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Posts posted by Jagaimee

  1. I'll be madly dashing through the whole thing the second it's live, if anything goes wrong at least I've got three warriors :)


    Only thing I'm worried about is a wardrobe malfunction I had in kotet where my outfit would show up as the republic version in cutscenes. If Quinn sees me wearing that pubbie potato sack I'm going to have a Kylo Ren moment


    Oof. Has that been fixed yet? :/ I'm a little hesitant to go through KOTET with that bug still in effect...


    Anyway; I'll be waiting for others to reunite with Quinn first (and probably for Dulfy to post a walkthrough so I can see exactly what choices will and won't resume the romance*). I don't want to mess anything up... yes, I'm a bit paranoid. :p


    *Apparently in chapter fourteen of KOTFE, the choice you'd *think* would re-start the romance with Torian...actually doesn't resume the romance, and a different choice does??


    Torian: You, I'm not leaving. Never again.

    1) Same here.

    2) Are you all right?

    3) We need to let each other go.

    Obviously #3 breaks up the romance, but #2 is apparently the one you need to pick to resume the romance with Torian. o_O Is that correct?


  2. I would love to see that scene if you have an imperial character especially a SW or SI. :D


    I can just imagine...


    Theron: Hey, sweetheart. Kiss for luck?

    Inquisitor: Aw, I don't need luck, I--

    Theron: --have the Force. Well, I don't.

    Inquisitor: No. You have me.

    Theron: ...can't argue with that logic. *kiss*

    ... *kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiss*


    Theron: *abruptly drops Inquisitor* Wha--!? Uh! Dad!?

    Inquisitor: *from the floor* ...uh, my HEAD? That hurt.


    Theron: *crickets chirping* I'm...just...going to give up on trying to explain...

    Inquisitor: *sits up* Who's the cranky old man?

    Jace: *about to blow a gasket*

    Theron: The, uh, cranky old man - who isn't THAT old, by the way - happens to be my father.

    Inquisitor: ...so, does this mean we can skip the awkward "Mom, Dad, I found someone special, can I bring her over for dinner one night so you can meet her" phase?

    Jace: *unintelligible angry noises*

  3. LOL, Ok i did not attend to disrespect any ones thread here, i just thought i would share my thoughts about my 2 Juggs & Mara's view on the dude that betrayed them. I mean Men and Women are wired differently we all know that. If a guy gets betrayed, most likely they seek revenge of some kind. Ladies may do the same thing or they may take a liking to the betraying SoB. But then again, i really dont want, nor do i, try any more to figure women out. So i leave that at that.

    Um. Sure i read the topic of thread but when it ends with a "LOL" i really didnt take it to serious about the LOVE THREAD on Quinn thing.


    So with all that said, I Apologies to those that my interrupting thoughts has caused any grief too.


    Do Take Care & Be Well......


    Hey, I'm a woman, and I've wanted to murder Kaliyo to death since the moment my agent (also a woman) met her. ESPECIALLY after that whole "oh, haha, yeah I've been

    selling Intelligence secrets for years now under your nose

    ...wait, you're mad about it? How come?" thing. :p


    As for Quinn, I guess the whole thing was kind of ruined for me, since I'd accidentally read a ton of spoilers about it beforehand. The whole thing was over and done so fast...it just left out a lot of the emotional punch. Now that it's been a while and I can go back and think about it some more, I can headcanon how my warrior lady (married to Quinn at the time of his betrayal) would respond to try and regain some of that emotional punch-in-the-gut. I know the eventual outcome - that she and Quinn, after a while, reconciled and are now (or were, before KOTFE) very happily living together - so going back and filling in the details is fun.

    And also prime fanfiction fuel for writers. :D

  4. Not only that, but you can't see them! In a grassy area like Balmorra or Taris or Alderaan, they disappear entirely. Not to mention similarly-colored areas...or heck, anything that isn't solid black. The old animation had bits of it floating off of the ground and spinning - and it was much brighter - so seeing it was hardly an issue.


    The changes are...yeah. Not good. At all. :(

  5. You qinnmancers are so weird


    So your ok with wanting to be in a relationship with some who tryed to kill you?


    There is no way you can rationalize that unless you have some bizzare case of Stockholm syndrome, the only reason anyone should be reasonably excited about this is if you are looking forward to rectifying the original class stories mistake of not being able to kill him


    In a game with weak female romances quinn is still one of the worsts, picking his job over his feelings for you, i actully felt pity for the female SW when she says "but i thought you loved me".


    So im happy too that he's back, so i can finally put that traitor where he belongs, 6 feet under.


    I think you missed the title of this thread. ;)


    Anyway - that's what we have all kinds of headcanon for. To make up for some of the shortcomings of the game's cutscenes and dialogue.


    On a side note, I notice that a lot of people gloss over/forget about/ignore Kaliyo's betrayal. Arguably, she's even worse - yet you didn't find a whole bunch of people STILL (it's been, in-game, at least EIGHT YEARS since it happened) clamoring for her death over it. Kaliyo, regardless of whether or not she was romanced,

    betrays you, tries to kill you, sells out the Empire for YEARS, is utterly unrepentant about it, and only *doesn't* go through with killing you because she realizes that'd cut off her source of information/secrets to sell to the highest bidder.


