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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Darth_Philar

  1. So if I'm reading this correctly, you paid extra real money in order to get non-real things in a game exclusively for bragging rights and are now peeved that other people are able to get different non-real things for getting other people to pay real money?


    That, my friend, is the way the cookie crumbles.

    Just as an FYI, in the digital distribution age there is no reason to ever buy a collector/limited/special edition if it costs more. You never get anything good. In the old days of boxed games you could get some phat loot, but those days are dying thanks to MMOs and Steam.

  2. Sounds to me like damage from healers is OP..


    This. In any 1v1 situation where two equally geared and skilled players control 1 DPS character and 1 Healer character, the fight should last infinity length.


    DPS are designed to cause damage.

    Healers are designed to reverse damage.


    If 1 healer cannot force an infinite fight with 1 DPS then the healer is underpowered.

    If 1 healer can spend GCDs on damage abilities while being focused by 1 DPS then the Healer is overpowered.


    That is how you gauge the balance of any healing class.

  3. When everyone on the server complains about lag at the same time the issue is on Bioware's end. This past Sunday they had to reboot all the servers because the lag was so bad.
  4. Checked my mail, no free requit gear there...

    Anyone remember where they got the free requit gear?


    Mine was mailed to me, but I was already level 50 first. I think you have to do a quest if you weren't level 50 before 1.3 hit.

  5. Uuummmm, just so I'm clear, there are people that actually like Huttball? I guess a guardian or jugg would like playing Huttball all the time but every time Huttball starts I see 2 things happen:


    1) 25% of the people leave the WZ as soon as they get in

    2) Half the people that stay say "OH GAWD I F'ING HATE HUTTBALL !!!!"


    So, yeah, I don't think that's going to be a problem (at least not on my server).


    Here's my ranking thread. Huttball received more #1 votes than all other maps combined. It is very popular.


  6. You wearing rakata = me getting a free 6k hit on you. I instantly mark anyone wearing pve gear. You need expertise from recruit gear. Unless of course you like getting +24% additional damage done to you.


    Did I say Rakata?

  7. Rakata is not better than recruit gear. When are you scrubs going to get it through your thick skull that you NEED expertise in pvp.


    I already posted the math in another thread, but if you are wearing full Black Hole or full Campaign you are wearing gear that outperforms Recruit in PvP. You will be just as much of a drag on your team as any full Recruit player.


    So no, you don't NEED expertise to get started in PvP if you have a full set of top end PvE gear. You do NEED expertise if you want to be competitive in PvP though so you should be swapping for BM regardless of what you are currently wearing as fast as possible.

  8. It is pretty obvious through the design and now the Legacy feature that Bioware intends this game to be multi-faceted, but not for each facet to be independent. It is also very evident that the story is considered the central pillar of the game that the other facets attach to.


    You are free to level using only one of the facets, but be warned that it will be much slower than if you were to use all of them.

  9. While it pains me to say it im with dmasterr here ;-)


    the 21/20 build is actually pretty easy to play, while also being fun, but not as effective as the 31 point build.


    I think it's a bad idea to make every single spec viable for casuals, because the only way to make it not op in the hands of a very skilled player is to dumb it down massively so his skill advantage doesn't translate, which takes away the fun of improving if you play a lot.


    Whats wrong with having certain builds be more powerful while also requiring more skill to play? that IS balance imo


    (also, unrelated sidenote, i really think we should get a ranged auto attack!)


    No one said casuals should be the target skill level. My point is that when the skill curve is too steep (when compared to other classes) the class needs to be redesigned. Since it is true that exceptional Sorcs/Sages are competitve, and anyone with less skill can't, that suggests that the performance gap on the skill curve is too steep.


    It's almost like the Hunter fiasco from WoW all over again, are we a turret or are we a kiting class? We don't have the tools to do either effectively at the moment.


