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Posts posted by Jagaimee

  1. Sorry for your experience, but... yeah, as others have said, there's the ignore button. There's also the "turn off chat" button, which I do pretty much all the time because I don't want to be bothered by the chat.


    I mean... you can't go around being so riled up by what you see that you react and just quit. There's more to the game than some idiots running their mouths. Ignore, report, turn off chat, and move on.


    Honestly? It only bothers you if you let it.

    And before you start whining that it's seriously racist/sexist/whatever-ist, and just SO mean and HATEFUL, and obviously I've never had to deal with "discrimination"... no. I've seen some fairly disgusting, malicious, and downright disturbing things in chat that slander my religion, gender, political views, etc. I just turn off the chat and forget about those idiots. What do I care? They don't affect me.

  2. It's only for the Alliance recruitment quests (which have next to no impact on the overall main story). The main story - Fallen Empire and Eternal Throne chapters - is fully voiced.


    Though I do understand the disappointment.... I'm so used to hearing my character's voice, their way of talking, that silence on their part is a little jarring. Fortunately, it's only for that small part of the game.

  3. Kinda wonder if Theron would wear a Santa hat... that'd be adorable!


    My inquisitor (who romanced Theron) would think it's absolutely adorable. She would only admit that if she and Theron were alone, however. Have to keep up that annoying public image.


    ...and my bounty hunter (a cathar) would instantly start pouncing on the pom-pom at the end of the hat and playing with it like she's a little kitten again.

    Great, now I have an image in my head of my hunter following Theron around all day, batting at the pom-pom with this giant goofy grin on her face, and Theron putting up with it because his girlfriend the Inquisitor thinks it's utterly beyond cute. :p


    (And I'll join you in wishing for snow! ...even though it's currently sunny and about 40 degrees...oh well.)

  4. For what, exactly? Just going down to Hoth? If you're talking about that point in the Warrior story where Quinn and Vette immediately try to bow out of going down to Hoth with you - that's just dialogue. You can take whichever companion you want to Hoth and the only difference will be their dialogue at times on missions.


    If Lieutenant Pierce has more influence (affection) than any of your other companions, he might be a bit better at damage, tanking, or healing, whichever role you have him set to. If he has less influence, he might be a bit worse at it, but that's the gameplay part of it. Same goes with any other companion. Their role as DPS, tank, or healer depends on their influence level, not their personal feelings towards you, the player character, or the current story quest.

  5. I got the Prismatic Mewvorr pet from the last boss in the Rakata FP two days ago. Can anyone confirm where the sleen really drops? Rakata or Maanan?


    Dulfy's website says it seems to drop from *both* Rakata and Manaan - a rare drop from the last boss in both flashpoints. At least, that was when it last dropped, in the 2.x/3.x cycle. It might be different now. No idea whether it's BoP or BoE.



  6. 1) Finally, finally, FINALLY do some PvP. :o I'm still nervous.


    2) Get into flashpoints a bit more, with more diverse roles. So far, I've mostly just been playing DPS, although I've healed a few flashpoints on rare occasions. Healing (more regularly), tanking... I want to do those.


    3) Get the Unstable Peacemaker's lightsaber. Because it's cool. And because the Unstable Arbiter's hilt is way too big and clunky. The Peacemaker's hilt isn't *too* much better, but...still. Also, I like the thicker blade instead of the pencil-thin Rebels-type saber.


    4) Get into roleplaying! I've been so curious about this, and I even made a character specifically for roleplaying...but again, as with PVP, I'm still kind of nervous about it. I'm used to forum roleplaying, where you have an unlimited amount of time and text to respond. Not roleplaying in this game, where responses are much shorter and succinct.


    5) Maybe...join a guild? Perhaps?? I dunno. This one is a maybe. Joining a guild, getting into Operations/guild roleplaying...that sounds fun, but...eh. Perhaps.

  7. Er... which prelude are you talking about, specifically? There's Knights of the Fallen Empire, and Knights of the Eternal Throne (bold emphasis added for clarity ;)). Fallen Empire comes first, then Eternal Throne. If this is your first time going through the expansions, I *highly* recommend doing Fallen Empire first so you're not completely confused when you come into Eternal Throne, due to story developments in Fallen Empire.