    ......so, where are the "You Kaliyomancers are so weird, so you're okay with wanting to be in a relationship with someone who wanted to kill you" people? :p


    Edit: ...Luna completely ninja'd me. I bow to the Queen of Really Fast Writing. *bows*

  6. I admit, I squealed in an extremely girlish way when I saw that Quinn's coming back. YAY!!! :D So, so, SO happy about this. My warrior finally, FINALLY gets her beloved husband back!


    ...I hope. o.o It's been six years now that they've been separated. I hope Quinn hasn't changed drastically...and that he's got the same voice actor. Wouldn't be Quinn without that lovely voice.

  7. Will we have more romance options with Theron/Lana? Will we be able to get married to them somehow? Will they break up with us if we choose the other side?


    Sure hope so. I really want more romance dialogues, marriage options, arguments, fights (might be fun if you *literally* had to fight them as if they were a mini-boss in a story, get them down to 1 HP or whatnot and then talk to them afterwards)... we'll see in March/April, I guess.

  8. According to the livestream (this is quoted from Dulfy): [warning, spoilers, obviously]



    New storyline – Return to Iokath. Scouts from the Alliance, Republic, and Sith have all arrived on Iokath. You, as the alliance commander, need to pick which side you will be on and take the super weapon. You can side with the opposite faction from your starting faction (i.e. Empire players can side with Republic and vice versa)

    Returning companions – Quinn and Elara. If you side with the Empire, Quinn will return. If you side with Republic, Elara will return.

    New Daily area on Iokath. Storyline will unlock repeatable dailies on Iokath. New gameplay options with these dailies much like we did for the chapters. There will be a new reputation track depending on which side you pick.


  9. Yeah, when he first mentioned Operations last week I thought the same, that it was just an example of what BioWare considers to be group content. But then the Oricon post and now this one has me confused. We'll know for certain in two hours.


    Waaaait, what post about Oricon? I think I missed that one...


    Anyway, yeah. I really do hope new Operations are coming - I personally am not interested in Operations, but to all the people who are, it's more than fair they get what they want in this game.

  10. Wait, did you just confirm there will be new Operations with 5.2? :confused:

    You are really setting expectations very high for the stream, I hope you will not disappoint. :tran_default:


    They did not confirm it. They said they are talking about group content LIKE Operations (proooobably meaning "we'll be talking about Operations in general, we know you guys want them, perhaps we'll share a few plans for them").


    Just saying that so you (not you, Jerba, specifically, but "you" the player base in general) don't go screaming bloody murder if/when they say "Operations are coming at X date/are not coming until X date/if at all" or whatnot.

  11. Update: Actually...it seems almost all fur colors for female cathar are bugged. Save for pure white and pure black, a majority of them appear much more reddish-orange than they should, viewed with any other face other than #3. How they appear with face #3 is how they *should* look, and how they did look prior to 5.0.
  12. I'd encourage you to finish all of the class stories first - or, barring that, at least the ones that are most interesting to you. Barring *that*, probably the Knight, Warrior, or Agent stories, as they seem to have the most relevance to later expansions (Knight and Warrior because of the overall storyline; Agent because of a few companions suddenly becoming very relevant later on).


    Anyway, that aside -

    After finishing your class story, it goes as follows (the levels are when it is technically meant to be started, but if you've reached or surpassed the level suggested, it doesn't matter):

    Level 50: Ilum quest chain

    Level 51 (when it opens up): Rise of the Hutt Cartel

    Level 55: Oricon (note: this story line ends in two Operations, which cannot be soloed)

    Level 55 (after Oricon): Shadow of Revan prelude

    Level 55 (after Shadow of Revan prelude): Shadow of Revan

    Level 60: Rise of the Emperor (Ziost)

    Level 60 (after Ziost) Knights of the Fallen Empire

    *warning* Once you start KOTFE, you will lose your companions due to story-related reasons (you can get them back at a certain part in the story, though; you don't lose them permanently). Once you start this, there's no going back - it locks out Shadow of Revan prelude, Shadow of Revan proper, Ziost, *any* class story you have yet to do on that character, and any companion conversations or quests. You cannot go back and do those once you've started KOTFE. Makeb (Rise of the Hutt Cartel), Ilum, and Oricon are still available, however.

    Level 65 (after KOTFE): Knights of the Eternal Throne

  13. A female cathar character with fur color #1 is still, and has been since 5.0, a dark, burnt orange-red color. Fur color #1 was originally a light brown.

    Interestingly, a female cathar with face #3 in character creation (and in the appearance designer) reverts back to the light brown fur. Any other face (no matter the body type) has the burnt orange color.


    This does not seem to affect male cathar, no matter the body type or face.


    Could this be changed back to the light brown fur...? :o It's starting to get a little annoying.


    "Wake up!" an all-too-familiar voice said.


    Rey popped her left eye open. "Wut."


    "Wake up!" Reela repeated. She shook Rey's shoulder vigorously. "Call just came in from Saresh's people; you're free to operate on Taris."


    "Buh..." Rey sat up and rubbed her eyes



    Haha, I know what THAT feels like. "I don'...wanna...wake uppppp...whasss yor problmemmmmmmmmmm [zzzzzzzzz]" :p


    Can't wait to see where all this is going - and the inherent hilarity of getting peoples' names constantly mixed up. The contrast between the two sisters is brilliant. :D

  15. Double-posting's allowed, yeah...? I think it is. :o


    Prompt: First Impressions, First Day on the Job

    Characters: Seraji Halkas (bounty hunter)


    Spoilers: Meeting the hunter's team on Nal Hutta





    This was it.


