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Posts posted by Jagaimee

  1. Bioware: Go on, grab your pitchforks. Just remember, WE CAN KILL HIM OFF AT ANY TIME! MUHAHAHAHAHA!


    I'm now just imaging Bioware holding everybody's favoraite fictional characters hostage


    Unfortunately, I wouldn't put that past them. :/ Hypothetical worst-case scenario: "Aw, you like that dumb farmboy? Pfft. Who likes HIM? Sorry, lady smugglers who married Corso, but he's so totally dead, haha, isn't that funny! Wow, people actually LIKE Kira/Ashara/Nadia/Jaesa? Geez. Who would've thought people would be mad if we killed her off? She's not Lana. Why do people like her? We GAVE you a hot* female force-user with Lana! What is your PROBLEM?"


    *Why do people refer to good-looking women as "hot"? o_O I've never understood that...

  2. You can search the GTN. Vette likes Underworld Goods and Cultural Artifacts. She *should* like Courting gifts if you're romancing her, but the courting gifts have been broken across the board for about a year and a half now. :/ Therefore, Underworld Goods are her absolute favorite gift type, with Cultural Artifacts coming in second.
  3. I can say this much, it wasn't meant to annoy anyone and wasn't done on purpose. It was just a slip, I promise that much, complete accident, because I think it was me that did it. I blame painkillers for part of it...wisdom tooth out... :(


    I do try to spoiler tag stuff as much as possible. I promise you it wasn't on purpose at all. I'm not mean like that. But the funny thing is, about the rank, I had already written him as having that rank in my Spy Vs. Spy story, and that was done months before the spoiler became known. So...I was thinking of him as that rank already before it came down the pipeline. Anyways, I am sorry and it wasn't done purposely.


    I'm 99% sure it wasn't you that let that slip in the first place... even if it was, I think we all know that you'd never do anything like that on purpose. :) (Also, if you're still not feeling well... feel better soon? *sends virtual flowers across the internet...and a Quinn to deliver them*)

  4. Oo, it didn't occur to me that you might not have finished up the kotet story, I mean I guess you don't have to now, according to Eric.


    But, you're going to do the reunion, yes? :eek:


    In the 5.2 storyline? HECK YEAH. I'm definitely taking my warrior through KOTET, since I want to see her take on the story, and then QUINN. *maniacal laughter* ... ahem. I mean...and then Quinn ~ ! *fangirlish giggles*

    Quinn: ...either way, I am very disturbed right now.

    The more I type "Quinn," the less it looks like an actual word/name. 'Tis bad.


    I'm just a slowpoke in actually taking any of my characters through KOTFE/KOTET. XD I keep thinking "Okay, today I'll do it! ...ooh shiny plot bunny, come back here...wait a sec, where'd the day go? ...crud." :p

  5. :eek:

    Opps I said a spoiler I think. Sorry. But yes, the same as Pierce, that's icky and needs to be remedied. If it were up to me, Quinn would totally be a Grand Moff! :p PS. I'd like an Alderaanian Night Cat or an Albino Monkey Lizard pillow pet. :D



    Awww...that just seems so unfair that Quinn's the same rank as Pierce. :( I wonder if there's anything in his explanation of why he didn't come to find the warrior after ~6 years that will explain why he isn't any higher in rank. I hope so. Otherwise, that just feels...odd.

    And don't worry about spoilers as minor as that. :p 'Tis totally fine.


  6. *claps hands together and giggles* That's awesome. Poor Malavai. The pillow pet line...now that was extra special. He hee. I do enjoy him so. <3 Kindly relay this message to the good Major....Darth Lunafox will be acquiring a pillow pet, just because of him. :D


    I'd love to hear Quinn actually say the words "pillow pet." Just because it'd be so hilario--

    Quinn: NO IT WOULDN'T.

    Ooh, SOMEONE'S touchy...wait. Did YOU have a pillow pet when you were a child??

    Quinn: ...no.


    Quinn: *sigh* Yes.

    What happened to it?

    Quinn: .......


    Quinn: it fell apart because i snuggled with it every night

    ...while we're on that subject, I want a varactyl pillow pet. :D

    Wait a sec, what'd you call his rank?


