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Posts posted by Jagaimee

  1. So I started playing the Hutt Cartel and the Shadow of Revan and I have some quesitons relating the companions.


    After I finish the Class Story do Companions still have quests to do? And did in the expansions add more companions quests ?(those moments where you talk with your companions)


    And (for exempla) I am a Sith Warrior and I romanced Vette, is it possible to try and romance the characters in the expansions? How would that change the story?


    (I wish there was some way to save so we didn't have to play the game from start to see some of the story changes XD)


    Thanks in advance :D:D


    Companions are more-or-less silent after you're done with the class story. Of course, you could always wait to do their companion discussions/missions until Makeb or Shadow of Revan, but there's not really a point in doing so. Sadly, companions do not have more conversations or missions in later expansions.


    Adding onto your example - if you romanced/married Vette, then turn around and romance, say, Lana Beniko in Shadow of Revan/KOTFE, no. It won't really change the story, other than, potentially, a very short break-up scene with either Lana or Vette, depending on who you choose to stay with. Once that happens, you can't go back and say "No, wait, I want to be with the *other* person!" What's done is done, at that point. ........and then, as far as I'm aware, nothing else happens.

  2. Yes, and it has been since it launched.

    ...you know, because people were saying it's dying since day one, more or less... :rolleyes:


    In all seriousness, though, no. It's not on maintenance mode.

    As for "false" promises, we don't know yet. So far, yeah, BioWare has failed to deliver operations, warzones (save for the Odessan one), and flashpoints. That may change; that may not change. We'll have to wait and see. There's a livestream coming up on the 26th that is probably going to talk about group content. Hopefully that includes operations/warzones/what-have-you. (Even I'm getting hopeful about it, and I don't even play operations or warzones or anything outside of the story and the occasional flashpoint.)

  3. I admit this is a necro, but rather than starting a new topic I searched for earlier posts and this was most on point. I wanted to ask - did something change with facial expressions either this expansion or last? I've noticed that with 5.0 at least it seems that all my companions now have strange forehead wrinkling and mouth contortions in convos. For me, at least on a very good rig, it's extremely off-putting and ugly now. Is this new?


    Yes, the facial animations have been updated with 5.0. It's not just in the new expansion, either - it's in the base game and all previous expansions, too. It's a bit more realistic now, with wrinkles in the forehead when they frown or their eyebrows rise, or wrinkles near the mouth and nose when they draw their mouth up in disgust or horror or whatnot.

    It IS a bit weird in pre-KOTFE/KOTET cutscenes, because of the generic smile/frown/furrowed brow expressions there, but in later expansions the expressions tend to even out and look much more natural.


    Personally, I love it. I've always liked how one of my characters - a male twi'lek - looks when his expression changes, and now with the new animations... wow. You do not want to be in the same room as him when he gets mad about something, because he can pull off one heck of a death glare. I was half-convinced Valkorion would start vaporizing on the spot, the way my guy looked at him with such hatred. (And, ironically, said character is a Jedi knight. He missed the memo about being emotionless, it seems.)

  4. Oh, and Thana Vesh's jacket. >_< I despise Thana herself, but darn it all if she doesn't have an awesome outfit. But I Cannot. Figure. Out. How. To. Get. It. It was on the GTN on my server once...for a price *juuuuuuuust* over what I could afford, and by the time I tried to scrape together enough credits to get it, it was sold.

    And I have very rarely seen it on the GTN on *any* other server, either. Gah. And the only other place I can find it is one of the vendors around the GTN area on fleet...which I do not have the reputation for, and have no way of getting that reputation.


    I just got a private message from a person kindly offering to transfer a character with this jacket to whatever server I'm on; for some reason, however, I can't reply directly to that message. So I'm replying here and hoping they notice? :o Anyway... thank you, but it wouldn't work out. The character I'd want the jacket on is

    a) on Prophecy of the Five (a dead server),

    b) the only character I have on that server

    c) created solely for leveling with a friend (whom I haven't talked with in a while, due to her being really busy with school and life in general), so I can't transfer the character to a different server, then transfer him back

    d) absolutely. dirt. poor. e_e As in, "has less than a third of a million credits" dirt poor. I wouldn't be able to pay a fair price for the jacket.


