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Posts posted by Jagaimee

  1. Omg, nice. I approve. I really really approve. You're so talented! :D I want to see poor Malavai stutter his way out of that one. :D The purple text will be extra...I dunno...purple! :o:D:eek::p


    Quinn: Oh dear... *ahem* Er. My lord? What have you done this time?

    There's a picture of you.

    Quinn: ...did I address you? No. I was addressing Darth Lunafo--

    You're in a very special suit.

    Quinn: *slowly raises one eyebrow* I...am not sure I understand your meaning--


    Quinn: . . . :eek:

    Uh, well, for the record, I didn't look at it either, so I'm not sure if that's entirely accurate, Quinn. For one thing I think my computer would go extra "PROTECT THE INNOCENT/NOT-REALLY-THAT-INNOCENT" mode and block it, and for another thing...er...I don't really want to see NSFW stuff...? I *am* an adult (...barely), but still... No offense to Lammia. :o *sends cookies across the internet*

    Quinn: *sputtering* Wh--I--ah--th--how--wha--er--I--th--you--what--why--ca--y--n--

    ...oh wow, that WAS extra purple... o_O

    Quinn: *finally finds his voice* ...m-my lords. Officers. Permission to speak freely?

    Can't speak for the other fangirls, but I'm faaaaaaairly certain that's an "of COURSE!!"


    Fanservice. Beautiful fanservice. Sorry, had to interrupt that giant bold caps lock rant.

    Quinn: .............Darth Lunafox, I beseech you: knock some sense into everyone else's heads! *hand drifts down to his blaster pistol* Or I might, myself.

    I'd say that's out of character, but you DID execute...what was his face, the insane--BROYSC, that's it!--you DID execute him in cold blood, so--

    Quinn: And would YOU shut up for five seconds!? ....... *pales* I. I mean. I. S-sorry. Sir. Grand Admiral. Officer. *snaps into the Imperial salute so rigidly he risks breaking a few bones*

    Shutting up now. (This was a ridiculously colorful post. o_O)

  2. I would just like to take a moment to express my appreciation that Quinn's backside is still looking glorious.


    Quinn: MY WHAT!?



    You're normally more eloquent than that.

    Quinn: When my backside is not being subject to random people gazing upon it, then yes, I will be more eloquent. But THIS...! This...this gross objectification is... *turning red*

    But...but...but... :(

    Quinn: ......

    ...oh wow, that was a terrible pun...I'm so sorry...

    Quinn: ......................... *DESPAIR*


    I give Bioware a lot of credit, they certainly must have known that leaving Quinn out of the video would make us even more crazed than we were before :jawa_evil:


    Heh heh, that's true.

    *tiny video clip is released*

    Every Quinn fangirl in this thread: *POUNCE*

    *sounds of video being torn to pieces ensue*

    Every Quinn fangirl in this thread: NOT ENOUGH QUINN. BLOOD SHALL BE SPILLED.

    Quinn: ... *slowly edges away* I shall be...over there...if my lord requires me... *walks away as rapidly as his dignity will allow him*

  4. Wait what are you mad about though? The clip cutting off right as Quinn is about to speak?


    Yes, that. I wasn't sure if that counted as information we're not supposed to talk about... sorry for being so vague. :o


    I just checked IMDB. The last thing Quinn's VA was credited for was in Shadow of Revan; nothing for KOTET or onwards. ...what would they even be calling this Iokath story, anyway? It's not a full expansion... would it still count as part of KOTET, or...? :/

  5. You can discuss spoilers, it's just polite to tag them. Can't discuss 'mined' stuff, that's bad. I can't give my opinion because it would all come up in "***** that ******* **** of a ******* Elara Dorne and **** her ******* ***** *** voice and attitude." ;)


    No offense to those who enjoy Elara btw, she's just one of my least favorite people.


    The latter was what I meant...and the reason for my annoyance. *grumbles*


    Elara's...yeah, she's kind of bland. I haven't done her romance, though (I do have a trooper I shal eeeeeeeeeventually get around to romancing her, however). To my original trooper who, honestly, was closer to Jorgan than Elara, Elara was an irritation. He had the mindset of "Empire = BAD. The end, period, end of discussion." And he could never shake that stereotype even after Elara proved herself to be a loyal soldier of the Republic.

    And then I think that mindset bled over into *my* perception of the character. o_o

  6. New clip up on twitter. Nothing spoilery really. He doesn't even speak. It's from the Knight's perspective (of course) so they don't know him.