    A'right, that said - yeah, there's a bit of a typo or an error in the quest description. Click on the "chapters" menu (the triangle icon on your main menu; "chapters" is second from the top) and start Fallen Empire that way. Or you can click the Shift + E keys to open the Chapters menu that way. But you cannot access the Fallen Empire/Eternal Throne quest lines from your mission console on your ship anymore; the quest log just doesn't reflect that. Sorry for the confusion!


    On a related note, I've seen people complaining that their romanced class comps are bugged too. I logged in on a couple of older characters who I haven't played for a couple years at least, but who had gone through all the class story and companion missions. I noticed that the tooltip for courting gifts said that they'd give no influence to fully romanced companions (though the online influence tables I've seen said they should give at least some). Is this an indication that my characters' spouses are no longer their spouses as far as the game is concerned? Because that would be very not okay.


    Nope, that's just the courting gift bug that's been around since 4.0. It's the courting gifts that are bugged, not the companions. Your characters' spouses are still their spouses/in a relationship.

  9. Welcome back! :D I hope you're enjoying the game thus far.


    I've recently returned to the game after an extended break, and I was hoping some folks could clarify things for me:


    1. I've heard that you lose all your companions at some point in the storyline, but get them back again later. Does this include the droid companions I've purchased from the auction? I purchased the unlocking items and then got the droids via a quest in the cartel market area. I've also maxed out reputation (via a LOT of gifts) for my HK-51, Treek and the smuggler companion I accidentally acquired when right-clicking an item I got in the mail. Will I lose all the reputation that I spent time/credits acquiring?


    There is a part in the storyline where you do lose your companions, and can opt to get them back later. That does include HK-51, Treek, and Nico Okarr (the smuggler companion). You don't lose any of the influence/reputation you've acquired with those companions when you get them back.


    2. I've reached level 64 so far and I'm on a planet called "Risha" (sp?) The game seems to be scaling me downward in level; does it do this through max level content?


    That scaling downward is called level sync. It ensures that you don't ever "outlevel" a planet. Heck, if you wanted to, you could level from 1-70 and never leave Coruscant/Dromund Kaas. It doesn't impact the rewards you receive, as those will be gated to your actual level, not the level you're scaled down to. (For example, I am level 65 and doing some Heroic missions on Balmorra, a low to mid-level planet. I receive rewards appropriate for a level 65 character, not whatever I am scaled down to.)

    (It's Rishi, by the way. ;) )

    I'm not sure if this extends to Operations. I think there it's actually *reverse* level-sync, meaning you're bolstered to the highest level?? I...have never done an operation, so...excuse my complete lack of knowledge in this area. :o


    3. Can someone point me to a list of the flashpoints that I can do in solo mode? Also.... where do all the flashpoints start? I always seem to end up in the wrong area... >.>


    Not sure I can answer this one fully, but here goes...

    Taral IV / Maelstrom Prison (Republic)

    Boarding Party / The Foundry (Empire)

    Battle of Ilum / The False Emperor (shared; as is everything else from here on down)

    Directive 7

    Korriban Incursion

    Assault on Tython

    Depths of Manaan

    Battle of Rishi

    Blood Hunt

    Legacy of the Rakata


    I feel like I left some things out there... >_>

    Anyway, Taral IV / Maelstrom Prison start on the Republic fleet. They're part of a story arc called "The Jedi Prisoner," meant to be done at about level 37 or so.

    The equivalent for the Empire (I forget what the story arc is called, but the two flashpoints are Boarding Party and The Foundry) also starts on the Imperial fleet, again meant to be done at level 37 or so - but of course, you can do these quests later if you want. Also, the Imperial flashpoints' story arc (Boarding Party / The Foundry) is chronologically slightly after the Republic arc.

    Battle of Ilum and The False Emperor are at the end of the Ilum storyline. They're able to be picked up on Ilum, however, regardless of where you are in that quest line.

    Assault on Tython / Korriban Incursion / Depths of Manaan / Legacy of the Rakata, however, are all part of the prelude to Shadow of Revan. (If you're on Rishi, chances are you've already done them.) Shadow of Revan proper (the storyline on the planets Rishi and Yavin IV) has two more flashpoints as part of the storyline, Blood Hunt and Battle of Rishi.


