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Posts posted by Jagaimee

  1. The menu bar is just a tad irritating, but not that bad.

    I don't like that Blade Dance is gone. :c I really liked the animation. The new one is...meh. Just meh.


    The "THE LIGHT SIDE/DARK SIDE GROWS STRONGER" bar that pops up. It just now appeared again, so I delved into the interface editor to find a way to turn it off/minimize it... and it doesn't show up there. Meaning, there's no way to turn it off or at least move it to a corner of the screen that it won't be that distracting. THAT'S very annoying.


    ...uh, that's all I got. XD

  2. Yeah, but unless they release it on Thursday with the "official" release of KOTET, it's kind of odd that it wasn't available from the start, is all. I mean, I doubt I'll have time to play the expansion until Thursday anyway even though I do have early access, but still. :p


    Ah. True... (Sorry, kind of missed your point in the first post. Whoops. XD That's what I get for reading far too fast.)

  3. Basically, regardless of level, it goes:


    - Class story

    - Ilum (The False Emperor arc)

    - Makeb (Rise of the Hutt Cartel)

    - Oricon (The Dread War) [can be skipped; it's more of an interlude/its own standalone story, also it ends in two Operations that cannot be soloed]

    - Shadow of Revan prelude [four flashpoints that can be soloed]

    - Shadow of Revan [the planets Rishi and Yavin IV]

    - Ziost (Rise of the Emperor)

    - Knights of the Fallen Empire

    - Knights of the Eternal Throne


    There's a *much* more detailed post explaining that...buried somewhere around here...

  4. She doesn't mention your romance specifically, but her comment upon you walking into the room (after you have your vision) varies slightly if you romanced Vette or Jaesa. Either that or the Jaesa one is default and Vette makes a special comment if you romanced her. What did Vette say for you?


    Spoiler'd for...well, mild spoilers. This is the conversation that happens with a female warrior who romanced Quinn.



    [The warrior walks into the conference room on board the Fury, where Vette and Broonmark are talking. Vette does a double-take at the warrior's rather disturbed expression]

    Vette: Whooooaaa… you look like that time Jaesa tried exoboar soup!

    Warrior: [distantly] I had a vision. There was a galaxy neighboring our own, and then…nothing. Every star went dim, both in that galaxy and our own. The end of everything.

    Vette: [nervous laughter] S-see? Probably just something you ate. …maybe? I hope??

    [Quinn walks past in the background]

    Quinn: Another galaxy? Would you say it was a dwarf galaxy? Er, sorry, my lov—my lord. [blushes] I didn’t mean to eavesdrop.

    Warrior: A dwarf galaxy sounds right. What do you know?

    Quinn: [walking down the steps] There is such a galaxy off the Outer Rim, known as the Rishi Maze.

    Vette: Ooh! Rishi? I’ve heard of Rishi. It’s a planet…some kind of pirate resort? Sounds like a real dive. [scuffs her feet shyly, and grins] I’ve kinda always wanted to go.

    Broonmark: [blllorp] <We get strange datamails from Rishi. We do not ask for them. Offers of free travel.>

    Warrior: You’ve started receiving these…recently?

    Broonmark: [blllorp] <Yes. Sith understands. And there is no sender.>

    Warrior: [decisive nod] Quinn, set a course. …we’re going to Rishi.



    And, for the record, this is the conversation that happens when an inquisitor doesn't romance anybody (I'd assume it's the same for male and female inquisitors, since there is no romance involved).


    [The inquisitor and Ashara are in the crew quarters. Quizzy [inquisitor :D], pacing back and forth; Ashara, meditating apparently.]

    Quizzy: Reach out with your emotions. Let them guide you.

    [Ashara concentrates; starts glowing red]

    Quizzy: [satisfied smirk] Yes…that’s it…

    [Ashara suddenly sees a vision – Quizzy, totally alone, in a forest or a swamp of some kind. Twisted roots begin to emerge from the ground all around Quizzy, who backs up against a tree, apparently defenseless. Then, the next part of the vision – the roots had totally captured Quizzy, and were twisting around them…Quizzy's expression was one of unendurable pain…and then purple lightning flowed from Quizzy into the vines and back again – then white light—

    Ashara collapses with a pathetic little squeak.]

    [Quizzy darts forwards; Andronikos hears the noise and came running]

    Quizzy: Ashara. Tell me. What did you see?

    Ashara: It…it was you. You were in a jungle. Roots and vines, they took you, bound you and-and then…y-you were torn apart.

    Quizzy: [in a sort of resigned tone] …you saw the future. One of many possible futures…but a probable one, at the very least.

