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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Darth_Philar

  1. As the title says, will this issue be "resolved"? Yes the pun is intentional........ I spent a while today in PvP and spent a great deal of time stunned, resolve bar full and yet again get stunned.......something has to give, with that AND the lag issues (as well as periods of being unable to fire ANYTHING (abilities/weapon), it is a total waste of time and I really dont see the point in lining up to be fodder.


    You cannot be stunned with a full resolve bar.

    If you believe you were stunned with a full resolve bar then you should open an in game ticket and report a bug. If you want to post about it here you will need to link video evidence since we don't have access to game logs to verify your impossible claim. Since you didn't post a video, the only legit response to your OP is: L2P.

  2. isn't it really a moot point, because the vote kicks begin the moment someone realizes that someone is wearing pve gear, when the starter set of pvp gear is free? and even if not the pve'er will get shat talked so much in the game and general chat that they become known as the pvp noob, that will not conform and cost the team matches, and who wants there character or legacy totally borked like that?????


    1. Vote Kick is for AFK only. Anyone who is participating cannot be kicked (being in combat or getting objective points will prevent the kick, even if every other person in the WZ votes to kick).


    2. Smack talk in general chat means nothing when the final scoreboard shows up.

  3. this is what is being ignored!


    You are supposed to eat the first RECC, then use your breaker on the second RECC. You used to actually be able to live long enough for that intended method to work. Now you don't.


    The Resolve system still works just fine, the problem is that damage outpaced mitigation.

  4. Seems like the current system is by time resolve is full your typically dead. I suggest that when resolve bar is fully it powers up ability called "pay back" which acts like current resolve immunity but is triggered as cool down ability by user at time of their choosing. This ability would persist through death.


    How about they just correctly scale HP and Armor Rating for each new gear tier so that players actually live long enough for their Resolve to matter?


    Band-aids don't fix problem, they just hide them while you hope they go away.

  5. And Ranked WZ's shouldn't be open to those without full WH gear and a group.


    How's that?


    Problem is that in the game right now, you can queue up for randoms with your 4 man, fully augmented WH gear death squad and pretty much eliminate any chance of enjoyment for the 8 players on the other side. Essentially, your dedicated PvP players can intentionally queue up against your casual PvP players and will destroy them using primarily a statistical gear advantage (since skill isn't even necessary when you have that much of an advantage).


    As much as I hate the CoD franchise, they actually managed to put out a decent progression system with their leveling. While you get better things as you level up, a skilled level 1 will wipe the map with an unskilled level 80 because the stuff you get is primarily used to customize your play style and appearance, not to give you a statistical advantage over others.


    PvP is supposed to be about players versus players. Any system that offers statistical advantages to players is no longer PvP, it is instead PvE with PvP elements included.


    The people who want equalized gear are the PvP fans. The people who want gear progression are the hybrid (I call it Character versus Character or CvC) PvE fans. The people who want to fight NPCs in instances are true PvE fans. All three are perfectly acceptible game types. Just don't go insulting the other two by saying your preference is superior.

  6. Be honest, the ONLY reason why peeps want this, is due to gear farming. Period.


    RWZ's are for cooridinated groups, I really have NO desire to read endless amounts of QQ on the forums how an 8man group wrecked 8 solo QQ'ers, as well as those carebears who are going to sit at a node and farm medals.


    Having solo ranked WZ's completely negates the reason for having regular WZ's, and I simply have not seen ONE valid reason to implement such an awful idea. I wish the carebears would stop asking for this, and miss the PvP types who don't have entitlement issues.




    Yes. The only reason I want a solo "Ranked Queue" is so that I can farm WH gear since this is a gear-based game. Farming for gear is not fun. Gear progression is not fun. Teamwork and completing objectives are fun. I support any ideas that assist in limiting or eliminating the not fun so that everyone can get to an even footing for the actual fun. I also recognize that some people have been conditioned to experience pleasure center activation through grinding and I don't want to deprive them of their conditioned response. That's the main reason I try to avoid these debates, or at least remain completely objective with regard to what we are discussing.

  7. You act as if we don't bail on certain maps already. All this does is save me time, and doesn't impact you at all because I exit when it shows up anyway. There is no change, its just convenience for the person who hates to play a certain map.


    I'm not acting like anything, I'm not sure why you are being so antagonistic. :confused: I'm just pointing out that your queues are going to be a lot longer if this gets implemented.


    The people like you who drop out of the warzones they don't want to play will probably only see a small increase in total time spent between actual warzones played. The people who don't drop out are going to see a pretty substantial increase in wait times, and they will be coming back here to complain because they didn't think their idea through very carefully before they made it.

  8. I personally think that the best way to make ACW more competitive is to make the cap time take only 4 seconds instead of 8.


    If you allow the turrets to swap more easily you can break up the current view that it is impossible to come back from a deficit.


    That belief is the sole reason you see these "defender" farmers, they know that they are losing badly and that the only way to win is to 2-3 cap, which, based on their current losing status, is a nearly impossible feat. Thus, they abandon the warzone objectives and focus on earning the highest maximum reward for a loss (i.e. farming medals).

  9. unfortunately, dmg will continue to increase with every new patch & tier. I suppose you could argue that hp also increases. not sure if that balances thing or not though.


    If they increased HP and Armor enough it would balance out, however, they have shown that they aren't capable of properly balancing these so far.

  10. Good then all you you people who want to play huttball can choose it. You should have no que problems. Let the rest of us choose the ones we like to play. There is enough people playing that que times should be just fine. Personally I would que for all other warzones and then every once in a while play huttball.


    Let us choose. Its ridiculas that we can't choose what we want to play. Besides quoting an 11 page post which we all know that the actual posters in this community as a percentage of those who play is small at best. Your stats are worth very little.


