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Posts posted by Jagaimee

  1. Now I'm curious how many chose Khem because of Zash's betrayal, yet still married Quinn :p


    *raises hand* Guilty as charged for the Quinn romance, but I kept Khem just purely because I didn't like Zash. That, and it seemed cruel to Khem. Not necessarily for Zash's betrayal... come on, she's a Sith. Betrayal's expected.

    My inquisitor showed up to the Dark Temple, Zash tried to enact her EEEEEEEEEEEVIL PLAAAAAAAAAN (mwahaha), and my inquisitor pretty much shrugged and brushed it off. "Dear diary, another Sith Lord tried to kill me today. Let's see, that makes one overseer, one Imperial officer, one Sith apprentice, one Jedi Master, and three Darths. Ooh, three! A lucky number!"


  2. Two months since anybody posted here!? Hey now. :(


    Prompt: Background Music. Specifically,

    Characters: Cipher Nine, Vector Hyllus

    Spoilers: Implied spoilers for the aftermath of the agent's Act III, and minor spoilers for a conversation with Vector





    The woman once known as Cipher Nine looked up at her husband. “Yes?” Vector only called her agent when there was something important to discuss. Other times it was beloved, or – in a playfully ironic twist – cipher. Not as a callsign, but as a play on words: a cipher, a mystery, a puzzle to work through.


    “While we are on Alderaan, we have business with the Oroboro nest,” Vector said, in that blandly polite, stilted tone Nine had come to love. “Several of the fingerlings have expressed their desires to see life beyond the stars. They would not be welcome, of course, on public transport. We wonder if they may be transported in the cargo hold of the Starwhisper.”


    Nine thought about it. A frost-scented breeze whispered softly over her face, and the Alderaanian sunlight was weak: hints that winter was fast approaching. The killik nests would be bundling down in their catacombs and hives, preparing for the long cold sleep. “I don’t see how it would be a problem,” she finally said, “as long as they stay in the cargo hold. I don’t have any issues with the killiks aboard the Starwhisper, but I doubt Lokin would appreciate it if anything happened with his work in the medical bay.”


    Vector smiled. To some, the smile might appear creepy, disjointed. In a world where so many things weren’t what they seemed, however, to Nine the smile was warm and comforting. It was unique, just as Vector was unique. “We understand completely, cipher,” he said. “And we share your views. The fingerlings are easily excited. But we will keep in close contact with them and make sure they are not disrupting to harmonies aboard the ship. The Starwhisper will be here for a few days yet – we will take that time to accustom them to the Song’s pulse, unique as it is aboard our home.”


    Nine leaned against Vector, her head resting on his shoulder. Standing up, the two were nearly the same height, but sitting down as they were now, and with Nine being a little farther down the hillside than Vector, it was the perfect height to nestle against her husband. Her one bastion of sanity in a galaxy gone mad. Vector wrapped his arms around her and held her close, as they watched the Glaarus Valley, shrouded in fog and shot-through with sunlight, far below them.




    Nine wearily climbed the steps to the main hallway of the Starwhisper. Her morning walk with Vector was a pleasant diversion from her responsibilities, but now that night had fallen, she had to get back to them – get back to the drudgery and the overwhelming load that a galaxy full of secrets presented her with. There was a civil war brewing in a sector close to the Empire’s territory; she needed to pull all the strings she could to not get the Empire involved in it. And there were three dangerous force-sensitive bounty hunters on the loose near Coruscant. Pleasant as it would be to let them rampage through the Republic’s capital, there were former Intelligence operatives still stationed in the SIS – putting their lives in danger was not an option. Besides all that, the war between the Republic and Empire still raged. That situation changed almost hourly. She needed to be on top of everything.


    Nine steeled herself for another long night as she stepped into the empty corridors of the Starwhisper. Vector was already on board, in the cargo hold, settling down the fingerlings, probably. Lokin was ensconced in his laboratory/the medbay.


    She glanced down the hallway towards the cargo hold, expecting to see the light on or hear killik chittering…but she heard nothing and saw nothing. That wasn’t unusual: Vector often turned the lights off for meditation... She was curious, though. Not worried – the ship was entirely secure and even if it wasn’t, anyone trying to sneak aboard would have Lokin to deal with (if not Cipher Nine herself) – just curious. And a few seconds’ digression from her looming duties wouldn’t hurt.


    She silently stepped through the hallway and down towards the cargo hold. The light spilling in from the hallway didn’t illuminate much, but she did see the faint reflection of insectoid eyes looking curiously back at her. A killik. “Hello, little one,” she whispered. The killik chittered delicately in response, then came skittering out towards her – it barely reached her knee. Years ago, Nine would have been a little unnerved by this. By now, however, she had gotten used to it. Even welcomed it.


