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Posts posted by Jagaimee

  1. In the cartel market drop-down menu (where you normally go to access the cartel market), there is a button for the "pack explorer." I think it's the third button in the drop-down menu. The crates should be in there.


    Sorry, I'm not in-game right now and can't get a screenshot or more direct instructions...

  2. Whoo! One hundred pages!


    Quinn: ...all dedicated to me?

    Why yes. Feel any better about your fangirls, now?

    Quinn: No.


    Quinn: This is...starting to scare me.

    "Starting" to!?

    Quinn: Yes, "starting" to. It appears your lack of sanity has rubbed off on me, and therefore I am a great deal less concerned about this than I should be.


    Quinn: Several panic attacks, running away screaming from various things, and one large headache has also helped a great deal.

    And there will be many more by the time we're through here, I assure you!

    Quinn: *long-suffering sigh*

  3. I'm still thinking it is based on the accent and inflections. There are a lot of voice actors who have a huge range such as Steve Blum who did both First Enchanter Irving AND Oghren in Dragon Age: Origins :o But even so it doesn't make any sense as to why they'd have a different VA do one line for a different character. Since I have nothing better to do, I spliced them next to each other for comparison :o


    Well holy crud, it DOES sound like Scourge. o_O


    *shuffles over with a box of bottles* I think this might be more in order. Choices are: Amaretto, some not sure how old spiced rum and the mystery bottle of tequila from the back of the fridge.


    Quinn: *complete and utter silence because I, Jagaimee, am writing the dialogue, and as I'm nowhere near legally old enough to drink, I don't even know what those drinks are :p*

    Quinn: *glares at me*

    What? That's not MY fault!

    Quinn: *sigh* At this rate, I'll end up going with whatever is most potent. -_- ...wait. Unless there's yet another Sith offering the bottle. In which case I am inclined to be extremely cautious.

  4. @Nefla: It's a bit high-pitched for Scourge, but other than that...huh, now that you've pointed it out, it *does* almost sound like him. o_O



    Darth Lunafox: Poor Captain. That is quite a burden. Have a nice cup of relaxing Ansionian tea. And a nice cookie. I have an abundance of...cookies, Malavai. Delicious darkside cookies. Much better yes? *devilish smile* :p


    Regardless of RP-Quinn's eventual mental state, this is fun. :D


    Quinn: ...I am...very tempted by your offer, my lord. *eyeing the cookies* Those look delectable. However...*eyeing the smile* ...that looks worrisome. I hope the cookies don't contain chemicals meant to rewire my brain--

    Agent: *cough*

    Quinn: --or a colony of starving kretch insects--

    Smuggler: That was MY idea.

    Skavak: It was actually MY idea. *glare*

    Smuggler: I Dirty Kicked you to death, so stay dead.


    Skavak and Smuggler: *blow raspberries at Quinn...until they realize the other is also doing it, whereupon they promptly get into a giant fistfight/shootout/Dirty Kicking contest*

    Quinn: *cringing and trying to get back to whatever topic was at hand* ...o-or somehow turn me into a Sith, or anything else that might, erm...compromise my ability to serve the Empire.

  5. That's right, I knew they were standing around the meeting table thingy at the time. I still think it's him though, albeit a bit horse. Are you sure it's someone else, cause I know he sounded a bit off, but who doesn't when they have a sore throat or cold?



    Darth Lunafox: Granted, Captain. Malavai. *beams* But know this...nothing is too good for you! *slaps his cheek lightly and tugs his chin affectionately*. Captain schnookums. Oh my, did I say that aloud? *clears throat* What were you going to say Captain?


    I'm pretty sure it's someone else. Whoever the other VA is, he has a much flatter, lower voice than Quinn's normal VA. The accent is also vaguely off. Quinn's normal VA pronounces every word as if it were its own sentence: very clipped and precise.

    *overload of details* My mom is good with recognizing actors. I'm mildly adept with recognizing *voice* actors. XD Or at least peoples' voices in general...ish sort of kind of.


    Quinn: ... *blink blink blink* *BLUSH*

    Weeeeeeell, don't get shy now...

    Quinn: Er. Right. *clears throat* My lord, while I appreciate your...fl-flirtations...*voice squeaks; clears his throat again* You must know that this is all very confusing for me. *You* flirt with me. Other...Sith...fangirls??...seem to want nothing more than to fawn all over me. And yet OTHER Sith Warriors - all of whom seem to share one of two voices - want to kill me in the most excruciatingly painful ways known to man...and several alien races besides. I'm just the slightest bit overwhelmed by all of this. On top of that, going from this "meta"...thing...I apparently am married to various Sith Lords of all different species, treated as anything from a valued slave to a partner in my own right, had affairs with various male characters (which I MUST protest!), father of I don't even know how many children, and in some continuities, DEAD. And existing as a Force-ghost. To be tormented further. And still very much dead. I'm...*deep breath*...perfectly fine with all of this, of course. My lord. If you so will. *more eyelid twitching*


    (Edit: whoo that was long :D At this rate, we're going to drive Quinn completely over the edge by April. XD)

  6. I think it's still him, but he was sick...I think he had a sore throat or something. I think it comes just before the betrayal.


