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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Darth_Philar

  1. As I stated in my original post, there are many times that my resolve bar is full and I'm whirlwinded or someother CC (not talking slows). It's either an issue of resolve not working properly or lag issues between client and server. Either way, it's very frustrating.


    This claim has been made before but has yet to be proven with a video.


    We know how Resolve is intended to work, and we know how it does work. If you want us to believe that it is not working then you need to provide proof. Of course, you could also file an in game ticket reporting the alleged bug and stop spreading misinformation on the forums...

  2. While I do agree that there is a distinct advantage that premades hold over pugs in the so called "random" queue that really eliminates any real chance of competition, the player base is currently far too small for the issue to be resolved.


    Ideally, there would be three separate queues:


    Random (no groups allowed)

    Group (2-4 people in groups queue to face other groups of 2-4 people)

    Ranked (8 person groups)


    Given enough players, all 3 queues would be "bracketed" so that players were pitted against other players of similar/averaged Resolve values.

  3. Remove undying rage from mara/sent classes and we may stand a chance if equal geared. Same with the assassin's immunity ability. Without it we might actually compete in 1on1 vs those.


    Rather than removing it, I suggest that you change it so that while active, the Marauder's DPS is cut by 99% as well. It is supposed to be used to run away/buy time for a healer to save you.

  4. So i Heal pvp occasionally if im bored or people qq-ing that there are none atm to be a good guy.


    Anyways, maybe every 4th match, i can 100% tell i have a target marker on my head, and in 50 pvp it gets to the point i step out of the swawn area and im dead lol. Now i dont really care in the end pvp is for ***** and giggles to me but its annoying haha.


    We were at the 2nd set of doors in Voidstar, i died maybe 10 times (lag and 5 ppl attacking me its just over lol) So i decided to think of ways to do this, So i steped 1 inch out the door and stayed up top to heal.


    GUESS WAHT pulled out of the spawn before even getting a chance to move lol really.


    Anywas if u took the target markers off my head my name is still there they can still see what i look like so why need the market.


    AT VERY LEAST now this i support is IT SHOULD NOT PERSIST THROUGH DEATH thats all :)


    Lets hear what ya think and dps dont try to say something YOU DONT GET TAGGED you dont know how it feels :p


    I'm ok with it persisting through death as long as they also make it so that you and your team can easily see that you are marked by the enemy team (a large, red Republic/Empire symbol will do).

  5. If I spend the entire match sitting at our node and not one enemy ever comes over, I have still contributed more to our team's win than those guys who spent the entire match fighting on the enemy's node without taking it.


    Therefore, I deserve to have more medals than they do, but will wind up getting about half as many.


    In conclusion, please remove all medals except defender medals.



  6. Idk if this has been mentioned in the forums recently, but I believe there should be more items put in at the daily comms vendor. Having both mounts and not being an avid PVE er, most of this stuff is kind of useless. Would be cool if they added 2 more mounts or something that benefits the more active PVPer as well, thoughts? suggestions?


    I'd vote for some Adrenals and Stims being added.

  7. Protip:


    No matter how many stealthers you have in your endzone IF YOU TAKE THE BALL ON CENTER.


    You control center - you take the ball.


    You getting beaten - you reset the ball - you control center - you take the ball - you try again.


    This. Controlling the middle is the most important aspect of Huttball. All those fancy leaps, pulls, and speed bursts mean nothing if your team has to spend the entire match chasing the enemy ball carrier.

  8. I got a random PuG last night where we had 6 Marauders and 2 Assassins on Novare Coast. I was concerned at first that without any heal support we would have a rough time.


    We wound up three capping and rolling over the other team for the entire match. They did recap their natural node eventually, but by then they were losing 100 - 20.

  9. I'm glad to see that the AoE indicators have now been color coded giving us better feedback. Now I have a few more suggestions for feedback improvement:


    1. Color Code nodes in PvP Warzones, especially doors in Voidstar. It is much faster to respond to visual queues than it is to logical ones, and landmarks are the primary driving force in human navigation. Giving us better landmarks that are easy to see will make playing as a team much easier for everyone.


    2. Identification of Guard and Taunt targets. When a tank puts a guard on someone, that person sees that they have a guard up, but they don't see who they are supposed to hang out near. Please add a faint blue line connecting the Guard and the Guarded that only they can see. Please add a similar faint red line connecting the Taunter and the Taunted (what's the point of a taunt if I don't know who is taunting me?).


    3. Debuff Cleanse Indication. Please put a green border around all debuffs that a player can cleanse and a red border around debuffs that a player cannot cleanse. This applies for both myself and friendlies I select. For example, if my Sorc Healer gets hit with a tech debuff, or if I select a friendly with a tech debuff, that debuff should have a RED border since I can do nothing about it.


