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Posts posted by Jagaimee

  1. Haha! I love that idea :D


    (Picturing Quinn walking into the apartment and trying to find a place on the couch to sit)


    Quinn: *walks in* ...oh no.

    Multitude of cats: *meow?* *meow!* *meow* *meow* *meowww*

    Warrior: "Oh no?" Quinn! They're my precious babies. Except for you. You were my first precious baby.

    Quinn: Uh... *awkwardly sits on the very last available space on the couch* *nervously eyes that nexu*

    Nexu: *purrrrr*

    Quinn: *wobbly smile*

    Warrior: Her name is Sandstorm. And there's Cloudtail and Fireheart and Mothflight. How do you like them? :D

    Multitude of cats: *meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow*

    Quinn: ...they are very loud, my lord.

    Multitude of cats: *meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow*

    Quinn: :mad: Would you stop--oh no--a--a--a--choo! ...*sigh*

    Multitude of cats: *presses in on him, meowing all the while*

    Warrior: Awwwwww, aren't they cute.

    Quinn: *disappearing under blanket of multicolored fur* BUT--MY LORD--achoo--HELP--

    Warrior: What was that? Couldn't quite hear you above all of the cats.

    Quinn: *surfacing from cat ocean* I'M ALLERGIC TO CATS!!

    Warrior: ...oh, that's a problem.

    Quinn: *vanishes under cat ocean once more* [muffled] heeeeeeeelllllllllpppppppppp! ...achoo!


    Get it?


    The Sith Warrior...and cats.

    ...I liked that book series when I was younger. XD


  2. My one experience with Customer Support was great. :) My e-mail wasn't working, and I'd gotten logged out - and required a one-time password to log in to anything. The forums, the game itself...one-time password. Gah. So I called Customer Support, waited only a few short minutes, and soon was talking to someone who helped me set up a different e-mail account to send the one-time passwords to. Problem solved. Any awkwardness or problems that arose during the process was due to my nervousness and shyness (I'm...not a good conversationalist over the phone, to put it mildly).
  3. Well I'm not sure what to say, maybe we could do that too if we tried? :o


    What is Baras's official reason? Did he really think Dra..sp?..g was better? We beat Dra..sp?..g handily, and we beat Baras too. So we're stronger than both of them. It doesn't make sense if you are playing a somewhat loyal apprentice. Imagine if Baras hadn't turned on the warrior, he'd be above ground just for starters.


    Funny, I've thought an awful lot about Quinn's motivations but very little about Baras's. Maybe it's even explained clearly in the story but I tune it out. I dunno. He always has some vague reason for offing this agent and that.


    I *think* it's Draagh...I think. Either that or Draahg. e_e


    Baras is paranoid, that much is spelled out in the story. He sends you after that guy on Balmorra, for instance, on the thought that the agent *might* be compromised, and so thus *might* expose his (Baras's) plans. In trying to plan for every contingency, and in trying to cut off problems before they start, however, Baras got over-ambitious and thought, "Well, the Sith have a rule - the apprentice always kills the master. I don't want to die; I've got plans. I'll use the Warrior a while longer to accomplish those goals, then kill them when they don't expect it. They're still useful, but it's a necessary loss." He probably saw how strong the Warrior was and realized - rightfully - that if they ever came to blows, he'd lose in two seconds flat. His paranoia got the better of him.


    Edit: ......aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand you probably meant something other than "I wonder what Baras's reason is for betraying the Warrior?" e_e That would be what happens when I read things far too quickly and don't take the time to fully understand just what I'm replying to. :p Whoops.

  4. Oh my god, where?

    I think you are right about the ease being from my leveling (I currently like 34 on coruscant, just about double go figure math works.). I wasn't sure if the boost was permanent or what.


    On the section of fleet that has the class trainers (I'm not in-game right now, so I can't point you to *exactly* where it is, sorry!), "Combat Training," there's another room that has one single trainer, all by his lonesome. Here's a map (for the Imperial fleet only, mind you; Republic-side, the map is essentially flipped): http://dulfy.net/2015/04/21/swtor-epic-story-mission-bonus-remover-on-pts/ That's the discipline change mentor - you can reset your discipline within your advanced class by talking to him. In the same room, there's a Gree vendor, who sells the White Acute Module, which is what you need to stop the exp boost. The module's bind to legacy and lasts for eight hours (and you can just click on it again to refresh it once that time runs out, no need to buy another one).


    Note that the link to Dulfy was meant for a few years ago, but today, the vendor's in the exact same place, thankfully. :) (Also the link says that the White Acute Module is bind to pickup; again, that was a few years ago. It's bind to legacy now.)

  5. NOOOO!!!!!!! We just got this!


    Can't we have a little more time before you guys break the stuff you make us? I loved driving around fleet making the Darth Vader breathy sound....