    Seraji took a deep breath – and instantly coughed it back out. The foul smell of Hutta combined with the decidedly unpleasant odors wafting through the hallways of the cantina made for one heck of a nose-plugger. The Mandalorians had a saying for that. Nose-blind, or something, but they of course said it in Mando’a. Not like I care, Seraji thought, growling a weak little growl as she pawed at her nose. As if the stench was something physical she could get out of it.




    Okay, so taking a deep breath was out. Bouncing on her toes was childish. She was not a child, never mind what Braden had said or what the standard age of an adult was for a cathar. Besides, bouncing on her toes would make what few mishmashed pieces of armor she wore clank a lot, and the people waiting for her just inside the room to her right would definitely hear that.


    Seraji shook her head, trying to clear the light haze of smoke and spices that had gathered in the hallway. The heavy silver clasp at the back of her half-ponytail scraped across her scalp at the motion, but instead of adjusting it, Seraji just smiled at the touch. So many memories in one little trinket. So many feelings.


    Speaking of feelings…Seraji guessed there was nothing else to do but just march on in – her feet were moving and she felt like a piece of cargo on a delivery belt being carried helplessly to a destination – just march on in and say hi…


    “Mako, mind checking the security again?”


    Seraji rounded the corner just as the old man got done speaking. His low voice was slightly comforting, in that it was at least familiar.


    “Sure thing, boss,” came a high-pitched, female voice.


    Seraji halted in the doorway of the room, surveying the team. There was Braden, the old Mandalorian, arms folded over his strong chest, watching a little sprite of a human girl as she tapped away at a computer. Off in the corner, a muscular Nikto lazily fiddled with a blaster.


    The Nikto smirked. “<Hey,> Hunsi,” he called in Huttese, looking over to near the doorway. Seraji stiffened in confusion, but the Nikto merely nodded to her and glanced at something to the side. “<You going to stand there and brood all day?>” At least, she was fairly sure he said that. Translating Huttese on the fly was a skill she was still working at.


    “No. Name is pronounced hoon-seye. Not hun-see.”


    It gave Seraji more of a scare than she would like to admit to hear that…voice…coming from barely two feet away. She slowly sidled into the room, staring to her right – and saw a being that made her quickly take two steps farther away from him.


    The man turned to watch her. Ruby eyes burned out from a broad, dark blue face: a chiss. A chiss who looked less like the tall beanpole chiss Seraji had previously encountered and more like he could take on a Hutt’s entire fortress alone. He was dressed simply – just a black shirt, pants, and boots – but Seraji got the idea that weapons were hidden in those clothes that no one would be aware of…until they were being used. Three long, deep scars blazed down the left side of the man’s face, from his tousled jet black hair to his chin, like the claws of some ferocious animal. It was a wonder his eye was still there, come to realize.


    The towering chiss nodded to her, and she realized she’d been gawking at him. “You are Seraji?” he asked. His voice was full of gravel and an accent that Seraji couldn’t place. It sounded vaguely Imperial, yet…deeper. Richer. The vowels were more rounded, the consonants more enunciated and clipped. It sounded beautiful, in a very scary way.


    Seraji swallowed hard and drew herself up to her full, completely not intimidating height. All of five feet of cathar kid stood staring at all of six-and-a-half feet of chiss terror. “Yes, sir.” Her voice didn’t squeak. Good girl. That’s a start.


    “Seraji!” Braden’s voice broke in. Seraji forced herself to look away from the chiss – Hunsi? – and look towards the old Mandalorian. Braden was smiling at her, a smile that she recognized as friendly and welcoming, like when he’d approached her and asked her about this crazy Great Hunt business. She could relax a bit. “Welcome,” he greeted. “All right, granted, this isn’t the best headquarters, but it’s what we’ve got to work with. Mako, Jory, she’s here,” he added, when neither the human girl nor the Nikto seemed to show much interest in the newcomer.


    Seraji nodded at the human girl (Mako, presumably) as the girl turned around. Black hair framed a delicate face, inquisitive eyes – she was actually kind of pretty, for a human – and there was a flash of metal to one side of her face. Some sort of cybernetic, intricately wrapping around her left eye. Weird; Braden hadn’t seemed like the type to spring for something that fancy, and Mako only looked a few years older than Seraji herself, so she doubted Mako had the kind of money for that implant. Interesting. Mako gave a quick wave as she sized up Seraji just as Seraji was sizing her up. “Hi there,” Mako chirped. She sounded friendly enough.


    “Hey,” Seraji said, offering a probably-not-too-nervous smile. It widened when Mako smiled back. The girl didn’t seem all that nervous. So there wasn’t any reason to be nervous. There. Ha.


    “Aaand Jory…” said Braden.


    The Nikto at the table waved jovially, an easygoing smile on his scaled face. “<Welcome.>” Most Nikto that Seraji had run into were vicious brutes, but Jory seemed okay.


    “And Hunsi.”


    Seraji glanced back at the chiss in the corner. He hadn’t moved, still leaning against the wall, arms folded, watching her with a neutral expression. He nodded once. “Hello.”


    “Well… hi, all.” Seraji nearly took another deep breath, then remembered just in time and decided against it. She settled for widening her stance and clasping her hands behind her back instead. “I’m Seraji Halkas.” Sometimes, it still felt weird to say Halkas instead of Vysok. Weird, but good. It was her name now, a name all her own.