    The little killik waved its forelegs up at her, chirping quietly in its alien tongue, then tugged on her pant leg while scuttling backwards. Nine let it lead her into the cargo bay, and the killik scampered off into the darkness. Nine reached for the lights—


    “Don’t turn on the lights, beloved.”


    “Vector.” Nine peered into the shadows. Chiss had excellent night vision, but even this was proving too dark for her to see into. “What’s going on?”


    “We wish for you to join us. If you please.” Vector’s voice was soft and low.


    Normally, this would be a prelude to an ambush. But it was Vector – and she trusted Vector. That thought, in and of itself, was so alien a concept that that almost worried her. But she stepped forward, into the shadows, and the cargo hold door swished shut behind her. Now the only lights came from the dim runners around the floorboards. “Vector?” she asked again.


    “Look, beloved…”


    Lights appeared.


    A multitude of tiny, faint, star-like globes, floating around the room. Nine’s eyes widened. Little killiks were nestled on the crates and boxes, holding lights as small as a marble and as large as an orange. Lights of multiple colors – velvet reds and yellows and oranges and greens and blues and purples – glowing orbs dancing about the room. And…humming. No, singing. The killiks were singing.


    Vector stood near the center of the room, watching Nine, the lights reflected in his eyes. He was smiling, his arms raised as if gesturing to the killiks. “We wanted to surprise you,” he murmured. “Distract you from the burdens you bear, if only for a little while. We are sorry for the slight deception, but…it was necessary. We hope this is…acceptable.” He paused, lowering his arms, his smile fading somewhat, and tilted his head inquisitively. “Do you like it?”


    Nine slowly spun around, taking in the sight. The softly glowing orbs made the room look like the crystal caverns of Chandrila – an ocean reef, deep beneath the waves, the light from above wavering gently – a rainbow appearing in the sky after a thunderstorm. “It’s beautiful,” she breathed. She couldn’t find any other words.


    She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see Vector. He took a step back, then reached towards her. “Will you dance with us?” he asked. Again with that thin, warm, beautiful smile.


    Nine couldn’t help but smile, too.


    They slowly spun in a graceful waltz, illuminated by the glowing orbs, serenaded by the humming, alien singing of the killiks.



    Author's note


    It's...incredibly rare to find this lady Cipher in a mood like this. Usually she's...well, Cipher Nine. Cold, impersonal - downright sociopathic at times. She didn't used to be like that, but she is now. The only time she's like the above is when she's with Vector. A very rare moment of pure sweetness.

    On another note, I apologize for all the cavities you now have thanks to reading this sweet-sappy fluff. :o


  3. I still fail to see how this is confusing...? :confused: There are two distinct options on the wheel.


    - I want to talk to one of you.

    - [Flirt] I want to talk to one of you.


    I want to talk to one of you. Not "I want to talk to you," meaning the last person who spoke (which, I think, depending on the previous dialogue choices, is either Lana or Theron). The camera is looking at your character, possibly over a vague and blurry Theron's shoulder, or just looking full-on at your character with no one else in the frame.


    How does that equate "Oh, the flirt option is meant for Theron alone"?


    And if you wind up taking the "wrong" choice, as in selecting the [flirt] option, then choosing, say, Theron rather than Lana (if and ONLY if you've been flirting with both of them up until this point, otherwise you'll just automatically choose the one you have been flirting with)... there's always the escape key.


    I'm sorry that the romance is messed up for you now, but no fix is needed - save, perhaps, in peoples' reading comprehension.

  4. Ok CHOOSING A NEW FACTION HOLY FRICK FRACK that's pretty cool. As for the new galaxy map idk how i feel about that. Hyped for 5.2!!!!


    I don't think they mean "choose a new faction to permanently side with it," although that would be cool. I think what they mean is "choose a faction to support in the storyline."


    But hey, maybe we'll be surprised. :D (My inquisitor would defect to the Republic in a heartbeat, that's for sure. Now if only we could persuade companions to do so, as well...)

  5. Quinn.2 - sorry, 5.2 - is coming on April 11th. Two and a half weeks away! :D Let the countdown begin...

    Quinn: *running back inside the thread, a horde of Quinn-haters chasing him* 5.2 CANNOT COME SOON ENOUGH!

    *fangirl army defends him*

    Quinn: ...5.2 can wait as long as possible?

    You reunite with YOUR WIFE.



    ...Quinn.2? 5.Quinn? The War for Quinnokath? *shrug*

    Oh wait, Elara's coming back, too. ..................Elara who? :p (Kidding; I don't mind Elara.)