    So, to the person who sent a message to me this morning - thank you, again, that was really kind of you, but unfortunately I don't think it'd work out. Sorry... thanks for the offer, though!

  5. Finally got one of my White Whales! ...or, will, in the next week or so. And I didn't have to change my name to Ahab to do so. :D

    The Tattered Mystic's boots require Recovered Relics to purchase them. But on the Ebon Hawk server, prices for those go into the millions. And my togruta character, who would definitely wear those boots, is on the Ebon Hawk. It's either get the relics by purchasing them on the GTN, or grind Assault on Tython/Korriban Incursion forever in the very rare chance they might drop from a boss.

    But! I also have characters on another server (Begeren Colony)...a few of whom I am currently in the process of transferring to Ebon Hawk. Legacy cargo holds don't transfer, but personal cargo holds and storage bays do - so I load up the character I'm transferring with a lot of things I want to go over to Ebon Hawk, and transfer them like that.

    I finally saw two Recovered Relics on the Begeren Colony GTN for...eh, well, prices not over one million credits. (Barely...) So I bought them, put them in legacy storage to be picked up by the next character to transfer to Ebon Hawk, and voila. Since Recovered Relics bind to legacy, I can transfer them with the character, and then get the Tattered Mystics boots on Ebon Hawk THAT way.


    ....good thing I was planning to transfer these characters anyway, or else this would seem like overkill. :p

  6. Two years ago when I first started playing, the "bot" probably would've been me. I didn't know how to switch on the subtitles in cutscenes, so I went to the "other" tab in chat and read the subtitles there. And then I completely forgot that I had done so.

    Which led to me and two other people doing a Heroic mission (back when you REALLY needed to team up for it when you were at the intended level) and these long awkward pauses of silence.

    Looking back on it, I now realize that they probably were saying stuff in chat - but I had the chat turned to the wrong tab, and thus I couldn't see it. Derp. :rolleyes:


    So maybe the "bot" in this case was a new player, who didn't realize they'd turned chat off/there IS a chat in the first place/turned chat to the wrong tab, and...hence the silence. As for the weird pauses, maybe they were trying to figure out what to do and where to go next.

    But I don't think they were a bot. See...I always thought that botting had to have a purpose. Gold farming has a purpose - you get massive amounts of (ill-gotten) credits/crafting materials to sell. Profit. Warzone hacking (yep, flame war incoming, but let's just assume that it IS as rampant as people claim) has a purpose - you get rewards, titles, things to sell, etc. Profit of a different sort.

    But what's a flashpoint? A flashpoint is a long mission full of combat (ways to very easily die, and not so easy to revive/keep going afterwards), with a few rewards on various bosses (tactics to follow; again, ways to very, very easily die, so not that easy for a bot to keep up with everyone else) that don't amount to much monetary gain/other items like gear for the amount of effort put into getting it. For a bot, the risks far outweigh the gains. There isn't much incentive to send a bot into a flashpoint...unless you're doing it just to mess up three other peoples' experience, in which case you're a troll. :p


    As for seeing a bot? Aside from the credit spammers on fleet, I've only seen one bot in the history of ever - a few days ago, farming slicing nodes on Zakuul. I kept noticing someone's Lana companion trotting about aimlessly, so out of curiosity I followed her, and saw her go up to every single slicing node and get it. But there was no one around to direct her... I clicked on her - thank you BioWare for "target of target" icon - and saw an operative zooming through the netherworld underneath Breaktown at breakneck speeds, occasionally with an indication that they were gathering a node, but they never stopped or slowed down. Even when they somehow managed to aggro mobs, I'd see the little "evade" indications pop up within half a second.