    4. I've done a couple flashpoints as part of the story process, but I've gotten no loot at all; I've upgraded my gear from a modification vendor. Did they get rid of loot, or is it the setting for the flashpoint?


    Nope; I believe that's a bug, actually, due to be fixed this Tuesday with patch 5.0.1.


    5. I thought a million credits was a lot, but I've seen items on the auction that are 500 million credits each. Am I that far behind? The thing I'm looking at right now is an unlock for a neat looking probe droid companion. Is there a way to just get it from the cartel market? I'm not 100% sure if the things that look good to me are solo purchased items or from the random crates; is there a way to tell? I'd rather just buy some stuff with cartel coins that I've accumulated rather than trying to figure out how to get 500 million credits - I don't have that many hours in the day... >.>


    Probe droid companion... hmm. Well, that companion did come from a cartel market pack, but a) packs are, of course, random crates, so there's no garauntee that if you buy a crate you get the companion, and b) I'm not sure if that particular pack is still for sale... ah, I just looked it up - yeah, it's not for sale any longer, by about a year, actually. So the outlandish price is a result of it being so "rare."

    And no, you are definitely not behind - the people trying to sell something for 500 million credits...yeesh. 'Tis overkill. :p


    6. What is the deal with the light side/dark side winning? Does it matter only at maximum level, or is there something that is fun that I can participate in while leveling up?


    Thaaaaat...is complicated?? Here's a link from Dulfy's website (an AMAZING resource, by the way!) that can explain it far better than I ever could. :phttp://dulfy.net/2016/11/29/swtor-galactic-command-guide/#Dark_vs_Light


    I hope I was able to help!

  10. Did your Cathar spend a whole day under the sun while wearing a round neck t-shirt? :p


    Seriously though, I hope this gets fixed, especially since Cathar is a Cartel Market purchase.


    Cathar bounty hunter: ...Torian.

    Torian: Hm?

    Cathar: Why. Did we not. Wear helmets. ON FLIPPIN' TATOOINE.

    Torian: *is beet red* I have no idea.

    Cathar: *has turned a fine shade of burnt orange* I think I can actually smell my fur burning...


    Yeah, this is...more than annoying. Heck, my cathar lady finally got comfortable with her appearance (she was always insecure about her looks, poor thing)...and now her lovely brown fur has been torched to something resembling a roasted carrot.

    It badly clashes with blue Mandalorian armor, let me tell you that. :p

  11. Out of curiosity, did you finish Ziost (Rise of the Emperor)? It's not required for starting KOTFE, but it sets up most of the background story for that expansion.


    In any case, the writing is a tad outdated now - it still says start KOTFE from the mission console, but if you look up at the main menu bar (where you go for the character sheet, quest log, inventory, strongholds, etc.), you'll find a drop-down bar called "chapters." The icon is the triangle in between the character icon and the planet icon - the "chapters" button is the third one down on the list. That's where you start KOTFE - and KOTET, I think, when the time comes.

  12. Interesting. It seems they have broken everything else with the expansion.


    I haven't been on in a while (last time was when Ziost was released, and I finished Ziost with my main toon) and just came back a little while ago. Started a new toon from the very beginning.

    I now have that toon finished Ziost and I have the mission "Prelude: Knights of the Fallen Empire" telling me to use my Mission Console, but it's not clickable, and returns "Not eligible for this conversation" - like I said, broken!

    I went back to my main toon, and lo-and-behold, there isn't even the quest "Prelude: KOTFE" - again, broken!


    This brings me to believe that BW/EA intends you to already be caught up on all the expansions when a new one comes out, and that any new characters will be 'boosted' to start the new expansion, and who cares about a character that is 2 expansions behind.

    Although, considering they have an entire event that excludes existing characters, they clearly don't care about long term players or subscribers.


    It isn't broken. You're just looking in the wrong place. Fallen Empire and Eternal Throne chapters are now supposed to be started from the "chapters" drop-down menu at the top of the screen (...or wherever you move the menu bar). It just still says start the mission at the Mission Console, which is an error in the writing that needs to be updated, but it certainly isn't "broken."


    Not sure if it makes up for the increased requirements.


    It does. To a perfectly ridiculous degree. My knight was solidly in the middle of Light III. I had the dark-side alignment toggled on out of curiosity. Over the course of two missions (I think), killing a bunch of enemies as part of the bonus series on Voss, my knight slid to Light II.