    No, it's right after Alderaan, getting into the Act I finale. Spoiler tags because why the hey not.


    Jaesa tells you to come to her ship, and of course it's a trap because there are two senior Jedi waiting there for you.



    Quinn: I--I--I'm...*swallows hard* ...honored, my lord?

    *nods expectantly*

    Quinn: ...thank you??


    Quinn: But...isn't this...just a tad...excessive?


    Quinn: Permission to speak freely, my lord Darth Lunafox?

  7. How weird is that? Definitely seems like some sort of mistake.


    I think we should be on track to get the real Quinn and his voice back come April. Up until now, no voice actor has ever been full-on replaced except for Tanno Vik and that's only because his VA passed away. (Vik's new actor was good enough that few people notice the difference and he's been voicing Vik since ROTHC on.)


    Random trivia: Vik's new voice actor also voiced Saren from Mass Effect. :D

  8. It's on the ship, so everyone had to have it. It's a different man's voice, not VA forgetting how he played this character.



    ... ! ! ! !


    Whoa. Okay. That IS someone different. It's not a bad voice, per se, but...it's not Quinn. o_O I wonder what on earth happened there. Did someone else originally come in, do a few lines for Quinn as a rehearsal or audition, and then they forgot to replace those lines with Quinn's actual VA?

  9. Yeah there's a line or two of Quinn's with a different voice - Australian accent. There's a video on youtube where you can hear it but I have no idea how to find it. It wasn't called "Quinn w/ diff voice" or anything, I just noticed it and must've looked up the name of the mission. Actually this is the first time I've ever seen anyone mention it.


    ...okay, if Quinn comes back with an Australian accent, we riot. :p


    I've never even noticed that before, or heard anyone mention it... wow. So this happens after Alderaan, then? Do you have to have Quinn along with you in a mission? If so, then my second warrior, who's currently on Alderaan, will switch out Vette for Quinn for a little while. Because now I'm really curious. o_o

  10. Judging by that bit after Alderaan class story, nope! That "replacement" guy sounds different, has a different accent, and it's just NOPE! I don't even know why there's a different actor in those few lines. :confused:


    Richard Teverson's voice is one of main reasons why I adore Quinn, so changing this aspect would be terrible for me. It just never would be the same :(


    Wait, what bit? o_o For who, the bounty hunter...? Torian...? I'm confused.


    Quinn's dialogue while going through that statue-filled house would likely consist of horrified stammering and a lot of twitching. A LOT of twitching. And eventually just fleeing for his life.

    Quinn: I would never do that.


    Quinn: An Imperial officer must be calm and professional at all times. That includes when Sith are trying to kill him, unfortunately, as I would like nothing more than to advance in the opposite direction, I must remain stoic.

    Uh-huh. *opens door to statue-filled house*

    Quinn: ...

    ...yes, that's stoic, all right.

    Quinn: *twitch*

    Called it.

    Quinn: *rapidly walks away*


    Quinn: This is called, in the common vernacular, "nope'ing the heck away." *nope nope nope just not dealing with this nope*

  11. I was just asking him to check out that faulty handle. He's an awesome helper keeping the ship in tip top shape. :p


    Quinn: *audibly gritting his teeth* Very well, my lord. *goes to check on it* ...the handle seems fi--OH NO *barrels out of the airlock* YOU ARE NOT TRICKING ME LIKE THAT.

    Sith Warrior: ...Quinn? *comes around the corner to find Quinn plastered against the wall, glaring Death Star lasers at the airlock* Er...what happened?

    Quinn: The airlock conspired to murder me, my lord.

    Warrior: *crickets chirping*

    Quinn: ...and a disembodied voice going by the name of "Darkside."

    Warrior: The dark side of the Force itself tried to kill you?

    Quinn: ...I hadn't thought of that. It's possible, yes.

    Warrior: Geez. EVERYTHING wants to kill you. *wanders away*

    Quinn: Hmph. *glares at airlock* Everything. You couldn't fool me this time...wait... *glances at the retreating Warrior* ...does "everything" include you, my lord?

    Warrior: Depends on who's playing me.

    Quinn: These "meta" occurrences are going to break my brain in half...