    You can bet I've never hit the "report for spam" button so quickly in all the time I've been playing here. :p

  7. I know where you're coming from. o_o A little (okay, not that little) story to encourage you? Or at least let you know that you're not alone in this goal. :D 'Tis a hassle, definitely...but like you said: little by little, we'll get there.


    I just picked up Slicing today on my 'toon that already has a sizeable amount of credits. That is, sizeable to me. To a lot of other people, it's small potatoes. And for my goal....yeah, prices for the Unstable Peacemaker's lightsaber are probably not going to drop to 30 million credits anytime in the next century. :/

    ...so a portion of my afternoon was spent chasing down gold farmer bots on Zakuul while I raced them to the next slicing node. It's not a very large source of income, but it's *something*...and at times, it's kinda fun. :D

    This is basically how it went (the following story is true; only the details have been changed [read: greatly exaggerated] to make it more interesting) :


    Me: *sees node pop up on my map* HAHAHA MINE NOW, SUCKERS!! *cackling gleefully as I run over there* Is there a credit-gathering song? Probably not... Oh well. *puts on "To Glory" by Two Steps from Hell* It goes well with the feeling of TRIUMPH--*clicks on node*--and the feeling of--

    *this resource has already been gathered*

    Me: *looks up to see the gold farmer's Lana companion obliviously trot away into the darkness of Breaktown*

    Me: ...

    Me: *reports gold farmer three times in a row for good measure*


    *meanwhile, my Sith Warrior is standing around wondering how in the worlds a very heavy lockbox disappeared from right in front of her...and also wondering where that disembodied voice is coming from, ranting about wrath and retribution and various colorful ways to exile gold farmers to the depths of the galaxy*


    *announcing the next expansion: Knights of the Eternal War Against Gold Farmers*

  8. Yes. Companions are a part of your class story. You might not be able to use said companion in combat (due to there being a limit as to how many people can be in a group; four, and companions count towards that number*), but you will still have your companion as part of the story.


    For example, if I'm playing a smuggler, and I go through the smuggler story as part of a four-man group, my first companion will eventually join up with me. Do note that some quests *do* require a companion, so if that happens to be the case, you can exit the group, call your companion out for the duration of that quest, then re-join your group afterwards. Your companion will "disappear" (in that you can't use them in the group), but they're still there for story purposes.


    *If you have two people in a group, then both can use their companions. Two players, two respective companions. Three players, only one of them (the group leader by default, I believe) can use their companion. Four players, no one can use their companions because they've reached the group limit.

  9. Operations actually do have a story. Really. Uprisings are more similar to heroics then operations. Also operations are 8(or 16) person affairs not 4. But you could compair them to say single boss operations, tc and Xeon but those are really instanced world bosses. A real operation has varied tactics between bosses, some trash between most bosses though not all. And offer very different mechanics when you change the difficulty, uprisings just add more health and harder hitting boss fight....


    Another thing is you can do uprisings with only two people and their companions because the tactics for the boss fights are very simplistic.


    Ahhh... okay. Thank you. :) This makes sense now.


    DanNV, thanks for the offer! I'm not on Shadowlands, though; I'm over on Begeren Colony. (And Ebon Hawk, but only low-level characters there, at least for now.)

  10. Literally in every stream, people ask for ops for the entirety of the streams, and they are all always ignored.


    Wait... I'm confused. What makes Operations so desirable to do, as opposed to Uprisings? I thought Uprisings were, more or less, scaled-down Operations (little to no story component, lots of bosses and mobs to fight through, varying tactics for each boss, etc.). They're shorter, yeah, but don't they have most of the same content as an Operation would have...?


    Sorry for the stupid question. I've never done an Operation (or Uprising), so that's my filthy casual ignorance showing itself.