    Major now, is it? Huh...he's the same rank as Pierce? :/ Awwww. To be honest, I thought for sure he'd return as Grand Moff Quinn. XD



    Did you know that Quinn has his own song? Well he does (sort of) :D



    The Mighty Quinn released in 1968 by Manfred Mann the song was written by Bob Dylan in 1967.


    Now what would Quinn make of that I wonder? :D


    Quinn: ...............I am not an Eskimo.

    *turning blue from lack of oxygen as I'm laughing hysterically over those lyrics* WHAT EVEN IS THAT...!? :p

    Quinn: Nor am I so...bewildering...that I simultaneously make everyone jump for joy and fall asleep? That is...biologically not possible...?? And--feeding pigeons? ...pigeons? Where did THAT come from? Who tacked on "the Eskimo" to my name? Why am I apparently so "mighty"? WHY DID ANYONE WRITE A SONG ABOUT THIS??

  7. So, Jagaimee, how does Malavai feel about endorsements? :p


    My face turned beet red from laughing at that video... :p


    Quinn: Endorsements? *scoffs* That is not a proper way to--

    *Quinn's voice: Gucci, by Gucci*

    Quinn: ...what.

    *Quinn's voice: THE FRAGRANCE*

    Quinn: ...that is not me.

    *Quinn's voice: It's a pillow. It's a pet. It's a pillow pet*

    Quinn: I swear that is not my voice.

    *Quinn's voice: Fifteen minutes could save you--*

    Quinn: NO *leaves in a huff*

  8. Turns out that Valkorian had a backup-backup Empire of Force-Imbuned Hamsters


    Thexan: This is getting ridiculous.

    Vaylin: HAMSTERS!! *hugs a number of them*

    Arcann: *facepalming violently* What, that we were the backup of the backup?

    Thexan: No, that hamsters can have the force. Vaylin, hamsters are not that durable, please don't crush them.

    Arcann: I've heard they have magical qualities.

    Thexan: Such as? ...Vaylin, you're going to make the hamster implode.

    Arcann: They power things called "forums" by running on virtual hamster wheels.

    Thexan: That...seems odd. What happens when the hamsters get hungry?

    Arcann: The "servers" crash. Look, I don't know; I'm only repeating what I heard.

    Thexan: Interesting, though. Ah--Vaylin, no, you're going to make the hamster VERY MAD--

    *Vaylin goes flying thanks to a hamster-powered Force Blast*

    Arcann and Thexan: ... :eek:

    Arcann: ...I can see why Father liked those things.

    Vaylin: *in the distance* :mad:HAMSTERS...!!!


    ...back to irregularly-scheduled Quinn nonsense, now? :o

  9. It would of been hilarious to find out that Baras was telling the truth and they were making it all up at the time, a good pull the rug out from under you moment that'd keep the player guessing


    Spoiler'd for potential Sith Warrior/Fallen Empire spoilers.


    Marr: Wrath. You know why you've been called to this Dark Council meeting.

    Warrior: I got the gist of it.

    Marr: You understand, then, that--

    Warrior: You think the Hands are mynock-poo crazy and they were totally lying about the whole Wrath of the Emperor thing, that the Emperor's deader than an unmasked Kel Dor on Coruscant, and I'm just one more Sith and not some super-special sparkly embodiment of fury for a nigh-immortal entity.

    Dark Council: ...

    Marr: ...er...

    Vowrawn: *convulsing in hysterical laughter*

    Warrior: I nailed it, didn't I.

    Marr: ...has there been any confirmation from the Emperor himself that you are, in fact, his Wrath?

    Warrior: There WAS that thing on Voss, but to be honest, the whole time I couldn't tell if he was about to say "Wrath, I am your Emperor" or "[Warrior's name], I am your father." Which makes no sense because I'm fairly certain I'm not a Voss. That, and I killed it. So...other than that, no, there hasn't been any confirmation. And the Hands are not on hand. Can't find them anywhere.

    Marr: ...then...?

    Warrior: ... *dramatic sigh* Then...I'm not the embodiment of fury/protection/guardianship/possessiveness of the immortal Emperor.


    Arcann: *from Zakuul* NO, YOU'RE NOT.

    Thexan: Give them a break, brother. They're just delusional, and in for a very rude shock. After all, WE know that our father isn't involved in yet another super-secret Empire in another galaxy.

    [both brothers glance at each other]

    Arcann: ...we do know that, don't we?

    Thexan: Well, how many backup Empires can one man have!?


