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Posts posted by Jagaimee

  1. If we go by that logic then it could be either Liam Kosta, a squad mate or Dr. Lexi T'Perro the CMO of your ship the Tempest.


    You beat me to saying just that. :p In my defense, I had to go scour the internet for a list of characters in Andromeda whose names begin with L.

    Liam's a guy and hasn't been revealed to be a love interest for anyone.

    Lexi is a) female (or at least looks that way...gah creepy *shudder*), b) automatically bisexual because...Asari, and c) "hot."

    Therefore, I agree with Ralei. *points at Lexi* She's it. Calling it now. And if BioWare decides to break with tradition and the main creator's pet is someone NOT named Li/La/Le-something, it'll be Cora or PeeBee.


    ... *reading more about the characters in Andromeda* ...o...kay, yeah, no, my enthusiasm for that game just went down the drain... but! As that takes us a tad too close to hot-button topics in real life, I shall not discuss it on the forums. BACK TO QUINN. :D I have a flashlight. Does that count as a torch? And as for a pitchfork, I've got...um...a slightly broken rubber Viking axe from an old Halloween costume. *sigh* I need to work on being intimidating.

  2. Yeah, can we demand that the one who wrote Jorgan going back to the Trooper, romanced or not, writes Quinn? *prays*


    I just hope I get more dialogue then like a line or something.


    Oh, Quinn, pookie! I found you! *runningtackleglomp*


    *oof!* My lord! It's been so long! Now, since you're here I need you to collect 500 womprat tails, some droid sensors, and..."






    My trooper is male, and thus (obviously) didn't romance Jorgan. They did grow to be incredibly close friends, however. (Heck, my trooper was closer to Jorgan than literally anyone else on the ship... especially after Objective: A-77 and...Jaxo... *sniffle*) And their reunion was just... 'scuse me, I'm fangirling already just thinking about it again. :p It was at that moment I started rabidly platonic!shipping my trooper and Jorgan. I don't even know if such a thing exists, but...now it does. XD

    So YES. If we could have the same level of feels-y-ness (of course that is a word, yes >_>) for Quinn's reunion... They have to know how many people are eagerly awaiting Quinn's return, yeah? I hope they plan accordingly.

    AND I HOPE IT'S FULLY-VOICED. >_< Can you imagine KOTOR-style dialogue, like in Alliance recruitment quests!? .......oh heavens i hope i didn't give them any ideas...uhhhh, i shall see myself out the door...


    Well, then again, what's the *absolute* worst that could happen?

    Quinn: [sees the warrior] Oh! My lord. It's good to see you once more.

    [KOTOR-style dialogue windows drop down]

    Warrior: [dead silent]

    - Quinn! I missed you! [chooses this option]

    - Oh, you again. Hey.


    Quinn: [as if by magic hears the silent, telepathic response] Yes, I've missed you too, my lord. You see, the reason why I haven't contacted you as of yet is - I've been trying to collect some metallic junk for a project of mine; could you help?

    Warrior: *is not given any dialogue options to properly reflect her heart breaking in two*

    Real life players: [dead silent]

    - [Fangirl army: *converges on BioWare headquarters, waving torches and pitchforks*]

    - [rage on the forums]

    - [unsubscribe]

    - [all of the above]



    (Edit: ...dang it. On second thought, I can totally see that happening. .-. I hope that's not just me being my usual pessimistic self, though... gah, please BioWare, give us a fantastic reunion with a beloved companion! 'Tis all [or most] we ask.)

  3. I'm especially disturbed when in one chapter you wake up and she there *in your freaking room*!!! Well, that explains why my toons sleep with weapons! :cool: And I can't even say "wth are you doing here!"


    ...I haven't gotten to KOTET yet. That actually happens!? :eek:


    Knight: *wakes up* Wow, what a nightma--AUGH!!

    Lana: What?

    Knight: ...I thought [consular] was romancing you, not *me*. What are you doing in my room!?

    Lana: You're the Outlander...

    Knight: I MARRIED KIRA.

    Lana: Well, yes, but that was in your class story. This is KOTFE/KOTET.

    Knight: ...getoutofmyroomplease.

    Lana: :(


    (My knight did indeed marry Kira. His best friend, my consular, wound up romancing Lana, which I did not expect to happen at all. I blame superb voice acting from the male consular. Somehow, Nolan North can make the generic line "I have a million questions right now" sound adorably flirtatious.)