  11. Well... as the title says? :o


    I'm totally new to RP. My only experiences with it in the past have been sporadically leveling in-character with a friend and oooooooone time where a Sith assassin infiltrated House Organa and proceeded to (inadvertently) scare the crud out of my gunslinger. They went on to have a friendly, if a bit incredulous on my part, chat. (To whoever you are, Corraj the gunslinger still remembers you as one of the weirdest, most polite Sith she's ever met. Thanks. :D)


    I see a lot of stuff about people RP'ing in cantinas, but, personally, I'd rather avoid that. Most of the stuff I see in cantina RP'ing is flirtation and endless drinking. Which...makes sense. It's a cantina. There are drinks. :p But I'd like to stay away from that for now (also, my character is legally too young to even set foot in a bar. He's not even an adult yet by his species' standards.)

    So, don't want to go in a cantina. How else do I start RP'ing? Just walk everywhere? Say hi to anyone else who's walking around? Emote-interact with the world, i.e., "/e pauses to stare at the giant golden statue of the Hutt. It's so...shiny... He's so distracted that he's not looking where he's going, and promptly trips over his own feet. 'Ow!'" (Well, perhaps not that elaborately, but still.)


    Which leads to another question. When you RP, do you have to have a motivation for your character to be doing absolutely anything he's doing? As in, you're not just at the cantina to hang out or park your character's behind while you go off and do something else for a few minutes, no. You have to be at the cantina on a secret mission or you're one of the dancers or you're a Sith waiting for their apprentice or whtanot.

    Or, can you really just be walking down the Promenade on Nar Shaddaa, enjoying your day off, without a thought as to what you're going to do if you actually meet someone who says hi. Can you even do that? Or does that lead to a lot of awkward pauses and frantically trying to think of something interesting to say?


    Oh, one last question. Can I "try out" emotes on my ship or stronghold, to see what they look like/what they do, without anyone else seeing? Or is everyone who is on their ship/stronghold, even if they're not in my group/instance, going to notice a phantom Gohyan Irdebi (my character) doing every emote on the list in total obliviousness? That'd be...kind of funny, but definitely awkward.


    Sorry for all the questions... I'd ask in general chat (I'm on the Ebon Hawk server), but I would proooobably just invite a bunch of trolls to advise me to press alt+f4 and uninstall the game. :rolleyes: I'm pretty sure this is generally an RP-friendly server, but trolls are everywhere, of course. Can't quite avoid them.

  12. Just...giving this a leeeeetle bump. My cathar still looks like a roasted carrot. :/ Seems to be only for cathar (possibly only female cathar?) who have the light brown fur color (fur color 1 in character creation). Or what used to be light brown; it's changed to an ugly burnt orange even in character creation screen.


    Mayyyyybe this'll be fixed soon...? Hopefully...?

  13. I think Trooper had a plot going with Jorgan, that they forgot about, where you were going to break into some Imperial prison.


    That plot was actually resolved. Spoilers ahoy,


    You didn't go to the prison, because there is no evidence it even exists. The SIS was funneling soldiers towards it in the vague hopes they MIGHT find it. You and Jorgan find and break up one of the SIS operations that was doing so, rescuing what's left of Jorgan's squad while you're at it.



    But... yeah, there seems to be something in every story that could've made for a fantastic sub-plot, except it was never explored. I guess that's what headcanon and imagination are for? :c

  14. The similar looking footwear you can get from the Flashpoint vendor would be great but those don't unlock in collections and the tokens are pretty much impossible to get..


    Hnnngghh, forgot that one. I have a low-level togruta character who would absolutely love that footwear (since togruta, traditionally, go about barefoot or close to it)... and no higher-level characters on that server to get the relics needed to buy it.


    Question: can you do the solo versions of Assault on Tython/Korriban Incursion (not the Forged Alliances questline, just the flashpoints) at low levels (e.g. about level 30)? Will you be bolstered to higher levels...? Or does it not work that way?

  15. Unstable Peacemaker's Lightsaber. I thought about getting the arbiter's saber, but...nahhhh. I like the thicker blade the peacemaker's saber has - the arbiter's blade is pencil-thin and looks kinda silly, in my opinion. (Even though I keep wanting to type "pacemaker' instead of "peacemaker" for some reason. :p)


    Unfortunately, I have about 30 million.

    The cheapest I have ever seen it is just over 90 million (that was today).