    “Bounty hunting since you were a kid, right?” Mako piped up. She had a cheerful voice. Seraji decided she and Mako would get along great…then she realized that she’d never gotten along great with anyone close to her own age, except for her brother when they were children.


    “Yeah.” Seraji nodded emphatically. The heavy clasp in her ponytail hit her head hard with each nod. Mine now, it seemed to say. Mine now.


    "Heh. <You still look like a kid,>" Jory observed with a friendly wink.


    Seraji felt her hackles rise. "Well, I'm not." There was a gleam of concern in Braden's eye. Seraji forged on ahead before he could say anything: “I…well, gonna be honest with you: I’m not looking to be a Mando with this Great Hunt. I’m just…I just want a stream of credits so I don’t have to be constantly scrounging around on the bottom rung.” She was relieved to see Braden just nodded, accepting that. Good, he wasn’t going to try and push his Mando way of life on her...or bring up her age again.


    Jory laughed. “<You’ll fit right in!>” he declared happily. Seraji tried her best to translate his rapid stream of Huttese that came next, but she probably still got a few words wrong. At least the meaning came through: “<Credits, glory, a place in the Mandos – doesn’t matter why you come here, just that you did.>” Huh. Save for that crack about her appearance, Seraji liked Jory already. “<Braden’s been bragging about you,>” the Nikto added.


    “…uh…” Seraji glanced at Braden. “You…have?” Her face grew warm under her fur, and she awkwardly plucked at the fur on the back of her neck, smoothing her hackles back down.


    “I told them what a tenacious little ball of fire you are,” Braden said with a warm smile.


    Oh. Okay. Good. He hadn’t said anything about the disastrous way they’d met a few years back—


    “He also told us about that time you tried to kill him and failed so spectacularly you wound up hurting yourself,” Mako said in a deadpan tone.


    Seraji decided that she and Mako would not get along great.


    “He…told you about that, huh,” Seraji said, narrowing her eyes at Braden.


    Braden offered a shrug. “They asked how I met you. We’re all family here now, Seraji. Best if we all get to know each other. Except for him,” Braden said with a nod towards Hunsi. “He’s a mystery to everybody, and he’d prefer to keep it that way.”


    Hunsi gave an annoyed-sounding grunt.


    “Anyway,” Braden went on, “there’s no shame in that encounter. It got you here now, didn’t it?”


    Seraji moved one shoulder back, feeling the rough-worn bodysuit tug and catch at her fur. Well, that was annoying. “I guess,” she said lamely. Being confronted with past failures wasn’t fun. I am Seraji Halkas, I am a bounty hunter now, she firmly told herself. Seraji Halkas. Bounty hunter. I’m not a failure.


    “Well, if we’re all caught up,” Mako said cheerfully, “I found our first target.”


    Jory and Braden moved towards Mako and her computer terminal, with Braden gesturing back at Seraji to join them. She took a step forward, then halted as she felt someone behind her. On habit she looked back to see Hunsi moving more quietly than she would have thought possible, silently crossing the room to stand almost protectively behind Mako.


    Seraji joined them a moment later, as Mako was explaining their first hunt.


    We’re all family here now, Seraji, Braden had said. A weird kind of family, to be honest: two humans, a cathar, a Nikto, and a chiss. There were weirder groups of people, but still. Where had Braden found these people? Probably the same place he’d found her – either going up against him (she could bet on Hunsi doing something like that) or, later, fighting over the smallest scrap just to brawl. Just to prove themselves. Just to prove herself.


    Family. Huh. Her last family had fallen apart. But Braden, probably the head of this family, didn’t seem to be favoring anybody above the rest. That…was a good start. Seraji doubted this family would last – the thought of a family actually sticking together was absurd – but maybe for the short time they were together, they might forge some friendships. Maybe. Might. A lot of uncertainty. Still, the first impressions were good. She rather liked everybody here – save Hunsi, but maybe he was just quiet…or just waiting to snap. She’d keep an eye on him, ready to run, as she had been since she was a kid.


    First impressions are big, but old habits don’t fade away that easily.




    And another,

    Prompt: Discoveries, Advice, Teachers and Heroes

    Character: Seraji, once again.

    Spoilers: General idea of why the bounty hunter is on Nal Hutta to begin with, but nothing specific.

    This takes place a few days after the above.




    What was she even THINKING?


    Seraji huddled at the base of a copse of sickly trees, tucking her knees up to her chest and trying very hard not to concentrate on the stinging pain that was yelling from her left arm. It felt like a bore-drill ant was gleefully – sadistically – biting his way right through her muscle and bone. Sure, she’d been shot before, but…still.


    What was she thinking.


    Seriously. Winning the Great Hunt? Ha. Yeah, right! She was going to be stuck on Nal Hutta forever at this rate. Her bounty was well-protected by more guards than Seraji could count, and she didn’t have the stomach to just go in and start plugging people with laser bolts. Three times she’d tried to infiltrate that compound. Three times she’d been chased out by a flood of blaster bolts screaming bloody murder. The bolts were screaming, not her. She didn’t scream. Much.


    Seraji bit her lip so hard she tasted blood. It mingled with all the other tastes on her tongue – the reeking stench of the nearby swamp. At least it hid her own scent, but made it a thousand times harder for her to pick up anyone or anything else’s. My nose is going to be a deaf-mute by the end of this, she thought ruefully, not just blind on top of it.


