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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Darth_Philar

  1. I actually agree with this, since mainly I engage maras in defensive mode. Maras are good at killing sages, so you have to do everything right to frustrate a mara ( get em to blow their cooldowns etc, keep distance try not to max resolve, keep him snared), cc and rely on team-mates. Not often I kill one that is competent without assistance.


    I honestly believe they are a hard counter to sage, but I do not think they are god mode because their stronger defensive cooldowns can be countered with stuns. You have to try and look at it from the point of view of style of play - a mara is in the thick of it most of the time, so therefore they will get beat on alot, they need defensive cooldowns to do the job they were designed to do.


    Comparing the two toolsets - we have tools to kite maras but not to do it effectively against certain specs, and like the above poster says - its more a case of buying time for assistance or kicking the crap out of a complete muppet who does not understand maras. Also, it helps if you have 17 second shield set bonus from heals set, and being hybrid tele/lbalance deffo helps against melee trains.


    We are good against healers though - lots of interupts, pressure and cc is a bad news for healers.


    Marauders are only "god mode" when people use their Resolve Effects to "kite" them. If you whitebar a Marauder then he gets to use his best abilities with no repercussions. That is why I recommend saving your CC for the big ugly effects (UR, Cloak, Ravage). If you use your CC on these effects, you neuter the Marauder's effectiveness and can proceed to stalemate him long enough for help (or his attention to wane).

  2. If you are using your CC for his defensives and ravage- what do you have for when he leaps to you, chain roots you and/or simply hugs you while whittling away your health? Also, annihilation can have a no range leap while carnage has a root on the throw meaning there is virtually no deadzone- and kiting within 5-9m (distance that a mara can't attack or leap when completely unspecced) is impossible unless the mara was dropped on his head multiple times.


    You need to rely on the marauder both being terrible (sorry, but you have to be extremely bad to be kited within a 4m range by a class that relies 90% on channels/cast spells to do damage) and on being rage specced. At the same time, a lightning sorc relies on affliction for double speed FL, and is a turret spec (very immobile) while a madness sorc relies heavily on dots, very heavily- yet you're saying not to dot a mara so you can use WW on undying yet instant WW is in a spec that relies almost entirely on dots.


    How do you intend to get a mara to near death exactly without using dots? Shock doesn't hit all that hard, FL keeps you in place which against a mara means you're dead, and death field has a very long CD- you'd have to spend pretty much a minute using shock, DF and force slow to get a mara even close to dead.


    Rage spec has a second leap that has no min range. You need to rely on them being Carnage for min range kiting, which I did not recomment, I merely pointed it out that it could be done in theory.


    No one plays lol lightning spec in PvP for the very reason that they are immobile and squishy leading to guaranteed death in 1v1 match ups.


    The object of fighting a Marauder is not to kill him, it is to stay alive long enough for him to either give up and switch targets or for help to arrive. If you want to kill a Marauder you need to play at an elite skill level and hope he is an undergeared noob.

  3. I'm a sentinel with 6 WH pieces. Just got my mainhand, and total expertise would be 1290. I recall hearing previously 1200+ and you're well on the way towards DR, so I am deciding between keeping the +50 expertise, or swapping out with the power crystal.




    Power will increase your damage more than Expertise at your current Expertise level.

    Expertise will increase your ability to survive.


    Which is more important to you?

    (please note that you are probably not looking at any substantial gain regardless of which you choose and why).

  4. The only strategy I see from these force fields is in the fact that for 30 seconds the guy you kill gets stuck behind the field with no way out until it releases...unless while in those 30 seconds the guys attention is drawn somewhere else and misses his quick 5 (10?) second release. In that case he's stuck for another 30 seconds. Strategy=kill certain player to keep him outta game? Aka: deathmatch


    Are you aware that it would be impossible for the attacking team in Void Star to ever plant if there were no gate for the defenders?


    Are you aware that it would be impossible to score in Huttball if there were no gate for the defenders?


    Are you aware that it would be impossible to secure a node in Novare Coast if the defenders were able to immediately return to the fray?


    The strategy is used by those doing the killing, not those who are dying. Without gates, dying to gain a position advantage would become the norm and any system that promotes suicides as a workable strategy is a bad system.

  5. The only thing they do is annoy the crap outta anyone who dies. Seriously why do they have to be soo long? At least lower the time it takes for them to go down. Anyone else feel the same way? Does anyone actually like the long wait to get back into the fight?


    Gated respawns add strategy to the game. This is not a deathmatch.

  6. A heavy armour wearing melee class (well, THE class, as there's only one that fits the description) would be horribly gimped by this. Guardians/Juggernauts would become total cannon fodder, kited to death all the time. And poor Commandos, jesus, they have enough problems as it is.


    Also, Shadow tanks would roflstomp their way to dominating everything.


    Some tweaks would be necessary, as they would with any game mechanic change.