    4. Debuff Effect Name Flytext. When hit with a root, the word "Rooted" should fly up in the same way that damage text does. Snares should say "Slowed"; poisons, fire, bleeds, etc. should say "Health Drain"; Stuns should say "Stunned"; Mezzes should say "Incapacitated"; and movement effects should indicate "Knockdown", "Knockback", "Pull", "Push". It would also be helpful to have the effect type listed in parenthesis, for example: "Incapacited (Force)" for the Sorcerer Mezz.

  10. So I hopped into a Warzone the other day. I notice someone is in full PvE gear - raiding rewards of some sort, not greens or blues - but an expertise of 0. I politely send them a whisper informing them of the existence of Recruit gear, thinking they hopped into PvP unaware of the importance of the Expertise stat, or where to get it.


    Their response was basically "I've tried it, didn't like it, and sold it. My Rakata stuff is better. I raid a lot more than I PvP, too."


    I'm skeptical, but I'm actually really curious and willing to admit I might be wrong sometimes - is Recruit a worse option than Rakata in PvP? Or were my initial instincts which prompted the whisper right? (if class matters, the person was a sniper in this case)


    The increased armor, endurance, base stat, and secondary stats from Rakata put it on par with Recruit gear for PvP. Healers see more benefit from Recruit's Expertise though for the Healing buff it gives.


    Neither Recruit or Rakata are good for PvP, but both are VASTLY superior to leveling gear.

  11. If we win I give it to the guy who contributed the most to the win (be it strategy, responding to or calling "inc", healing, or objectives.


    If we lose I give it to the guy with the least number of medals as he hurt our team the most and I want him in better gear as quickly as possible so that he won't be hurting the team the next time I'm grouped with him.

  12. Wow sounds like a bunch of QQ to me :rolleyes:


    Oh well ok it happens, there are people that, do that get the dailys and dont fight, just camp at the node all I can say is "SO WHAT"


    What does it matter if there over there guarding the node???

    What you want the other team to just walk over there and take it ???


    People quit crying and just play the dang game, there will always be someone over there doing that so just deal with it ...


    I personaly dont see a problem with it as long as they call out intercepts ;)


    There is a HUGE difference between defending a node and AFK farming.

  13. Obtaining objective points will prevent an AFK kick. If he is within range of the node he will get defender points and cannot be kicked.


    I did a Novare Coast last night where two guys from the same guild decided to camp out and watch the fight at our natural node from atop one of the fortification pieces. They even watched the other team cap our node since they were just AFK farming their dailies.

  14. Battle Meditation:


    15 Second Channel Time

    Costs 50% of current Force (talented down to 25% in Corruption tree).

    2 Minute CD



    All Allies within 30 meters are inspired, gaining +25% resource regeneration (i.e. heat burns off faster, force regenerates faster, fury pips last longer before dropping off, etc.)

    All Enemies within 30 meters are demoralized, and receive a -25% resource regeneration (i.e. heat burns off slower, force regenerates slower, fury pips drop faster).

  15. Well, recently I picked Guild Wars (the first one) back up, just because the PVP here was killing me, and I gotta say three major differences:


    1) Very, very few hard stuns. Mostly knockdowns where you're out of commission for about 2 seconds.

    2) The defensive cooldowns available are much better, overall, between all the classes (things like self heals, self cleanses and combined with 75% block chance or 50% block chance are fairly common in most random arena builds).

    3) When you win, your team stays together. If you lose, it disbands and you build a new team. This means its pretty rare to keep losing over and over again.


    Guild Wars is more of a fan of disables - debuffs that prevent you from doing certain things or punish you if you do certain things. It's *MUCH* more engaging that way. You don't feel nearly as useless as you do in this game while being mez'd or hard stunned half the game.


    My favorite part about GW1 was that your ability bar only had 8 slots that could not be changed once you entered a phased area. This meant that you had to make strategic choices as to what abilities you planned to take. It also facillitated the lack of stuns as they would be less necessary in general as a result of less potential enemy abilities and of a lower priority in general as a result of you only have 8 slots to use.


    They also did a pretty good job implementing objectives (no need for an 8 second mezz in a game where capping a point does not require an 8 second channel).

  16. Most classes will never survive long enough to utilize a full resolve bar. That's the problem with resolve, if you're 9/10 classes, you're only going to see it filled as you wait for the door to the respawn to open.


    If the purpose of it was to prevent people from getting stun-locked to death it fails at that because you can get chain stunned for about 10 seconds which is plenty of time to get killed.


    And that fact that Resolve fills up very quickly further illustrates that the issue is with player survival times, not with the Resolve system.


    I think that they need to apply the Trauma debuff to healing AND damage.


    EDIT: Also, 8 seconds is the most amount of time you can be consecutively stunned, and that requires 2 enemy players using their 4 second hard stuns on you (which means, as you indicated, you are going to die).

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