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Posts posted by Jagaimee

  1. Nice work Grania! Maybe you should expand on it, and post it over at the fanfiction forums. :D


    Yesssss, join us. :D The Short Fic Weekly Challenge thread is in dire need of...well, of a lot of people. It used to be so active... :c And now there's so very few people left.

    COME TO THE FANFICTION SIDE, WE HAVE COOKIES. And squeals and fangirling and the brotherhood/sisterhood of fellow writers and that wonderful feeling of settling down to read a new short story and getting happily sucked into a new look at characters, companions, events, etc.


    And we could always use more Quinn. If nothing else, we could always use more Quinn.

  2. I finally did it, I finally fanfictioned for the first time! Actually it's the first piece of fiction (or otherwise) that I've written in like, 20 something years. It's short, and I wrote it as if it were my (dark, important distinction) warrior's entry in some sort of journal after reuniting with Quinn.


    There are nooo spoilers in those spoiler tags, however ->RALEI<- you might want to skip it anyway because I've spoiled a few details for myself, and my opinion is colored by it. It's really pretty safe though.


    So here it is, let the schlock commence!



    entry no. 2,017


    I have found him, my husband. Or rather, we found each other. The shock of so unexpectedly seeing his face, and of his seeing mine, was overwhelming and sublime.


    The details of his absence have stunned me to my core and everything I thought I knew to be true has been turned upside down, including perhaps.. everything that has ever befallen us. Since I was freed on Zakuul, opening my eyes after years of nightmare and lonliness only to see Lana's face and not that of my beloved, I have asked "Why were you not there to save me when I needed you? Where have you been that you could not find me, aid me in my campaign to claim the Eternal Throne and take revenge upon Arcann? When our Emperor invaded my mind, where were you that you could not be there to steady me, to remind me that I am not just a shell, or a marionette.. that I am loved?"


    I'm feeling sensations that were almost wholly unknown to me before this day. I know them to be shame, and regret. There is an inarguable truth to my existence, and to Malavai's. It is that I am The Wrath. I am unbreaking and I am undying. My love.. he is a frail thing, vulnerable and weak. It will always be my charge to protect him, never the other way. How was I so blind to this simple truth for so long, as it boldly and repeatedly confronted me? I regarded Malavai as a fly in my web and yet condemned him for falling into Baras's. It is the way of the Sith, and of the Empire. He needed me, more than I ever needed him. And I failed him utterly.


    I always understood desire, and yearning, and passion. But perhaps I never understood love. The.. selfless kind. It is hard even to admit to myself. This brings me to Theron, it is over and he must be dealt with quickly. He confessed his feelings to me, feelings I do not share. The timing could not have been more disastrous. He must bear this pain and wield it as he sees fit. I wish him no harm but if he makes only one hostile move against Malavai, I will extinguish him.


    Soon, I meet Malavai in my.. in our starship. I sense him now, waiting and anguished. Lana assures me of our privacy there, though I have doubts. I am nervous, fearful even. How has he changed in the passing years? Does he still want me, forgive me for my weakness and my selfish nature? ..Will he still think me beautiful?




    Wow, you have a *beautiful* writing style! For "not writing anything in 20-some years," you write far better than a few people I know who've been writing for a good portion of their adult lives.


    And - Quinn. And fem!warrior. And QUINN. And just...that last line made me fall apart going "AAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! alsdkfnwaskf *the feels*" :p So much emotion in such a short piece - and yet, it's not purple prose and it's not overblown and melodramatic. It's just...quiet. A warrior musing to herself in her journal. The writing seems so natural.

    That was gorgeous. Well done! :D

  3. You don't need to be so meta.


    You can look through the forum for the last 2 months and generally find that people like KotET reasonably well. At least, better than anything since the original class stories. A few annoyances like parts of chapter 3 aside, it is good, challenging and a decent enough final section for the till-now ongoing story. I hope they let it be along with all its characters and move on to newer stories with surviving characters. I personally don't want more Revan or other "dead" characters.


    It was a joke. :) Also a self-deprecating nod to my own pessimistic nature - I tend to see the bad in things (comments in the forums, for example) more readily than the good.

    And yeah, please, PLEASE let Revan stay dead. I never played KOTOR, but...c'mon, really? "I was dead for three hundred years--nope, I'm actually alive--okay NOW I'm definitely dead--haha nope I'm alive again--THERE'S TWO OF ME HOLY SMOKES--okay now now NOW I am not only merely dead, I'm really and sincerely dead ~" ...ouch.