  10. @Lunafox: Coming from you, that means a lot to me. :o Thank you. I'm...pretty terrible at writing romance, usually (a "romantic" scene between my warrior and Quinn wound up reading like something out of a Jane Austen novel [and by that, I mean everybody's so stoic you could set off a bomb underneath them and they'd take five minutes to flinch]). But this...managed to be decent? I guess? :D


    @MishaCantu: Thank you! Vector's kind of easier to write than a few other companions...but at the same time, some of the things he says are so out there that it throws your mind for a loop. The song of the universe? Now I'm kind of glad we never hear what it sounds like, or even a description of it, in-game, because that opens up a lot of possibilities for HEADCANOOOON GLOOOORIOUS HEADCANOOOON (...sorry, broke into a song there :p). Hence the song I linked to - the humming in the background just sounded...perfect, for the killiks' singing.

    The agent gets sooooooo much crap thrown their way...my gal needed a break. She gets so very, very few of those. :(


    @frauzet: Why thank you! :D Wish more people would come and post in here! There are so many good writers/storytellers/people with great imaginations out there (looking at all of you, Quinn fangirls)...

  11. Well, the Dorne fans sure are quiet. Jaesa & Kira have pretty vocal fans. Mako's make some noise too. Hell even Ashara & Nadia have a few followers asking about them! But poor Dorne gets probably the fewest mentions of any female companion. Maybe the devs feel sorry for her?


    Could be... still doesn't really excuse why they didn't just add five more seconds of that first clip to include Quinn talking. :/


    Temple seems pretty left out, too. Uh...anybody else...?

    ...Akaavi*? Risha? No, they have a few fans, especially those who were disappointed Akaavi didn't show up in the Mandalorian chapter (...why would she? In her conversations, if I recall correctly, she actually states that, without a clan, she's no longer a Mandalorian).


    *Oi. Spoiler'd for length, not any actual spoilers. Akaavi's romance trigger...I need to vent. In humor/roleplaying/spoof fashion, naturally.


    My male smuggler: *nonchalantly going about his smuggler-y business*

    Akaavi: *appears from around the corner, looking VERY frustrated about something*

    Smuggler: Oh, hi. What's--URK--

    *Akaavi has him all but pinned against the wall, towering threateningly over him*

    Smuggler: ...what did I do this time?

    Akaavi: You're sending me mixed signals.

    Smuggler: Wha?

    Akaavi: Are you interested in me just as a crewmate, or as something more? *leans closer to him, giving him one heck of a death glare all the while*

    Smuggler: ....I...n-never even flirted once with y--

    Akaavi: ARE YOU INTERESTED IN ME AS A WOMAN!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    Smuggler: *squeaks* No!

    Akaavi: *feral animal growl*

    Smuggler: :eek: I--I don't like horns! I'm not into girls with horns! I'm really not!!

    Akaavi: *stomps off in a rage*

    Smuggler: *slides down the wall, sweating profusely and realizing just how close to death he came...and then facepalming as he remembers he's also a zabrak*

    ^ Why I do not like Akaavi. :p I seriously thought she was going to backhand/beat up my poor smuggler if he said "no" to her. He never flirted with her and was just baaaaaaarely on friendly terms, and then...yikes.



    On another note, if BioWare comes out tomorrow saying "Here's a Quinn trailer!!" and then it turns out to be Elara saying Quinn's name, or some other such nonsense... *rattles imaginary pitchfork threateningly* :p

  12. On the subject matter of why Elera got two clips and Quinn none (at the risk of having this post deleted). It is because Bioware is heavily sexist. Lana got more attention than Theron just as Elera is getting more attention than Quinn.


    It doesn't logically make sense for them to do it this way. Most players feel strongly about Quinn whether they want him back as a LI or to finally be able to say...I lied I don't forgive you...*cue balmoreaan battle axe * To ignore such a character would be a mistake.


    I know people who are renewing their subscription just for Quinn and whoever said anything about him bring Koth v2 goodness forbid, Senya was enough of a v2 for me. I didn't kill Koth because I didn't want to hurt Lana and because he DID break me out of carbonite, a fact that saved him multiple times.


    You know, a little while ago, I wouldn't have even considered that possibility. "Oh, yeah right," I'd think. "Simply because they focus more on a female character than a male one, they're automatically sexist..."

