be silly.


    You like what SWTOR offers. Some people don't. When it comes to personal preferences, "there is no accounting for taste". ;)

  7. Last time I was on Quesh while leveling, a group of level 50 Republic players decided to camp the Imperial speeder route. I decided to get the Endurance datacron while they twiddled their thumbs and one of them saw me go into the tunnel.


    I was on my way out of the chamber when they jumped me. I ran to the console and activated it, then got to stand on the safe side and watch 3 level 50s choke to death on poisonous gas. I laughed for a long time about that.

  8. It's already boring playing defense, now you want to take away the rewards too?


    We don't need to give Ritalin-addled youths any more reasons to abandon the objectives and fight on the roads, if anything we need to increase the defender medals to incentivize defending.

  9. BF3 adding the gear progression because COD has it and EA is desperately trying to get in on the COD windfall (which is why they ruined the BF franchise, making it something people didn't want). BF didn't start that way, I don't think it was until BFBC2 that they added gear progression, which a lot of people considered the start of the downward spiral of the franchise, focusing more on console than PC gamers.


    What actually ruined BF3 was the Rent a Server service.


    I had that game for all of a week before that patch hit and once it did the game instantly became 100% unplayable.

    I'd spend over an hour each time I wanted to play trying to find a "normal" server to play on. After 3 days of that nonsense I pitched the game disc in the trash and wrote of the BF series for all of eternity.

  10. Indeed, and it's only one half of the equation (the other half being extra damage received). This is where/why I get hesitant to do so. Especially being I'm not a pure DPSer but a 21 point corruption.


    Mixing PvE with PvP gear is feasible for some ACs, but not for others. I wouldn't recommend it for any of the Sorcerer/Sage trees as you won't live long enough for that extra DPS/HPS to be worth it. You are squishy AND a primary attack target.

  11. I do the same... I hate when they trickle in and make me look like I'm counting though.


    "inc 3 snow"







    Once I get to 4 I just say 4+ since at that point at least half of the enemy team is incoming and my team better be able to account for the remainder lol.

  12. Ahhhhh yes... good point.


    I hate when there are 3 people guarding and they call "incoming"... only to peek over a wall and see half of my team running to help kill one guy that is already at 10% before they get there. :mad:


    I always call "inc #" so my team knows how many to send. Granted, when your team can't count very well I'll run into the same thing you listed above.

  13. He's right. That line does curve - ever so slightly - starting at 1000. That slight curve is consistent, at least through 1300 that's as far as I looked. Whether or not replacing expertise with pve stuff is more beneficial is a different question.


    Expertise is multiplicative whereas other stats are additive (with respect to damage). This means that at specific levels of of Expertise, specific levels of other stats will result in a net DPS gain.


    For example:


    If I have an Expertise boost of 10% and deal 1000 damage I will do 1100 damage.

    If I increase my Expertise boost to 11% I will deal 1110 damage for a net gain of 10 damage.

    If I were to keep my Expertise boost of 10% and increase my damage to 1010 I will deal 1111 damage for a net gain of 11 damage.


    Granted, this is a very simplified example, but it illustrates the concept.

  14. Good point: gear in SWTOR does not correspond to cleats, shoulder pads, gloves, etc. in RL sports, but instead getting the gear corresponds to training.


    I've noticed that doing the dailies again and again reminds me of working through repeated katas back when I took Tae Kwon Do, except that I don't get nearly as sweaty. :p


    Actually, gear equates to more of your money being handed over to Bioware.


    Gear Grinds are the lazy developer's way of maintaining subscriptions.

    Good developers design gameplay mechanics that keep the player involved and thus eliminate the need for grinding.

  15. I got into an ACW the other day that was in progress. My team had just capped mid and was trying to hold snow and I was on the speeder to mid (I had literally just started and this was my first speeder ride).


    I get to the ground just in time to see the mid turret switch back to Republic since no one stayed to defend it.


    Some angry teammate of mine immediately started screaming at me for not calling inc, to which I responded by saying, "not on me, I just got here. You left it undefended". Then he started screaming about how terrible the entire team was. We wound up winning (20 -0) in spite of his constant complaining and lack of action.


    His parting words following our victory were "You all suck, stop queuing". I'm guessing it was his time of the month.

  16. And how does alacrity not benefit you?


    In this game every AC has 1-2 secondary stats that are the most important for them. While stacking stats that are not these "priority" stats will still give them a benefit, they would benefit more from stacking their priority.


    WIth Sorcs, Alacrity actually serves to hurt your character since all it really does is make you go Out of Force much more quickly while adding no real benefit (healers with their ridiculously long cast times may actually get some marginal use from Alacrity and are the exception to the rule).

  17. This reminds me of the WoW days when the Alliance attacked CrossRoads. The signal would go out... wolrd channels would recevie the alerts and LvL 50's started flying in from all over. Lowbies would get pissed and call in guildes, cry for help or go get their 50s and fly them in.


    I'm not on a pvp server so I don't know if this occurs in SWTOR. You guys on PvP server would have to tell me.


    My favorite memory from WoW was right after Cata hit and a Horde mage decided to camp Honor Hold and 1 shot leveling Alliance players. I grabbed my max level Hunter and started camping his corpse until his whole guild showed up. I called in my guild and we pushed his guild back and started camping their base in Hellfire Peninsula. Then came the real Horde (i.e. the PvPers who responded to the World Defense notifications) and we had to retreat back to Honor Hold and call for reinforcements. It kept going back and forth like this until eventually the Horde gave up. The best moment was when me and 3 other Hunter engineers parachuted into their base.