  12. Oh that's perfect because white is the color medical workers wear and he'll always be my healer :o


    I had Quinn in this trenchcoat: http://torf.mmo-fashion.com/th-07a-master-scoundrel-imp/


    That was before even 4.0, back when companions had stats and you had to gear them out as you went, not just your own character. Had Quinn in that coat...white pants, white/black gloves, shiny black boots... *happy swooning* He looked quite dashing in white.

    And then recently I remembered you can get all the gear back from companions lost to you through KOTFE. *yoinks gear back*

    Quinn: Aaah!


    Quinn: *trying in vain to find something to cover himself* Do you MIND?

    You have your spiffy new uniform now.

    Quinn: ...oh. *new uniform magically appears on him* ...I would question that, but I've long since given up trying to understand both the ways of the Force, and the ways of this...odd form of roleplaying I find myself in...

    Yeah, what happened to that fancy purple color?

    Quinn: You would know better than I; you're the one writing this. ...wait. *fourth wall explodes with a violent KABOOM*

    Ahem. Right. Um. Weird glitch, actually. Is anyone else having a problem with the post tools and smilies? I can't click on anything.

  13. It's possible you have the light/dark toggle turned to the dark side. (It's probably automatic for all characters - Republic, by default, are "light," and Empire, by default, are "dark.") You can switch it to the light-side, but you might have to move some elements in your UI around to fully access it - the default position for the switch is accidentally hidden by the mini-map.
  14. These are from the official SWTOR Encyclopedia just so everyone can see where people are getting the skinny on characters' official ages.


    Quinn's Bio

    Talos' Bio


    These aren't my scans, but I do own the Encyclopedia - it's pretty amazing for info and lore.


    ...well shoot, there goes my theory that Quinn's father is Grand Moff Kilran. (Evidence: ...they look ridiculously alike.) But I still have headcanon, dang it! :p


    There is no way Talos is 27. Just...no. Uh-uh. *shakes head* Quinn being 37 I can believe, but...Talos is AT LEAST in his forties.

  15. So you worship a cruel sadistic mentally ill .. servant. I pity you, really!


    Oh no, not you again. :p We get it! You hate Jaesa. Yeesh.


    Maybe it's different for a dark-side male character, but my warrior was a) female and b) neutral. She was perfectly willing to do "dark side" actions IF they benefited the Empire as a whole, or were simply the pragmatic thing to do. Same with light-side actions. She wound up turning Jaesa dark, however, and the very first conversation was "The Jedi forbid romance, so...can I go 'hunting'?"

    ...cue a long, shocked silence from my warrior lady, who finally sputtered out a "no, absolutely not, and if I catch you harassing Quinn [or Pierce, as he joined the team], I will punch you in the face. And if you so much as breathe sideways on Vette, automatic detention for you."


    What annoyed me about dark-side Jaesa was simply the fact that you couldn't get her to change her ideas *one bit*. Once she was dark, she was DARK. A murderous psychopath who revelled in how much pain she could cause - and you couldn't reign her in at all. That was rather irritating. Kind of wish you had the option to get her to be a *little* more pragmatic... But, like I said, perhaps it's different for a dark-side male character. I didn't run with Jaesa on missions (except that one time on Taris where you split up the team to assault a Republic outpost), so I don't know what she's like outside of her companion conversations. *shrug* It's rather reassuring, however, to note that she's devoted to the warrior...heh...now my warrior won't have to sleep with one eye open, wondering if Jaesa's creeping up on her with a knife.

  16. I don't need him to fart lasers and burp rainbows


    ...the mental images running through my head right now are making me cry from laughter. I'm serious; I'm actually tearing up a bit right now. Oh my word. :D


    Cipher Agent: We need a distraction on the battlefield.

    Kaliyo: Be more than happy to help out there.

    Lokin: *rawr?*

    Temple: FEAR MY POWERS! *levitates a pebble*

    SCORPIO: *standing motionless and still manages to be utterly terrifying*

    Cipher Agent: No, nope, definitely not, and...no. We need something more...potent.

    Vector: The hive may help.

    Cipher Agent: ...nah, you'll do great on your own.

    *five minutes later, the battlefield is cleared of opponents. Vector is still spouting rainbows and lasers from...both ends*

    Kaliyo: *is laughing so hard she's curled on the ground, tears streaming from her face*

    Lokin: *staring in disbelief* ...the nest lets you do THAT!?

    Temple: But...I thought *I* had the weird powers...

    SCORPIO: *somehow raising an eyebrow* ...interesting.

    Vector: *spins around* Did--

    *rainbows blare across the field*

    Vector: *oblivious* --we do all right?

    Cipher Agent: *covered in rainbows* ... :mad:

    Lokin: Do NOT turn the other way, Vector.