    Also, just like the Hunter from WoW, Sorcs/Sages are going to be excluded from teams as a result of the skill curve. Even good Hunters weren't given spots simply because everyone saw that Hunters required a lot more skill to succeed at high level play and rather than risk a spot on the team they simply came up with comps that excluded Hunters completely. No one searched for Hunters, so the only Hunters who got spots were the ones who ran their own teams or who made a name for themselves. This further decline in Hunter arena participation further solidified the view that Hunter's don't belong in Arena causing a downward spiral. At the end of the day, Hunters made up less than 2% of all top ranked players simply because the skill curve wasn't fixed.

  10. If you are allowed to queue for a specific WZ then one of two things will happen:


    1. You will get all the Huttball you can stand and you will be very happy.

    2. Your queue time will be 1-2 hours since you opted out of Huttball, you will then come to the forums to complain about long queue times.


    Huttball is by far the most popular WZ. If we allow people to queue for specific warzones then only Huttball will get a large enough number of queuers to pop with any decent frequency.

  11. That is impossible.


    "Everyone" wants the game to be balanced at their level of play, and yet nobody is at the same level of play with everybody else.


    Regardless of what game in existence you are referring too, there are people who can play them well and people who can not play them that well.


    And when only those who can play at the absolute top end of the skill curve are able to be competitive then the class' mechanics are broken.


    Sorcerers do not need buffs, they need a redesign to fix the skill curve and bring it in line with the other classes.

  12. I've said this in other threads before, and I'll say it again here, if you want Arena (deathmatch) there needs to be some restrictions for balance purposes:


    1. Only one bracket (4v4).

    2. One of each base class is required (i.e. You cannot take 2 Maras, or a Mara and a Jugg, etc.).

    3. All matches are timed and allow respawning.

    4. Gear earned from Arenas cannot be statistically greater than gear earned from Warzones.


    If these restrictions are not included then arena will become just as big of a joke as WoW arenas are.

  13. I think the markers should be replaced with marks like a skull, a shield, a medic cross etc.


    I like the idea of having a handful of marks, each with color options of its own.


    Mark the enemy healers with red crosses!


    Mark our ball carriers with green circles and the enemy ball carriers with red circles!



  14. Resolve has always been a broken/poorly implemented system. Even if it's "working as intended", it still feels broken to most of the player base. Since BioWare is pretty narcissistic about this kind of stuff, don't look for a fix anytime soon.


    If it is working as intended then it is by definition, not broken.

    At that point the problem isn't with the system, it is with the disconnect between what the players are wanting and what the developer is providing. Nothing is "broken", it is disliked.


    HUGE difference.

  15. Are you guys blind or don't actually read what Bioware says, I now have proof of a contradiction of the system they call resolve.


    "Austin Peckenpagh (Senior Designer): Resolve is meant to put a lid on effects that take control away from you, the player. It's meant to limit the effectiveness of chain stuns, sleeps, and knockbacks. However, it is not meant to impact the ranged and melee (kiting and anti-kiting) balance of the game. "


    Here was Bioware's definition of resolve since beta,


    Ok so lets break this down we have one version of Bioware that says,


    Now we have another since this was said by Austin Austin Peckenpagh (Senior Designer),


    Now lets go over this again since alot of your posting and thinking you know what you are reading,


    We have one side that says "cant be cc'ed until the bar is empty", well we know that was a lie and that isn't happening in the game.


    Now Austin Peckenpagh says "its meant to limit the "effectiveness"


    That means the system is retarded, cc immunity isn't 100%, that means the resolve is a crap form of cc immunity and it needs fixed or gutted to provide a balance due to huge amounts of cc in the game.


    A system that is suppose to make you immune for a limited amount of time and lets in more cc when your wanting to break free is crap, is anyone here going to tell me that there is not over 15 cc moves in the game?


    Do any of you want me to make a list of all the cc in the game, and we can do the math how resolve isn't protecting you to alot of the cc in the game?


    I don't think you do, I don't think Bioware would either, Resolve is a blanket to cover the mess mechanic of cc immunity over your eyes people, wake up.


    I'm going to assume that English is not your first language and offer the following explanation for why you are perceiving a contradiction that does not exist.


    It is meant to limit the effectiveness of multiple or chain CCs, which it does. CC immunity is 100% with full resolve which makes more than 2-3 CCs (depending on the kind and timing) ineffective thereby limiting the effectiveness of chain CCs. There is no contradiction in what they said.