    So far through KOTFE (I've gotten up to chapter eleven), I really enjoy it. It IS kind of tedious with more than one character, however, due to the lack of differentiation between classes/force-users and non-force-users. I do like the little nods here and there to the original class stories, though (wish they were full-blown separate class stories, but that is, at this point, probably just a dream). The voice acting is phenomenal. The graphics are amazing. The story is...weird, I think, for anybody who's not a force-user, but for classes who are, it's great.

  4. KOTFE and KOTET are only available at higher levels - 60 and 65, respectively.


    However, if this is your first time playing the game, I *highly* advise you not to play those expansions until you've completed all of the story beforehand. (Well, most of the story, at least.)


    chronologically, the story order goes like this:


    - Your class story (Jedi Knight, Sith Warrior, Smuggler, Bounty Hunter, etc.)

    - Ilum (available at level 50, this takes place almost immediately following your class story's conclusion)

    - Rise of the Hutt Cartel (or just "Makeb," which is the name of the planet this expansion takes place on; this is available at level 51)

    - The Dread War/Oricon (it's not essential to later stories, and it ends in two Operations [8- or 16-man dungeons], so not all of it can be solo'ed]

    - Forged Alliances (also known as Shadow of Revan Prelude)

    - Shadow of Revan (another expansion that starts to set up the story of KOTFE/KOTET)

    - Rise of the Emperor/Ziost (essential to the backstory of KOTFE; you *can* skip it, but if this is your first time playing the game, I'd highly recommend you not skip it)

    - Knights of the Fallen Empire (KOTFE; available at level 60, regardless of whether you've completed all previous content or not. Upon starting this, you will get two separate warnings: once you start KOTFE, you *cannot* go back and complete any remaining bits of your class story that you've left unfinished/any companion conversations yet to do/Forged Alliances/Shadow of Revan/Ziost.)

    - Knights of the Eternal Throne (KOTET; available at level 65, same warning as before. You cannot complete KOTFE afterwards if you do KOTET first; as KOTFE chronologically comes immediately before KOTET.)

  5. Shush. You're not supposed to like anything BioWare does these days. :p


    Okay, in all seriousness - glad you enjoyed it! I have yet to play through it (I'm still partway through KOTFE; haven't found the time to play further), but I'm really excited for it. Seeing comments like yours makes me hopeful that the story is worthwhile. *cue trolls in 5...4...3...2...1...*

  6. Oh boy....if only people like you would read and listen to what the game tells you. Tutorial mode is activated. lol How you couldn't figure that out I don't know. lol


    ...you know, they already *said* they figured it out. In the post literally right before yours. Now who's not paying attention to what's being said?


    @OP: The tutorial mode can be a bit of a problem, I've heard; glad you've worked it out. :)

  7. Ok so I can confirm that in 5.1.2 on 2/28 we will be reintroducing the vendor which sells the White Acute Module. It will work slightly different than last time in that instead of only suppressing bonus story XP, it will suppress all XP earned up to 2.5x (to cancel out the event bonus). Also, we are working to "bake it into the event" so that in the future anytime we run a bonus to XP, the vendor and module will be available as an option for those who don't want the bonus XP.


    Thanks everyone.




    Yay! :D Thank you, Eric! Great news.

  8. Oh most definitely, I wonder how many STDs and illegitimate children they've left in their wakes :D


    Pretty sure Corso actually addresses that for the male smuggler. "Come on, all the ladies you get? You really think there's no little Captains running around?" [cue deer-in-the-headlights expression for most male smugglers]


    Anyways, so we've established that a fair amount of us are ladies (and one guy). Therefore, I propose we call ourselves...

    The Official Quinn Fangirl (plus one lone fanboy) Club Eagerly Awaiting The Return Of The Captain!

    Or TOQF(polf)CEATROTC. For short.

    ...wait, no, that's not short. Yikes. Okay, anybody got any better names? :p (And don't say Quinn's Angels, because I'm going to be scrubbing Fred's Angels from Big Hero 6 out of my brain for another month...)