  6. You are weird.

    Talking about in-game romance / relationships and some outright insanely saying "Squealed" or "Gasped" or something. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? ! ! Guys, you are scaring me...

    As many people said - He does deserve to die. He is a traitor even though he swore to be by side of sith warrior.


    "Insanity!? HAHAHAHAHA! We are Quinn fangirls! We don't even know what that means!"

    - a very mangled quote from Hondo Ohnaka.

  7. Thank you. So there isn't any possibility to buy it on starting planets? I have just done my first quest and I'm already lvl 7...


    There is not, but, since the White Acute Module is bound to legacy, you can buy it on an alt and send it to your starting character through mail, or through legacy storage in a stronghold.

  8. It's a sub-section within 'Community Content', not Story & Lore. ;)


    ...I am an idiot. :o Thank you for correcting that! Gah, that's what I get when I read things wayyyyyyy too fast...

  9. Aye, you were pretty close. :) There's a section called Fan Fiction within the Community Content section. Here's a link straight to it: Fan Fiction.


    Edit: I originally said Story and Lore, not Community Content. *facepalm* Thanks to JennyFlynn for correcting me on that!

  10. I'm going to have it on the screen when my husband comes home, say nothing about it, and see what his reaction is :D


    "Uh, sweetheart? Is this your way of passive-aggressively saying I need to take out the garbage?" :p


    Quinn: I must object to my portrayal in the drawing, however--

    Ah ah, gotta correct that for you. In the "amazing" drawing. (Wish I could draw. :D)

    Quinn: ...very well. I only allow myself to fall into that state of disarray on very rare occasions.

    Such as...taking out the trash?

    Quinn: Around my love--*cough* my lord, that is hardly a rare occasion.

    I assume you're with a dark-side warrior, then.

    Quinn: Even light-side warriors wind up with truly astonishing piles of corpses.

    *is taking a light-side warrior through the story* ...not THAT many...

    Quinn: Compared to the average being, warriors of either leaning find themselves racking up body counts in the dozens. *getting more animated as he speaks* The sheer carnage these beings leave behind! The terror they inspire! The unerring respect they command by virtue of their sheer bloodthirst and cunning alone!

    *starry eyes* Do go on...

    Quinn: The--*sees the fangirls hanging on his every word* .........................no.

  11. Yeah that's it, is it a grunt or a glitch or what? It almost could be like him saying "I" and then stammering but glitchy, yeah. I dunno!


    I thought he was just stammering...which is, in and of itself, so uncharacteristic that it's adorable. :p


    There's a dialogue right after the end of Act I, in which Quinn asks the warrior what they're going to do now. One option is, paraphrased, "Baras had better watch his back, because now I'm coming for him...eventually." Quinn approves.

  12. Finishing the class story on my first character, a smuggler. And completing the romance with Corso. Awwwww...


    Defeating Darth Angral on my Knight.



    the flarping EMPEROR


    with the Knight. I know, it got rather cruelly subverted later on, but at the time, it was...oh gosh. I was literally quivering with excitement.


    In Shadow of Revan, a number of moments:


    First off, I'd made a sort of promise that my first character, my smuggler gal, would be the first character I took into any new content. So there she was, on Korriban, kicking the ever-loving kaput out of that world. A smuggler. Non-force-sensitive (although in headcanon, she *is* force-sensitive, but only to a very small degree), and she's tearing through the heart of the Sith.


    And then I wound up breaking that promise-that-wasn't because my knight seemed to fit the content better. I got bored doing the dailies before the final fight with my smuggler, so I finished them on my knight, and...wait. Oh crap, oh craaaaaaaap, are we going to fight Revan? I walked up to the arena in the single-player fight, and moused over Revan. Whoa, he's a champion...and he's got HOW MANY HP!? The number ran off the screen, if I recall correctly! HOLY NOODLES, HOW AM I EVER GOING TO KILL THIS GUY!?

    "You are nothing!" Revan thundered.

    "Look again," came the general answer from - I started grinning - Satele Shan, Theron, Lana, Darth Marr (I started cheering), Jakarro, C2-D4, and Shae Vizla. My knight looked so pleased.

    One amazingly frantic, fast-paced, complex, and downright fun fight later, Revan was down. WHOOOOOO!!!!! To this day, that is - so far - my absolute favorite fight in the entire game.