  14. Makes sense that a force user mostly gathered infos on the outlanders force using companions.


    Yeah, true. I can understand that... but it still would've been nice if there was an option to simply ask. The response could've been, "Sorry, I don't know who that person is/haven't heard anything about them." Or something very generic like that.

  15. I found it odd that my Wrath decided that she should ask Ranos about Jaesa, but for some reason, she decided not to ask Ranos about her husband.




    Oi vey... so you can only ask Ranos about other force-using companions if you're a force-user yourself. Is that how it is? *facepalm*

  16. Here are a couple videos I found showing her conversation options about Kira and Scourge (note that the one with Kira assumes she'd been romanced, there is a non-romanced version but it only changes slightly):







    The channel also lists Nadia as another potential conversation option for Consulars.


    Kira... D:

    Now all we need is an option to say, "I will never, EVER give up searching for her. [desert the Alliance and go find her, dang it!!]"


    Is there an option for non-force-users to ask her about their romanced companions? A smuggler asking about her husband Corso, for example?


    And about dark-side Jaesa... well, sadly, that makes sense. :/ The Sith Warrior seemed to be the only thing keeping Jaesa even slightly stable. Once that girl snapped at the end of Act I, she snapped. And once the warrior was gone...she broke even harder.

    All the same, though, I really do wish there would be a mission in the future to go find Jaesa and, y'know, actually ASK "So...are you okay? Is our marriage over, then?" etc. rather than rely on secondhand rumors.

    Jaesa: *shows up a year later* You never looked for me!? *is perfectly sane*

    Warrior: A Jedi said you had gone insane and cared only about power.

    Jaesa: ........that sounds even lamer when you actually say it out loud, you know...

  17. How they looked during Fallen Empire? That's weird. They've changed even in Fallen Empire to their Eternal Throne models. o_O I did the intro cutscene of Chapter Twelve just to get access to Hylo Visz so I could turn in a quest, and suddenly... Lana has eyeliner, and Senya a) lost the twin strands of hair that were falling out of her bun, b) her eyes are darker, which *really* looks weird, and c) her skin is paler.

    That wasn't like that before 5.0 came out. It looks...kind of jarring.


    So yeah - please change them back in Fallen Empire. :D They can have their Eternal Throne designs when they're actually in Eternal Throne (I kind of like Senya's redesign. It makes sense, given the short time-skip between KOTFE and KOTET).

  18. You get light- or dark-side points just by going out and defeating enemies. :/ My knight was solidly in the middle of Light III, so out of curiosity I turned on the "dark side" alignment. Two missions and a lot of dead enemies later, he'd slipped to Light II. Yeesh.

    *turns on dark-side alignment*


    *turns on light-side alignment*

    Knight: Everything's coming up rooooses and daaaaaffodiiiils--

    *turns on dark-side alignment*


    *turns on light-side alignment*

    Knight: I'm waaalkin' on suuunshine, whooa-oh! I'm walkin' on suuunshine, whoooa-oh!

    ...He's starting to get just a little confused.


    Yeah, I'd definitely like an option to turn off dark/light-side points for something as meaningless as completing missions. Unless it has an explicit dark/light side choice (in a cutscene: kill this enemy or let them live, for example).

  19. That's because any "empty" slots on the outfit designer are filled with whatever you have equipped at that moment. If you leave the gloves "empty" on the outfit designer, it won't appear as your character simply not wearing gloves. The outfit "underneath" that (what you have equipped) will show through in that empty slot. It's not a bug, just how it's designed. :)
  20. In other words, "Removing expertise made all these adorable little PVErs think they stood a chance against us big bad PVP champions - how cute! ...lol no, it's annoying, go away, PVErs. You're not welcome here."


    ...so, business as per usual, then? :confused: Shun the PVErs thinking they can finally get those Pierce/Forex missions off their quest log - or just try PVP because hey, now I'm not nerfed because I have the wrong gear? Yeah...no duh, removing expertise doesn't put PVErs on "equal ground." People who are new to PVP will act like they are new, regardless of gear. Gasp. How shocking. So teach them! Point out what they're doing wrong, make notes of what they're doing *right*, encourage them, and you might gain a valuable new teammate. Just as you would as if they were in full PVP gear...? Right?

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