    As for your CC count, there are only 4 kinds of CC in this game:

    Stuns - Loss of control, can still take damage.

    Mezzes - Loss of control, breaks on damage.

    Blinds - Loss of control, can still take damage (none of these are on demand, they are all procced through talents).

    Knockback - Pushes and Pulls that forcibly move your character.

  16. Hero who plays w bads

    10 minute loss

    15 minute loss

    15 minute win

    10 minute loss

    Total 45 Minutes 1 win 440 comms no daily


    These numbers are all wrong if you are assuming bads. Bads get steamrolled meaning the matches last 2-5 minutes each giving you this (assuming 3.5 minutes per loss time on average):


    3.5 minute loss

    3.5 minute loss

    3.5 minute loss

    3.5 minute loss

    3.5 minute loss

    3.5 minute loss

    Total 21 Minutes \ 0 Wins \ Daily Complete

  17. You're wrong. I'm none of those - I'm the 4th type.


    I understand resolve, I know when I should and when I shouldn't toss out my stun and I know when I can safely use my snare break...but... I think the current way resolve works is a **edit**ing mess!!! There are simply far too many CC's imo, and far too many that do far too little to build your resolve.


    I think resolve needs to build much faster from every CC in the game. I think immunity needs to last longer, or our snare break needs to be on a 30-60 second cooldown at most.


    You aren't on that list because you aren't saying "Resolve is Broken", you are saying "Resolve is not broken, but I don't like the way Resolve and CC works in this game". That's a completely different avenue of discussion.

  18. I'm personally glad that my one root isn't affected by resolve. So gratifying seeing a ballcarrier melt in a firepit from my root...Makes me think my 31 point talent isn't such a waste after all.


    Anyone carrying the ball across a fire pit deserves to be extra crispy while waiting for the gate. Everyone has the "Throw Huttball" ability which is the ONLY way the ball should be crossing a fire pit.

  19. It's for those having it..... to..... what? Cry on each other's shoulders? If you've been reporting this for 4 months and there's been absolutely no official acknowledgement (since they say they will "look into" anything you submit as a ticket that isn't confirmation at all but a standard "we received your ticket" response) or fix, chances are the issue doesn't exist.



    What the OP and others are regarding as an acknowledgement of an issue is nothing other than Bioware's acknowledgement of receiving a complaint. If there was a verified instance of Resolve not working correctly it would be listed in the official known bugs list, which it is not.


    Fact of the matter is that you are being frustrated by CC and are blaming the system instead of your own and your team's failures. If we assume that you are correct and Resolve is broken, you are still failing as a player and a team when you are stunned that many times because either you are going into a 1v2+ fight as the 1, or your team has completely failed to CC or peel the train that is being run against you.

  20. This would be nice once you get to 50 but before that I think this change would take away a fairly valuable early game asset considering 30% HP in the early game is less than the amount of protection the shield currently provides in most cases.


    It has been a very long time since I levelled my Sorc, so I don't remember the levelling experience all that well. I do recall the Bubble almost never breaking on my tanking companion though up until I hit level 45ish at which point it became similar to what it is at level 50, a waste of a GCD.

  21. not gonna happen


    There are only three kinds of people who say "Resolve is broken!"

    1. Those who don't understand Resolve.

    2. Those who may or may not have seen a bug and decided to report it on the forums where it won't be seen instead of in game via a ticket where (if it is a bug) will actually be able to be verified by BW.

    3. Those who are lying simply because they don't like the system.


    I try to help groups 1 and 2 when possible.

  22. Thank you dude, you sound exactly like us sorcs did 9 months ago.


    Everyone sub-50 was complaining how amazing the bubble was and how it was the best defensive cool-down in the game, and the fully geared level 50 pvpers always knew it was crap.


    Unfortunately, this perceived greatness of 'the bubble' prevented the sorcerer class from ever getting a REAL defensive cool-down, which is what the class really needs.


    I always got a kick out of the argument that our bubble was OP when you consider that it gets applied evenly to ALL players in any given warzone. The people complaining about it benefited from it just as much as the sorc does since it can be cast on them as well.

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