    How could she even think she could do this? Hunting was simple – it was what she’d been doing since she was a little girl, what she’d had to do just to survive, but those were jungle animals. She was a predator, not a hunter. Hunting...bounty hunting... required a totally different set of skills. Being a predator…hide, stalk the prey, jump at the right opportunity. That had been mostly what she was doing, all the time she was a “bounty hunter” – some rich guy wanted the wild animals off his property, so she’d go out and kill said animals or scare them off. Easy.


    This wasn’t easy.


    “Hold out your arm.”


    Seraji shot up and whirled around – and promptly lost her balance and tripped over her own feet, falling with a splorch into the muck. Foul water sprayed up into her hair and fur, and she coughed and flailed before getting her balance back, fumbling to get her blaster out of its holster. The wound on her arm shrieked a pained protest.


    Hunsi was standing on the bank, watching her with one eyebrow raised. He looked…different, than when they’d been in the cantina back room. Now he had an armored black longcoat, a massive blaster pistol (more like a miniature cannon) poking out from a holster on his hip when he moved, and only his eyes were visible from the folds of the covering he’d wrapped around his head.


    If Seraji hadn’t known who Hunsi was, she’d have thought the angel of death himself was hovering over her.


    “Get up,” he said after a moment of them just staring at each other.


    Seraji clawed her way out of the mire and stood dripping on the bank. The dirty water was seeping into the blaster wound on her arm, and she couldn’t quite suppress a snarl of pain.


    Hunsi favored her with a warning glare as he motioned to her arm.


    “I’m not mad at you,” she growled. “I’m mad at my arm! …the shot. The—thing, whatever, I don’t care, just…arrggghhh, stars, it hurts!” She flailed her arm about, trying to get the water off, but Hunsi caught her wrist.


    “Be mad at the wound itself,” Hunsi said. He took off the armor on her shoulder and started deftly and delicately rolling up her sleeve, looking at the wound with a critical eye. He opened a small medkit Seraji hadn’t noticed he was carrying until then. “Be mad at the water. At the trees, at the planet, at those distant akk dogs. Whatever helps. Not at other people.” He glared again at her. “Mad at other people – you lose control. You see red. You wake up from that, realize people are dead.” He shook his head. “Don’t ever do that.”


    His rich accent lurked around his words. Hunsi should’ve been a Senator, hollering away in some Republic office. His voice would’ve made him very effective, Seraji thought. People would listen to him just because they’d be afraid his voice would murder them if they didn’t pay attention. “Yeah…okay,” Seraji muttered. Well, it was sound advice. “You’re talking from expe—“


    Hunsi sprayed an antiseptic on the wound.


    “—rienceYEOWCH YOU SON OF A—“


    Another glare. He was…really good at those.


    Seraji shut up, gritting her teeth and being unable to damp down little growls as Hunsi cleaned the wound further, then started bandaging it up.


    “Don’t lash out,” Hunsi growled right back at her. “Not at me. Not at someone who is trying to help you.”


    Sorry,” Seraji gritted. “I’m—not used to—that HURTS!—not used to people—helping—“


    “Get used to it. Recognize help from hurt.” Hunsi gave the cloth wrapping one final tug. Seraji glanced down to see a very neat, very snug bandage wrapped around her arm. It looked like the work of a professional medic, like the doctors in Kaas City attending to Imperial soldiers. Hunsi rolled down her sleeve, then reattached her armor over her shoulder. Seraji tentatively rolled her shoulder and moved her arm underneath her sleeve. It…didn’t hurt. Didn’t even sting. Mostly. “One more thing,” Hunsi said.


    Seraji looked up at him. His ruby eyes were blazing.


    “Don’t. Give. Up.”


    He pointed to something beyond her, and Seraji turned to see a pair of vicious-looking wild akk dogs slinking in towards the compound where her quarry was housed. A plan instantly came together in her mind: creep in on their tails, use the dogs for distraction, let them run roughshod over the bodyguards while she quietly took out her target. Easy.


    “Make an opening when there isn’t one. If not, wait for one. Take a chance. Think.” Hunsi clicked shut the medkit box and straightened up, blocking out the diffuse light filtering down from the sky for a moment by towering over Seraji. She looked up at him again. “You can do this,” he said, in a voice that was decidedly less intimidating than before. “Now go.”


    Seraji blinked.




    Seraji went.


    Skidding down the little slope, being careful to avoid the murky swamp water, avoid the poisonous plants – she hated Hutta already – and avoid the notice of a few lethargic sleens resting just above the water’s edge. Ahead, the akk dogs’ eyes gleamed as they peered into the compound.


    Seraji looked back once to see—nothing. Hunsi was gone. But she hadn’t even heard the bushes rustle…she looked harder, and this time saw a pair of glowing red dots watching her from the shadows of a bog tree.


    Okay then.


    What had she been thinking? She gritted her teeth in newfound determination. She’d been thinking that she was stuck. As the guards began to raise an alarm, and the akk dogs launched themselves into the compound, howling a primal cry, Seraji dropped low to the ground and ran in a hunter’s crouch, nerves thrilling. Now she wasn’t stuck. She was a predator again. She shunted all thoughts of pain or discomfort to the back of her mind, concentrating on nothing but slipping in unnoticed as the akk dogs raised Hell in the compound.


    The guards were being torn apart. Seraji forced herself to ignore them. She moved through the sparse shadows of the nearby trees and then crouched in a shock of bristly swamp grass. She narrowed her eyes so they wouldn’t stand out, spreading her arms to either side so they’d look like fallen branches from the trees, tilting her head ever so slightly so her bold facial markings would blend into the scraggly grass.