    Ashara: Then I—I heard a voice. A woman. She reached out to me through the force. She told me you had to go to Rishi.

    Andronikos: [stops cold] Rishi. You said Rishi? Rishi’s been coming up on the navicomputer. Thought it was some kind of glitch…nothing out there but my kind of people.

    Quizzy: That’s no glitch. It’s a message.

    Andronikos: …leeeeeeet me guess. You’re thinking of walking straight into a trap.

    Quizzy: [smiles] Perhaps it is a trap. What of it? Tell the crew there’s been a change of plans. I should very much like to visit this “Rishi”…




    ...yeeeees, I do write these things down verbatim. :p

  5. For Warriors, one of Vette's comments depends on your romance. On my Juggernaut she referenced Jaesa, and on my brother's Marauder she referred to herself. I don't know what she says if the Warrior romanced Quinn or didn't romance anyone.


    My warrior romanced Quinn - Vette didn't mention that at all. What did happen, however, was when Quinn himself appeared in the scene: "Er, sorry, my love--[swift, embarrassed glance at the floor, as if to hide a blush] My lord. I didn't mean to eavesdrop." And the conversation went on as normal from there.

    ...it's really quite adorable.


    I have no idea what happens for Andronikos's romance in the Shadow of Revan prelude, since my own female inquisitor wound up romancing Theron Shan instead of Andronikos. :/ He was concerned about her wanting to head off to Rishi, but that happens regardless of a romance taking place.

  6. Added new engine technology to improve fidelity of facial expressions in conversations and cinematics for all characters across the entire game. This graphical improvement is visible on High Shader setting.

    Character animation is smoother and more performance allowing for more visible characters. Combat and large population scenes run significantly faster.

    The visibility system has been optimized increasing the framerate and making the use of cascaded shadows less expensive.


    Ooooh, that first one is cool. :D Can't wait to see that!


    I'm actually rather excited about 5.0. I mean... sad that Blade Dance and Dirty Kick (and Pistol Whip) are being removed from Knights/Warriors and gunslingers, respectively, but thaaat's just about my only complaint.


    Also, new dye modules and color crystals incoming for artifice...neat. :) Wonder what those will look like.

  7. It's only been six to eight months between KOTFE and KOTET. And...I think the only thing about Senya that changed are her strands of hair that were in front of her ears. Those are gone in her KOTET design.


    One thing that makes the characters seem older is the fact that some facial animations have changed. Look closely when someone frowns - before, it was just the eyebrows knitting together, but no other changes to the face. Now, the skin on the forehead and nose wrinkles a little, just like it does in real life when someone frowns. It's a tad more realistic.

  8. To use their own words, selling power is p2w and something they said they would never do, GC is the way you gain power in 5.0, therefore selling cxp boosters is selling power and p2w.


    I will also note that in 1 of the earlier live streams they said there would be nothing related to GC sold on the CM. This is showing that ti be a complete lie.


    Ohhh, okay. Thanks for clarifying that. :)

  9. This and they really couldn't have the egos of Dr Oggurobb, Theran Cedrax and Archiban Frodrick Kimble (call me Doc) on the same planet. No amount of C2N2's Alderaanian Nectar would have calmed that situation. Odessan would have imploded!


    I can see it now.


    Lana: OUTLANDER!!!

    Outlander: What!? WHAT!? Why is everyone running around like headless chickens!?

    Lana: Oh it's a disaster - Doctors Oggurobb, Cedrax, and Archiban Froderick Kimble--

    Outlander: *snicker*

    Lana: --their collective egos are collapsing the planet!

    Outlander: ...it's Makeb all over again.

    Lana: And THEN--

    Outlander: Oh stars, it gets WORSE?

    Lana: --and then C2-N2 pumped a massive amount of Alderaanian nectar into the air circulation, hoping to calm everyone down, but...er...it...sort of made everyone the exact opposite of "down"...


    *rumbling noises*

    Outlander: ...too late...

    *there is a large explosion, except instead of the expected explodey noises, there are instead several anguished screams of "MEEEEEEEEE!!" (and one tiny "did i mention i'm a pacifist?")*

    *there are no survivors*


    ...and that, kiddos, is how overactive egos lost the war against Zakuul. Moral: Don't put a Hutt and two humans together in the same room with a lot of Alderaanian nectar. Don't ask me how that's a moral, either. :D

  10. Another person on Zakuul, one of Firebrand's idolizers. I'm not sure if he appears only if you're on Chapter Ten, and I can't quite remember where he is, exactly... I think he's near Kaliyo's apartment? Might be wrong on that.

    Edit: Yep, right next to Kaliyo's apartment.