    Then the Emperor came back. And to my everlasting relief, my dinosaur computer decided to act perfectly, allowing me to see the full cutscene (it usually skips the first few seconds - there's audio, but just a black screen until finally it cuts in after the first, say, ten seconds of the cutscene) without lagging. Yay!! :D



    Then came Ziost. That was...not a happy moment. But it's one of my favorites because of the sheer impact. I actually had to leave the desk, leave the room entirely, and just wander around my house for a few minutes feeling like someone had slugged me in the heart. And I'd already (thanks to accidentally spoiling myself) known that was coming...and it was still devastating.

    A massive round of applause to the BioWare writing team. A massive round of applause.


    There are so many other moments - romances (Quinn, Kira, Vector, Torian, and later Lana and Theron) - finishing each class story... gah, it'd take me a month to list them all. :o Suffice to say it's pretty obvious that I adore this game, and that there are many, many, MANY moments within that made me smile, or cry (looking at you, trooper story), or just impacted me so much that they're truly memorable.

  13. - "I have no idea what that is."


    Quinn's response to Moff Broysc when the Moff accused "Admiral Malcontent" of sabotaging the Glory Space Station. I legitimately lol'd.


    And judging by the way Quinn speaks very rapidly and almost ashamedly - he DOES know whatever that is, but he's not telling.

    I wonder... :eek: Quinn? Enlightenment?

    Quinn: No.


    Quinn: No.

    You're telling a group of Sith Lords and a few high-ranking Imperial officers - YOUR SUPERIORS - "no."

    Quinn: If what you say is true, I am, and I quote, "a bunch of pixels on the screen." There is, therefore, nothing you can do to punish me.

    I can give you to the Quinn-haters...

    Quinn: I AM PIXELS.

    Okay then! I can just delete you.

    Quinn: Wha


    Quinn: I


    Quinn: If y

    Not until you tell us what happened with Broysc...!

    Quinn: N

    Guess not.



    As for favorite Quinn lines, I like the teasing that goes on when he proposes.


    Quinn: *something about "Perhaps now you can call me Malavai instead of my last name all the time"*

    Warrior: Maybe I'll call you "husband."

    Quinn: ...please don't.

    Warrior: *absolutely wicked smile* Or hubby.

    Quinn: *facepalm* I...I know better than to take you seriously. I should get back to my word. [a small pause, and then he turns back to the warrior with an adorably boyish smirk] Wife.


    I sat there in shock for a few minutes. "...QUINN...Malavai Quinn...just made a JOKE!? ...*heart melts*"

  14. Quinn is truly my favorite romance. He is just so quirky and awkward, yet crazy attractive <3


    Another Quinnmancer! :D Welcome. We're all various flavors of crazy here, so--

    Quinn: Aha. So you admit it.

    ...I've been admitting it since day one, Quinn.

    Quinn: *eye twitch* I can't win...

    (Whoo! Quinn purple is back! XD)


    Also, putting your referral link in your post is not allowed. You can, however, put it in your signature.

  15. I've been trying to log in all morning. It'd let me log into the site...then log me out once I got to random pages on the forums. If I tried to reply to any topic, it would log me out, then I'd click the log-in button again...and it would skip logging in and take me automatically to "my info" page. (Yes, website, I know my subscription's running out soon, I'll get on that, shut up about it already. :p)


    But...I'm able to log in now, it seems? Yay? Hope that continues. AND I no longer have a problem where I couldn't access any of the post tools - italics, text color, text size, smilies, etc. Now I can. Another yay.

  16. What would happen if Mass Effect: Andromeda tanked? Would BioWare then rededicate a lot of staff to working on this game, to make up for the lost revenue? Pouring in resources for Operations, warzones, flashpoints (oh heck, at this point, I wouldn't mind an expansion dedicated solely to content like that*)... more players, more subs, more money.

    At this point, I'm almost hoping Andromeda doesn't do very well, solely for the above purpose. (Cue people saying "That's not how a business works, Jagaimee." Okay, okay, can I keep my idealism? :p)


    Anyway. About the game feeling "lifeless" - eh... nah. Not to me, but then again I don't do many group activities. Heck, I'm too shy to even roleplay with others. :o It is nice, however, to go on the fleet at 10:30 Pacific time and see at least 70 people still milling about - on an east coast server. So... I guess the definition of "lifeless" depends on the person?

    (Edit: ...make that at least 110 people, with more on another instance. On an east coast server, so...past 1:30 in the morning. On a weekend night. That's encouraging.)


    *I don't even do warzones or Operations, and veeeeeeeeeeery rarely do flashpoints - but come on; those need love, too. I'm here primarily for the story, but why should one group of people (those here for the story, like me), get ALL the new content and those here for something else - raiding, PVP, etc. - get nothing? Doesn't make sense.