    There was her target. Looking nervous, huddled in a corner of the compound, a blaster held in his shaky hand as his guards ran in to defend him from the akk dogs – and get themselves slaughtered. He was all alone.


    Seraji moved slowly so he wouldn’t notice her. She found the tranquilizer gun in a waterproof pouch on her belt, the one Mako had given to her. She was suddenly aware of the extra weight, suddenly aware of everything as if it were crystal-clear, presented in front of her on a silver platter. One dart dropped into the gun…she raised the gun…thwip.


    The man, her bounty, staggered as the dart hit his neck. Seraji clamped her jaw shut so she wouldn’t cheer, still hyper-focued on him and him alone. He shouted, but his words were slurred, and none of the guards ran towards him…then he dropped. Seraji was out in a flash, running low to the ground like a vorn tiger, catching the unconscious man’s arm and dragging—


    She was yanked backwards by the man’s unexpected weight, and time jolted back to normal. One akk dog was glaring right at her. Now her shoulder was beginning to protest again from the sudden tug on it. Blast it all, hadn’t she just gone through this!? Except now there was no Hunsi to bail her out.


    Or was there?


    Be mad at the wound itself.


    Seraji bared her teeth at the akk dog. At the two guards who were also looking her way, realizing what had happened.


    Be mad at the water. The trees, the planet, the akk dogs. But not at other people.


    Seraji focused on the dog, not the people. It snarled at her. She snarled right back, and allowed herself to feel a brief rush of pride as that snarl turned into a full-blown roar. The dog shied away, eyes huge. Seraji yanked the unconscious target up onto her shoulders, still with her teeth bared at the dog, who was crouching down now in submission. The other dog was limping. The two guards were all that was left, and Seraji saw them slowly put their guns away as she started staggering determinedly out of the compound. Their boss was too close to her – if they shot at her, they’d shoot him.


    She was nearly doubled-over from the man’s weight, but she didn’t care. Triumph was singing in her heart.


    She marched across the boggy way, back towards the copse of trees where Hunsi was still waiting. She saw his ruby-blaze eyes widen slightly; then he stepped out of the shadows, nodding. “Well done.”


    Seraji slung the target down onto the ground and straightened up. She looked up at Hunsi, who watched her impassively, then she closed her gaping mouth. “…thank you,” she mumbled. Her shoulder ached, but she could deal with it. The sheer rush she’d felt…it wasn’t psychotic, it was just focused. A hunter. A real hunter. Thanks to Hunsi.


    “Last thing,” Hunsi said. “Don’t leave a job unfinished. Run.”


    Seraji looked back to see the two akk dogs running out of the compound like their tails were on fire, and the two remaining guards barreling towards her and Hunsi. Whoops.


    Hunsi hoisted their target to his shoulders and gestured for Seraji to go first. She ran, armor clanking with every step, flying over the marshes, with Hunsi going faster and more quietly than she would have thought possible, hot on her heels.


    By the time they crashed back towards Jiguuna, Seraji felt ready to drop from exhaustion…but her heart was still singing. I did it.






    ...I have a problem with ending stories. I can't ever seem to find a good, solid ending. They usually wind up dragging out and out and then I have to figure out where I was trying to go in all that mess of words. :confused: Argh.


  16. :D

    Thank you so much, everyone!! The warm welcome totally made my day. I'm so glad you all liked the story... excuse me while I go squee'ing all around the room because aaaaaaahhhhhhh somebody liked a story I wrote aaaaaaaaaahhhh!

    ... *ahem* I'm okay now. :D Thank you all. I tend to start a lot of stories and never finish them - so here's hoping I can get around to actually finishing a few more.


    @YoshiRaphElan: I was really worried about posting this story at first, because it was so heavily inspired by your story - I was worried you'd think it was plagiarism or something. (I blame high school for that mild paranoia: if there was one thing I learned, it was that the teachers had a ridiculously overactive system for figuring out who plagiarized what, and heaven help you if your research paper quoted a lot of sources, because it would come up as 50% plagiarized... :rolleyes: ) But - you liked it. Yay! I can stop worrying now. XD

  17. Hi... :D First time poster, loooooooong time reader. I've just never had the courage to post anything of mine here...


    Well. *deep breath* Here goes nothin'. This was inspired by this lovely story from YoshiRaphElan. If propaganda officers can make a poster... what about holovids? *evil grin*


    Prompt: Propaganda

    Characters: Morrun Khayan (trooper), Adnir (Jedi Knight) - also Aric Jorgan and Elara Dorne.

    Timeline: This takes place sometime in the break between Act I and Act II of all class stories.


    Spoilers: Most of the trooper's Act I (...in roundabout ways...), and a mention of a title gotten at the end of the Jedi Knight's Act I.



    “…you’re telling me you’ve never even heard of this?”


    I groaned and my face was formally introduced to the cold metal console of the holocomm. “No,” I muttered. “Wish you’d never told me, either.”


    What kind of a title is ‘Stars Burn Bright,’ anyway?”


    I finally looked up at Adnir again. He’d folded his arms, one eyebrow scrunched down and his left lek’ twitching in what I guessed was irritation. Or maybe disgust. “Dunno,” I said. “More propaganda…”


    "They don’t even look like you…” he said confusedly. There was enough innocence in his tone that I suddenly realized what the big problem was.