  7. "For players with 1000 or higher resolve, resolve will drain as soon the 1000 mark is reached at a rate of 100 resolve per second"


    So if you reach 1200 Resolve, it will drain in 12 seconds after the last CC effect is over, that is correct. If you get hit by two four second stuns in succession, you get 16 seconds of immunity - which in 80% of the time is worthless because you're dead. In the other 20% your CC breaker will be available. 16 seconds is not a lot, really. You get longer immunity after 8 second mezzes but during those you can't be damaged so they're not part of my gripe here.


    Either make Resolve drain a LOT slower or just make all CC break on damage. I'd be in favour of the latter but the former is fine as well; anything to reduce the stunfest that level 50 PvP is at the moment. Zoeller was essentially correct in saying, back in the days of those teams of stunlocking operatives, that being stunlocked to death isn't fun. At all. So the aim should be to reduce this happening.


    Keep in mind that two consecutive 800 Resolve Effects will add up to 2000 Resolve (or 20 seconds), not 1600 as the effect that causes you to reach or exceed 1000 gets a 50% bonus. (Existing Resolve + New Resolve Amount + Bonus Resolve). Also, on use stuns (4 sec) and mezzes (8 sec) are both 800 Resolve Effects and therefore are treated exactly the same, you do not get longer immunity from one over the other.

  8. I said it in many Resolve threads and will say it again.


    The way it currently works is 1) you're stunned, 2) two DPS pounce on you, stun you immediately again when the first stun's over and though at this point your resolve bar is full, you're also dead. By the time you get back into the battle, your Resolve bar will be empty again - rinse and repeat.


    It drains way too fast, even in combat. Gives you what, 15 seconds of immunity? Should be a lot more than that. That way simply throwing stuns at people wouldn't be such a lethal weapon as people would actually have to plan ahead with stuns.


    That, or make all CC to break on damage. Or even better, do both. Just reduce the amount of time we spend being CC'd and hammered upon while unable to do anything because it's frustrating in the extreme.


    Why isn't your healer healing you? Why aren't your teammates peeling for you?

    You can't expect to survive sustained damage from two opponents while you are completely incapacitated. That isn't realistic at all. It sucks, to be sure, but PvP is a team sport. You are not Master Chief.


    The normal amount of Resolve Immunity is 20+ seconds. It is not possible to have less than 12 seconds of immunity (this worst case scenario of 12 seconds is achieved by using an 800 Resolve Effect and then allowing your target's resolve to decay to no less than 600, then using another 400 Resolve Effect (600 + 400 + 200 = 1200 / 100 = 12)

  9. My understanding is that Expertise is run twice (attack bonus calculated first, then defense bonus):


    If we assume 2 equally geared players:


    Player 1 attacks and does 1000 damage.

    1000 is multiplied by his Expertise Damage modifier (let's say 10%) giving him 1100 damage.

    1100 damage is then run against Player 2's Expertise Defense modifier (since they are equally geared, it should be 9.09%) meaning he sustains 1000 damage (the original amount).


    If we assume non-equal Expertise:


    Player 1 attacks and does 1000 damage.

    1000 is again multiplied by his Expertise Damage modifier (which we are keeping at 10%) giving him 1100 damage.

    1100 damage is then run against Player 2's smaller Expertise Defense modifier of only 6% meaning he sustains 1034 damage.

  10. This coming from a healer sage POV


    The side tree Mara/Sent specs are easier to kite/solo as knockback root spec. The middle tree spec is much harder to tank. Their camo breaks your root and you won't be able to get away from them with all their roots, plus their ravage can get you into execute range easily, where you won't be able to recover from.


    I don't think sages are underpowered at all. If you factor in peels, they can live pretty well and output almost as much as scoundrels (being cast dependant though) and stop more damage (when factoring in force cleanses). Salvation/Revif spec can output more than scoundrels, if their team can keep them alive, imo.


    If Pyro/Assault Techs/Vangaurds burst was brought down to earth or counterable (cast time on rail shot or something), then sage/sorcs would even do better.


    Sorc/Sage is underpowered if you consider that no other class needs a peel to DPS. Healing will always require a peel, but to DPS? That's just poor design.


    Fact is, we are supposed to be casters, but in order to cast one must stand still. Standing still means death 100% of the time if you are being targeted. It's a Catch-22.

  11. Just curious, since you play both, have you been able to create, a good defensive stratigy against maras/sents? Playing my sorce, I can solo most, but the good maras/sents just punish me.


    The best strategy for fighting a Mara is to run away lol.

    If that isn't an option, don't use DoTs since you will need your Mezz to shut down the Mara when he pops UR.

    Save your knockback for Ravage.

    Use Force Slow every time it is off CD.

    Your Stun should be used to burn off his Cloak of Pain.

    Watch his Resolve bar like a hawk. If you fill it you are dead.


    Leap has a minimum range, so it is possible to kite them within that distance and prevent them from using it. There is also a shorter ranged jump (rage spec) that requires rage though, so they may use that.


    Saber throw and Dispatch both have max ranges, but no min.

  12. Mara/sents are strongly defending how they are perfectly balanced, are they overpowered? Or is it a case of underpowered sages/sorce? Let us hear your opinions.