    I wonder if hoping that Quinn a) recognizes the Warrior, b) addresses them as such (meaning, there's a distinction between a Sith warrior who romance/married him, and one who is male or just didn't romance him), and c) does not act out of character... I wonder if hoping for all three of those is too much to ask. Aric Jorgan's reunion with the trooper was extremely well done, whether the trooper was romanced or not; it was amazing. I hope Quinn's reunion with the warrior is the same.

    And that we get a dialogue option of "Everyone's watching us? I don't care. [yanks Quinn in for a giant kiss]" :p


    Edit: Another Quinn fan!! :D Welcome!

    Quinn: Another one!?

    Yes. The fangirl horde grows.

    Quinn: Oh dear...

    You should be flattered.

    Quinn: I'm worried.

    Why? We love you.

    Quinn: ...that's the reason, yes.


  4. I'd never wanna choose between Vector and Scourge that'd be cruel as fk. :(


    Oh gosh. o_o If... if I had to choose, I would choose Vector. I love Scourge, but Vector's my agent's husband and basically her last link to sanity and stability after the insane events of her class story.

    ...b-but...Scourge... GAH DANG IT. Still. Vector. :c


    Now, if it were between Vector and Corso (or Vector and Kira)... I'd take a third option and never play the game again. :p


    *grumble grumble humans' skin color isn't all messed up like cathar grumble grumble*

    Adorable picture. :D


    Quinn: Wait. "Another" Quinn?

    Yes. We've been meaning to tell you - you're a clone.

    Quinn: ...

    See, there's this factory that produces Quinn clones, and they're all the very model of a modern Imperial captain (drat, can't make that work in tune with the song), and you're one of them.

    Quinn: ...aha.

    You took that well.

    Quinn: No, I've merely figured it out. You're teasing me. Mercilessly.


    Quinn: There is no Quinn clone factory.

    ...well, that, I'm not sure about. How else do you account for all the Quinns running about with their respective Sith Warriors?

    Quinn: WHAT.


  6. It's cool sometimes too. I loved hearing the Presidium music again


    Which planet is this on? Now I'm curious.


    I haven't played other BioWare games, although someday I hope to play Dragon Age: Inquisition and maybe the Mass Effect series. Looking for SWTOR animations in those games would be pretty fun. :D

  7. Lol I find that hard to picture.. no wait, I see it now :D


    I hope the warrior wasn't the first and only woman Quinn was ever with. Maybe we stole him from her! :eek: Or maybe it was for when Darth Lachris went to visit, she's practically a tradition for gentleman imperials.


    Jagaimee, little help here? Please? :D




    Quinn: I-- *draws himself up stiffly with all the dignity he can muster* What--*ahem* What sort of a question is that? Would I admit to my lover/wife that I was with another woman before her!?

    Some people were pretty open about it. *cough Tharan Cedrax my lady consular's still heartbroken cough*

    Quinn: ...calling Tharan Cedrax "delinquent" would be an insult to the morally debauched*. In ANY case... Darth Lachris and I had a purely professional relationship. She was only attracted to those who were bloodthirsty psychopaths. I shall not name names, nor question the sensibilities of a Darth. That is...her business. But she and I never... *cough* I'm sorry, I cannot continue and keep a straight face.


    Quinn: What!? No!

    WAS the warrior your first and only love!?

    Quinn: I... *blush*

    ...that is not an answer, either way.

    Quinn: How do you expect me to answer? All due respect - but if I answer "yes," the fanfiction writers walk away disappointed because their headcanons are disproved. If I answer "no"... I will likely be disemboweled by a legion of jealous Sith Warriors.

    Well...that makes sense...but then, explain the bunk beds.

    Quinn: A holdover from my predecessor.

    You were on Balmorra for TEN YEARS, Quinn. I'm PRETTY SURE you'd be able to do a *leeeeetle* redecorating in a decade.

    Quinn: The...I... I have work to do. *rapidly marches away*

    Hey. HEY! Get back here! You didn't answer anything!! :eek:


    *I actually like Tharan. XD He and my male consular are SCIENCE BUDDIES. He and my female consular, however...ouch.


    Which companion did the other classes get their dialog with? Were they all wit the "main" companion? (the ones who have quests on Nar Shadaa).


    No, not all. Consular got... Iresso. So, first companion who speaks Basic and is a love interest.


    Agent - Kaliyo

    Hunter - Mako

    Inquisitor - ...Andronikos? I think? Pretty sure it was Andronikos.

    Knight - Kira

    Consular - Iresso

    Warrior - Vette

    Trooper - Jorgan

    Smuggler - Corso


  8. Here's the whole pic only a bit larger size. There's no part of consular story with neck chain etc, or did I miss some side quest?




    Not that I'm aware of. The closest the consular ever comes to being imprisoned is on Belsavis.