    Vector: Why? *turns around*

    Everyone: OH DEAR STARS *ducks for cover*

    *LAZER FIAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH* *and the sound effects are exactly what you're thinking of*


    ...an approximation of said mental images.




    Funniest thread title...probably "Hoist Your Pitchforks!" Not because of the contents of said thread - I agree with them 100% and then some - but because every time I see that title, I start humming "Hoist the Colors" from that one Pirates of the Caribbean movie. (Note: ...I have never actually seen said movie, but I've heard that song. :rolleyes:)

  17. Quinn was my first (YOU HEAR THAT QUINN? YOU WERE MY FIRST :p I feel like he's eavesdropping, it's so funny and weird) Just naturally inclined toward that style of gameplay, I had no idea who my companions would be or where the story would go.


    Quinn: *spits out tea* WHAT--*sputtering*

    I guess he IS eavesdropping!

    Quinn: What--I--but--th--wha--did--what--the--

    You're supposed to say, "I ain't dropping no eaves, sir, honest!"

    Quinn: *still sputtering and turning purple to match the color this text is in*

    I...am not sure how to interpret that...

    Quinn: ...hang it all. *flees*



    Ahem. I dunno, maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I thought Corso's white-knight chivalry (or fumbling lack of it at times) was utterly adorable. :p I refuse to take my smuggler through KOTFE/KOTET until I know Corso's coming back.

    And Vector is beautiful. Just...yes. He's pretty much the only thing grounding my agent in sanity at the moment. Back before companion conversations were tied to story progression, I had this happen late in Act III of the agent's story:


    The "marriage" with the Voss guy happened. My agent was NOT happy about it at all, and the "marriage" was totally chaste. That night (right before they headed out to the Nightmare Lands), Vector showed up and revealed his true eyes, and he and my agent affirmed their love for each other.

    A little while later, Intelligence is disbanded by the Sith. My agent was utterly devastated by it. Once she got back to her ship after leaving Dromund Kaas... cue Vector with a marriage proposal.

    She said yes so fast he barely had time to ask the question. :D


  18. Haha, well you probably shouldn't tell him this, but I don't think the warrior was ever going to settle for anything less than the most attractive male LI.


    Oof I'm trying to get through the Corso romance right now, never did it before and.. he's nice I guess.. but it's like smooching George W. Bush *there's no smiley for this*


    Quinn: ...

    You heard that anyway, didn't you.

    Quinn: Yes...

    Well? Thoughts? Feelings? Spill.

    Quinn: *disdainful glare*

    That's not much of a "spill," Quinn.

    Quinn: I do not "spill." I articulate.

    I'm feeling the urge to launch into song here.

    Quinn: DON'T.

    Oh, you know what I sound like when I sing, do you?

    Quinn: A bullfrog with laryngitis.

    ...that's accurate. Okay, no singing. But yes, you are indeed the most handsome male LI. :) ...for a warrior, anyway.

    Quinn: *once again debating if he should be flattered, deeply concerned, insulted, or just roll with it*


    Aw, I loved the Corso romance. (A female smuggler was my first ever character in SWTOR. She - and I - fell so hard for Corso there was a crater in the floor.) Some people say Corso is sexist... but you can actually call him out on that, and he gives what has to be the best line ever in response [this is slightly paraphrased; can't recall it from memory]:

    Smuggler: Lady? Heh... I'm no lady.

    Corso: Being a lady doesn't mean you can't have grease on your elbows or a blaster on your hip. All it means, is that people should know to respect you.

  19. IKR


    Why did they have to make Quinn so ridiculously sexy, it's distracting :p


    I feel silly for admitting this - but hey, this IS the Quinn fangirl thread, so...'tis not silly... but Quinn's the only companion that made me do a double-take and go "...uh, okay, for a bunch of pixels, he's...rather nice to look at. Huh." (Vector was a distant second. XD)

    Quinn: I don't know if I should be flattered or concerned.

    Flattered would be the appropriate conclusion. Concerned would be the logical conclusion. And both would be the only sane conclusion.

    Quinn: *muttering* Being bombarded with fangirls...why is the Force tormenting me like this...

  20. Thanks, everyone! :o


    There's a fanfic section here?:eek:


    A while ago I wrote a "Malavai return" story (among plenty of other stuff with my toons). THAT's how little faith I had in the devs bringing him back. It also became a "Vector return" story at the same time. ;) Because, dammit, these guys could become friends, methinks!


    Le' fanfiction section. :Dhttp://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=98

    It's over in the "Community Content" section.


    Quinn and Vector... yeah, I could see them becoming friends. Or, at the very least, Vector being friends with Quinn, and perhaps Quinn being a little leery of Vector the Joiner. Whatever happened, it would be adorable. Because...Quinn. And Vector. How can you go wrong with that? XD

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