    This sucks. :(


    This will be fixed on Tuesday, as per the patch notes: http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes/03132017/game-update-5.1.3


    The Unrelenting Interceptor has been restored to its original “sith-like” form. The vehicles sound effect will now play as intended and the engine has been restored to its original color, red.
  6. It's not a bug. Tuesday's patch will actually address this, lowering the amount of light- or dark-side points you need to get to reach Light Side Tier I, or Dark Side Tier I. Currently, at 6,000 points, you're still neutral; it takes about...I've heard contradictory reports, either 7,500 or 10,000 points to reach either tier I.


    You *are* committed to the light side if you clicked the button for that alignment (which you did). Every action you take will result in you gaining light-side points - killing enemies, completing quests (even just conversations with companions), doing crew skills/crafting, etc. (The same will happen if you click the button for dark-side alignment; every action will result in you gaining *dark* side points.)


    So, there's no bug - it just takes a lot of points to reach Light I or Dark I. Tuesday's patch will fix this.

  7. Yeah, but I really want to create the character through the game mechanics, not just make one and start playing end game content. But I here ya; I just feel like I may not last as long. We will see when I get the end game content.


    There's currently a 250% exp boost going on, but there's an item (sold on the fleet, next to the skill tree change trainer) that cancels out that boost, letting you level up more slowly. With that in place, for me at least, it doesn't feel like you're just blitzing through the content to end game; you can slow down and not feel like you're at a breakneck pace all the time.

  8. Ha, of course. And here was me thinking something else entirely :o I can be really dense at times :)


    Well, I'd flunk miserably out of Sith School. XD


    Overseer: Jagaimee, lightsabers are for smashing things. Not ooh-ing and aah-ing at the pretty colors.

    Me: BUT...SHINY...

    Overseer: *facepalm* And I notice a distinct lack of mysterious deaths around you. That's part of the point of being a Sith apprentice. People die, and nobody can pin it on you.

    Me: I don't want to kill anyone!

    Overseer: *more facepalming*

    Me: ...except that guy over there. *points* He's a real jerk@#$%. He can die. SIC 'EM, GUYS!

    *the rest of the Sith students swarm over to the resident jerk*

    Me: *cringe* ow *wince* ew *grimace* bleck *flinch* yeowch YOU TOTALLY DESERVE IT *cringe* oooh...

    Overseer: *banging his head against the wall* The Force itself is tormenting me with this girl...


    (Edit: And the second you posted and said "Hmm, wonder who that could mean..." I instantly went "...dang it, forgot the other Imperial officer...oops..." :o Sorry!)

  9. There's currently a 250% exp boost event going on right now, so that's why you're gaining experience at an insane rate. But, to counteract that (if you choose), there's an item sold by a vendor on fleet (in the class trainers section, I believe, next to the advanced class change trainer) that cancels out that exp boost. It's bind-to-legacy and lasts eight hours, but you can just click on it again to refresh the eight-hour period when it runs out. It reverts your exp. gain to more reasonable levels.
  10. Space flowers for meeeeee? *preens* They're so pretty! Pretty enough to make you a Grand Admiral. You get a choice of commission, don't you feel special? :D


    Lovely Quinn! *preens and covets all over Malavai.* :D


    *rubs hands together* That was my eeeeeevil plan all along, MWAHAHAHA--....*ahem* I mean. Er. Thank you, my lady. :D I humbly accept my commission of Grand Admiral. *kneels*


    Quinn: My lord, if I may change the subject... what will happen in April? No doubt there will be hordes of "anti-fangirls" wanting my gruesome death. There are rumors--

    Whoa whoa, nope, no details. None. Not even rumors.

    Quinn: ...what I mean to say is, how will that work? I can't be simultaneously dead and alive, can I?

    You're talking to a bunch of Sith. (And one non-Sith Imperial officer.)

    Quinn: I'm reminded of a quote: "Great. Now 'dead' and 'not dead' are up for debate."

    ...I tried to imagine you imitating Iron Bull's voice... my brain broke...

  11. I don't like the way the agent says to Vector upon meeting him, 'you really clean up well." There's no context for it and it makes no sense. Arg!

    A *lot* of the female agent's flirts to Vector are kind of cringe-worthy... I came up with a theory: the agent's trained in seduction, among a lot of other things. They know exactly what to say to get their target to trust them, even fall in love with them, while carefully keeping their own emotional distance. So what happens when along comes someone the agent genuinely wants to get close to? How should they (well, more accurately, she, since it's about Vector) act? What should she say to convey her interest but also be honest (something that, probably, is entirely foreign to her)? So... in other words, she's so awkward and downright cringe-worthy in her flirtation because she doesn't know how to flirt when she's not trying to emotionally manipulate someone.


    ... *shrug?* I dunno. :p


    edit: this thread was supposed to be about quinn, wasn't it, whoops... XD

  12. There are *some* speeders where the cape doesn't clip... instead, it folds into cardboard positioned awkwardly behind the character's legs, fanned out to the side. It looks like you're dragging a sandwich board behind you. :p


    But on others - the varactyl mounts, the speeder you get as a reward for bonus missions on Ziost - the cape still clips noticeably.


    Yeah... thought they fixed that?? I'm a bit confused.