    Where the person the consular is chasing tricks them into a secure vault in the psychiatric ward... which they very easily get out of. It takes less than ten minutes, actually.



    But that image is definitely from the TOR era - the armor on the people behind the Jedi is what standard Imperial troopers wear, and the emblem on the vehicle is the Sith Empire emblem.

    ...I wonder if this was supposed to be Satele Shan? Some early concept art...? Parts of the lady's outfit look similar to Satele's (the boots and fingerless gloves, mainly). I don't know; just a wild random guess. Regardless, the picture is really, really neat. I'd love to know the story behind it.

  9. So, I was rather late to the party and discovered the spoiler regarding his betrayal before actually meeting him with my Warrior, and because of that I thought I was going to end up being one of the haters and end up hating his guts...


    good god was I wrong. This man <3 one of my favourite companions hands down, and man does my Marauder love messing with him XD


    Heh, you and me both. :) I'd read all about the betrayal before even starting a Warrior, since at the time I didn't think I would ever get this game... then I did, and half-forgot about the inevitable betrayal, and tried to act as though it was a surprise. When it actually came, I was...extremely disappointed. I thought it'd be this huge dramatic drawn-out affair.



    Joking spoilers ensue:


    Quinn: I love you.

    My warrior: I love you, too. Always will, my dear.

    Quinn: But I have to kill you.

    Warrior: WHAT.

    Quinn: Baras's orders. Sorry.

    Warrior: Wait, hold on-- *demolishes droids and Quinn* --I'm sorry, did you say BARAS'S orders?

    Quinn: *lying dazed on the floor* Yes...

    Warrior: Wow. Well, Baras is SO dead. Anyway, I forgive you. *walks away*

    Quinn: ...you do!?

    *end of discussion*



    ...yeah, pretty disappointed. XD So now, something like a year and half (in real life) after it happened, I can finally go back and add headcanon-y angst and drama and an estrangement/reconciliation period between my warrior and her husband. Since I know the eventual outcome (even in KOTFE, she has never, EVER given up hope that she will see her beloved husband again), 'tis a bit easier. ...now I just need to work that into the timeline I've got for these people... o.O


    Quinn: Why is angst such an important part of my character!? I have never "angsted!" Ever!

    You were demoted at Druckenwell.

    Quinn: *stoic face*

    ...um, spent ten years in a war zone.

    Quinn: *stoic face*

    Under intense pressure from Baras to betray and kill your lover/wife/best friend/Sith master.


    WHOA NELLIE *dives into bomb shelter*

  10. The earlier the better! :cool:


    Quinn: Ah...no. The later the better, with you lot.

    *sees the horde of ravenous Quinn-haters outside the safety of the thread*

    Quinn: Did--did I misspeak!? I meant the earlier the better, of course! :eek:

    You know, the earlier you get back, the earlier those same Quinn-haters can just go on hating. And possibly killing, if we have that option, which I hope we don't.

    Quinn: ... *defeated hnnrrggghhh*

    You can't win.

    Quinn: I am...becoming well-aware of that...

    Don't worry! We'll keep you safe. And we ask that all unwanted Quinns be donated to the Thanks For Malavai Quinn thread, alive and unharmed.

    Quinn: ...wait, what?

    What, you've never seen copies of yourself running about the Imperial fleet?

    Quinn: I...thought those were hallucinations...

    ...you must've hallucinated a lot.

    Quinn: The implications are becoming worrisome. Very worrisome.

  11. Here are my reasons for dislike:


    1. she had no special talent, the whole thing is a bluff - first time she "used" it was to save her own skin by telling you whatever you wanted to hear, after all she was in deep trouble, her master going crazy and so on. Second time by simply seeing the guilt on the soldiers faces - you don't need the Force to see if someone is lying or not .


    Eh, not necessarily. Baras - and others - explicitly state that Jaesa's the reason all the deep-cover agents have been revealed so far. Most Jedi aren't *that* bright...even the player characters are (often) fooled. (Like the overarching plot for Act II for the consular. The consular's supposed to be a prodigy in the force - and even s/he stated several times that they feel no deception from anyone...come the end of Act II and...well, spoilers ensue and the consular's absolutely flabbergasted.)


    2. she was just an uneducated servant . in SW mission story, you learn that General Geselle Organa was always with her troops and that her and Jaesa were always together. Excuse me if i don't believe for a second that Jaesa had any education while being with General Organa and her soldiers...

    3. Parvin and Gregor Willsaam say that Jaesa was " supposed to marry an Organa noble". I call that BS ! Imagine you are a noble, with money and education and political power.. would you marry a dishwashing servant like Jaesa? Of course not ! You might, just might take her as a cheap distraction, but nothing more.