    Well, if they're releasing little clips - there was another one featuring Theron and the Outlander (they hadn't even gotten to Iokath yet so of course Quinn and/or Dorne was nowhere in sight) - then perhaps eventually they'll release one with Quinn in it...?

    ...correction: with Quinn speaking in it. So we can all know if he's kept his original voice actor or not. (Edit: Also, could someone post a link here? :o I don't have twitter...or a bird to write with... [sorry, just saw Moana last night. XD)


    Starting to worry. :eek:

    Quinn: Why in the worlds would I have a different voice?

    Because your voice actor is different?

    Quinn: ...voice actor.


    Quinn: This is another "meta" thing.


    Quinn: That I logically should not know about because I am, as you say, a collection of pixels.

    A collection of handsome pixels.

    Quinn: *resisting the urge to facepalm so hard he's twitching*

  7. Thats true. I love Quinn so I'm helping to spread the lurve. If I didn't I'd be in that other thread cuz unlike some of the Quinn haters that creep in I know how to use the search function.


    Ah, but we know how to deal with Quinn haters!

    Quinn: Nuclear warheads?


    Quinn: ...that does not reassure me.

    Nuclear warheads of snark?

    Quinn: They'll call you insane.

    That's the purpose of a fangirl army, Captain/whatever rank you are in 5.2. To be SO insane, nobody dares question it! The closer we are to insanity, the farther we are from criticism!

    Quinn: That...didn't make any sense...

    ...give me a break, I'm falling asleep on my feet here. :p I also formally apologize to Pippin from Lord of the Rings for stealing/butchering his quote.

  8. Here's how you gain the Star Fortress companions -


    First, you do the story mode, which it seems you're in the middle of doing. At the end of getting Alliance crates to your contact (Choza Rabaat, Hemdil Tre, etc.), they'll say you're ready for the initial assault on the Star Fortress. That involves destroying the shield bunker on the ground. Once you've done that, your contact will say something along the lines of "Great; this is a fantastic start. I'm heading to Odessan now, see you there."

    Then, you must destroy the Star Fortress to acquire them as a companion. Doing it on story/solo mode won't work, since you don't actually go up against the boss of the whole fortress, a Knight of Zakuul called an Exarch; on story mode you just take down the security, I believe. You'll automatically get a mission called "[planet]: Destroy the Star Fortress" after your contact heads to Odessan. This mission is a Heroic mission. It's definitely possible to solo it, but it takes a lot of effort and time, and it can be, for some classes/disciplines, exceedingly difficult. You can also group up for it; ask around in the Odessan chat if anyone wants to do the Heroic Star Fortress(es) with you.

    Once you destroy the Star Fortress, your contact will join you as a full companion.


    Edit: Here's Dulfy's guide to the Star Fortresses.

  9. Really, what are you talking about? Care to link a Youtube vid or something?


    In 5.0, there was a blurb in the patch notes about updating the facial animations across the entire game - only if you have higher graphics settings, or something... sorry, I can't recall it from memory. :o Characters' expressions now look a lot more realistic, instead of only the eyebrows moving on an otherwise plastic and unchanging face; when a character frowns, for example, there are little wrinkles on the forehead and around the nose. Smiles, there are laugh lines; etc.


    Edit: Found it. From the 5.0 patch notes:

    Added new engine technology to improve fidelity of facial expressions in conversations and cinematics for all characters across the entire game. This graphical improvement is visible on High Shader setting.
  10. I tried Quinn in all white as many had suggested it much earlier in this thread but I didn't like it so much - I prefer Quinn in all black but since Black/Black dye is extortionate, Thexan's Robes for the win :) A couple of my Quinns are in those. Others are in Nightlife's Operatives armour dyed red black. I'm after Saul Karath's armour for Quinn as it's the only military style armour I like but I keep spending my credits on mounts and decorations!


    . . . ! ! !

    Quinn: I...look like a Sith?


    Quinn: ...dare I voice a protest that I'm a military officer, not a Force-user?

    You may not, and since when did Talos get in here?

    Talos Drellik: *sheepish grin*


    Seriously, though, that looks awesome.

  11. Any hope of this getting addressed pre 5.2?


    Probably not. :c I wonder if there's a way to bring it up during a livestream? Or would it get drowned out in chat by everyone else... Or if the developers would even notice/acknowledge it....