  13. I've never seen the Pierce thing the way others describe, as if he feels obligated to 'service' the female SW like that. I felt there was a certain banter between them from pretty early on on Taris, lines that can have a double meaning, and from there on it just progressed with some flirts and things until they finally have a one-night-ehnotsobad kinda thing. I think he makes a few innuendos along the way too, or comments at least that work if you're male SW but that can be a wink wink nudge nudge thing if you're a female SW.


    Some of Pierce's idle lines can definitely be taken out of context in a flirty way. Which...really makes it awkward, now that my warrior's got him back on her team in KOTFE. It's like, "Okay, fine, I know you apparently still have a giant crush on me*, but...SERIOUSLY, IT'S BEEN FIVE YEARS, I'M STILL DEVOTED TO MY HUSBAND, GET OVER YOURSELF!"


    *Quinn more or less says as much, in one of his romance letters. He mentions Pierce sending him a disparaging report on the mortality rates of non-Sith married to Sith (and also that Sith partners are 210% more likely to commit adultery [!!]), and then immediately scoffs something along the lines of, "Just Pierce trying to drive us apart, again. As per usual."

  14. *looks vacant* I heard nothing...


    *thinks* Flowers would have been a nice touch, Malavai. And maybe a kiss on the cheek, but I realize I may be pushing you beyond your sensibilities, so apology accepted Captain...perhaps a promotion is in order. How does Major sound? Major Malavai...I quite like the sound of that. And Grand Moff Jagaimee (that's so you can keep bossing him around in the military lol)...I think that sounds rather good too, don't you think? :p:D


    If Quinn comes back without a promotion, I shall not be happy. :p Major sounds about right. (Then again, was I the only person hoping, before the release of KOTET, that he'd show up on Dromund Kaas as Grand Moff? XD)

    Hahaha! On another forum, a tiny private website I and my friends roleplay on, my "title" (given in jest and not taken seriously by anybody ever) is Grand Admiral, in honor of Thrawn (best. villain. EVER). But that's the Navy, I think. Grand Moff sounds...grand. :D I await your command, Darth Lunafox! *bows*


    Quinn: *also bows* My lord, I am but a servant to your will. ...also, this: *presents gorgeous bouquet of lilies, white roses, and narcissus*

    Confession: Grand Moffs make awful florists. :p

  15. Thanks Jagaimee! Aww, I feel all squishy inside now. Dear Malavai... *snuggles* You both are 'fleek'; it means:




    extremely good, attractive, or stylish.


    Heh heh, writing Quinn is fun. :p (And it gives me something to do while I procrastinate on schoolwork--AHEM, SORRY, I mean...erm...put my time to better use...*wobbly smile* *hand wave* you heard nothing)


    Quinn: *is snuggled* Er...madam - sorry, my lord - would...um...you mind...perhaps... *sigh* I...don't have a choice here, do I... *just goes with it*

    *stern look*

    Quinn: help?

    That is Darth Lunafox. You WILL be respectful. She's the one who started this thread, what's more.

    Quinn: *eyes boggle out* Ohhh nooo... Iamsosorrymylordpleaseacceptmysincereapology.

    Translation for those who don't speak panic-ese: "I am so sorry, my lord; please accept my sincere apology."

  16. There fixed lol.


    Hey Jagaimee...what would Quinn think about being called a 'fleek bae'? LOLOL :D


    Quinn: A... what?

    ...even I'm not sure what that means, to be honest...

    Quinn: Coming from the "fangirls," I'll take it as a--


    Quinn: ...I was going to say "ambiguous insult"...

    That's just rude. Be nice, Quinn. You're replying to Darth Lunafox. BE NICE.

    Quinn: The word "fleek" is like flak. Or fleece. I am not bomb casing, nor am I sheep's wool.

    No, but you sure did drop a bomb on us with that betrayal scene, and you certainly had the wool pulled over your eyes with Baras's lies.

    Quinn: And what is the word "bae?" An ocean bay? The susurration of ocean waves is hardly a compliment.

    Your voice is certainly as soothing.

    Quinn: Or is "bae" a shortened form of "baby?" In which case, may I remind you that - while my age is indeed subject to some head-scratching confusion - I am certainly a grown adult.

    You know how people say "baby" as a nickname?

    Quinn: ...oh.

    Still not sure what fleek means.

    Quinn: Fleek bae. Er... "bomb sheep baby?"

    ..............yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh suuuuuuuuuure let's go with that... :confused:

  17. Probably won't be anything major


    Feel free to use my referral


    Okay, sweetheart, you're the third person in this thread alone now to spam your referral link. That's not allowed. >_< Seriously - I don't usually get mad at people for doing that, but after other people have jumped down the other spammers' throats and stated that posting your referral link IS NOT ALLOWED - people keep doing it??

    Oi vey...


    On another note - I hope the female cathar skin color bug gets fixed this time 'round. :) If not, then I'll keep hoping. Bug fixes are always good; thanks for the heads up, Eric.

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