    “Wait, you’ve never seen a propaganda film before?” Now it was my turn to fold my arms. I leaned back in my chair and couldn’t help but smirk. “They twist all the details. Let me guess, my scar is gone?”


    "Uh…no, it’s bigger and covers your entire left eye.” Adnir stared hard at something offscreen. “And your eyes are almost supernaturally bright. And I swear your hair has never been that long.”


    “Aw, come on, what?” Twisting the details was bad enough. Propaganda in itself was bad enough. But…huh? I’m fairly certain a lot of people knew what the Captain of Havoc Squad looked like, and I did not look anything like what Adnir was describing…so if I was that far out of left field, I wondered what Jorgan and Elara looked like.


    Yeah…” Adnir winced and looked up at me. One lek’ tip flailed itself right over his shoulder. “And what are you doing hugging Elara like that?”


    My jaw dropped open. “What.” H…hugging Elara like…what!? She and I were barely even friendly to each other! “Can I see?”


    In hindsight, I should not have asked.



    * * *



    “Wow.” I sniffed the air. “Jorgan, did you make popcorn?” When did we even get a popcorn maker on the Thunderclap?


    “Bought it from a vendor planet-side,” he said, handing me a small bowl of the sweet-smelling puffed kernels. I twisted around on the seat to see Jorgan handing out similar bowls to Elara and Adnir, who were perched on stools next to us. Elara daintily took hers and nodded her appreciation, while Adnir just stared at his wide-eyed.


    “…this is popcorn?” he finally asked, looking up at us like he’d just seen a field full of diamonds.


    “You’ve never had popcorn before?” I knew Adnir was a little naïve in some areas. But…?


    “It’s not like the Jedi Order has movie night every Taungsday,” Adnir muttered as his cheeks turned brown. The green-skinned twi’lek’s version of blushing, I’d assume.


    I shrugged and looked down at the holofilm cover on the table in front of us. Sure enough, there was…me…in all my shirtless, ruggedly-scarred, long-haired…um, “glory.” Well, not completely shirtless, there was a bandolier across my chest. “I” was staring off heroically at something to the side, gripping a smoking pistol in one hand (hold on, laser pistols didn’t smoke) and hugging…some very weird woman that I assumed to be the artist’s version of Elara with the other arm. I said “weird” because…well, I’ve traveled all over the galaxy and seen some very strange stuff. And absolutely nowhere has any human woman ever been that…uh…large in the…you know whats. Beyond that, “Elara” was dressed in some absolutely bizarre outfit that was more show-offy than practical. (I left it at that to avoid filling in the blanks – there weren’t much – in my mind. Which nearly made me throw up in disgust.) It wasn’t even armor…I don’t even know what it was! Was that some Coruscanti fashion magazine’s idea of “protective gear?” Protective against what, a wet noodle gently slapping her shoulder (which was about the only part fully covered)?


    Behind “us,” there was a rendition of Jorgan that managed to be fairly accurate. By that I mean something along the lines of, “they got the death glare down pat, and not much else.” He looked more like a raging lion than a grumpy cat. I wondered if his “personality” was more “RAGE KILL DESTROY RAWR” in this crazy version.


    Behind me – me sitting on the bench on the Thunderclap, not me on the cover there – Elara cleared her throat. “Sir, I’m concerned this holovid may actually be detrimental to Havoc Squad’s efforts in the war,” she said dubiously. “For example, our relationship is strictly professional, not…” She favored the cover with a glare. “…involved as it suggests us to be.”


    “Don’t worry, Dorne,” I said, gritting my teeth. My spine was crawling with disgusted shivers. “When I find the guy who drew this cover, I’ll say he has a present from Havoc Squad. That present will turn out to be my armored fist to his face.”


    "Can you do that?” asked Adnir. “Because there are a lot of people in the Order you could do that to, and I’ll say I gave permission…then wave the whole Hero of Tython thing in their faces if they don’t like it…”


    I looked back at him in time to see both Jorgan and Dorne staring hard at him. “…kidding?” he offered weakly.


    "You’re a terrible Jedi,” I deadpanned. I would have said more, but there was a fanfare from the holovid screen, signaling the movie was about to start.


    Where to even begin with that thing… Dear stars. If they took every single bit of Havoc Squad’s history (and my personal history, besides), turned it on its head, spanked it with a brick, dropped it on its head several times, threw it out a window, then disemboweled it…it still would’ve been more accurate than this monstrosity.


    Apparently, it started out following my life, starting from about age ten. A golden-haired zabrak child ran on-screen, and I could feel the floor-shattering groans emanating from Jorgan and Adnir. Said child promptly picked up a bazooka larger than he was and started firing at Seperatists, who were backed by the Imperials. Cue montage of battle sequences in which the blonde kid grew up, somehow switched to dark brown hair in the process, became the widely-recognized leader of the resistance, got Republic help (and by “help,” I mean “an entire freaking fleet of battle cruisers showed up in a big damn heroes moment to drive off the Imperials”), then, as an older teenager, promptly was accepted into military training.


    I could have listed about ten thousand things wrong with that alone and everyone would’ve been there for the rest of the night, so I stayed silent.


    There was a time skip to when the kid was in his early twenties. By now he had hair that was way too long for regulation (mine was bordering that regulation, but they let it slide a bit because of my position), several heroic scars, and rarely wore armor. This was supposed to be the flipping Republic Military!?


    “Careful,” I muttered to Jorgan. “We’re gonna have a bunch of gangster wannabes joining Special Forces because of this.”