  17. I'd love this. As for what companion types, depending on what class the character is...


    Guardian/Sentinel / Juggernaut/Marauder: melee (fights with single/double lightsabers depending on class)

    Shadow/Assassin: melee (fights with double-bladed lightsabers)

    Sage/Sorcerer: ranged (has a lightsaber, yes, but doesn't use it as much in favor of Force attacks)

    Gunslinger/Sniper: ranged (two blasters/sniper rifle)

    Scoundrel/Operative: melee (single blaster pistol [and shotgun for special abilities]/blaster rifle [and knives for special abilities]*)

    Commando/Mercenary: ranged (assault cannon/twin blasters)

    Vanguard/Powertech: melee (blaster rifle/blaster pistol)


    That doesn't account for specializations within the advanced classes, like a powertech (pyrotech) having a flamethrower, or a scoundrel (scrapper) primarily using their fists instead of their pistol. But that doesn't really matter, does it? Makes it pretty easy to fit characters into various companion roles, DPS, tank, or healer. The whole "ranged" or "melee" thing is negated depending on whether or not the companion is a tank, so that's only for DPS.


    *As for the scoundrel's shotgun and the operative's knives, those don't have to be equipped on the character-companion. They'd appear out of hammerspace just like Lokin's rakghoul form, Mako's ginormous shotgun, Holiday, and Blizz's...rocket launcher, zipline, etc. :p

  18. Heh, you've set an impossible task for yourself. SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDORE.


    Is it bad that it took me a few seconds to figure out what that was referring to? :p


    Yeah...impossible... I tried to stay away from KOTET spoilers, inadvertently got an eyeful anyways. .-. Tried to stay away from Rogue One spoilers, an acquaintance randomly popped up one day with "Just saw Rogue One! Man, I was so sad when [character] died!" Tried to stay away from even the HK bonus chapter spoilers (which I still have not done)! On a completely unrelated discussion, somebody comes up with a major plot twist. Tried to stay away from KOTFE spoilers, even though I pretty much know what happens anyway...a page image on TV Tropes spoils one of the major plot twists on some completely unrelated headline!! (Good thing I already knew that one anyway, but still. :eek:)


    I have a very unlucky relationship with spoilers. o.o So, I'll try very hard to stay away from Quinn spoilers, and STILL somehow in some way accidentally manage to spoil it for myself. Derp. XD

  19. You know there's guaranteed to be several thousand more posts analyzing every single word of dialog after 5.2. I can't wait :D


    I'll have to stay away, then. o_o Staying *far* away from 5.2 and the associated story until all of the bugs get ironed out. And since my warrior's only partway through KOTFE... *sigh* It'll be a while before she and Quinn are reunited.


    The only thing I'd want spoiled about the reunion is - "Is it good?" As in, is it everything we'd hoped and more? Or is it lackluster, don't get your hopes up. Or is there a giant bug that cancels out Quinn acknowledging a) who the warrior is, b) if he romanced/married her. Orrrrr was it just flat-out disappointing. "Hi, my lord, glad to see you're alive, yes can the kisses wait for later, we've got work to do of some unspecified nature, okay now we can talk [here's the reason I didn't come find you and it turns out to be something like 'couldn't be bothered'], yes I love you--[abrupt end to the cutscene because that's all the story we're getting]"

    ...I think the above would be worst-case scenario. :p Or...well, no, the worst case would be if it was KOTOR-style dialogue.


    What's worse: getting your hopes up only to find it's nothing like what you expected and is, in fact, awful? Or expecting the worst and glumly realizing that it's everything you dreaded? :/

    Or is that being too pessimistic? But...gah, I hate saying this...given BioWare's track record - the romance bugs in 4.0 didn't get fixed for months, courting gifts *still* haven't been fixed, romances with Lana disappear entirely in KOTET/after any given point in KOTFE - I'm incredibly wary.

  20. Won't argue with that. The cat thing is going to give me nightmares :p


    But kittens... :p

    Cats are adorable. But I'm more of a dog person. And I'm not just saying that because my sixty-pound pooch is lounging on the bed, watching me warily...nope...that's not the reason at all... :eek:


    On another note, we've got another hundred pages to go before we beat the Theron Shan fangirl thread. Let's go for it! XD

  21. And this is Poppyseed! And this is Feather Duster! And this is Baby Hands!


    *150 dark side points* Oh dear I must be having a spiteful day :eek:


    My daughter loves those books, never read one but I've bought plenty of them :D


    Quinn: *sneezing uncontrollably* :(

    You made Quinn sad. ...wait. You made Quinn sad? NOW WE CAN COMFORT HIM! Grania, you're a genius!! :D I think he needs several more kittens to cheer him up, yeah?

    Quinn: please--*sneeze*--don't--*sneeze*


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