    ...buuuuuuut now...I honestly wouldn't put it past them. :/ "Diversity" taken way too far is irritating, grating, exceedingly obvious, and it yanks you right out of the story they're trying to build for the sake of INCLUSION!!11@211!@!!

    There was a discussion a little while ago about why Kaliyo is so easily forgiven/her betrayal is glossed over, while Quinn gets the brunt of the hatred. Several times, the subject of sexism was brought up. Kaliyo's a woman, and for some reason, some guys...like women that would soon as kill them as kiss them? (*cough* Vaylin *cough* apparently she's considered "hot"!? WHAT.) :confused: I'm not a guy, so I do not see the appeal there. But I wonder if the same principal is at work here. Elara's a woman, so therefore people are expected to go bananas over her return...

    I don't know. Maybe that's the way it is, maybe it isn't. But it's an interesting point to think about.

  13. Ah, so many pages in so little time!



    I can't stop thinking about Quinn's dramatic, swaggery turn-around in that cutscene (before Elara talks x_o)... I'm just imagining that now he turns around and says, "Gucci by Gucci" and I can't stop laughing. Or the Quinncident. Oh, gosh. "It's not me or you. It's... Gucci."


    All I thought, when he turned around, was... *Solas voice* "I suspect you have questions."

    Quinn fangirls: WELL YEAH--waaaaaaaait...

  14. RE: Ashara, I believe in the theory that she was left unfinished and was originally supposed to have light and dark side versions like Jaesa. There was a really interesting thread on this a while back and the evidence was compelling. Basically, what we are seeing now is the light-side Ashara which is why she insists on acting as if the player character is also light-sided, even against all evidence. The dark side one never made it into the game. I distinctly recall my inquisitor getting a scene where Ashara clearly falls to the dark side - bends over in pain, surrounded by a red mist after making her first DS decision - yet when I got her back on my ship, she acted as if the scene had never happened.


    I don't get the Elara hate though, especially in this thread. She's basically a female Quinn! I got a kick out of her, and she meshed very well with my male Pureblood trooper.


    Whoa...when did that happen with Ashara? I don't remember anything like that, even though my dark inquisitor forced her to make dark-side decisions (well, upon getting her, that is).


    As for Elara...maybe she lightens up a tad if you do her romance? My trooper didn't, so all he got was the stuck-up, prim, "rules are my life," person that Elara seemed to be. There was never any depth to her character. Perhaps there is if you romance her?

    That, and my trooper was aaaaaaaalways just waiting for her to betray them. Really, Garza, you tell the Havoc Squad officer (who, it has been established if you're dark side/neutral, has already had VERY bad experiences with the Empire since they were a child) that, by the way, "This is an Imperial defector who is now going to be serving on the most elite black ops squad in the entire Republic, have fun kids"? And you don't give any proof whatsoever of her NOT being a traitor!? She's been in the Republic for three years. Okay, that proves nothing. Deep-cover agents can (at least in SWTOR :rolleyes:) very easily be embedded in the Republic (or Empire) for much longer than that...see every Revanite ever, numerous examples in the Sith Warrior, Imperial Agent, Consular, Jedi Knight, Smuggler stories...

    So then she's on my trooper's squad. Okay, fine. He, naturally, doesn't instantly take a liking to her. There's a few angry words. And then, nothing. Every option after that is either "I think you're the most wonderfulest person ever, Dorne!" or "I don't care what your problems are, get lost you weirdo!" There's no "Dorne, I want to trust you, but you'll forgive me if it's taking a while." There's no "I want to get to know you better - not in a romantic way, and something that doesn't have to do with rules. Come on, let's...I don't know, take a walk on Alderaan and talk about the clouds." There's just...rules, regulations, and Dorne never, EVER relaxes. .-.

  15. *hides in here* grumble grumble dumb spammers... :p


    My warrior didn't romance Theron, of course, but she respects him a great deal. (Heck, she gets along [mostly] fine with anyone not TOO overzealous from the Republic.) I'm 99% certain she'll wind up siding with the Empire, though... :c On the other hand, my inquisitor, who DID romance Theron, is definitely going to side with the Republic the second she's given the chance. She hates the Empire.

    If we have to fight and/or kill Jace Malcom, NO. JUST NOPE. NOPE NOPE NOPE. :( ...or...guys, worse...what happens if we have to fight/kill the companion on the opposite side? If we side with the Republic... :eek:

    oh please don't let that happen aaaaaaaaand now I'm worried again.