    ...in any case, he and two others are standing near a destroyed droid. So those aren't golf balls he's whacking off into traffic. o_O



    "Honey, don't distract mommy while she's driving, okay?"


    "What is it?"

    ".......someone just threw a droid head into the back seat with me."


  11. @OP


    I'd like to hear your feedback on how its been going. If you would like, I'd be happy to queue along side you on Harbinger or I could make a char wherever you are. I could make a tank and tank for you or play a healer along side you and we could watch each other play and critique our mistakes and talk about our good plays.


    Lemme know.


    I had made up my mind to PvP yesterday, to work off the stress of the election. ...and then I just worried and stressed about the election and didn't PvP. Whoops. THEREFORE, TODAY SHALL BE THE DAY. Hopefully.


    Wow, thank you for that offer! That's really kind of you. :) Playing alongside someone would be wonderful, and I'd take you up on that - I'm on the Ebon Hawk - but my play schedule is really erratic. I hardly know, myself, when I get a chance to play and when I can't. Trying to coordinate with someone else would be kind of a hassle for both me and you... sorry; but thank you, again, for offering!

  12. So no one else is going to say RIP to Assassins/Shadows? Oh well, at least I did. I know what I won't be on come 5.0...


    Wait... Phase Walk (and/or Crushing Darkness and Force Lightning*) is SUCH an integral part of Assassin/Shadow play that the entire advanced class is ruined forever? I...don't get it... am I missing something?


    *Okay, the removal of Force Lightning/Telekinetic Throw from Assassins/Shadows... um, yeah, a bit miffed about that. But is that really something to cry "I can't play this advanced class anymore!!!" over??

  13. Hm. Tad confused about phasewalk. It seems perfect for shadows/sins (even "lore-wise," fitting in with the rest of their abilities, relying on stealth and being sneaky and whatnot).


    Not too happy about losing Dirty Kick for my gunslinger. I mean...yeah, I don't use it very much - but it's still an incredibly fun ability. :o Even if some of the bosses (in solo play!) I use it on aren't affected by it... Dirty Kick Grand Moff Kilran. Dirty Kick various members of the Dark Council/Darth Malgus. Dirty Kick


    Skavak. Bonus points if that ends up being what, ultimately, kills him. Poetic justice at its absolute finest.


    For that matter, I Dirty Kicked DARTH FLIPPING REVAN. And then promptly died in the ensuing fight, because I was too busy falling off my chair in hysterical laughter.


    ...so yeah. I'm a bit miffed about that. Because there's something hilariously beautiful about my tiny, body-type-one female gunslinger Dirty Kicking her way across the galaxy, purely for the bragging rights. ("I kicked [insert the name of any highly influential person here] between the legs! Who else can claim they did THAT??")


    Anyway, other than those things, I was expecting these changes to be a lot worse. XD Overall, they seem like fairly decent changes. 'Course, time will tell what they're like in practice, when 5.0 goes live, but for the most part they seem all right.

  14. Well, hopefully today or tomorrow I'll get a chance to do a PvP match... wasn't able to, the past few days. So if you're on Ebon Hawk and you see a tiny purple-gray togruta sorcerer running around like his montrals are on fire (which they just might be), frantically healing anybody in sight... wave and say hi; that's me. :D


    And if you're on the other team....uh..... *awkward crickets chirping*

  15. Aren't the Twi'leks on Tython just one particular religious sect of Twi'leks?


    Not sure if they're "religious," per se - they made a fuss about other twi'leks on Ryloth not respecting "their ways"...which was pretty vague, and nothing more was explained about that. Even Kolovish doesn't explain very much. Then again... (warning: spoilers for the Imperial Agent story ahead)


    ...Kolovish is a member of the Star Cabal, assigned to keep an eye on the initiates and Padawans that come to Tython. It's likely she moved the Kalikori twi'leks to Tython for just that purpose, giving some vague answer about their move to disguise her real goals.



    As for the twi'leks not thinking the twi'lek knight "one of them" and therefore just ignoring the fact that they're the same species... huh. That's probable. Never thought of it that way before.

  16. I'm here for the stories. Every character I've created, even ones meant for nothing more than achievements, have taken on lives and personalities of their own and inspired new stories, based off of their experiences. I love that.

    ...and, of course, the actual stories themselves; the original class stories, the expansions. Those are awesome. I love the voice acting (favorite voices: female smuggler [utterly adorable], male knight [is it possible to fangirl over someone's voice? Then again, it IS David Hayter...], female warrior [commands respect], and female agent [someone once described her voice as "audible chocolate" - I fully agree]).

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