  12. Yes...I opened this expecting something mass effect.... lol :D


    SWTOR animations somehow manage to be better than Andromeda, in my opinion. o_o


    Well, at least we don't have glitches where our heads spin 180 degrees. Instead, we--

    *looks at Thana Vesh*


    (Encountered a hilarious glitch the other day as I was going through the Imperial Taris story arc. At the very end, the assault on the spaceport where Thana joins you for the fight, every time Thana would gesture threateningly at enemies with her lightsaber...her head fell off her shoulders and both arms stretched into claws, similar to what happened a while ago with body type two female characters on the orobird, kybuck, or tauntaun mounts. Dang near gave me a heart attack the first time I saw that out of the corner of my eye. :p)


    Anyway, I agree with the OP - I like the improved facial animations. In vanilla, they can get a bit...weird, but as you move into expansions, they smooth out considerably and look very realistic.


    One more thing, anyone ever do companion missions in their stronghold?




    I'm trying to come up with the perfect background scene but all I've come up with so far is Theron looking real grumpy and glaring at us lol.


    ...that's beautiful. XDD THERON'S JEALOUS. For some reason. How did you get Theron as a companion and are still doing Quinn's conversations?

  14. Alright who did I see on the fleet this morning picking up heroics, femwarrior with Quinn out and last name "Quinn"? Had to be one of you :D


    Sadly, I plead not guilty. :p My warrior's on Begeren Colony. (If you see a built-like-a-tank female Sith Warrior with a heavily armored Pierce in tow - that's me. XD)


    And there had BETTER BE a Quinn line of "my love--*cough* my lord." Are you listening, BioWare? ARE YOU LISTENING?? :D ...they didn't listen on other issues with other games...I just hope they listen to this tiny little request.

  15. If Malgus wasn't such a moron, the rebellion would of been more appealing.


    At least there's the option to say - both to Malgus and to the gathered officials of the Empire after the flashpoint - "I agree with your ideals, but the way you're doing it is way off the mark."

  16. A twelve-year-old helicopter attack dog...


    ...so you're a twelve-year-old helicopter that thinks it's a dog? Maybe a helicopter painted to resemble a German Shepherd or a Rottweiler?

    Or an old Rottweiler who thinks it can fly by waving its forelegs around in a circle. :confused:


    Apparently, you're so sick and tired of SWTOR's...*ahem, insert starred-out word here*...that your coherent thoughts just disintegrate after a while. That, or you need to get off the computer.


    "Yep. I knew it'd happen sooner or later. Too many video games. Turns your brain into macaroni and cheese." - a character from Adventures in Odyssey.

  17. I'm gonna have to go with about 90% looks for me (76% of which includes the tight-*** uniform), 8% cause he's so easy to troll, and 2% cause he had the balls to attack me. A recipe for true love.


    I first noticed Quinn - wayyyyyyyyy before I even started playing the game, actually - because of his looks, I'll admit. So I was curious about him. Then I got a warrior to Balmorra, and Quinn's first scene is coldly telling off a subordinate in a measured, even tone...even as he's threatening to shoot the guy if he (the subordinate) doesn't pick up the slack.

    And right then was when character trumped looks and my warrior fell for him so hard there was a crater in the floor. :p And I was sitting there with my eyebrows raised going "...now THAT is how you pull off an establishing character moment. :eek:"

  18. I can't believe how much love Quinn gets in here. But... it gives me hope.


    Because I consider myself an unattractively looking man in real life.


    But I also consider Quinn more unattractive than me.


    So, if all you ladies out here think that Quinn looks, well, at least, acceptable, then maybe I will one day find a woman somewhere who thinks that I look acceptable as well.


    And no, this time I am not joking.


    Spoiler'd for length here, and for anybody who doesn't want to read dashed-off relationship advice in a pixel-man love thread.

    Quinn: ...should I be insulted--



    Looks aren't everything. I have a friend who, by the rest of the world's standards, wouldn't be considered a supermodel. But when you get to his personality...that is what matters. He's pretty much the sensitive, compassionate heart of any group he's in, and people rightfully adore him for that. He's incredibly selfless and caring. No one cares what he looks like: it's his personality, his character, his moral worth, that makes him so wonderful to be around.

    Yeah, a lot of women (and men) will base everything on physical appearance alone. But, to be honest, if you found a woman like that - would you really want to be with her? If she doesn't care about your personality, only how you look - and looks can change drastically in the blink of an eye - then she's incredibly shallow and, frankly, not worthy of a relationship.

    But to find a woman who looks past whatever outward shortcomings you have...or you think you have...that is a lady worth getting to know. :)



    As for us who find Quinn attractive, it's partly because of his looks, I'll admit, but also - more importantly - because of his character. He's not one-dimensional, and that's a relief. His character is quite appealing: the stiff, stoic officer who hides his feelings...but, and this is important, he is not incapable of feeling. And when he does decide to reveal his emotions, well... *fans self* :p

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