  16. Ashara is a hypocrite. My Inqusitor seduced her to corrupt this pseufo-Jedi more by making her sleep with a Big Bad Sith Lord, then dumped her. Once the romance was triggered, he was as mean to her as options allowed.


    And she still proposed to him. I only wish they recorded his mocking laughter as one of dialogue options :D

    Awww... XD I hate Ashara. Well...my dark-side female Inquisitor hates Ashara.

    My 100% light-side male inquisitor has a giant crush on her and thinks she's the most beautiful, best, most amazingest, awesomest girl since...ever.

    He's also sixteen, and the most innocently pure adorable little idealist in the history of the multiverse. :rolleyes: I had no idea a light-side inquisitor could be such a sweetheart.

    ...and no romance for him, because he IS sixteen and Ashara's at least twenty...that would be immeasurably creepy. Wonder if I'll find her any less annoying this time 'round...


    ETA: So we have another teaser posted, again with talking Dorne. How about some Quinny for us! :mad: (to put our worries about VA at ease).


    ...hrrrrnnnggghhhhhh are they doing this on purpose

    BioWare: Gee...a lot of people are talking about Quinn, and almost no one is excited about Elara...that cannot be! GUYS! ELARA'S COMING BACK, TOO, YOU KNOW!! HERE!!!!! *tries to drum up interest*

    Quinn fangirls: We. Don't. Care.

    BioWare: ...why? D:

    Quinn fangirls: How do you think we got the title "Quinn fangirls"!?

    BioWare: No idea.

    Quinn fangirls: :mad:

    BioWare: *struggling to articulate the preposterous idea* ...you...like...Quinn?

    Quinn fangirls: NO DIP, SHERLOCK.

    BioWare: ............but..........Elara..............

  17. I

    As far as nerfing the game, I came in after most of them, about 2 years ago....and this is my first time back in about 6 months and HOLY **** yeah...I mean I play this game more as a solo RPG that I can talk to people online while playing, so I'm not all about the super-difficulty and super intensive kitting out of your toon and companions....but ****'s just way too easy now, even for me. I'm frigging 10 levels above the planetary max by the time I leave Coruscant/DK, I'm just *blowing* through enemies, it's ridiculous...


    There's an item you can buy (well, get - it costs nothing) on the fleet that cancels out the experience boost, if you're interested. http://dulfy.net/2015/04/21/swtor-epic-story-mission-bonus-remover-on-pts/

    Some of that guide is slightly outdated, however - the module is bind to legacy now, and the module is on both the Republic and Imperial fleets. The rest of the information is still valid.

  18. The lone thing my warrior and Quinn vehemently disagreed on:

    10 - To be fair


    Vette was - is - indeed like a little sister to my warrior. YOU. DO. NOT. HURT. VETTE. Or there will be pain. A lot of pain.

    ...I am well aware of a certain chapter in KOTET... :( (Edit: or, at least, of that tough decision. I know nothing else about the whole chapter, or how that situation came about - I haven't gotten there yet.)

  19. *big sithy grin* Well Malavai, seeing as you're beseeching me and all, I'll see what I can do. I understand your need for decorum and respectability even though deep down I know you like to be in charge... *wink wink*


    Excuse me, Malavai...give me one moment.


    *turns to other fangirls, Sith, and distinguished officers* Gather up all that lovely art and bring it into my ready room. I want to have a proper showing. There will be wine and cheese. But it is a secret showing, there will be a password...'quinn is hawt'. And remember, what happens in the ready room, stays in the ready room. And for makers sakes don't let Pierce or Vette in. Or Malavai. It's a wine and cheese showing, not a whine and geez showing. Kapeesh? Excellent. :D As you were....


    *oogles Lammia's beautiful artwork some more* Any chance we can blow this up...make it bigger? :D


    Quinn: *big puppy dog eyes as he realizes the last vestiges of what he considers sanity has gone down the drain*



    I'll be the guard at the entrance. Making sure Pierce, Vette, and Quinn aren't allowed in. ...or Broonmark. He'd get hair all over everything.

    Broonmark: Blllorp.

    Or Jaesa. Dark Jaesa would...do inappropriate things. Light Jaesa would have a heart attack and die on the spot. Or, for that matter, any other companions. That means you, Kaliyo.

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