    As one of both, I'd say a little of both.


    To elaborate: Marauder DCDs are slightly too powerful and one of them should be nerfed. Sorcerers have no DCDs and need at least one.

  13. Alderaan Civil War's outcome is usually determined in the first 3 minutes of the match (i.e. your open).

    Voidstar's outcome is determined by team composition.

    Huttball's outcome is determined by individual players.

    Novare Coast's outcome is determined by teamwork.

  14. Balance in an MMO is a matter of perspective that is left in the hands of the developer. I would love for anyone to point out one MMO that EVERYONE who plays feels it is balanced. It does not exist.


    It's all about perspective... the masses will never agree on this over ANY MMO game.


    Guild Wars was pretty balanced. It just wasn't very popular as a result. People don't like a level playing field in general, they like their time spent to be rewarded with some kind of statistical advantage over their opponent (as that is the underlying concept of most RPGs).

  15. Silly children's comments aside, I have been asking about and it seems that because the trooper is a ranged DPS and a heavy hitter, the down side has to be lack of movement. Absolutely mezz can be cleansed with reactive shield (correct skill tree) and field aid, as well as with the right healer. So gear up for heavy hitting but you can sacrifice surge and power for defence by swapping mods out of other War Hero gear (armour must remain for set item bonus).

    That said, I recently completed a Denova war zone where all I did was come out of bunker to face an imperial side at mid, get stunned, mezz'd, stunned, mezz'd again and died. The same two Sith DPS were hitting me constantly. 4 times in a row this happened, I thought if I keep charging, surely their cooldowns will cut in? But no, each time same sequence with seconds between my attacks. I gave up and took East instead.

    When I did get to attack them earlier I got one of them 1 on 1 and very nearly killed them, so they were also quite tough (we both used med packs but they were a slightly better player). So they could not have had everything on alacrity.

    So is the cool down on these Sith stuns etc really short (mine is 2 mins on freeze bomb). I do not have time to get another character going on the Imp side to find out, perhaps someone would be kind enough to share their thoughts and advice.

    I have re-specced to Gunnery with some advice online and have been given a firing sequence so fingers crossed.


    Sith whats?

    My Sorc has a 4 sec Stun on a 60 second CD and an 8 sec mezz on a 60 second CD.



  16. Lastly, if you enter a warzone in PVE gear and complain that you get killed in 5 seconds when charging head-on into a i.e. sniper/gs, remember its not because they are OP, it's because you are a moron! :D


    To be fair, if you enter a warzone in full Recruit gear you will be complaining about getting killed in 6 seconds.

  17. I swear this crap is totally broken on the Commando. I have been hard stunned and only have a quarter of my bar filled where as I cryonade someone and thier bar becomes half filled. The resolve system as a whole is still horrible. Its beyond frustrating to pop my cc break at full resolve, try to run away a bit and heal yet be subjected to all sorts of snars that cant be cleansed off. Further more I love when I have my shield up and get force choked. I wish I could force choke the **** out of the moron who thought that was a great idea. Anyway Resolve is still broken just like all the people who already unsubbed from this game have been saying.


    Not "broken". It functions exactly as designed.


    The phrase you are looking for is "not to my liking".

    Also, all snares can be cleansed, you just need the right healer for the right snare.

  18. Agreed, this statistic is absolutely ridiculous. I could (maybe) understand if 90% of those specced to DPS were these AC's or if maybe 50% of the people seen were these AC's, but 90% is outrageously incorrect. I still see an extremely high amount of shadow/sin and sorc/sages that haven't rerolled yet. Now I would go as far as to say that 99% of top rated PVP teams have at least one of each of these classes (as well as one healing op/scoundrel).


    I believe it was based on a count from 147 Ranked Warzones played by a particular player. He logged the ACs (or estimated AC, as the scoreboard doesn't clearly distinguish) and shared his results. Combined, Mara/Sent and PT/Vang made up a large percentage (I don't remember the exact amount, but it was around 90%) of the opponents he faced.


    The class distribution appears to be much more even in non-ranked warzones.


    Ok so only been doing pvp for about 2-3 months now. I play a SW Jugg immortal spec. Going against pubs purely sucks. Getting stunned for 15-20 seconds is a pure nightmare when unleash is down seems like it never ends. Any ideas for getting out of the stuns?


    1. Only use your breaker when your Resolve bar is white

    2. Never attempt to Rambo (run into a 1v2+ situation where you are the 1)

    3. Ask your healer to cleanse the roots/snares/mezzes (Don't have a healer? Try throwing up a guard on one and follow him around)

  19. Are you implying that attacking requires no coordination?


    You only call inc for nodes you are defending...

    While attempting to coordinate an attack run, there is only one scenario in which you would ever need to identify which side turret to hit, and that is if you own mid only. Of course, in that particular scenario time is also not as vital as it is when calling an inc since as the losing team you have as much time as you want to coordinate before heading out which again makes the "can't see landmarks from mid" argument moot as you need not stand inside the base to plan.

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