    Years of discipline could not stifle the laughing fit that Jorgan nearly asphyxiated from at that moment.


    The kid onscreen was promoted to Havoc Squad, and in came Jorgan’s…caricature. Ouch. Whoever wrote that script had heard of way too many Drill Sergeant Nasty stereotypes, because Jorgan’s character hit each and every single one on the head. “We’re going to need a massive amount of alcohol to drown this out of our brains,” I groaned at one point, after Jorgan’s character went through an entire list of clichés.


    “I could almost condone that, sir,” Dorne piped up sympathetically. I glanced back at her to see her wincing, too.


    The old Havoc was then…mysteriously disbanded because each and every member (whom I barely even recognized) fell deathly ill due to some shadowy figure poisoning them. “I” got to hold Wraith in my arms as she dramatically passed out, with the appropriate look of devastated horror and grief on my face.


    I was surprised to hear someone gagging, and even more surprised that that someone was me.


    So off parody-me and caricature-Jorgan went to go find who poisoned Havoc Squad, because – with someone ominously saying “you’re our only hope now, Lieutenant Khayan!” – we were the last remnants of Havoc Squad. Comparing this with real life, the situation was vaguely correct. The details were…not. I started to wonder if someone had read the secure files of why the original Havoc went MIA while tripping on some fantastic drugs, then wrote this script.


    The travesty that was Elara came into play on Taris, of course, where she heroically saved Jorgan and I from a pack of rakghouls. Or she might’ve saved us from a pack of people dressed up in really bad rakghoul costumes. And I’m still not sure how she did it…either by assaulting them with the sight of her horrendous and completely impractical outfit, or by just standing there so majestically that they all ran away in fear of her innate attractiveness.


    I heard someone choking and turned to see Adnir turning bright blue from embarrassment. Wow…I didn’t even know he could turn that color…


    Naturally, screen-me and screen-Elara hated each other at first. Just as naturally, we fell in love/lust ridiculously fast and then—


    “Whoa,” said Jorgan, cringing and fumbling for the remote.


    Adnir yelped and ducked behind the bench to hide. My face was growing so hot that I was afraid it was on fire. I glanced at Elara and saw her turning unhealthy shades of red. Whether that was from humiliation or fury, I had no idea.


    We finally got past the…um…that scene…and pseudo-Havoc found the person who had poisoned the old Havoc. Drumroll, wait for it…


    A Sith lord named Lethal.


    “Dear STARS please let this end!” I yelled at no one in particular. Adnir was alternately crying and laughing his head off on the floor. Elara was unable to suppress little snickering giggles, and Jorgan was just staring straight ahead with a shell-shocked look on his face.


    Cue the “epic” showdown between Havoc Squad and Lord Lethal. Which ultimately amounted to me fighting a Sith bare-handed, Jorgan screaming in rage at absolutely nothing as he shot at droids that had randomly showed up, and Elara being taken hostage by those droids and being unable to help any of us. Which led to me taking down the Sith right as I got a lightsaber to the gut. Whoever “my” actor was, he was behaving more like he had a bad case of digestive issues than a plasma sword through his stomach.


    “Is it wrong,” asked Adnir, “that I’m almost rooting for the Sith?”


    I reached behind me and lightly whacked him upside the head, and never in a thousand years would I tell him that I was starting to root for the Sith, too.


    So, because somehow the poison that had affected the original Havoc Squad was tied to the Sith (despite it being of a tech-based origin instead of the force), Lethal’s death meant Havoc was somehow cured and perfectly able to stand up, walk around, talk, and be absolutely normal…roughly one day after being near-death. And Elara got to angst and wail over my seemingly-dead body before giving it all she had to revive me. Apparently kisses were now a form of medicine – or you’d think so from the rate at which she applied them to my face.


    Somehow…I did revive. And somehow, I was able to stagger around and walk to the nearby shuttle after being stabbed in the gut with a lightsaber.


    Adnir threw a piece of popcorn at the screen in protest.


    The holovid ended with me, fully recovered, and Elara literally flying off into the sunset on a freaking thranta that appeared out of absolutely nowhere. But it was “romantic,” right? Roll credits, with some impossibly cheesy version of All Stars Burn as One.


    There was absolute dead silence in the room, save for that song. Then Jorgan slowly reached over and turned off the holovid player. Click. Now the silence felt like it would smother us.


    “Okay,” I said, finally finding my voice. “So. About that punching people in the face thing we were talking about earlier…”


    “First thing tomorrow,” Jorgan growled, “Havoc Squad is paying a visit to the company that made this. And they will learn some very serious lessons about artistic license.”


    He gave the blank screen one of his (in)famous death glares, and I knew that tomorrow, some drugged-out film person would start ruing the day they were born.




    Author's note:


    Well, that might not be the best piece, per se, to introduce Morrun and Adnir with, since they are acting slightly out of character (or maybe this really is how they act when they're not being shot at; I haven't put them in very many light-hearted situations, come to realize!)...it was very late at night and I was very tired when I wrote this. I blame sleep deprivation! :p


  18. Make sure you are on the correct planet, if you haven't already figured this out.


    And if you are - Alderaan, I believe - and it's still not triggering, try flying away from Alderaan, to any other planet/the fleet, then flying back to it. (Use your ship, don't quick-travel to your stronghold or the fleet.) That worked for me when I had this problem.


    Edit: ...aaaaaand just saw the date on the original post, whoops. Uh. Hope you figured it out by now? XD

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