    "Servant" can mean anything from a scullery maid to a lady's companion. Perhaps Jaesa was the latter, or something close to it.

    Also, yeah - nobles marry for money and political power. Why would a lower-class family not do the same, to get their family into a higher position? They'd a) provide for their daughter and her descendants, should she have any, and b) ensure *their* status into their old age. It's pretty reasonable.

    Edit: Actually, taking a look at her information page here in the "holonet" section of SWTOR - http://www.swtor.com/holonet/companions/jaesa-willsaam - it says, and I quote,

    Born on the idyllic planet of Alderaan to servants of House Organa, Jaesa Willsaam was raised in a life of relative privilege. Though she was not a member of Alderaanian nobility, her family’s position within one of the more esteemed Houses allowed her the opportunity to intermingle with the social elite. As she got older, Jaesa discovered that she possessed a gift; she could see the true nature of anyone, and learn of their true intentions. When Jaesa was chosen to be the personal handmaiden to an ambitious, yet deceitful aristocrat, she discovered the lies and hypocrisy that tainted Alderaan politics.

    So, she's definitely not uneducated.


    4. Fallen Empire : the DS Jaesa sends you a letter stating that she is with another man. Why would you recruit back the woman that cheated on you? Are you, the Outlander, such a * another word for cat* ?


    We recruited Kaliyo, who cheated on the male agent...several times...even after she thought he was "dead." And Jaesa says that someone already "seeks" to take the male warrior's place. Not that he has. No doubt several Sith would be vying for her hand - she was, after all, the wife of the Emperor's Wrath, and thus probably has a very high status within the remnants of the Empire.


    5. Torturing Vette: you are a Sith Lord, a symbol of the dark side. Since when do you do whatever your so-called apprentice wants you to?


    Notice : feel free to report me, but i doubt that will be any grounds for my ban since ALL the words i have used are not flagged as insults in any English-speaking country.


    5. ......because dark!warrior is evil? Duh? :p


    Everyone's allowed to have their differing opinions on companions... like the Love Quinn / Murder Quinn threads. (Speaking of which, where'd that Murder Quinn thread go? :D The Quinnmancers win again! AHAHAHA--oh, ahem, sorry...*cough* Bias getting in the way there. XD) People report you when you flip out on others and start threatening them with arrest; not when you have a strong opinion about a companion.

  12. Figured someone would find a proper translation. What'd you use for that? I checked a few different translators and dictionaries online (there's a surprising amount of them, almost as many as for Klingon) and didn't come up with anything for "sarcasm."


    I used this: http://starwars.myrpg.org/coruscant_translator.php

    It's...surprisingly in-depth, with A LOT of different languages. Mando'a, Catharese, Huttese, Cheunh (the chiss language), High Sith, Ryl (twi'lek)... 'tis fun.


    Edit: that said, it might not be *entirely* accurate (or vague). Sometimes the same word is used for different things. "Tarhalsr" can also mean "taunt" or "quip" as well as "sarcasm." And "vysok," catharese for "champion"...oh boy...there's a gigantic laundry list of other words "vysok" might mean, depending on, I assume, context. o_o


    Kazda'sulinar was sprung from a random name generated. I like to believe "sulinar" is Mandalorian for "sarcasm". Prove me wrong, kids.


    Mando'a for "sarcasm" is actually "tarhalsr." ...I like "sulinar" better, to be honest. XD


    Qi'prani is the greatest result of a random name generator I've ever seen. It just sounds so elegant and alien. She's a Twi'lek.


    Sometimes, the random name generator is AWESOME. And that name is definitely one of those times. Qi'prani is fantastic. :eek:

    My togruta inquisitor got his name from the RNG - random name generator. Gohyan Irdebi. "Irdebi" came up first and I really liked it, but not as a first name, so I kept hitting the "random" button. Eventually "Gohyan" came out. Yay.


    My smuggler lady Corraj Minter got her first name from a mix of Corran Horn and Asajj Ventress. I liked the sounds of those names. (As for her last name, I've got no clue where the heck that came out of...)


    Most other names are just me mashing the keyboard and pruning down the results (Adnir, Jedi Knight; Seraji, bounty hunter) or writing down various letters and directing the flow as I go (Virne, Sith Warrior; Plurissa Yuell, Jedi consular; Seleni*, Sith Inquisitor). But sometimes I'll use a baby name book or a name website. Zimri Huldah is the name of another (twi'lek) smuggler gal; both words are Hebrew for "celebrated in song" and "weasel," respectively. Sanura Vysok is a cathar trooper; "Sanura" is Egyptian for "kitten" (she's a cathar), and "Vysok" is Catharese for "hero, champion."