  9. I love the size of the new aoe ring. That much was nice to see the actual correct area that it covers. But I have to agree with the color issues. Even if they were different colors, with the small lines and me being color blind I still would be unable to tell friendly from enemy aoe in pvp matches. There was nothing wrong with the previous aoe rings other than the size was not always accurate.


    This! That was the ONLY thing wrong with the previous AOE rings. :c And even then, most of them were accurate - I only noticed the Death From Above/Sweeping Gunfire for mercenaries (and its equivalent for commandos) were not accurate. Everything else was perfect. Parts of the previous AOE indicators even floated above the ground (and moved) so even when it was placed in a grassy area, you could easily tell where it was. Now...you can't. At all. :/

  10. Hey folks!


    I apologize for the delay in response. I was waiting to respond when I had something definitive to share but I don't have that quite yet. Still, I wanted you to know that we have seen your feedback about turning off the XP bonus. We are talking about it and seeing if this is something we can address during the event or not. I will let you know once I know more.




    Whew, thank you. :) Even just letting us know that you guys have seen this request is reassuring.

  11. Next time I mention the Hutt go-go dancers and the all Wookie conga line dancing to the Star Wars version of Cuban Pete, I'll use spoiler tags. :p


    True. But at least I didn't tell you that a Band of Jawas came in and gave everyone party favors that when activated, cause everyone to get atomic wedgies. So make sure your female characters aren't wearing thongs or they may be cut in two! :p


    the images running through my head right now... :eek: *SCANDALIZED*


    Quinn: *jaw dropped, turning purple, and completely unable to stop staring*

    Oh, you're back...just in time for all this.

    Quinn: I should have stayed away. Far, far away.

    But not a long time ago?

    Quinn: ...what?


    Quinn: Coming back to this thread and seeing Hutts in bikinis and Wookies doing the can-can... I am not sure I shall ever recover.

    So...does that mean...

    Quinn: ...you want me to say it, don't you.


    Quinn: *sigh* I could have planned this better.


    Quinn: Memories of Forced Companions Daycare are still scarring me.

    Well then, you'll get scarred on top of scars from...all this. Have fun, Quinnie!

    Quinn: ...it's Quinn. Just Quinn.

    Okay, Just--

    Quinn: NO!



    I wish Forced Companions Daycare was still around. *sigh* Where's the link to that glorious thread in fan fiction... Edit: I FOUND IT!!

  12. So you don't want to hear the bit about the Hutt go-go dancers?:p


    ...I just ate breakf--nevermind

    *rushes off to the bathroom* MY BLEEDING EYES! OH STARS MY EEEEEEEYEEEEEEES!!

    Talos: Most of my dreams are about flesh-eating Jawas or Hutts in bikinis.

    Andronikos: ...Hutts in bikinis would be an improvement.

    My inquisitor at that moment: *desperately needing brain bleach and wondering just how innocent Talos actually is*




    Back on whatever topic we were on... :p I like how, in the Quinn romance, you can have your warrior be a textbook case of harrassment...OR...by *not* choosing some of the flirt options, you can have her be fully aware of Quinn's boundaries ("I'm in love with a SITH!? That's ridiculously dangerous and unhealthy and possibly lethal for me and I'm not sure of this...") and respect them, backing off when he's uncomfortable. It made the whole thing go from potentially cringe-worthy to utterly adorable. Here's this woman who steamrolls her way to her goals, obliterating any obstacle in her way (whether you're playing light OR dark)...and then is incredibly gentle and understanding with the man she loves. She even says, given the right dialogue options (paraphrased), "If you're not comfortable with this, I'll back off." Just...d'awwww. Yay. :D

  13. Sorry to see you leave, Tait...but I wish you all the best of luck! :) Thank you, so much, for all of your hard work, and for putting up with this community as long as you have...and, from the sound of it, enjoying it? Goodness. I salute you, sir.

    As others have said, may the Force be with you. [salute]

  14. I thought one of my Cathar alts looked funny! You're right, I do in fact see a far more reddish-orange color to her fur than was there before :/


    Oh, thank goodness, it's not just me. I was starting to wonder if there was something messed up in my graphics settings, but they haven't changed since well before 5.0. Even changing them now doesn't seem to help.

  15. Does that apply to KoTFE story and so forth?


    More or less. There are some minor dialogue differences (most notably in chapters/missions where you meet former companions of various classes; if you've had previous experiences with them, then the dialogue will reflect that), but for the most part it's one story fits all, no matter your class.

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