    Oh and for the record I know many many people who very much dislike hutball and would prefer never to play it.


    Lol, nothing beats challenging actual data (a ranking poll) with anecdotes for a good laugh at the irony. Thanks for that!


    FYI - I never said I was opposed to choosing, I merely pointed out that people who hate Huttball will hate the game even more when they never get any queues to pop since the vast majority of people will be playing Huttball.

  11. Agree to disagree. I belive that many people feel the same way as I do. And maybe someone hates Voidstar, then they can untick that one. Im sure that it would work.


    Btw, the pattern is very simple to see. Everyone on the imp side loves Huttball while the reps hate it, cuz we lose 90% of the matches.


    Here is a link to my Rank The Warzone Maps thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=465002


    Per the data collected, Huttball is by far the most popular map, getting more number one rankings than all other maps combined.

  12. For me it's not so much the pulling mods that I find frustratingly high, it's the idea that If all you do is PvP, you are more or less forced to go grind dailies on the side just to buy Augments, Augment Mk-6 Kits and pay to install them, even if you're installing deliberately waiting till you get war-hero armour and installing them in that. I found that the money rewards from PvP don't keep up with the commendation rate, and so trying to gear yourself is going to run you broke. Especially if you want to stay competitive by buying Grenades and/or Stims as well.


    If Expertise is supposed to be the separation between PvE and PvP, why do credits make the complete opposite contribution on PvPers?


    PS: I know Grinding dailies are an option for getting credits. And if I was talking about something cosmetic like looking fancy and swapping out mods into better looking armour, I might be more agreeable. I'd think it was pretty expensive for what it was, but it's just fluff. However, grinding PvE just so you can augment your stock PvP equipment? Pffft.


    PPS: I also know I could take up a crafting profession to make Stims or Grenades, making things cheaper. But that's just replacing one PvE grind with a different one instead.


    This is a PvE game. Even the "PvP" is just a glorified PvE arena where you kill player characters instead of NPCs. If you want a true PvP game then this is not the game you are looking for.

  13. Now, Darth, what would that do to Operatives/Scoundrels? Again? But in all honesty I would like for TTK to be longer.

    I think that Force and Tech attacks are too prevalent in some classes damage potential while those type of attacks are not mitigated by anything. But that is really an empirical observation and I don't have any other arguments to base it on.


    They could undo some of the nerfs to Ops, or they could give Ops a AC passive that increases damage against stunned targets.

  14. Cosmetic updates/changes are always going to be very expensive money sinks. That's the main way they stabilize the game's economy.


    It hurts your credit account, but that's the price you pay for looking good (no different than in real life where high fashion is unnecessarily overpriced).

  15. I said in various threads that the time for the stuns should maybe just be halved, but OPs idea could also work. The underlying problem is that the time to kill is probably shorter than BioWare planned when they put all those CC effects into the game.


    Hammer, meet nail. Nail, hammer.


    The damage in PvP has quickly outpaced player survivability. Resolve Effect CCs (RECCs) were implemented back when players could actually survive 2 stuns and would therefore be able to make use of Resolve Immunity. Two players can now easily kill you within the 8 second duration of their two stuns, even if you have a pocket healer (depending on the class).

  16. I would prefer a DR on stuns to the resolve system. I think it punishes ppl who abuse their stuns in every encounter and rewards those who use them more judiciously - not that resolve doesn't do this. I just think it doesn't do it enough.


    as for the actual resolve, the only thing that *really* bothers me about it is that you can be stunned to full resolve, and the immunity starts ticking asap. well...you can still be stunned for more than half of the "immunity" period. so within ~2 seconds of coming out of the stun, you're stunned again. kudos to the guy(s) smart enough to manipulate/coordinate/time their stuns in such a fashion, but I doubt BW intended the resolve system to work that way - or I really hope they didn't, at any rate.


    my suggestion: don't increase the immunity period, but don't start the countdown until the stun ends or is broken/cleansed.


    Again, Resolve is fine, it is PvP damage that is broken (way too high) which causes people to perceive a problem with Resolve since they die before it has an effect.


    My suggestion is to add a buff to hard stuns (i.e. ones that you can activate from your ability bar) so that the target of the stun takes 75% less damage while under the effect of the stun.

  17. Resolve already punishes people for improper use of Resolve Effect CCs, however the fact that characters die so quickly has mitigated that punishment to the point where people (incorrectly) blame Resolve as the culprit.
  18. Yesterday went much better but still typical Canderous Ordo Imps just suck so never get the best defence.


    OK so Bm would be better well BH better then recruit so ill continue from here.


    Yeah, your BH beats Recruit by a pretty huge margin, but BM is going to be the best for you as a healer (survivability > HPS output) since the Expertise will mitigate a portion of the trauma debuff. Don't waste your credits on Recruit gear, but try to get into BM as quickly as possible (as a healer, your BM weapon isn't going to be as high of a priority as it is for DPS classes, you can safely go for your BM set bonuses first).

  19. And if you are running with full white resolve bar and suddenly you are find yourself whirling in the air stunned by Whirlwind?


    Lol.. I just love the mindless purists.. When someone claims Resolve is broken they start crying about L2P. When someone explains the situation they start crying «give us snapshot or video or it never happen!». When someone gives them video they shut their mouthes up and put their tongues where their brains are.. till the next thread about broken Resolve.. And all repeating again.. lol..


    No one has ever given a video, so you are actually just outright lying now.

  20. You're all so very helpful.


    Search function is even more helpful. This exact same thread has been created dozens of times and the few that weren't trolls were just players who didn't understand how Resolve worked.

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