    A few days ago, it was pushing 150 million.




    Oh, and Thana Vesh's jacket. >_< I despise Thana herself, but darn it all if she doesn't have an awesome outfit. But I Cannot. Figure. Out. How. To. Get. It. It was on the GTN on my server once...for a price *juuuuuuuust* over what I could afford, and by the time I tried to scrape together enough credits to get it, it was sold.

    And I have very rarely seen it on the GTN on *any* other server, either. Gah. And the only other place I can find it is one of the vendors around the GTN area on fleet...which I do not have the reputation for, and have no way of getting that reputation.

  16. I kind of wish the tank disciplines got the channeled Blade Dance/Ravage (complete with old animation), and the DPS disciplines got the new Blade Dance/Ravage animations/instant ability. Do juggernaut/guardian tanks really need to be all that mobile? (Well, from a PvE perspective. I have no idea what it's like for PvP.)


    ...that, and I loved the old Blade Dance and Ravage animations. My Vigilance guardian looks neat with the new animation - it fits the rest of his spinny, flippy, set-my-lightsaber-on-fire-and-hurl-it-at-you move set. But my tank guardian looks weird...and not just because his lekku ("head-tails" - he's a twi'lek) go into full-out spaz mode every time he whirls around like a laser-bladed chainsaw.

    And my body-type-three tank juggernaut looks like she's breaking her spine in half every time she goes into that awkward flip in Ravage. It's...kinda painful to watch.

  17. Not necessarily. What part of the storyline are you on? Knights don't get their third companion until they go through Balmorra, the first planet you visit after finishing Act I. How high you are in levels has no impact on the actual story.


    Doing all the side-quests, flashpoints, PvP, or just exploring will easily get you A LOT of experience points, and you'll level up fairly quickly... meaning you could, potentially, be level 70 and have just left your faction's capital planet (Coruscant or Dromund Kaas) in terms of storyline.


    (Also, welcome back!! :D)

  18. I'm pretty sure that is the male version of the chicken dance.


    Nah, it's the Gerald dance! (AKA that oddball sea lion from Finding Dory.)

    ...what? He DOES look like a demented seal! :D


    (Okay, seal, sea lion... close enough, right? ...probably not, but oh well. XD)

  19. Class story is unique to that class. For instance, the Jedi Consular's class story deals with the mysteries of the force, diplomacy, and gathering allies.


    Planetary story arc is unique to that planet. For example, Alderaan's planet arc deals with the ongoing war between Houses Organa, Thul, Ulgo, and others, battling over who gets to rule Alderaan due to the recent death of their queen.


    One, however, has no effect on the other. You could do your class story first, then go back and do the planetary story arc, and the planetary story arc would be unaffected. Or vice versa, and your class story would be unaffected. Or you can do them concurrently, and they do not affect the other.

  20. Wasn't there a gif posted on the SWTOR twitter a while back that had Theron going nuts with dancing? it was a group of npc's around Kai Zykenn , they were dancing he was.. dancing more. It was a while ago, now I want to find it again.


    Safe to say I saw that and don't need imagination now >.> wth Theron lol


    EDIT: found it, here


    ...I echo that person in the comment section: "Can somebody give Theron some dancing lessons!?"

    Excuse me while I go laugh myself hoarse. (Well, hoarser than I already am with a cold. XD)

    *distant echoes of demented laughter*

    I'm good now. :D


    Also, did anyone notice Lana, Senya, and Koth among the NPC's who are dancing? Lana's doing The Robot. Senya...what. And Koth is actually dancing pretty well. I think. If you can call randomly flailing around dancing...

  21. In-action is an action, and in-action here means my cash is going to provide a platform for this filth, which is something I find unacceptable.


    Might as well quit any and all online games with this sort of chat function, since trolls are everywhere. [shrug] I can understand your frustration - it really is irritating when the trolls go off - but...it's other people. Other people + immaturity + the anonymity of the internet + conflicting opinions = garbage.


    And that happens no matter where you go.

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