    *Seleni's name came from a roleplay character: Nils Elen. And SHE got HER name from a word I found interesting, "nil," and from Tolkien's elven language (I forget which one exactly). "Elen" means "star." So her name is, poetically speaking, "never star." Quite fitting for a devious, cunning Sith apprentice who aspires to one day be on the Dark Council...

    Nils is also an Umbaran. Visually, they're rather like the rattataki, with a few differences: their skin is more bluish-white than bone-pale; they actually do have hair, which is usually white; and they can see into the ultraviolet range. I based Seleni's physical appearance as a rattataki on Nils (with some obvious differences, of course), but the name Nils, Elen, and all combinations thereof were already taken. I played around with the letters until I got something that fit the character: Seleni. (And I had planned on basing her personality on Nils, too...then Seleni took off and carved out her own personality without my say-so...*sigh*)

  14. I'll spare him on one of my toons just for you


    Quinn: ...

    See? SEE? This thread's power of Quinnmancing/Darth Lunafox's awesomeness is so great, someone changed their mind about you! You're totally safe here!

    Quinn: I...feel so relieved...

    ...was that sarcasm?

    Quinn: Hard to tell over the internet, isn't it? Just as the post you're quoting is hard to tell if that's sarcasm or not.


    Quinn: You can lower that victory flag now.


  15. Wait... isn't it bound to legacy? At least, that's what it says on the description. So, in theory, you could put it in your legacy storage, then teleport a new 'toon to your stronghold and said storage, slap it on, and go right back to the starter planet.

    Would that work?


    ...and even if it does work - yes, please, put the White Acute Module on the starter planet. :D That would be fantastic.

  16. Oh he's gonna die and awful death! :rak_03::rak_03::rak_03::rak_03: Can't wait!


    Quinn: AAAGH!

    What now, captain?

    Quinn: ANOTHER disgruntled Sith Warrior who wishes to kill me. ANOTHER ONE. *gets a grip on himself; speaks through gritted teeth* You told me I was safe here.

    Well, yeah. You're going to be getting a lot of that.

    Quinn: But...the thread title...

    Yes, people just ignore it. Don't worry; they'll soon be chased off by the Quinnmancers' personal brand of crazy.

    Quinn: *staring at the clawing, hissing, frothing Quinn-haters outside the safety of the thread* ...for once, that brand of crazy can't possibly come any sooner.


    (Seriously, I still can't access any of the post tools - italics, bold, text color, smilies, anything. o_O Anyone know what's going on? Hm...maybe if I log out and log back in again...clear cookies/cache...grrrr, computer problems, I hate thee.)

  17. hmm I saw that scene very differently, from her dialogue "don't make me choose" etc and the rest, It came across to me as Kaliyo had no idea that her contact was wanting to kill the agent, harvest, ambush whatever, so she chose to stick with the agent in the end. That whole part of the scene screamed that to me, but we all have different interpretations. :)


    It's been a while since I've seen that scene (about to go through it again on another agent), but I thought Kaliyo only balked at killing the agent because she realized, agent dead = no more Intelligence secrets to sell. She loses her only/most reliable source of information.

    ...then again, maybe I was interpreting it wrong?? Like I said, it's been...yeesh, years, since I've gone through that scene.

  18. second question, I do not understand the quest, it says something about an event?? and I need to go to the rakghoul caves I only have no clue where those are:(


    The rakghoul event comes around every so often, and it opens up a new area (the rakghoul caves) on one of three planets: Tatooine, Alderaan, or Corellia, depending on which planet the event's on this time 'round. I'm not sure when the next one is, but the events change on Tuesdays, I believe... if you head to the fleet and hear warnings about rakghoul contamination, you'll know it's on.

    Here's a guide for Lokin's part of the event:


    It says "prerequisite: you must have Qyzen Fess as a companion", but I've never encountered that hang-up. I've been able to complete the quest before even touching Qyzen's recruitment quest. Also it lists the next three dates for the rakghoul event, but those are out of date, now.

    As for the rakghoul event itself, here's a guide for it (again, ignore the dates listed) : http://dulfy.net/2014/01/21/swtor-thorn-rakghoul-resurgence-event-guide/

  19. I looked everywhere. Its in none of those either


    Ooookay... that's weird. You're *sure* you claimed it once you bought it? It's not in the pack explorer's "pack viewer"?


    If it really is nowhere, try sending in a ticket. I really hope you'll be able to get this resolved soon!

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