    Things like this don't happen at all in SWTOR because players who attempt to engage in World PvP on planets that are not designed for World PvP will get 1 shotted by the sentries and turrets. Since there are no lowbies to camp on Illum, there is never an instigating event to start such a war.

  18. 1. The edit was put in before you first responded. It wasn't until I finished editing that I saw your response.

    2. I need to L2Debate? Yet if you skim over your post I see not much more than "lol" "mad troll skillz" "you win the internet" "I know I'm being trolled" All these gems are nothing more than the failed diatribe of a lemming who would rather spend his time copying what he thinks is "cool" to post on forums than actually discuss facts.


    Even if we go with your stance of skill meaning very little in comparison to gear instead of 0 effect, then I still disagree with you. My first game at 50 on my operative and I out healed the other 2-3 healers in the game who were all decked out in BM gear (one being an operative). On top of that, I out dmged all of them and had less deaths. This was BEFORE recruit gear.


    When I join a pug, do I care about the other team being decked out in War hero more than them being from a good pvp guild that plays well? Hell no, I'm more worried about the fact they have 3-4 vanguards that play well together than the gear they are wearing.


    1. Not sure what you point is. My post clearly does not have your edit included. It wasn't until after I finished my post that I saw that you had edited yours.


    2. You are now ignoring my post entirely and focusing on the edit. Typical debate failure tactic used by those who know they have been beaten. You got called a troll, because you said WoW was skill based. Blizzard openly admits that this is not true, so for you to say otherwise suggests you either don't know what you are talking about, or you are intentionally making false statements in order to start a flame war (a practice known as "trolling").


    3. Your anecdote about your remembered performance is both inadmissable as evidence (since it is an anecdote) and tainted with confirmation bias.


    You are the one who is intentionally avoiding any discussion of actual facts. As you clearly don't have any intention of engaging in a valid form of logical debate, I am going to declare a de facto victory for myself and allow you to continue misinforming the general public.


    Just try to use the correct term for what you enjoy. Calling CvC "PvP" just makes you look uninformed.

  19. Explain why ppl with less gear can out heal, out dmg, out survive etc.... ppl with better gear.


    Straw Man Fallacy Detected! No explanation necessary.

    Learn to Debate.


    My position clearly states that CvC is a state where Player skill is reduced in the equation and character features are increased in importance to the outcome. You are attempting to restate my position to be "no skill" which is blatantly false.


    EDIT: Just saw your edit. L. O. L. :rolleyes:

    That's probably the funniest thing I've ever read on the internet. Now I know I'm being trolled.

    Good job sir. You win an internet for your mad troll skillz.

  20. PVP = Player versus Player

    You think there is some deeper meaning, but there isn't. No one is forcing you to stay here.


    Exactly. In Player versus Player it is your skill versus their skill. Games like Chess, Halo, etc. are all skill based and are therefore Player versus Player.


    Here in SWTOR, you have a Character and I have a Character. Our characters have stats, classes, abilities, etc. all of which reduce the amount of skill needed and increase your result's reliance upon the Character. Ergo, CvC (Character versus Character).


    Any game that attempts to mix PvE with PvP will wind up with some degree of CvC. It is inevitable as PvE and PvP are opposites that cannot exist at the same time in the same game.


    After reading this post, your knowledge has gained +25 XP

  21. I find it quite discouraging that at level 48 I can go into a PVP session and have no advantage over a level 10.


    I understand the concept of "global equality" as I call it for PVP....but lets get serious.


    For working on getting your valor up there should be some kind of option.


    I would like to see a queue for variety if nothing else. Possibly queue up for all 49 and below in one instance, and then have staged instances for pvp.....something like 10 - 19, then 20 - 29, etc


    A variety that would attract others would be good. I think that the way pvp is now is truly broken and causes boredom with others...at least that is what I am finding out. The best thing I do is go onto another, grind out and play pvp with new toons....at least it is some variety.


    I have 3 50s and working on 4 and 5


    This is just my rant:rak_03:


    Enjoy your week long queue that never pops since there aren't enough low level players in your current bracket.

  22. I'm sorry that you don't have fun PVPing. If you had fun PVPing, it wouldn't seem like a grind, but rather an added bonus.


    I'm also sorry your reading comprehension is below average. The public school system has failed you miserably.


    Technically, it is you who doesn't enjoy PvP but instead enjoys CvC. He wants actual PvP and you want to keep the game as is (CvC).


    It is a matter of preference, but is far less confusing when you use the appropriate terminology.

  23. I think that an ideal CvC gearing system is as follows:


    Three tiers

    1. Entry Tier - Available for free

    2. Advanced Tier - Purchased with commendations, exact same stats as Entry Tier

    3. Ranked Tier - Purchased with ranked commendations, exact same stats as Entry Tier


    Advanced Tier consists of 2 different sets per AC with different set bonuses.


    Ranked Tier consists of 2 different sets per AC with different set bonuses that are different from the Advanced Tier bonuses.


    Bonuses are no longer based on 2 and 4 piece tiers, but instead each piece increases the value of the set bonus. For example, if the set bonus is "Increased Range on Saber Throw" then the bonus table would look like this:


    First Piece = 1m range increase

    Second Piece = 2m range increase

    Third Piece = 3m range increase

    Fourth Piece = 4m range increase

    Fifth Piece = 5m range increase


    The end result is that each AC has 5 sets of gear to choose from, 4 of which have set bonuses and all of which can be mixed and matched to your liking while still keeping the base stats the same across the board for all players.

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